Tuesday, November 30, 2010
We all celebrate His Birth
At least for those who still believe in Christ.
He too was a baby.
And His Mom was pro-choice.
She chose to bear Him even though She was not yet married, a crime punishable by death in those days.
She was pro-choice.
She chose LIFE.
She did not think about what people will think or what the future might hold for Her.
She trusted the Lord.
And She chose LIFE.
Pope: Respect life from the moment of conception
Ow schucks!
Pro RH gang must be knocking their head silly trying to tie up the condom comments with this new one from the pope.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception Pinoy Style!
I think the way to this man's heart is through the Blessed Mother.
I think the Rosary Crusade is the way to do it. Say the "Ave" and maybe say "Pray for Carlos and his followers and us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen."
Praying for someone else's conversion is a Christian way to go.
Cardinal Ranjith receives his cardinatial galero
That is one BIIIG galero!
Thanks to my good friend and fellow Catholic blogger Jay Balza of Veritatem Facientes in Caritate for the tip.
Thanks to my good friend and fellow Catholic blogger Jay Balza of Veritatem Facientes in Caritate for the tip.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Cry baby?
Some theology seminarians told me that Fr. Genaro Diwa is throwing a fit about the new translation of the Roman Missal.
"We translate the idea not the exact words." is what, according to my sources told me what Fr. Diwa, of the CBCP Commission on the Liturgy.
Translate the idea?
How do you translate "Et cum spiritu tuo"?
Oh yeah. We know about it already and it worked WONDERS for the Church.
That is why we have a new translation because the old translation WONDERS!
Sorry to tell you Fr. G, but you have to face the truth.
The liturgical agenda of your master is...going...down...the...drain.
Now this begs me to ask:
How will our Pnoy bishops, now in Rome for their ad limina visit, address the issue of liturgical abuse in the Philippines?
And Summorum Pontificum as well.
And don't you dare tell me Gerald you don't know SP.
"We translate the idea not the exact words." is what, according to my sources told me what Fr. Diwa, of the CBCP Commission on the Liturgy.
Translate the idea?
How do you translate "Et cum spiritu tuo"?
Oh yeah. We know about it already and it worked WONDERS for the Church.
That is why we have a new translation because the old translation WONDERS!
Sorry to tell you Fr. G, but you have to face the truth.
The liturgical agenda of your master is...going...down...the...drain.
Now this begs me to ask:
How will our Pnoy bishops, now in Rome for their ad limina visit, address the issue of liturgical abuse in the Philippines?
And Summorum Pontificum as well.
And don't you dare tell me Gerald you don't know SP.
CBCP website hacked!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
What the Pope REALLY thinks about the condom
This was made by anti-Benedict rallyists during his most recent papal trips.
Ironic that they are still giving away this. It was their protest against the Pope's ban on artificial contraceptives.
And with the pope's condom comments being twisted and turned to suit their liking, like your typical clown Mass (but I digress), I find it funny to read what is written on top of the Pope.
I think the Pope is the one saying NO, not the other way around.
Twist it!
Ironic that they are still giving away this. It was their protest against the Pope's ban on artificial contraceptives.
And with the pope's condom comments being twisted and turned to suit their liking, like your typical clown Mass (but I digress), I find it funny to read what is written on top of the Pope.
I think the Pope is the one saying NO, not the other way around.
Twist it!
Post this!
And would you think that the Western media will even focus their efforts on the slaughter of Iraqi Catholics?
No! They would rather write about:
Because it is wrong to say or write anything about Jews, Muslims, Blacks and Gays...
But it is ok to murder Catholics.
No! They would rather write about:
Pope's condom comments
Royal Wedding of William and Kate
Because it is wrong to say or write anything about Jews, Muslims, Blacks and Gays...
But it is ok to murder Catholics.
Compare and Contrast: Advent Wreath blessing
This is the prayer for the blessing of the advent wreath issued by the Archdiocese of Manila
Lord God,your Church joyfully awaits the coming of its Savior,who enlightens our heartsand dispels the darkness of ignorance and sin.Pour forth your blessings upon usas we light the candles of this wreath;may their light reflect the splendor of Christ,who is Lord, forever and ever.
Please tell me if I am dyslexic or there is really nothing in there that prays to God to bless the wreath.
Why not just pray: "Lord, bless this wreath."
Compare this blessing courtesy of Fish Eaters:
O God, by whose word all things are sanctified, pour forth Thy blessing upon this wreath, and grant that we who use it may prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ and may receive from Thee abundant graces. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
By the way, folks, this blessing is a traditional blessing by families who gather around their own house advent wreath.
This prayer looks more churchy to me. Don't you think?
Which leads me...
Which of the two are really a blessing?a. The Archdiocese of Manila's versionb. The Fish Eater's version
Vote by clicking on the Poll Box on the left side bar.
Lord we have seen your glory!
Dawn follows the night.
We, Your People, who walk in darkness
Now have seen a great Light!
Another Pinoy Bishop joins call for Rosary Crusade
By the blazes, why I keep on forgetting to post this video!
Thanks to Jade for ringing my coconut head bell for this one.
Here is the video of San Fernando, Pampanga Archbishop Paciano Aniceto with the SSPX priests of Our Lady of Victories Church asking the Catholic faithful to join in the Rosary Crusade against the passing of the RH Bill.
When do we see Cardinal Rosales, Bishop Tagle or Frs. Chupungco and Anton Pascual sitting with the SSPC priests requesting all faithful Catholics to join the Rosary Crusade?
And is the Family Rosary Crusade of Servant of God Fr. Patrick Peyton in the country launching a same Crusade or joining in the SSPX initiated crusade?
Just asking...
Thanks to Jade for ringing my coconut head bell for this one.
Here is the video of San Fernando, Pampanga Archbishop Paciano Aniceto with the SSPX priests of Our Lady of Victories Church asking the Catholic faithful to join in the Rosary Crusade against the passing of the RH Bill.
When do we see Cardinal Rosales, Bishop Tagle or Frs. Chupungco and Anton Pascual sitting with the SSPC priests requesting all faithful Catholics to join the Rosary Crusade?
And is the Family Rosary Crusade of Servant of God Fr. Patrick Peyton in the country launching a same Crusade or joining in the SSPX initiated crusade?
Just asking...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Updates on TLM Schedule
From Societas Liturgiae Sacrae Sancti Gregorii
Christ the King Parish-Greenmeadows, QC:
The Saturday Traditional Latin Mass celebrations will resume on Saturday, January 8, 2011 after the last scheduled TLM on Saturday, December 18, 2010.
La Chapelle des Roses, Shrine of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Villamor Air Base:
The schedule of Sunday Traditional Latin Mass covers the period from the 1st Sunday of Advent, November 28, 2010, until our Christmas Midnight Mass at 11:30 of December 24, 2010 (which will be held at the Shrine Church of St. Therese).
In lieu of Fr. Dominic Lim, OFMConv., who was preparing to celebrate his first Traditional Latin Mass (on Sunday, 1st Sunday of Advent) since training at St. John Cantius 2 years ago, we will have in his stead, Msgr. Cesar Salomon as priest celebrant.
Please note our schedule of alternating Low Mass and Missa Cantata from November 28, 1st Sunday of Advent, until December 19, 4th Sunday of Advent. Fr. Elijah Pantorilla, OFMConv., will be priest celebrant on Sundays when we will have Missa Cantata so he and the Altar Servers can use the occasion as preparation for our Christmas Midnight Traditional Latin Mass.
Please continue praying for our apostolate. Thank you and God bless you.
Of course, do not forget the regular daily and Sunday Mass at the Parish Church of the Lord of the Divine Mercy at Sikatuna Village, Quezon City, led by parish priest, Rev. Fr. Jojo Zerrudo.
Christ the King Parish-Greenmeadows, QC:
The Saturday Traditional Latin Mass celebrations will resume on Saturday, January 8, 2011 after the last scheduled TLM on Saturday, December 18, 2010.
La Chapelle des Roses, Shrine of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Villamor Air Base:
The schedule of Sunday Traditional Latin Mass covers the period from the 1st Sunday of Advent, November 28, 2010, until our Christmas Midnight Mass at 11:30 of December 24, 2010 (which will be held at the Shrine Church of St. Therese).
In lieu of Fr. Dominic Lim, OFMConv., who was preparing to celebrate his first Traditional Latin Mass (on Sunday, 1st Sunday of Advent) since training at St. John Cantius 2 years ago, we will have in his stead, Msgr. Cesar Salomon as priest celebrant.
Please note our schedule of alternating Low Mass and Missa Cantata from November 28, 1st Sunday of Advent, until December 19, 4th Sunday of Advent. Fr. Elijah Pantorilla, OFMConv., will be priest celebrant on Sundays when we will have Missa Cantata so he and the Altar Servers can use the occasion as preparation for our Christmas Midnight Traditional Latin Mass.
Please continue praying for our apostolate. Thank you and God bless you.
Of course, do not forget the regular daily and Sunday Mass at the Parish Church of the Lord of the Divine Mercy at Sikatuna Village, Quezon City, led by parish priest, Rev. Fr. Jojo Zerrudo.
Great post from new blog
I am slowly beginning to be a huge fan of The Filipino Roman.
He debunks the Ateneo Jesuit argument of the primacy of a person's conscience in deciding what is morally right in the issue of contraceptions.
I think Doc Ben will like this post. :)
He debunks the Ateneo Jesuit argument of the primacy of a person's conscience in deciding what is morally right in the issue of contraceptions.
I think Doc Ben will like this post. :)
condom use,
Pinoy Jesuits,
RH Bill,
silent apostasy
Pope calls for worlwide prayer vigil for the unborn
Pro-RH advocates say they are anti-abortion.
Will they join the call?
Of course atheists won't.
But the lot of Cong. Lagman and all pro-RH congressmen who profess they are Catholic?
Let's find out.
Celdran sued...again!
The attention hungry travel guide admitted through his Facebook wall post that he was sued by Augustinian priest Fr. Pedro Galende of the San Agustin Museum. He also confirmed that it was a libel case. I made a post about the plans of Fr. Galende before.
And his "freedumbers" reacted on his post like...
" suing u 4 being a pro RH bill? thats nuts! he might sue me next, hahaha"
"hindi na ba sila nagbabato ng tinapay?"
"They are just scared. Head count is = POWER, less babies born, less followers "
His followers cry out loud for the "harassment" being done by the Church against them.
So if the Church defends Herself from malicious attacks and libelous claims, it is harassment?
