Thursday, June 30, 2011
Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma receives the Pallium from the Pope
Next stop...Manila? :)
Cardinale Subito!
GULP Exam: What are the wrong things here?
Liturgically that is. You can also point out the good things.
This is the 2011 Chrism Mass of the Cagayan de Oro Archdiocese.
Chime in your answers.
Kudos to keb_17 for the tip!
This is the 2011 Chrism Mass of the Cagayan de Oro Archdiocese.
Chime in your answers.
Kudos to keb_17 for the tip!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Unique Pinoy Feast: Apung Iro
June 28 just passed and the small town of Apalit in Pampanga celebrated one of the most unique feasts in the country, the feast of Apung Iro or grandfather, the name they call the miraculous old ivory statue of St. Peter seated on his throne vested in papal regalia, including the tiara and three bar papal staff. Actually the feast runs from June 27 to June 30, where the famous fluvial parade is held.
A close up of the statue. His left hand is holding the gold and silver keys. The stole though is placed above the cope which should have been the mantum, the cope proper to the pope, though has fallen into disuse after the Liturgical Revolution of Bugnini.
Here is the close up of the image.
The image being born in procession. I do not know if the man know this but the pope has an ombrellino. :)
You can read more about the celebrations and the story behind the famous statue by clicking here and here.
A close up of the statue. His left hand is holding the gold and silver keys. The stole though is placed above the cope which should have been the mantum, the cope proper to the pope, though has fallen into disuse after the Liturgical Revolution of Bugnini.
Here is the close up of the image.
The image being born in procession. I do not know if the man know this but the pope has an ombrellino. :)
You can read more about the celebrations and the story behind the famous statue by clicking here and here.
GULP Report: What is inside is shown by the outside
You get the drift with the title.
This is the same priest who published his Christmas wishlist.
Now he published his photos of how he and a few buddies "had Mass".
These are his photos and not mine. (Like the disclaimer I did with the "Order of That Liturgist" t-shirt post I did.
You'll see other photos here. The boating trip I mean.
Remember guys that these people are PRIESTS...Roman Catholic Priests.
I am no priest but how I see this makes me wonder.
If this is how these priests dress up for the HOLY MASS, what is keeping you and me from not dressing properly for Mass? What is keeping you and me from asking Mass to be celebrated in every nook and cranny in God's green earth?
Mass in the beach? Why not?
We have blogged about various liturgical abuses in the past and we even blogged how liturgical abuse leads to a loss of Faith. See how these priests treat the Mass. Ask them if they'll show up dressed like that in front of Obama or the Queen.
"But hey TPC, those folks you mentioned are just humans. Surely Christ would not mind. He dressed simply."
Really? Christ was an obedient Jew and he observed the Judaic liturgical laws. Remember that the Holy Mass/Holy Eucharist was given to us by Christ during the Passover Meal, AND the Passover Meal is up to now, a ritualistic feast, with rigid RUBRICS not like what your liturgical hobbyist at SVST, Euntes, and MST would want you to think.
Do you remember this passage from Matthew?
This is the same priest who published his Christmas wishlist.
Now he published his photos of how he and a few buddies "had Mass".
These are his photos and not mine. (Like the disclaimer I did with the "Order of That Liturgist" t-shirt post I did.
You'll see other photos here. The boating trip I mean.
Remember guys that these people are PRIESTS...Roman Catholic Priests.
I am no priest but how I see this makes me wonder.
If this is how these priests dress up for the HOLY MASS, what is keeping you and me from not dressing properly for Mass? What is keeping you and me from asking Mass to be celebrated in every nook and cranny in God's green earth?
Mass in the beach? Why not?
We have blogged about various liturgical abuses in the past and we even blogged how liturgical abuse leads to a loss of Faith. See how these priests treat the Mass. Ask them if they'll show up dressed like that in front of Obama or the Queen.
"But hey TPC, those folks you mentioned are just humans. Surely Christ would not mind. He dressed simply."