And what if she does nothing, it is the Christian way to do while you go your merry way slandering the Church to your heart's delight?
One of his followers even had the audacity to quote the passage where Christ forgave the adulterous woman. "Let the one who has not sinned cast the first stone." goes the quote. But remember the last line of that pasage: "Your sins are forgiven. GO AND SIN NO MORE." The Lord's Mercy is a freely given gift. It is not a right! Those who are forgiven are expected to reform their lives.
So they break a law of the land and they want to be exonerated immediately? If he thinks he has the evidence to back up his libelous claims, then he better face the music. He loves the spotlight doesn't he? Now the lights are all on you, Celdran. Eat your heart out!
Oh and FYI. One of his supporters who reacted graduated high school in the Ateneo, undergraduate degree in La Salle, and MBA in Ateneo. His religious views under his info? Satanist.
This is real and the attacks on the Church is real.
Those who fight for our supposed "RH rights" are Satanists and the object of their attack is not Islam who also is against the RH Bill BUT ONLY the Catholic Church.
Isn't it high time that our bishops, instead of an Oratio Imperata, ask our faithful to pray once again the St. Michael's Prayer after every Mass.
Don't you think?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wonderful New Blog
This is the screen shot of the new wonderful blog that I am following, The Filipino Roman.
It was started by a loyal reader of our blog, Novus Catholicus Romanus.
Here is his opening paragraph of his first post:
The last sentence made my day!
I think I will leave to him the discussion about the Reproductive Bill, eh?
It was started by a loyal reader of our blog, Novus Catholicus Romanus.
Here is his opening paragraph of his first post:
Nowadays, people get so embroiled with the Church's insistence on the immorality of artificial birth control. People with personal moral issues to grind against the Church and with a deep anticlerical animosity against her would unabashedly label her teaching as 'stone-age', formulated 'aeons-ago', irrational, uncompassionate, and deeply illogical. Even worse in the theological academe, and among a number of priests, nuns, and seminarians who would immediately label themselves as 'enlightened', Vatican II 'updated', and 'relevant', people get so emotionally reactional against the teaching, and are ashamed and (sometimes) even outwardly hostile to the Church's teaching on contraception. Notable theologians, among them Jesuits here in the Philippines, would declare that contraception is better left off to the consciences of individuals.
The last sentence made my day!
I think I will leave to him the discussion about the Reproductive Bill, eh?
catholic blogs,
Great Blog Post,
RH Bill,
silent apostasy
Catholic Trivia: American Thanksgiving Day
Probably, the most important holiday for Americans, Thanksgiving Day, has...CATHOLIC origins.
Read the details from the well-written article of former Episcopalian priest and now respected Roman Catholic apologist, Taylor Marshall.
Read the details from the well-written article of former Episcopalian priest and now respected Roman Catholic apologist, Taylor Marshall.
My favorite Cardinals who just got their red birettas
Rome Reports on the Condom Conondrum and others
Hours before the publication of the book “Light of the World” based on an interview with Benedict XVI, the Vatican newspaper has advanced some of the Pope's responses. His words on the use of condoms has provoked reactions worldwide. The Pope has said that “individual cases that are justified, for example when a prostitute uses a condom, and this can be the first step toward a moral sensitization, a first act of responsibility to develop once again the understanding of the fact that not everything is permitted, and that one cannot do whatever one wishes.”
Given the controversy this raises, the Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi, said Benedict XVI justifies the use of condoms only in exceptional situations where the exercise of sexuality represents a real danger to the life of another person by spreading AIDS.
According to the Pope, condom use in these cases may be “a primary responsibility,” and “a first step towards a more human sexuality.” And he cites the case of prostitution among men.
Also Benedict XVI recalled that condom use is equivalent to “trivializing sexuality” and “loses its meaning as an expression of love.”
Lombardi said the Pope “does not justify morally disordered exercise of sexuality” and recalled that “the Pope does not change the teaching of the Church on condoms."
On the contrary, it reaffirms its position by offering a perspective on the value and dignity of human sexuality as an expression of love and responsibility.
Another issue addressed in the book are sexual abuses by priests. Benedict XVI says he was not surprised at the existence of these cases because he personally took charge of this problem when he was a cardinal. However, he declared he did not know its extent, and that was for him a “huge shock.”
On the other hand, the Pope also says he would be willing to resign “if physically, mentally and spiritually he ceased to be able to perform” his official duties.
Request for Prayers: Papal caretaker dies tragically
Requiescat in pace!
Just so everybody knows
"over 25% of all AIDS care worldwide
is provided by Catholic organizations."
Catholic Bishop's Conference of England
Where are the atheists and Rational Harlots?
What have they done?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Here is a screen shot of one of the headlines of CBCP News.
I almost jumped for joy after seeing the letters "CCC" appear in the headline.
I thought to myself "Vice Chair of the Catechism of the Catholic Church?" What?
But after reading the lead, darn!
Wishful thinking.
Pope: Reforms of Vatican II contributed to Abuse Crisis
From the Irish Times through the wonderful blog Southern Orders of the great Fr. Allan McDonald.
THOSE WHO have suggested that the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, has had his “wings clipped” and does not see eye to eye with Pope Benedict XVI vis-a-vis his handling of the Irish church’s sex abuse crisis may want to think again after reading Light Of The World , the pope’s new book launched in the Vatican yesterday. [Remember that Ireland was caught in a maelstrom of sex abuse controversy.]
Based on six hours of conversation between the pope and German journalist Peter Seewald, the book attempts to use what senior Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi called “simple, concrete and accessible” language to provide answers to a wide range of key questions concerning today’s church.
At one point, Seewald suggests that the evident episcopal mishandling of abuse cases represents a complete “failure” for the church. By way of response, Pope Benedict says: “The Archbishop of Dublin told me something very interesting about that. He said that ecclesiastical penal law functioned until the late 1950s; admittedly, it was not perfect – there is much to criticise about it – but nevertheless it was applied. After the mid-sixties, however, it was simply not applied any more." [And this was after the massive, sweeping reforms of Vatican II when everything was reformed even if there is no need for reforming. It wasn't broke, why did they fix it? Because it was old, no matter how precious it may be like a family heirloom, but because it was old, it must be DUMPED!]
“The prevailing mentality was that the Church must not be a Church of laws but, rather a Church of love: [Nothing wrong with that, ain't it?] she must not punish [Now there's something wrong with that.]. . . This led to an odd darkening of the mind, even in very good people.” [No more awareness of the four last things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell. Remember when Christ forgave the adulterous woman? He said "Your sins are forgiven. Go and sin no more. He was both showing love and mercy and at the same time reminded the woman to not sin by observing God's law. That is what the Church is, and has been for thousands of years. Not the woodstock type!]
Asked by Seewald about the overall impact of the Irish sex abuse crisis, Pope Benedict says: “In Ireland the problem is altogether specific – there is a self-enclosed Catholic society, so to speak, which remained true to its faith despite centuries of oppression, but in which, then, evidently certain attitudes were also able to develop. I cannot analyze that in detail now."
“To see a country that gave the world so many missionaries, so many saints, which in the history of the missions also stands at the origin of our faith in Germany, now in a situation like this is tremendously upsetting and depressing. Above all, of course, for the Catholics in Ireland itself, where now as always there are many good priests.” [Maybe a dozen priests were involved in the scandal and thousands are faithful, but the anti-Catholics call it institutionalized pedophilia. We'll what do you expect? If Christ would appear today, they would not believe an ordinary carpenter to save the world. Obama, for them, maybe. But digress.]
Asked by Seewald why the sex abuse scandals in the USA and Ireland had not prompted rigorous preventive investigations in other countries, Pope Benedict replies: “We responded to the matter in America immediately with revised, stricter norms."
“In addition, collaboration between the secular and ecclesiastical authorities was improved. Would it have been Rome’s duty, then, to say to all the countries expressly: Find out whether you are in the same situation? Maybe, we should have done that. For me, in any case, it was a surprise that abuse also existed on that scale in Germany.”
Referring to his pastoral letter to the Irish of last March, the pope says that “what was true for Ireland was not said just to Ireland”.
Thus far, the pope’s book has prompted most controversy because of his remarks about the circumstances in which the use of condoms is acceptable. [There is an interesting analysis of the great Fr. Z as to the pope's seeming knack to engage the world with his statements. Remember the Regensburg address and his condom/HIV comments on the flight to Africa?]
In the English translation, the pope says: “There may be a basis in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom, where this can be a first step in the direction of a moralization . . .”
Father Lombardi yesterday explained that the term “male prostitute” was simply the fruit of a poor translation from the original German: in fact the pope’s reference was to prostitutes, male or female.
The point of the condom remarks is further explained by the pope himself in the book, when he says: “The Church, of course, does not regard it (the condom) as a real or moral solution but, in this or that case, there can be nonetheless, in the intention of reducing the risk of infection, a first step in a movement toward a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality.” [And the mainstream media will not write any other part of the book except the condom remarks.]
Elsewhere, the pope’s book reiterates traditional teaching on women priests and the incompatibility of homosexuality with the priestly vocation.
And you thought Vatican II would usher a new springtime for the Church?
Could the hasty reform of the liturgy contributed also to the watering down of the Faith?
Chime in.
THOSE WHO have suggested that the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, has had his “wings clipped” and does not see eye to eye with Pope Benedict XVI vis-a-vis his handling of the Irish church’s sex abuse crisis may want to think again after reading Light Of The World , the pope’s new book launched in the Vatican yesterday. [Remember that Ireland was caught in a maelstrom of sex abuse controversy.]
Based on six hours of conversation between the pope and German journalist Peter Seewald, the book attempts to use what senior Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi called “simple, concrete and accessible” language to provide answers to a wide range of key questions concerning today’s church.
At one point, Seewald suggests that the evident episcopal mishandling of abuse cases represents a complete “failure” for the church. By way of response, Pope Benedict says: “The Archbishop of Dublin told me something very interesting about that. He said that ecclesiastical penal law functioned until the late 1950s; admittedly, it was not perfect – there is much to criticise about it – but nevertheless it was applied. After the mid-sixties, however, it was simply not applied any more." [And this was after the massive, sweeping reforms of Vatican II when everything was reformed even if there is no need for reforming. It wasn't broke, why did they fix it? Because it was old, no matter how precious it may be like a family heirloom, but because it was old, it must be DUMPED!]
“The prevailing mentality was that the Church must not be a Church of laws but, rather a Church of love: [Nothing wrong with that, ain't it?] she must not punish [Now there's something wrong with that.]. . . This led to an odd darkening of the mind, even in very good people.” [No more awareness of the four last things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell. Remember when Christ forgave the adulterous woman? He said "Your sins are forgiven. Go and sin no more. He was both showing love and mercy and at the same time reminded the woman to not sin by observing God's law. That is what the Church is, and has been for thousands of years. Not the woodstock type!]
Asked by Seewald about the overall impact of the Irish sex abuse crisis, Pope Benedict says: “In Ireland the problem is altogether specific – there is a self-enclosed Catholic society, so to speak, which remained true to its faith despite centuries of oppression, but in which, then, evidently certain attitudes were also able to develop. I cannot analyze that in detail now."
“To see a country that gave the world so many missionaries, so many saints, which in the history of the missions also stands at the origin of our faith in Germany, now in a situation like this is tremendously upsetting and depressing. Above all, of course, for the Catholics in Ireland itself, where now as always there are many good priests.” [Maybe a dozen priests were involved in the scandal and thousands are faithful, but the anti-Catholics call it institutionalized pedophilia. We'll what do you expect? If Christ would appear today, they would not believe an ordinary carpenter to save the world. Obama, for them, maybe. But digress.]
Asked by Seewald why the sex abuse scandals in the USA and Ireland had not prompted rigorous preventive investigations in other countries, Pope Benedict replies: “We responded to the matter in America immediately with revised, stricter norms."
“In addition, collaboration between the secular and ecclesiastical authorities was improved. Would it have been Rome’s duty, then, to say to all the countries expressly: Find out whether you are in the same situation? Maybe, we should have done that. For me, in any case, it was a surprise that abuse also existed on that scale in Germany.”
Referring to his pastoral letter to the Irish of last March, the pope says that “what was true for Ireland was not said just to Ireland”.
Thus far, the pope’s book has prompted most controversy because of his remarks about the circumstances in which the use of condoms is acceptable. [There is an interesting analysis of the great Fr. Z as to the pope's seeming knack to engage the world with his statements. Remember the Regensburg address and his condom/HIV comments on the flight to Africa?]
In the English translation, the pope says: “There may be a basis in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom, where this can be a first step in the direction of a moralization . . .”
Father Lombardi yesterday explained that the term “male prostitute” was simply the fruit of a poor translation from the original German: in fact the pope’s reference was to prostitutes, male or female.
The point of the condom remarks is further explained by the pope himself in the book, when he says: “The Church, of course, does not regard it (the condom) as a real or moral solution but, in this or that case, there can be nonetheless, in the intention of reducing the risk of infection, a first step in a movement toward a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality.” [And the mainstream media will not write any other part of the book except the condom remarks.]
Elsewhere, the pope’s book reiterates traditional teaching on women priests and the incompatibility of homosexuality with the priestly vocation.
And you thought Vatican II would usher a new springtime for the Church?
Could the hasty reform of the liturgy contributed also to the watering down of the Faith?
Chime in.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Vatican newspaper betrayed the Pope
Excerpts from the article written by Phil Lawler in Catholic Culture.
To read the rest, click here.
I expect heads to roll after this. Figuratively speaking.
Those of us who received advance copies of Light of the World were told that the text was under a very strict embargo. We were forbidden to quote from it, cite it, or even make any specific revelations about its content until the formal launch of the book this week. Such embargos are not unusual in the world of publishing (although the publishers were unusually stern about it in this case), and professional journalists routinely honor them.
Then, incredibly, the Vatican’s own newspaper violated the embargo. Betraying the publishers and breaking trust with all the other journalists who were fulfilling their promises, L’Osservatore Romano reproduced a passage from the Pope’s interview. And not just any passage. The Vatican newspaper reproduced—without explanation or comment—a passage in which Pope Benedict reflected on the possibility that in some extreme cases, the impulse to use a condom might show a flickering of unselfishness in a seriously corrupted conscience.
Moreover, L’Osservatore broke the embargo, and published the excerpt, during a weekend when the Vatican was happily distracted by a consistory. At a time when Church leaders should have been celebrating a joyous occasion—the elevation of 24 members to the College of Cardinals—top Vatican officials were scrambling to explain the Pope’s words, which had been published prematurely and outside of their proper context.
To read the rest, click here.
I expect heads to roll after this. Figuratively speaking.
The Church's stand on condom
“The Church holds that condom use is morally flawed by its nature, and that, equally important, condom use does not prevent AIDS and can actually enable its spread by creating a false sense of security.”
- Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver
You can read the statement of the good archbishop along with the analysis of the pope's comments by faithful priests and bishops by clicking here.
- Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver
You can read the statement of the good archbishop along with the analysis of the pope's comments by faithful priests and bishops by clicking here.
CBCP News reports the "clash" outside Manila Cathedral
CBCP News has finally posted the news about the battle of the agents of death and faithful Catholics in the very gates of the Mother Church of the Philippines.
Kinda poetic, eh?
MANILA, Nov. 22, 2010— Opponents clashed with supporters of Reproductive Health Bill who had gathered outside Manila Cathedral on Saturday night to protest the Catholic Church’s opposition to contraceptives.
About 20 pro-RH bill “Catholics” [Oooo!!!!! I LOVE HOW CBCP NEWS WROTE THIS!!!! HUZZAAHH!!!!] tried to enter the cathedral where a “prayer and reflection service on human life” was being held but they were barred by the organizers.
The demonstrators, mostly teenagers, belonging to a group called Filipino Freethinkers,[Freedumbers!] however, forced to get inside the church sparking word-war between both parties.
The supporters of the reproductive health bill were wearing t-shirts with “Damaso” printed on them and the statement “Pass the RH bill Now.”
“Father Damaso” refers to an abusive priest who fathered a child in Jose Rizal’s novel “Noli Me Tangere.”
“Get away from us, walk out! This is our affair, respect us… organize your own affair,” yelled Pro-Life President Philippines Eric Manalang.
“You’re insulting my Mother Church. If your mother would be insulted, will you not feel bad?” Manalang said.
A protester answered: “Maybe not…” [Probably. Maybe he does not care whatever happens to his mother.]
“We are also Catholics (that’s why we are here),” said another one. [You bet?]
But RH-bill supporters defied the appeal and continued distributing flyers or invitation to a “party” together with the people and organizations that support the RH bill. [That "party" aims to raise money for the defense of Dona Victorina. I think it will be at Sodom and Gomorrah. Joke! I saw the announcement at the Freedumbers website and I WILL NOT post about it.]
“If supporting the RH bill means excommunication, excommunicate me!” part the flyer read. “Join us for an evening of dinner, entertainment, and dissent,” part of the flyer read. [You do not need a formal excommunication to send you flying out of the Church. You already got it dude!]
Manalang said they felt insulted as more opponents including famous lawyer Romulo Macalintal went outside the cathedral to face the rallyists. [Huh? This is ambiguous. I saw the video and Atty. Romulo Macalintal went out to help Mr. Manalang against the Rabid Harlots.]
“Do anything you want to do and we don’t care… just respect our own affair,” a mother said. [Respect? They do not know the word. They are following in the footsteps of Dona Victorina!]
The rallyists finally decided to leave the cathedral after about 10 minutes of confrontation and as more participants of the forum went out of the church to drive them away. [You want numbers, eh? Now they got it.]
“You are Catholics but you are dissidents. We are Catholics but we follow God’s commandment to protect life strictly,” shouted Manalang as the rallyists were leaving the cathedral. (CBCPNews)
Battle lines are drawn!
Now where are the priests in the frontlines?
Any volunteers from Maryhill and Loyola?
Kinda poetic, eh?
MANILA, Nov. 22, 2010— Opponents clashed with supporters of Reproductive Health Bill who had gathered outside Manila Cathedral on Saturday night to protest the Catholic Church’s opposition to contraceptives.
About 20 pro-RH bill “Catholics” [Oooo!!!!! I LOVE HOW CBCP NEWS WROTE THIS!!!! HUZZAAHH!!!!] tried to enter the cathedral where a “prayer and reflection service on human life” was being held but they were barred by the organizers.
The demonstrators, mostly teenagers, belonging to a group called Filipino Freethinkers,[Freedumbers!] however, forced to get inside the church sparking word-war between both parties.
The supporters of the reproductive health bill were wearing t-shirts with “Damaso” printed on them and the statement “Pass the RH bill Now.”
“Father Damaso” refers to an abusive priest who fathered a child in Jose Rizal’s novel “Noli Me Tangere.”
“Get away from us, walk out! This is our affair, respect us… organize your own affair,” yelled Pro-Life President Philippines Eric Manalang.
“You’re insulting my Mother Church. If your mother would be insulted, will you not feel bad?” Manalang said.
A protester answered: “Maybe not…” [Probably. Maybe he does not care whatever happens to his mother.]
“We are also Catholics (that’s why we are here),” said another one. [You bet?]
But RH-bill supporters defied the appeal and continued distributing flyers or invitation to a “party” together with the people and organizations that support the RH bill. [That "party" aims to raise money for the defense of Dona Victorina. I think it will be at Sodom and Gomorrah. Joke! I saw the announcement at the Freedumbers website and I WILL NOT post about it.]
“If supporting the RH bill means excommunication, excommunicate me!” part the flyer read. “Join us for an evening of dinner, entertainment, and dissent,” part of the flyer read. [You do not need a formal excommunication to send you flying out of the Church. You already got it dude!]
Manalang said they felt insulted as more opponents including famous lawyer Romulo Macalintal went outside the cathedral to face the rallyists. [Huh? This is ambiguous. I saw the video and Atty. Romulo Macalintal went out to help Mr. Manalang against the Rabid Harlots.]
“Do anything you want to do and we don’t care… just respect our own affair,” a mother said. [Respect? They do not know the word. They are following in the footsteps of Dona Victorina!]
The rallyists finally decided to leave the cathedral after about 10 minutes of confrontation and as more participants of the forum went out of the church to drive them away. [You want numbers, eh? Now they got it.]
“You are Catholics but you are dissidents. We are Catholics but we follow God’s commandment to protect life strictly,” shouted Manalang as the rallyists were leaving the cathedral. (CBCPNews)
Battle lines are drawn!
Now where are the priests in the frontlines?
Any volunteers from Maryhill and Loyola?
A better interpretation of what the Pope REALLY said
Head on over to What Does the Prayer Really Say and read about what was indeed said by the Pope in a non Magisterial way.
Remember folks, what the Pope said was during an interview, not in an encyclical or a motu propio, nor an ex cathedra act.