Really? Christ was an obedient Jew and he observed the Judaic liturgical laws. Remember that the Holy Mass/Holy Eucharist was given to us by Christ during the Passover Meal, AND the Passover Meal is up to now, a ritualistic feast, with rigid RUBRICS not like what your liturgical hobbyist at SVST, Euntes, and MST would want you to think.
Do you remember this passage from Matthew?
And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a marriage feast for his son,and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast;but they would not come. Again he sent other servants, saying, `Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have made ready my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves are killed, and everything is ready; come to the marriage feast.' But they made light of it and went off, one to his farm, another to his business, while the rest seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. Then he said to his servants, `The wedding is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.' And those servants went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good; so the wedding hall was filled with guests. "But when the king came in to look at the guests, he saw there a man who had no wedding garment; and he said to him, `Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless. Then the king said to the attendants, `Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the outer darkness; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.' For many are called, but few are chosen."
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Pope to hear confessions at WYD 2011
VATICAN CITY, JUNE 27, 2011 ( Benedict XVI will hear the confessions of several young people when he is in Madrid this August for World Youth Day. [Those who will confess have been chosen.]
The Vatican announced Saturday the official program for the Pope's activities during the Aug. 19-21 trip, including his plan to hear confessions the Saturday morning of Youth Day.
The Holy Father will arrive in Madrid at midday on Thursday, Aug. 19.
At 7:15 p.m., he will join a group of young people to go to Plaza de Cibeles where youth from all over the world will be gathered to greet him.
The next day, the Holy Father will celebrate Mass privately in the chapel of the apostolic nunciature. [TLM? :)] At 10 a.m., he will pay a courtesy visit to the Spanish king and queen. [Ah, that queen.] At 11:30 that morning, he will gather with young religious and later with university professors at the Basilica of San Lorenzo de El Escorial.
The Pontiff will lunch with youth at the apostolic nunciature. That afternoon, he will have an official meeting with Spain's prime minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. [Oh, that guy.] At 7:30 p.m., the Pope will return to Plaza de Cibeles where he will preside over the Way of the Cross.
The next morning, the Holy Father will hear confessions in the Jardines del Buen Retiro and then celebrate a 10 a.m. Mass for seminarians in the Cathedral of Santa Maria la Real de la Almudena. At 5 p.m. he will meet with the WYD organizing committees and then visit the Fundación Instituto San José.
At 8:30 p.m. he will preside over a prayer vigil with young people at the airport of Cuatro Vientos.
The World Youth Day Mass will be at 9:30 on Sunday morning. After Mass, the Pope will pray the Angelus.
He will lunch with Spanish cardinals and the papal entourage back at the apostolic nunciature.
Before leaving Spain, the Pope will meet with WYD volunteers. There will be a departure ceremony at the Barajas airport before the papal plane takes off at 7 p.m.
I guess the pilgrims will be not the only ones who will hear a lot from the pope.
The royal couple and the prime minister will surely get a tongue lashing. hehehe.
If you are following what is going on in Spain and Europe.
All about the Opus Dei Mass
I think I am getting good at the guessing game.
Some got it some didn't.
But the last post about the cancelled Mass for the Feast of St. Josemaria Escriva brought to mind my experience about this mendicant order a long time ago.
I was visiting a sick uncle in the order's university and hospital back in the days when cellular phones are only for those who are FILTHY RICH. So you guess the timeline. :)
I decided to take a walk in the university's grounds to enjoy its history . Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one friar walking with head bowed down in the middle of the darkness of the football field. What a sight folks! His robes were majestically being blown by the gentle breeze of the cool December night.
I thought I saw his face with a faint glow. Wow! A vision of a holy man. I approached the young friar and gave him a curt smile. When he saw me, he was clearly perturbed by my presence. I wonder why.
It did not take a second more for the faint light to disappear from his face and from where it came from. To my horror, the FRIAR from the MENDICANT ORDER was taken aback by my stare because he was using his CELLPHONE. He hurriedly hid it under his scapular and proceeded as if he did not see me. My smile was all lost when my jaw dropped at what I saw.