Read also the comments from Canon lawyer Ed Peters, father of American Papist, Thomas Peters.
Remember folks, what the Pope said was during an interview, not in an encyclical or a motu propio, nor an ex cathedra act.
Read also the comments from Canon lawyer Ed Peters, father of American Papist, Thomas Peters.
Monday, November 22, 2010
What the Pope actually said
I have been reading a lot about the Pope and his supposed approval of the use of condom in "certain conditions."
Before we even comment, let us read what the Pope actually said. The words in itals are from the interviewer. The Pope's answers are indented.
Like the what pro-RH Bill harassers who stood outside the Manila Cathedral like wolves ready to attack always say: "Read before commenting."
And read the comments over at Catholic World Report.
Also read the nice post of The American Papist.
An excerpt from Light of the World, Peter Seewald’s book-length interview with Pope Benedict XVI
From Chapter 11, "The Journeys of a Shepherd," pages 117-119:
On the occasion of your trip to Africa in March 2009, the Vatican’s policy on AIDs once again became the target of media criticism.Twenty-five percent of all AIDs victims around the world today are treated in Catholic facilities. In some countries, such as Lesotho, for example, the statistic is 40 percent. In Africa you stated that the Church’s traditional teaching has proven to be the only sure way to stop the spread of HIV. Critics, including critics from the Church’s own ranks, object that it is madness to forbid a high-risk population to use condoms.
And we should not be surprised why the agents of death quickly jumped for joy...giddy that the Pope "allowed condoms."
And they say they are the new Rizal.
Was Rizal dumb?
Oh, sorry, I forgot.
It is free to be dumb.
Translate that in Tagalog.
Now that is being pro-choice!
What was that Doc Ben? FreeDumbing?
Before we even comment, let us read what the Pope actually said. The words in itals are from the interviewer. The Pope's answers are indented.
Like the what pro-RH Bill harassers who stood outside the Manila Cathedral like wolves ready to attack always say: "Read before commenting."
And read the comments over at Catholic World Report.
Also read the nice post of The American Papist.
An excerpt from Light of the World, Peter Seewald’s book-length interview with Pope Benedict XVI
From Chapter 11, "The Journeys of a Shepherd," pages 117-119:
On the occasion of your trip to Africa in March 2009, the Vatican’s policy on AIDs once again became the target of media criticism.Twenty-five percent of all AIDs victims around the world today are treated in Catholic facilities. In some countries, such as Lesotho, for example, the statistic is 40 percent. In Africa you stated that the Church’s traditional teaching has proven to be the only sure way to stop the spread of HIV. Critics, including critics from the Church’s own ranks, object that it is madness to forbid a high-risk population to use condoms.
The media coverage completely ignored the rest of the trip to Africa on account of a single statement. Someone had asked me why the Catholic Church adopts an unrealistic and ineffective position on AIDS. At that point, I really felt that I was being provoked, because the Church does more than anyone else. And I stand by that claim. Because she is the only institution that assists people up close and concretely, with prevention, education, help, counsel, and accompaniment. And because she is second to none in treating so many AIDS victims, especially children with AIDS.Are you saying, then, that the Catholic Church is actually not opposed in principle to the use of condoms?
I had the chance to visit one of these wards and to speak with the patients. That was the real answer: The Church does more than anyone else, because she does not speak from the tribunal of the newspapers, but helps her brothers and sisters where they are actually suffering. In my remarks I was not making a general statement about the condom issue, but merely said, and this is what caused such great offense, that we cannot solve the problem by distributing condoms. Much more needs to be done. We must stand close to the people, we must guide and help them; and we must do this both before and after they contract the disease.
As a matter of fact, you know, people can get condoms when they want them anyway. But this just goes to show that condoms alone do not resolve the question itself. More needs to happen. Meanwhile, the secular realm itself has developed the so-called ABC Theory: Abstinence-Be Faithful-Condom, where the condom is understood only as a last resort, when the other two points fail to work. This means that the sheer fixation on the condom implies a banalization of sexuality, which, after all, is precisely the dangerous source of the attitude of no longer seeing sexuality as the expression of love, but only a sort of drug that people administer to themselves. This is why the fight against the banalization of sexuality is also a part of the struggle to ensure that sexuality is treated as a positive value and to enable it to have a positive effect on the whole of man’s being.
There may be a basis in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom, where this can be a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, on the way toward recovering an awareness that not everything is allowed and that one cannot do whatever one wants. But it is not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection. That can really lie only in a humanization of sexuality.
She of course does not regard it as a real or moral solution, but, in this or that case, there can be nonetheless, in the intention of reducing the risk of infection, a first step in a movement toward a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality.
And we should not be surprised why the agents of death quickly jumped for joy...giddy that the Pope "allowed condoms."
And they say they are the new Rizal.
Was Rizal dumb?
Oh, sorry, I forgot.
It is free to be dumb.
Translate that in Tagalog.
Now that is being pro-choice!
What was that Doc Ben? FreeDumbing?
GULP EXAM: A liturgical headache
I won't be asking you what's wrong in this video.
But I am asking you to COUNT the number of liturgical no-no's in this one.
Don't get me wrong. I am thankful that we have more priests ordained.
But catching liturgical offenders? That's another thing.
Is ABS-CBN subtly running an anti-Catholic agenda?
Yes, they have regular Sunday Mass...
But this makes me wonder.
Why is ABS-CBN re-running an episode of "Maalaala Mo Kaya", where a priest falls in love with a woman and the priest eventually leaves the clerical state.
I have heard that it has been shown for at least 3 times already.
Isn't it odd that the network would re-run this episode at the time when the moral authority of the Church is being challenged?
RH Bill ring a bell? Damaso stunt of an Attention Seeking tour guide?
Take note: they have a Jesuit priest in their employ.
But this makes me wonder.
Why is ABS-CBN re-running an episode of "Maalaala Mo Kaya", where a priest falls in love with a woman and the priest eventually leaves the clerical state.
I have heard that it has been shown for at least 3 times already.
Isn't it odd that the network would re-run this episode at the time when the moral authority of the Church is being challenged?
RH Bill ring a bell? Damaso stunt of an Attention Seeking tour guide?
Take note: they have a Jesuit priest in their employ.
Because they call themselves Rational
The supporters of the RH Bill went to the Manila Cathedral to "listen" to what the anti-RH Bill advocates want to say why the opposition of the pro-lifers to the Bill.
They want to get in the Cathedral wearing the infamous Damaso shirts.
And here is what happened.
Did you hear that part where one pro-RH guy said that they have their "rights".
Right to desecrate a Cathedral?
Do they have the best intentions when they go inside the Cathedral wearing those shirts? Aren't those statements of their indignation and disrespect for Catholic clergy?
The gay and lesbian community once wanted to receive Holy Communion wearing a rainbow sash as a sign of protest for the Catholic Church's stand against homosexual sex and unions. But they were denied Holy Communion.
And these "Rational" people aka "New Jose Rizal" wanted to go inside the Cathedral and God knows what they will do in there. Luckily, there are some brave souls who prevented them from getting inside. Among them is famous election lawyer Atty. Romulo Macalintal.
That is what Celdran left. That is his legacy.
And he/she is still silent with my challenge.
Why can't they shed their pretenses and just admit that they are atheists who want to see the Church on Her knees.
They want to get in the Cathedral wearing the infamous Damaso shirts.
And here is what happened.
Did you hear that part where one pro-RH guy said that they have their "rights".
Right to desecrate a Cathedral?
Do they have the best intentions when they go inside the Cathedral wearing those shirts? Aren't those statements of their indignation and disrespect for Catholic clergy?
The gay and lesbian community once wanted to receive Holy Communion wearing a rainbow sash as a sign of protest for the Catholic Church's stand against homosexual sex and unions. But they were denied Holy Communion.
And these "Rational" people aka "New Jose Rizal" wanted to go inside the Cathedral and God knows what they will do in there. Luckily, there are some brave souls who prevented them from getting inside. Among them is famous election lawyer Atty. Romulo Macalintal.
That is what Celdran left. That is his legacy.
And he/she is still silent with my challenge.
Why can't they shed their pretenses and just admit that they are atheists who want to see the Church on Her knees.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Words of Wisdom: The Kingship of Christ
From the Papal Encyclical, Quas Primas, of His Holiness, Pope Pius XI, of blessed memory
16. Christ as our Redeemer purchased the Church at the price of his own blood; as priest he offered himself, and continues to offer himself as a victim for our sins. Is it not evident, then, that his kingly dignity partakes in a manner of both these offices?
17. It would be a grave error, on the other hand, to say that Christ has no authority whatever in civil affairs, since, by virtue of the absolute empire over all creatures committed to him by the Father, all things are in his power. Nevertheless, during his life on earth he refrained from the exercise of such authority, and although he himself disdained to possess or to care for earthly goods, he did not, nor does he today, interfere with those who possess them. Non eripit mortalia qui regna dat caelestia.[27]
18. Thus the empire of our Redeemer embraces all men. To use the words of Our immortal predecessor, Pope Leo XIII: "His empire includes not only Catholic nations, not only baptized persons who, though of right belonging to the Church, have been led astray by error, or have been cut off from her by schism, but also all those who are outside the Christian faith; so that truly the whole of mankind is subject to the power of Jesus Christ."[28] Nor is there any difference in this matter between the individual and the family or the State; for all men, whether collectively or individually, are under the dominion of Christ. In him is the salvation of the individual, in him is the salvation of society. "Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given to men whereby we must be saved."[29] He is the author of happiness and true prosperity for every man and for every nation. "For a nation is happy when its citizens are happy. What else is a nation but a number of men living in concord?"[30] If, therefore, the rulers of nations wish to preserve their authority, to promote and increase the prosperity of their countries, they will not neglect the public duty of reverence and obedience to the rule of Christ. What We said at the beginning of Our Pontificate concerning the decline of public authority, and the lack of respect for the same, is equally true at the present day. "With God and Jesus Christ," we said, "excluded from political life, with authority derived not from God but from man, the very basis of that authority has been taken away, because the chief reason of the distinction between ruler and subject has been eliminated. The result is that human society is tottering to its fall, because it has no longer a secure and solid foundation."[31]
19. When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony. Our Lord's regal office invests the human authority of princes and rulers with a religious significance; it ennobles the citizen's duty of obedience. It is for this reason that St. Paul, while bidding wives revere Christ in their husbands, and slaves respect Christ in their masters, warns them to give obedience to them not as men, but as the vicegerents of Christ; for it is not meet that men redeemed by Christ should serve their fellow-men. "You are bought with a price; be not made the bond-slaves of men."[32] If princes and magistrates duly elected are filled with the persuasion that they rule, not by their own right, but by the mandate and in the place of the Divine King, they will exercise their authority piously and wisely, and they will make laws and administer them, having in view the common good and also the human dignity of their subjects. The result will be a stable peace and tranquillity, for there will be no longer any cause of discontent. Men will see in their king or in their rulers men like themselves, perhaps unworthy or open to criticism, but they will not on that account refuse obedience if they see reflected in them the authority of Christ God and Man. Peace and harmony, too, will result; for with the spread and the universal extent of the kingdom of Christ men will become more and more conscious of the link that binds them together, and thus many conflicts will be either prevented entirely or at least their bitterness will be diminished.
20. If the kingdom of Christ, then, receives, as it should, all nations under its way, there seems no reason why we should despair of seeing that peace which the King of Peace came to bring on earth - he who came to reconcile all things, who came not to be ministered unto but to minister, who, though Lord of all, gave himself to us as a model of humility, and with his principal law united the precept of charity; who said also: "My yoke is sweet and my burden light." Oh, what happiness would be Ours if all men, individuals, families, and nations, would but let themselves be governed by Christ! "Then at length," to use the words addressed by our predecessor, Pope Leo XIII, twenty-five years ago to the bishops of the Universal Church, "then at length will many evils be cured; then will the law regain its former authority; peace with all its blessings be restored. Men will sheathe their swords and lay down their arms when all freely acknowledge and obey the authority of Christ, and every tongue confesses that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father."[33]
21. That these blessings may be abundant and lasting in Christian society, it is necessary that the kingship of our Savior should be as widely as possible recognized and understood, and to the end nothing would serve better than the institution of a special feast in honor of the Kingship of Christ. For people are instructed in the truths of faith, and brought to appreciate the inner joys of religion far more effectually by the annual celebration of our sacred mysteries than by any official pronouncement of the teaching of the Church. Such pronouncements usually reach only a few and the more learned among the faithful; feasts reach them all; the former speak but once, the latter speak every year - in fact, forever. The church's teaching affects the mind primarily; her feasts affect both mind and heart, and have a salutary effect upon the whole of man's nature. Man is composed of body and soul, and he needs these external festivities so that the sacred rites, in all their beauty and variety, may stimulate him to drink more deeply of the fountain of God's teaching, that he may make it a part of himself, and use it with profit for his spiritual life
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Request for Prayers for a fellow Catholic blogger
Please say a prayer for Seminarian Philip Gerard Johnson of In Caritate non Ficta.
He is suffering from an inoperable brain tumor.
His bishop issued a letter requesting a Diocesan wide novena for his healing.
Here is the letter of his good bishop and the novena prayer.
Head over to Bro. Philip's blog and send him your prayers by posting on his blog.
I will consider it an huge favor.
He is suffering from an inoperable brain tumor.
His bishop issued a letter requesting a Diocesan wide novena for his healing.
Here is the letter of his good bishop and the novena prayer.
Head over to Bro. Philip's blog and send him your prayers by posting on his blog.
I will consider it an huge favor.
Feast of Christ the King
I will be an honor guard for the "rebirth" of the Christ the King procession in the streets of the parish tomorrow.
Giddy like a child that is.
Praise the Lord, ye servants of the Lord! Praise and exalt him forever!
Viva Cristo Rey!
Giddy like a child that is.
Praise the Lord, ye servants of the Lord! Praise and exalt him forever!
Viva Cristo Rey!
Words of Wisdom: Relativism
Address of then Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, before the Papal Conclave of 2005.
"Today, a particularly insidious obstacle to the task of education is the massive presence in our society and culture of that relativism which, recognising nothing as definitive, leaves as the ultimate criterion only the self with its desires. And under the semblance of freedom it becomes a prison for each one, for it separates people from one another, locking each person into his or her own ego"
I remember a group of priests writing something along those lines that we leave to the individual conscience of the couples to decide which type of contraception they want to use.
Whatever happened to the moral authority of the Church over Her flock?
That is what is at stake here my folks and that which is being promoted by the anti-Catholics.
Complete anarchy if you tell me except following the rules and advise of the anarchists themselves.
Oxymoron or Irony. Both.
Then we are left with this: The Church or the Moral Anarchists?
Spot the Not Answer
Was there really something wrong in this photo?
It was a trick question.
For the liberals, everything would be wrong.
From the concelebrating priest wearing beautiful Gothic chasubles instead of the chasu-alb and overlay stole...
To the deacon being so melodramatic that he wore a traditionally designed dalmatic and knelt for Holy Communion...
Yup, everything would be wrong in this photo if you think that the Holy Mass should be celebrated like the way Don Moen and the other Evangelicals worship.
Yes, kate....I too had fun with this one. You were also right to notice the MC or acolyte for the Mass wearing a clerical collar. He is a cleric and not a layman and so is privileged to wear it. Lay people MUST NOT.
And this Mass offered by the Papal MC, was in the Ordinary Form ad Dominum.
Lovely isn't it?
How I wish to see this done in our churches on Sundays and everyday for that matter here in the Philippines.
How I wish.
Rabid Harlots issue an open challenge to the CBCP
If supporting the RH Bill means excommunication, then EXCOMMUNICATE ME.
That is the new open challenge of Filipino Freethinkers who call themselves New Jose Rizal or Rational Heroes.
I know there is a million and one reasons to throw up at how they call themselves but going back to their challenge.
Are all the Rabid Harlots Catholics? How can we prove it? Do they know their parish? Do they have their certificate of baptism and confirmation to confirm their membership into the Catholic Church?
Maybe these Thinkers need to THINK that they have to be Catholic first before they can even be excommunicated.
And for all I care, it is not about the RH Bill that they after. IT IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
And if some of them are indeed Catholic, I urge the CBCP to do so!
Give them hell if they insist on walking through hellfire and brimstone!
I know the Freemasons are giddy about this renewed and more intense attack on the Church.
Someone is doing the dirty work for them.
That is the new open challenge of Filipino Freethinkers who call themselves New Jose Rizal or Rational Heroes.
I know there is a million and one reasons to throw up at how they call themselves but going back to their challenge.
Are all the Rabid Harlots Catholics? How can we prove it? Do they know their parish? Do they have their certificate of baptism and confirmation to confirm their membership into the Catholic Church?
Maybe these Thinkers need to THINK that they have to be Catholic first before they can even be excommunicated.
And for all I care, it is not about the RH Bill that they after. IT IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
And if some of them are indeed Catholic, I urge the CBCP to do so!
Give them hell if they insist on walking through hellfire and brimstone!
I know the Freemasons are giddy about this renewed and more intense attack on the Church.
Someone is doing the dirty work for them.
Friday, November 19, 2010
No more Simbang Gabi in Malls
This news made my day!
MANILA, Nov. 19, 2010—The faithful who used to attend simbang gabi masses in malls are now urged to go to the parishes for the celebration. [Come to think of it, our parish church is our "home church".]
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales in a directive sent to archdiocesan clergy said, simbang gabi masses will not be allowed anymore in malls “unless there is a chapel in the establishment, where the Holy Eucharist is celebrated with frequency and duly approved” by the archdiocese.
The guidelines are issued to ensure a “proper, solemn, dignified and meaningful celebration of the Simbang Gabi”, the cardinal said. [Huzzah!]
“We do not allow Simbang Gabi to be celebrated in corridors and hallways of shopping malls where the celebration of the Holy Eucharist is needlessly exposed to shoppers that are indifferent to the celebration,” Rosales said in the circular. [Can my dear TPC readers sign in and comment a HUMONGOUS "AMEN"?]
He said masses for simbang gabi should be celebrated in the parishes or chapels that are duly recognized by the parish.
Simbang gabi, also known as misa de aguinaldo is traditionally celebrated at early dawn, from 4:00 to 5:00 a.m., although it is already a practice in many parishes to celebrate simbang gabi masses in the evening.
“If the Misa de Aguinaldo is celebration from 8:00 o’clock in the evening onwards, it should be motivated by genuine pastoral care for the spiritual benefit of the faithful,” the cardinal stressed. [I know one priest who even wanted to shorten the nine day Mass and have it to three, a sort of Triduum type. But I know his real motives behind it, but I do not want to spoil the great news. Maybe in another post.]
The simbang gabi masses celebrated in the evening started during martial law years because of the curfew imposed by the government at the time.
But the practice has remained because many faithful “who follow the urban rhythm of work find it easier to join in the evening instead of the dawn Masses.”
“We wish to encourage the practice of Simbang Gabi, whether at dawn or in the evening, because it is a great source of spiritual nourishment to our faithful,” the cardinal said.
But celebration of simbang gabi masses at other times such as morning, mid-day or late afternoon mass is not allowed since it “is not in keeping with the liturgical norms of the Archdiocese of Manila and is to be regarded as an abuse.” [How could it be called a Dawn Mass if it is not celebrated at dawn? The liturgical meaning of the dawn is so rich in that it tells the faithful to joyfully anticipate the coming of Jesus, like the sun rising from the East. There are biblical allusions to this and even the Fathers of the Church wrote about this but I do not have the luxury of time now to dig them up. Can my dear TPC readers help me in this one? I am sure Doc Ben can help in this one.]
The simbang gabi or the nine-day dawn masses preceding the feast of Christmas is a tradition brought into the country by the Spanish evangelizers. [Nine days...the same number of days the Apostles and the Blessed Mother spent waiting for the coming of the Paraclete. Thus, we have the novena.]
In 1953, the Plenary Council of the Philippines formally requested Rome for special dispensation to celebrate the nine-day dawn masses leading to Christmas. [And we got it! The only one in the world and Filipinos are known for this.]
Celebrated with solemnity, the simbang gabi masses are votive masses in honor of the Virgin Mary.
“For Filipino Catholics, Simbang Gabi is above all an expression of their filial devotion to Mary, the Mother of God. For nine consecutive days, they join and accompany her, so to speak, as she awaits the birth of her Son,” according to Rosales. [An allusion to the coming of the Son to the world as Man.]
“May the faith and devotion of Mary, the Mother of God and the Mother of the Filipino nation, inspire us to receive in our hearts and home God’s surpassing Aguinaldo [Filipino for gift] in the person of Jesus Christ. [He is the greatest gift.] Let us keep her company through prayer and good works, so that she may also keep us company as we journey toward the fulfillment of God’s promise of peace in our nation and in the world,” the cardinal further said. (CBCPNews)
Will other bishops of the metro do the same thing?