I could not even buy myself even a used cellphone with my salary from my full time university teaching job. But the friar has.
I do not know where the cellphone came from. Might be a gift. But who am I to ask.
But what I am asking for is the propriety of it all.
I thought he was praying because his head was bowed. Now I know he was texting.
Can he not do it in the friary? Maybe he is not allowed to do so. Or maybe there is another reason for it.
After what his brother did in asking for a sum from the Opus Dei before they can hold the Mass, it made me think...
Cellphone 15 years ago...
P10,000.00 for a simple Mass....
Are they still mendicant? This was how the Catholic encylopedia defined a mendicant order:
What Would Their Founder Say?
What do you think?
Remember, I am not against them having cellphones or asking for some donation. What I was looking for was the sense of propriety some or even most of the men in cloth nowadays are behaving. In Filipino, DELICADEZA. Remember how some bishops especially those in Mindanao benefited SO MUCH from the CHARITY of the governmen's gambling agency, the PCSO and how some bishops are too close for comfort with the diminutive ex-president?
Maybe the reason why some don't want to wear the cloth in public.
Some got it some didn't.
But the last post about the cancelled Mass for the Feast of St. Josemaria Escriva brought to mind my experience about this mendicant order a long time ago.
I was visiting a sick uncle in the order's university and hospital back in the days when cellular phones are only for those who are FILTHY RICH. So you guess the timeline. :)
I decided to take a walk in the university's grounds to enjoy its history . Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one friar walking with head bowed down in the middle of the darkness of the football field. What a sight folks! His robes were majestically being blown by the gentle breeze of the cool December night.
I thought I saw his face with a faint glow. Wow! A vision of a holy man. I approached the young friar and gave him a curt smile. When he saw me, he was clearly perturbed by my presence. I wonder why.
It did not take a second more for the faint light to disappear from his face and from where it came from. To my horror, the FRIAR from the MENDICANT ORDER was taken aback by my stare because he was using his CELLPHONE. He hurriedly hid it under his scapular and proceeded as if he did not see me. My smile was all lost when my jaw dropped at what I saw.
I could not even buy myself even a used cellphone with my salary from my full time university teaching job. But the friar has.
I do not know where the cellphone came from. Might be a gift. But who am I to ask.
But what I am asking for is the propriety of it all.
I thought he was praying because his head was bowed. Now I know he was texting.
Can he not do it in the friary? Maybe he is not allowed to do so. Or maybe there is another reason for it.
After what his brother did in asking for a sum from the Opus Dei before they can hold the Mass, it made me think...
Cellphone 15 years ago...
P10,000.00 for a simple Mass....
Are they still mendicant? This was how the Catholic encylopedia defined a mendicant order:
Mendicant Friars are members of those religious orders which, originally, by vow of poverty renounced all proprietorship not only individually but also (and in this differing from the monks) in common, relying for support on their own work and on the charity of the faithful. Hence the name of begging friars.Yeah, I think so. Still begging?
What Would Their Founder Say?
What do you think?
Remember, I am not against them having cellphones or asking for some donation. What I was looking for was the sense of propriety some or even most of the men in cloth nowadays are behaving. In Filipino, DELICADEZA. Remember how some bishops especially those in Mindanao benefited SO MUCH from the CHARITY of the governmen's gambling agency, the PCSO and how some bishops are too close for comfort with the diminutive ex-president?
Maybe the reason why some don't want to wear the cloth in public.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Someone is in BIG trouble
This is a true account and I got this info from a friend who is a member of the Opus Dei.
The Opus Dei is celebrating the feast of their founder, St. Josemaria Escriva today in at least one church in each diocese.
So they approached this very well known church in Quezon City dedicated to a well-known image of our Lady.
On the eleventh hour, a day before the Mass, the new parish priest is asking the group to pay P10,000.00 for the use of the massive church. And he has other conditions...
The Mass for St. Josemaria today cannot be said on a regular scheduled Mass of the day. So it may be on the dead hours of the afternoon where most of the numerary and supernumerary of Opus Dei are working.
On any other hour except the regular Mass hours?!?