Usually, they follow the liturgical directive of the Archdiocese of Manila, but it is something for us to wait and see.
In the meantime, a HUGE THANK YOU to His Eminence for this wonderful directive!
We need to bring back the sense of the sacred into the celebration of the Mass.
Gone were the days when we hear church bells peal for the Angelus and folks in the streets would stop dead in their tracks to pray.
We hope that this lukewarm attitude to this beloved prayer does not befall the Mass.
And I sincerely hope that this directive is followed suit in all dioceses all around the country.
And that all Sunday Masses in malls be done within a consecrated chapel.
Proper things in the proper place and in the proper time.
Old wine in old wine skin. New wine in new skins.
MANILA, Nov. 19, 2010—The faithful who used to attend simbang gabi masses in malls are now urged to go to the parishes for the celebration. [Come to think of it, our parish church is our "home church".]
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales in a directive sent to archdiocesan clergy said, simbang gabi masses will not be allowed anymore in malls “unless there is a chapel in the establishment, where the Holy Eucharist is celebrated with frequency and duly approved” by the archdiocese.
The guidelines are issued to ensure a “proper, solemn, dignified and meaningful celebration of the Simbang Gabi”, the cardinal said. [Huzzah!]
“We do not allow Simbang Gabi to be celebrated in corridors and hallways of shopping malls where the celebration of the Holy Eucharist is needlessly exposed to shoppers that are indifferent to the celebration,” Rosales said in the circular. [Can my dear TPC readers sign in and comment a HUMONGOUS "AMEN"?]
He said masses for simbang gabi should be celebrated in the parishes or chapels that are duly recognized by the parish.
Simbang gabi, also known as misa de aguinaldo is traditionally celebrated at early dawn, from 4:00 to 5:00 a.m., although it is already a practice in many parishes to celebrate simbang gabi masses in the evening.
“If the Misa de Aguinaldo is celebration from 8:00 o’clock in the evening onwards, it should be motivated by genuine pastoral care for the spiritual benefit of the faithful,” the cardinal stressed. [I know one priest who even wanted to shorten the nine day Mass and have it to three, a sort of Triduum type. But I know his real motives behind it, but I do not want to spoil the great news. Maybe in another post.]
The simbang gabi masses celebrated in the evening started during martial law years because of the curfew imposed by the government at the time.
But the practice has remained because many faithful “who follow the urban rhythm of work find it easier to join in the evening instead of the dawn Masses.”
“We wish to encourage the practice of Simbang Gabi, whether at dawn or in the evening, because it is a great source of spiritual nourishment to our faithful,” the cardinal said.
But celebration of simbang gabi masses at other times such as morning, mid-day or late afternoon mass is not allowed since it “is not in keeping with the liturgical norms of the Archdiocese of Manila and is to be regarded as an abuse.” [How could it be called a Dawn Mass if it is not celebrated at dawn? The liturgical meaning of the dawn is so rich in that it tells the faithful to joyfully anticipate the coming of Jesus, like the sun rising from the East. There are biblical allusions to this and even the Fathers of the Church wrote about this but I do not have the luxury of time now to dig them up. Can my dear TPC readers help me in this one? I am sure Doc Ben can help in this one.]
The simbang gabi or the nine-day dawn masses preceding the feast of Christmas is a tradition brought into the country by the Spanish evangelizers. [Nine days...the same number of days the Apostles and the Blessed Mother spent waiting for the coming of the Paraclete. Thus, we have the novena.]
In 1953, the Plenary Council of the Philippines formally requested Rome for special dispensation to celebrate the nine-day dawn masses leading to Christmas. [And we got it! The only one in the world and Filipinos are known for this.]
Celebrated with solemnity, the simbang gabi masses are votive masses in honor of the Virgin Mary.
“For Filipino Catholics, Simbang Gabi is above all an expression of their filial devotion to Mary, the Mother of God. For nine consecutive days, they join and accompany her, so to speak, as she awaits the birth of her Son,” according to Rosales. [An allusion to the coming of the Son to the world as Man.]
“May the faith and devotion of Mary, the Mother of God and the Mother of the Filipino nation, inspire us to receive in our hearts and home God’s surpassing Aguinaldo [Filipino for gift] in the person of Jesus Christ. [He is the greatest gift.] Let us keep her company through prayer and good works, so that she may also keep us company as we journey toward the fulfillment of God’s promise of peace in our nation and in the world,” the cardinal further said. (CBCPNews)
Will other bishops of the metro do the same thing?
Usually, they follow the liturgical directive of the Archdiocese of Manila, but it is something for us to wait and see.
In the meantime, a HUGE THANK YOU to His Eminence for this wonderful directive!
We need to bring back the sense of the sacred into the celebration of the Mass.
Gone were the days when we hear church bells peal for the Angelus and folks in the streets would stop dead in their tracks to pray.
We hope that this lukewarm attitude to this beloved prayer does not befall the Mass.
And I sincerely hope that this directive is followed suit in all dioceses all around the country.
And that all Sunday Masses in malls be done within a consecrated chapel.
Proper things in the proper place and in the proper time.
Old wine in old wine skin. New wine in new skins.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sign the Petition and Pray for Life!
Sign the St. Michael Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionist. Include those who are pushing the RH Bill including our president!
The petition calls for those who pledge to pray the St. Michael prayer after every mass for the defense of life.
You can also download the prayer by clicking here. It is also available in other languages including in the original Latin.
I personally believe in the power of this prayer and am hoping that this prayer be made said mandatorily every Mass.
Here is the prayer in jpeg format.
After the liturgical revolution of Vatican II, this prayer was omitted from the Mass, for whatever reason I could imagine, I still do not know!
Sign the petition here and pray for the conversion of those who are promoting the culture of death.
And yes, definitely, our prayers include Carlos Celdran!
Contemplative Passionist Sisters
Women of the Lord!
May your tribe increase dear sisters...
and thank you for keeping your traditional habits!
God bless you all!
Eucharistic Springtime
VATICAN CITY, NOV. 17, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI says there is a "Eucharistic springtime" in the Church, manifested in the numerous people who pause before the tabernacle to enjoy a "conversation of love" with Jesus. [Huzzah!!! Even if the tabernacle is being put in an odd position in the church and not in the most prominent and most honorable place for the Lord, people are publicly expressing their love, devotion and faith to the Lord who is present in the Holy Sacrament.]
The Pope mentioned this springtime when he dedicated today's general audience to a woman saint of the 13th century who was instrumental in promoting the feast of Corpus Christi.
He spoke of St. Juliana of Cornillon (1191 or 1192-1258), noting that she had "a profound sense of the presence of Christ, which she experienced by living in a particularly intense way the sacrament of the Eucharist and pausing often to meditate on the words of Jesus: 'And lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age' (Matthew 28:20).
This saint had visions in her Eucharistic adoration, which led her to promote a feast "in which believers would be able to adore the Eucharist to increase their faith, advance in the practice of virtue and make reparation for offenses to the Most Holy Sacrament," the Holy Father explained.
He added that through trials, Juliana persevered in her devotion to the Eucharist, up to her death: "In the cell where she lay the Most Blessed Sacrament was exposed and, according to the words of her biographer, Juliana died contemplating with a last outburst of love the Eucharistic Jesus, whom she had always loved, honored and adored."
Benedict XVI went on to reflect about Eucharistic devotion in the Church, affirming "with joy" that there is a "Eucharistic springtime" and noting the consolation that "not a few groups of young people have rediscovered the beauty of praying in adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament."
In this regard, he recalled Eucharistic adoration in Hyde Park during his September visit to London.
"I pray so that this Eucharistic 'springtime' will spread increasingly in every parish, in particular in Belgium, the homeland of St. Juliana," the Pope said. [The pope's words have very deep meaning in them as Belgium produced a lot of dissenters and heretics in the University of Lou...]
And he encouraged the faithful to find the Eucharistic Christ not only at Sunday Mass. "[L]et us try as well to frequently go to visit the Lord present in the Tabernacle," he urged. "Gazing in adoration at the consecrated Host, we discover the gift of the love of God, we discover the passion and the cross of Jesus, and also his Resurrection. Precisely through our gazing in adoration, the Lord draws us to himself, into his mystery, to transform us as he transforms the bread and wine."
On this note, I implore...
The Pope mentioned this springtime when he dedicated today's general audience to a woman saint of the 13th century who was instrumental in promoting the feast of Corpus Christi.
He spoke of St. Juliana of Cornillon (1191 or 1192-1258), noting that she had "a profound sense of the presence of Christ, which she experienced by living in a particularly intense way the sacrament of the Eucharist and pausing often to meditate on the words of Jesus: 'And lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age' (Matthew 28:20).
This saint had visions in her Eucharistic adoration, which led her to promote a feast "in which believers would be able to adore the Eucharist to increase their faith, advance in the practice of virtue and make reparation for offenses to the Most Holy Sacrament," the Holy Father explained.
He added that through trials, Juliana persevered in her devotion to the Eucharist, up to her death: "In the cell where she lay the Most Blessed Sacrament was exposed and, according to the words of her biographer, Juliana died contemplating with a last outburst of love the Eucharistic Jesus, whom she had always loved, honored and adored."
Benedict XVI went on to reflect about Eucharistic devotion in the Church, affirming "with joy" that there is a "Eucharistic springtime" and noting the consolation that "not a few groups of young people have rediscovered the beauty of praying in adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament."
In this regard, he recalled Eucharistic adoration in Hyde Park during his September visit to London.
"I pray so that this Eucharistic 'springtime' will spread increasingly in every parish, in particular in Belgium, the homeland of St. Juliana," the Pope said. [The pope's words have very deep meaning in them as Belgium produced a lot of dissenters and heretics in the University of Lou...]
And he encouraged the faithful to find the Eucharistic Christ not only at Sunday Mass. "[L]et us try as well to frequently go to visit the Lord present in the Tabernacle," he urged. "Gazing in adoration at the consecrated Host, we discover the gift of the love of God, we discover the passion and the cross of Jesus, and also his Resurrection. Precisely through our gazing in adoration, the Lord draws us to himself, into his mystery, to transform us as he transforms the bread and wine."
On this note, I implore...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What awaits them?
Let's play a simple game.
Change the word abortion to contraceptive.
Admit it. One leads to the other.
Hey, Carlos! Hey Edcel!
There is something after death.
There is time to change.
Change the word abortion to contraceptive.
Admit it. One leads to the other.
Hey, Carlos! Hey Edcel!
There is something after death.
There is time to change.
KofC gives HS for HD
I know it's a lot of acronyms but it actually stands for:
"Knights of Columbus gives to the Holy See for High Definition"
Read the details below:
VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The pope is going HD -- and gearing up to go 3D.
The Vatican unveiled a new euro4.5 million ($6 million) high-definition mobile unit Tuesday to broadcast the pope's Masses, audiences and other events in high definition.
The equipment can be upgraded for eventual 3D papal productions -- the latest technological step the Holy See has taken to try to reverse the pope's communications woes and bring the 2,000-year-old institution into the 21st century. [at least they are right to write (I love this.) that the Church is 2,000 years old. No, sit down INC!]
Officials said at a press conference that viewers won't be seeing special effects or superhero antics in solemn papal Masses anytime soon: The Vatican's 3D capabilities, once developed, will just provide higher resolution, more vivid colors and involve the audience more, said Gildas Pelliet, the head of Sony Italia.
"3-D can be done in a very discreet, subtle way," he said. "It's not like a film that we see in the movie theaters with all this spectacle."
Sony gave the Vatican a roughly euro1 million ($1.36 million) discount on the equipment, and the Knights of Columbus, which has helped subsidize the Holy See's communications investments for more than 50 years, kicked in nearly another euro1 million. The Vatican's television branch, Centro Televisivo Vaticano, paid for the rest from savings over several years, said the Rev. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman and head of CTV.
Lombardi said the Vatican needed to keep competitive with the rapidly changing HD technology since it's increasingly becoming the norm for broadcasters and documentary makers alike.
"If we don't maintain an adequate level of quality and capacity, we'd be standing in the way of broadcasting images and thus the pope's message," he said. [Which is the most practical reason for the change.]
He said he expected the Vatican's HD cameras and broadcasting capabilities to be ready to roll for the pope's Christmas events, and would be used then on for special events at the Vatican. He said the mobile unit could in theory be deployed for special events outside the Vatican, as well.
Pope Benedict XVI's five-year papacy has been marked by several communications breakdowns -- his rehabilitation of a Holocaust-denying bishop, the clerical sex abuse scandal among others. He has admitted such mistakes could have been avoided had Vatican officials consulted the Internet or acted more swiftly and decisively when news arrived. [Oh great. They had to squeeze in another demolition job issue.]
At the same time, though, Benedict has presided over technological leaps to try to get his message out: The Vatican has beefed up its presence on the Internet with a YouTube channel, a Pope2You portal for young people and initiatives to bring his message to social networking sites and smartphones.
The 83-year-old Benedict, who himself still writes longhand, said in a recent document that "all means, new and old, should be used intelligently" to bring the faith to the people.
New and Old...Just like the Mass.
But we all know how the hippie priests view the Old Mass, eh?
And I can hear the Rabid Harlots, barking mad like "The money could have been used to feed the poor!"
Well, ask them if they used their money to feed the poor.
Trump them!
"Knights of Columbus gives to the Holy See for High Definition"
Read the details below:
VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The pope is going HD -- and gearing up to go 3D.
The Vatican unveiled a new euro4.5 million ($6 million) high-definition mobile unit Tuesday to broadcast the pope's Masses, audiences and other events in high definition.
The equipment can be upgraded for eventual 3D papal productions -- the latest technological step the Holy See has taken to try to reverse the pope's communications woes and bring the 2,000-year-old institution into the 21st century. [at least they are right to write (I love this.) that the Church is 2,000 years old. No, sit down INC!]
Officials said at a press conference that viewers won't be seeing special effects or superhero antics in solemn papal Masses anytime soon: The Vatican's 3D capabilities, once developed, will just provide higher resolution, more vivid colors and involve the audience more, said Gildas Pelliet, the head of Sony Italia.
"3-D can be done in a very discreet, subtle way," he said. "It's not like a film that we see in the movie theaters with all this spectacle."
Sony gave the Vatican a roughly euro1 million ($1.36 million) discount on the equipment, and the Knights of Columbus, which has helped subsidize the Holy See's communications investments for more than 50 years, kicked in nearly another euro1 million. The Vatican's television branch, Centro Televisivo Vaticano, paid for the rest from savings over several years, said the Rev. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman and head of CTV.
Lombardi said the Vatican needed to keep competitive with the rapidly changing HD technology since it's increasingly becoming the norm for broadcasters and documentary makers alike.
"If we don't maintain an adequate level of quality and capacity, we'd be standing in the way of broadcasting images and thus the pope's message," he said. [Which is the most practical reason for the change.]
He said he expected the Vatican's HD cameras and broadcasting capabilities to be ready to roll for the pope's Christmas events, and would be used then on for special events at the Vatican. He said the mobile unit could in theory be deployed for special events outside the Vatican, as well.
Pope Benedict XVI's five-year papacy has been marked by several communications breakdowns -- his rehabilitation of a Holocaust-denying bishop, the clerical sex abuse scandal among others. He has admitted such mistakes could have been avoided had Vatican officials consulted the Internet or acted more swiftly and decisively when news arrived. [Oh great. They had to squeeze in another demolition job issue.]
At the same time, though, Benedict has presided over technological leaps to try to get his message out: The Vatican has beefed up its presence on the Internet with a YouTube channel, a Pope2You portal for young people and initiatives to bring his message to social networking sites and smartphones.
The 83-year-old Benedict, who himself still writes longhand, said in a recent document that "all means, new and old, should be used intelligently" to bring the faith to the people.
New and Old...Just like the Mass.
But we all know how the hippie priests view the Old Mass, eh?
And I can hear the Rabid Harlots, barking mad like "The money could have been used to feed the poor!"
Well, ask them if they used their money to feed the poor.
Trump them!
Spot the Not Answers: All the fuss about liturgical laws
Well, where do I begin with this one.
Let us remember that this is a photo of the Red Mass if there was ever a term.
So let us take it one notch at a time.
Where do bishop's preach their homily? - It is proper for the bishop to preach "from the chair". As the phrase denotes, the bishop sits on his cathedra, or on his chair, to emphasize his role as teacher, guide and keeper of the Faith. In this case, Cardinal Rosales is offering the Holy Sacrifice in his own cathedral, but opts to preach from the pulpit and not from his chair. It has been traditional for bishop's to always preach from the chair and not from the pulpit/ambo.
And whenever he preaches, the bishop always wears his miter and if he is a metropolitan archbishop, his pallium if he has received it from the pope after he was appointed to his current metropolitan see.
Here are samples:
Cardinal Archbishop of Cebu, Ricaro Vidal, standing near his chair.
New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan preaching during Palm Sunday Mass. He is missing the miter though.
Bishop Edward Slattery preaching during the Solemn Pontifical Mass for the anniversary of the Motu propio, Summorum Pontificum.
And here is the Holy Father.
Apart from the ghastly dalmatic the deacons are wearing. Yup those are deacons seated beside the cathedra. The designs are so ugly you would mistake them for a chasuble. Now there is a reason why dalmatics are designed with the H form. Look at the dalmatics worn by the deacons of the Mass in the photo of Bishop Slattery. Now THOSE are dalmatics.
So, what's next? Candles on the floor and not on the altar, ugh!
Crucifix way off to the side of the altar, ugh! You have this impression that the face of the celebrant is more important eh?
And lastly, the concelebrating bishops are not wearing a miter. They should have! A simplex miter is proper for concelebrating bishops. It is an unadorned miter, made of white silk. The rubric for this part of the Mass should have been the bishop wearing his miter while seated.
See the miters worn by concelebrating bishops of the same Mass.
And yes, the bishops were not wearing albs or pontifical dalmatics.
So you might ask, why all the fuss?
Simple. The appropriate things for the appropriate occassion.
Holy Mother Church has laid the norms on how to worship the Lord. This is not mere fashion. The Lord commanded Moses to follow liturgical laws when worshiping Him. Go read Leviticus and Numbers!
So if our priests and bishops do not take the worship of the Lord seriously, and if they openly defy the laws of the Church regarding liturgical matters...
You know the point.
And I thought the Church in Manila has the Professor Magnus of Liturgy with her?
Blog about Catholic position on the RH Bill
This is the new blog site about everything one needs to know about the Catholic position on the Reproductive Health Bill. It is maintained by the Defensores Fidei Foundation, a Filipino Catholic society dedicated to the defense of the Catholic Faith that comes to us from the Apostles.
I advise you to read this, rather than the rubbish published by some Ateneo de Manila Jesuits and the articles written by Fr. Joaquin Bernas, SJ at Hell's Bible.
Funny thing that lay people do more of the defensive work while some of our "learned" ordained men of the Church do more of the gray areas and wear and tear work, ain't it?
And yes Lorenz, you are right. The Pinoy bishops are caught off guard. They had been lax in their ministry and so they are now seeing the damage of laxity does to the Church. The uninformed, dissenters mostly Modernists in cassocks and habits, and atheists are ganging up on the Church, not just the CBCP, but the lay people who are active in the blogosphere. The Rabid Harlots are throwing everything nasty and ugly against those who are defending the Church. Just head over to Facebook. It just shows how the Pinoy Catholic laity have shown these "learned and highly educated" that they cannot be fooled. The laity have been trumped anything they throw against the Church.
Isn't this statement of Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen truly prophetic?
And that is why I will always be vigilant. So should you too, dear fellow Pinoy Catholics!
I advise you to read this, rather than the rubbish published by some Ateneo de Manila Jesuits and the articles written by Fr. Joaquin Bernas, SJ at Hell's Bible.
Funny thing that lay people do more of the defensive work while some of our "learned" ordained men of the Church do more of the gray areas and wear and tear work, ain't it?
And yes Lorenz, you are right. The Pinoy bishops are caught off guard. They had been lax in their ministry and so they are now seeing the damage of laxity does to the Church. The uninformed, dissenters mostly Modernists in cassocks and habits, and atheists are ganging up on the Church, not just the CBCP, but the lay people who are active in the blogosphere. The Rabid Harlots are throwing everything nasty and ugly against those who are defending the Church. Just head over to Facebook. It just shows how the Pinoy Catholic laity have shown these "learned and highly educated" that they cannot be fooled. The laity have been trumped anything they throw against the Church.
Isn't this statement of Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen truly prophetic?
And that is why I will always be vigilant. So should you too, dear fellow Pinoy Catholics!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
More Exorcists trained in the USA and something about Maryhill
There is this weird post in the New York Post (pun not intended!), which I posted and commented below, about the US Catholic Bishops' move to recruit more priests to become...exorcists! (GASP!) No wonder the secularists are ranting!