Why not just say no to the group and get done with it?
Ooops. I forgot. He cannot outright say that or he'll be reported straight to Rome where the Prelature's "headquarters" are located.
Such a pity for a member of a MENDICANT ORDER to ask for money and be coyly hostile against a group who has done nothing but good things for the Church, let alone stand against the heresies of our time. Wasn't the founder of this order the HAMMER of those heretics?
Go figure out.
UPDATE: The last I heard is that the name of this NEW parish priest is being sent to Rome. Guess someone has a LOT of explaining to do.
A useless Primer, IMHO.
From RCAM.
A Catechetical Primer on the New English Translation of the Roman Missal has been published by the Episcopal Commission on Liturgy (ECL) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). The Primer, written by Fr. Anscar J. Chupungco, OSB, [uhm...] director of the Paul VI Institute of Liturgy, will be launched [done deal!] on June 24, 2011 at 5 p.m. at the San Carlos Seminary in Makati City.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines voted for the adoption of the new English translation of the Roman Missal for the Philippines during its plenary assembly in January 2010. The new English translation will be used starting December 2, 2012. [My sources at CBCP could not give me a straight answer for the loooonnnggg delay, other than this "primer"*belch*.] The Vatican’s Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship granted the recognitio requested by the ECL, which will issue a decree in July to announce the implementation of the new English translation.
Fr. Chupungco’s Catechetical Primer will be a very useful tool and resource during the period of catechesis that shall be observed prior to the implementation, to prepare the clergy and the laity for the major changes in translation. Regarded as the “Dean of Filipino liturgists,” Fr. Chupungco is considered eminently qualified to write the Primer. [Uhm. How could it be if the one writing it blatantly criticized the translation in public?]
Dr. Josefina Manabat, dean of the Graduate School of Liturgy of San Beda College says, “Proficient knowledge of both the source language (Latin) and the target language (English) combined with solid liturgical scholarship and adeptness in the scientific method of translation--this is the formula that produced the Catechetical Primer.” [Uhm, no. The translation used those what the dean said. You don't need those gibberish to produce a primer. It is almost as if the dean was saying that you cannot do liturgy if you do not have "liturgical scholarship and adeptness." So if you do nto have a degree in liturgy, maybe from San Beda, you have no business doing liturgy. Was that the same thing they accuse experts on liturgy on the Traditional Rite? That the traditional liturgy is so complex that it has to be simplified for the people? And now they have so called liturgical scholarship! Isn't this part of what the pope calls "professional churchmen"? Or something.]
The local publication of the new English translation of the Roman Missal will make it available to local parishes at a more economical price. The locally published new English translation will incorporate local celebrations such as the Misa de Aguinaldo or Simbang Gabi, the feast of the Sto. Niño, [How liturgical inculturation must be done. Not what the Misa ng Sambayanang Pilipino wants!] and the proper of saints. This will be available in June 2012.
The Catechetical Primer on the New English Translation of the Roman Missal will be sold at a discount during the launching and at the regular price of P100 after. ##
Can't wait to get my FREE copy.
Yup. I won't spend my hard earned money for this.
A Catechetical Primer on the New English Translation of the Roman Missal has been published by the Episcopal Commission on Liturgy (ECL) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). The Primer, written by Fr. Anscar J. Chupungco, OSB, [uhm...] director of the Paul VI Institute of Liturgy, will be launched [done deal!] on June 24, 2011 at 5 p.m. at the San Carlos Seminary in Makati City.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines voted for the adoption of the new English translation of the Roman Missal for the Philippines during its plenary assembly in January 2010. The new English translation will be used starting December 2, 2012. [My sources at CBCP could not give me a straight answer for the loooonnnggg delay, other than this "primer"*belch*.] The Vatican’s Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship granted the recognitio requested by the ECL, which will issue a decree in July to announce the implementation of the new English translation.