Any theologians from Maryhill who would like to praise the NY Post article? Stupid question, I know.
The Roman Catholic Church is looking for a few good men -- to battle Satan. [isn't this one of the job descriptions of a priest of Jesus Christ?]
The church in the US has become so short of priests [I wonder why?] who know how to perform an exorcism that it began an emergency two-day meeting yesterday to teach clerics how to properly cast out demons. [Huzzah!]
A group of 56 bishops and 66 priests -- including an assistant to New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan -- have gathered in Baltimore for the Conference on the Liturgical and Pastoral Practice of Exorcism. [LITURGICAL! The magic word! Anything for the Philippines, Frs. A and G?] The mystical meeting was focused on a lot more than just dodging green vomit and stopping heads from spinning. [I don't like the sound of this.]
"Learning the liturgical rite is not difficult," said Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, archbishop of Houston, who is attending the conference. "The problem is the discernment that the exorcist needs before he would ever attempt the rite." [And if ever our bishops believe in the office of Exorcist. I know some bishops who do it out of fulfilling the Holy See's requirement. I personally know of how one bishop made up stories about his "generosity" to have the Traditional Latin Mass in his diocese but that his priests are not interested. Get this...this was before Summorum Pontificum!]
The number of US clerics who know how to do an exorcism has dropped dramatically in recent years, ever since the holy procedure became a laughingstock thanks to Linda Blair's head-spinning performance as a possessed girl in the 1973 film "The Exorcist." [Wah?! What the? Who did? What? Where in the world did he get that?]
The situation has gotten so hellacious that only five or six priests are left in the country with the knowledge to properly carry out an exorcism, the Catholic News Service reported. [Why not ask the bishops? Why not even look at the 1999 ritual, eh?]
But with numerous Catholic immigrants coming to the United States from nations where exorcisms are taken seriously, the church's handful of exorcists are being overwhelmed. [So the number of possessions rise because of the rise of Catholic immigrants? Hey, I am just reading what is written! Try substituting the words 'Catholic immigrants' with "Blacks", "Jews", "Gays and Lesbians", in a drop of hat, you'll see the devil unleash hell. There are possessions, that's for sure.]
"There's this small group of priests who say they get requests from all over the continental US," Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki told the Catholic News Service. [I am sure these priests don't get as much support from bishops who do not even believe in the devil.]
And though some non-Catholics may snicker, exorcisms are an important church rite. Pope John Paul II is said to have performed one, and the Bible talks of Jesus casting out demons. [And Bible thumping non-Catholics snicker. Of course, I am talking about the other non Roman Catholics, Doc Ben.]
"We don't think that's poetic metaphor," Paprocki said. [Hah! Good one.]
It can be hard to know who really needs an exorcism. The US church gets about 400 inquiries a year for the religious rite, but only two or three are performed, according to a book by Catholic writer Neal Lozano. [I know who needs one! He walks this way...in Intramuros!]
New York's Father Dennis McManus, an assistant to Archbishop Dolan, is expected to speak at the conference, which started yesterday and ends today. The New York archdiocese did not respond to questions about what McManus will say, but according to the Catholic News Service, he likely will be discussing how to tell if someone is possessed by a demon. [Duh! Why not just attend! It's your job as reporter to be there to cover the event. Geez.]
Before any exorcism can take place, a priest must look for the telltale signs, such as a violent reaction to holy water, super strength, aversion to the name of Jesus or Mary [which we always take in vain and which Bible thumping non-Catholics take in vain. On another note, where is the Holy Name Society?] and speaking in tongues. [And what about the charismatics?]
Also, the possibly possessed person must be checked out by a psychologist to make sure they are not mentally ill before a bishop will allow an exorcism to proceed. [Or they would rant in the cathedral just to get the attention of a psychologist. So...DOCTOR PHIL!!!!]
Once an exorcism is initiated, the priest will try to drive the demon out of the possessed person by sprinkling holy water, [Sprinkle?! Douse him! Or maybe..No! DROWN HIM IN HOLY WATER!] reciting psalms and laying on hands.
I hope the priests use the Traditional Rite of Exorcism which the great Fr. Gabriel Amorth of the Diocese of Rome uses. He and other exorcists attests to the power of the traditional rite against the demons. I know the Father Jojo Zerrudo of The Sense of the Sacred blog uses the traditional rite. He is the chef exorcist of the Diocese of Cubao.
And then we hear priest's questioning the need for exorcists. Read the wonderful rant of the great Fr. Z against a priest who rants the need to have more exorcists.
Try this experiment...
Ask around your priest, brother or nun if they went to that Catholic-dissenter-factory-school who uses the Holy Name of the Blessed Mother who they even doubt Her Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity and Assumption. Good chance that there are no diocesan seminarian studying or have studied there. So limit it within the religious orders and congregations.
Then, if it is confirmed that he or she is an alumnus/a, ask if he or she believes in Satan/Lucifer as a person, and I bet you that you'll get an answer similar to this:
"The injustice in our society, the corruption, the gender inequality are the real demons that we have to fight against. And they cannot be fought with mere prayers, blessed salt and holy water. We need to build God's Kingdom here on earth, a kingdom of love, justice and peace."
Oh yeah? And who was the dude who tempted Christ in the desert?
"Oh, Christ was hallucinating and seeing things and talking to Himself. Imagine not having food and drink for 40 days!" says the alumnus.
Damn modernist.
Any theologians from Maryhill who would like to praise the NY Post article? Stupid question, I know.
The Roman Catholic Church is looking for a few good men -- to battle Satan. [isn't this one of the job descriptions of a priest of Jesus Christ?]
The church in the US has become so short of priests [I wonder why?] who know how to perform an exorcism that it began an emergency two-day meeting yesterday to teach clerics how to properly cast out demons. [Huzzah!]
A group of 56 bishops and 66 priests -- including an assistant to New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan -- have gathered in Baltimore for the Conference on the Liturgical and Pastoral Practice of Exorcism. [LITURGICAL! The magic word! Anything for the Philippines, Frs. A and G?] The mystical meeting was focused on a lot more than just dodging green vomit and stopping heads from spinning. [I don't like the sound of this.]
"Learning the liturgical rite is not difficult," said Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, archbishop of Houston, who is attending the conference. "The problem is the discernment that the exorcist needs before he would ever attempt the rite." [And if ever our bishops believe in the office of Exorcist. I know some bishops who do it out of fulfilling the Holy See's requirement. I personally know of how one bishop made up stories about his "generosity" to have the Traditional Latin Mass in his diocese but that his priests are not interested. Get this...this was before Summorum Pontificum!]
The number of US clerics who know how to do an exorcism has dropped dramatically in recent years, ever since the holy procedure became a laughingstock thanks to Linda Blair's head-spinning performance as a possessed girl in the 1973 film "The Exorcist." [Wah?! What the? Who did? What? Where in the world did he get that?]
The situation has gotten so hellacious that only five or six priests are left in the country with the knowledge to properly carry out an exorcism, the Catholic News Service reported. [Why not ask the bishops? Why not even look at the 1999 ritual, eh?]
But with numerous Catholic immigrants coming to the United States from nations where exorcisms are taken seriously, the church's handful of exorcists are being overwhelmed. [So the number of possessions rise because of the rise of Catholic immigrants? Hey, I am just reading what is written! Try substituting the words 'Catholic immigrants' with "Blacks", "Jews", "Gays and Lesbians", in a drop of hat, you'll see the devil unleash hell. There are possessions, that's for sure.]
"There's this small group of priests who say they get requests from all over the continental US," Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki told the Catholic News Service. [I am sure these priests don't get as much support from bishops who do not even believe in the devil.]
And though some non-Catholics may snicker, exorcisms are an important church rite. Pope John Paul II is said to have performed one, and the Bible talks of Jesus casting out demons. [And Bible thumping non-Catholics snicker. Of course, I am talking about the other non Roman Catholics, Doc Ben.]
"We don't think that's poetic metaphor," Paprocki said. [Hah! Good one.]
It can be hard to know who really needs an exorcism. The US church gets about 400 inquiries a year for the religious rite, but only two or three are performed, according to a book by Catholic writer Neal Lozano. [I know who needs one! He walks this way...in Intramuros!]
New York's Father Dennis McManus, an assistant to Archbishop Dolan, is expected to speak at the conference, which started yesterday and ends today. The New York archdiocese did not respond to questions about what McManus will say, but according to the Catholic News Service, he likely will be discussing how to tell if someone is possessed by a demon. [Duh! Why not just attend! It's your job as reporter to be there to cover the event. Geez.]
Before any exorcism can take place, a priest must look for the telltale signs, such as a violent reaction to holy water, super strength, aversion to the name of Jesus or Mary [which we always take in vain and which Bible thumping non-Catholics take in vain. On another note, where is the Holy Name Society?] and speaking in tongues. [And what about the charismatics?]
Also, the possibly possessed person must be checked out by a psychologist to make sure they are not mentally ill before a bishop will allow an exorcism to proceed. [Or they would rant in the cathedral just to get the attention of a psychologist. So...DOCTOR PHIL!!!!]
Once an exorcism is initiated, the priest will try to drive the demon out of the possessed person by sprinkling holy water, [Sprinkle?! Douse him! Or maybe..No! DROWN HIM IN HOLY WATER!] reciting psalms and laying on hands.
I hope the priests use the Traditional Rite of Exorcism which the great Fr. Gabriel Amorth of the Diocese of Rome uses. He and other exorcists attests to the power of the traditional rite against the demons. I know the Father Jojo Zerrudo of The Sense of the Sacred blog uses the traditional rite. He is the chef exorcist of the Diocese of Cubao.
And then we hear priest's questioning the need for exorcists. Read the wonderful rant of the great Fr. Z against a priest who rants the need to have more exorcists.
Try this experiment...
Ask around your priest, brother or nun if they went to that Catholic-dissenter-factory-school who uses the Holy Name of the Blessed Mother who they even doubt Her Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity and Assumption. Good chance that there are no diocesan seminarian studying or have studied there. So limit it within the religious orders and congregations.
"The injustice in our society, the corruption, the gender inequality are the real demons that we have to fight against. And they cannot be fought with mere prayers, blessed salt and holy water. We need to build God's Kingdom here on earth, a kingdom of love, justice and peace."
Oh yeah? And who was the dude who tempted Christ in the desert?
"Oh, Christ was hallucinating and seeing things and talking to Himself. Imagine not having food and drink for 40 days!" says the alumnus.
Damn modernist.
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