Fr. Chupungco’s Catechetical Primer will be a very useful tool and resource during the period of catechesis that shall be observed prior to the implementation, to prepare the clergy and the laity for the major changes in translation. Regarded as the “Dean of Filipino liturgists,” Fr. Chupungco is considered eminently qualified to write the Primer. [Uhm. How could it be if the one writing it blatantly criticized the translation in public?]
Dr. Josefina Manabat, dean of the Graduate School of Liturgy of San Beda College says, “Proficient knowledge of both the source language (Latin) and the target language (English) combined with solid liturgical scholarship and adeptness in the scientific method of translation--this is the formula that produced the Catechetical Primer.” [Uhm, no. The translation used those what the dean said. You don't need those gibberish to produce a primer. It is almost as if the dean was saying that you cannot do liturgy if you do not have "liturgical scholarship and adeptness." So if you do nto have a degree in liturgy, maybe from San Beda, you have no business doing liturgy. Was that the same thing they accuse experts on liturgy on the Traditional Rite? That the traditional liturgy is so complex that it has to be simplified for the people? And now they have so called liturgical scholarship! Isn't this part of what the pope calls "professional churchmen"? Or something.]
The local publication of the new English translation of the Roman Missal will make it available to local parishes at a more economical price. The locally published new English translation will incorporate local celebrations such as the Misa de Aguinaldo or Simbang Gabi, the feast of the Sto. Niño, [How liturgical inculturation must be done. Not what the Misa ng Sambayanang Pilipino wants!] and the proper of saints. This will be available in June 2012.
The Catechetical Primer on the New English Translation of the Roman Missal will be sold at a discount during the launching and at the regular price of P100 after. ##
Can't wait to get my FREE copy.
Yup. I won't spend my hard earned money for this.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Where your donations go
ON Sunday, June 26, several Catholic churches in the Philippines will hold a second collection during Masses for Mindanao relief efforts. [I am sure that after learning of this effort, other dioceses and prelatures will soon follow suit.]
At least four pastoral jurisdictions are set to hold a second collection including the Archdiocese of Jaro, Dioceses of Surigao, Marbel, and the Prelature of Basilan. [Uhm...Manila? Do I see your hand? Ah, yes. Pondo ng Pinoy!]
Archbishop Angel Lagdameo of Jaro said he will write a circular letter for a second collection to help Mindanao.
Likewise, Bishop Martin Jumoad of Basilan said he will ask his parish priests to make a second collection for the people of Cotabato.
Bishop Dinualdo Gutierrez of Marbel said holding a second collection is already their usual practice in Mindanao whenever a diocese experiences calamity. [The Diocese of Marbel is a suffragan of the Cotabato Archdiocese.]
Bishop Gutierrez added that upon learning of the massive flooding, they immediately sent money collected for their Alay Kapwa Sunday to the Archdiocese of Cotabato.
Bishop Antonieto Cabajog of Surigao said that their Alay Kapwa Sunday is always ready to help other diocese in times of calamities.
I wonder how the other denominations would help their affected members....
Well, has anyone audited the Manalos and the Quiboloys and Eli Soriano and his "guys"?
Sorry, can't help it.
And the Filipino Freedumbers want the Church taxed?
Do they have charitable activities? Do they help the needy like those in Cotabato?
Don't strain your brain muscles because the answer is an obvious NO.
They don't care. They just want to tell you they are "thinking".
Uhm...try harder.
At least four pastoral jurisdictions are set to hold a second collection including the Archdiocese of Jaro, Dioceses of Surigao, Marbel, and the Prelature of Basilan. [Uhm...Manila? Do I see your hand? Ah, yes. Pondo ng Pinoy!]
Archbishop Angel Lagdameo of Jaro said he will write a circular letter for a second collection to help Mindanao.
Likewise, Bishop Martin Jumoad of Basilan said he will ask his parish priests to make a second collection for the people of Cotabato.
Bishop Dinualdo Gutierrez of Marbel said holding a second collection is already their usual practice in Mindanao whenever a diocese experiences calamity. [The Diocese of Marbel is a suffragan of the Cotabato Archdiocese.]
Bishop Gutierrez added that upon learning of the massive flooding, they immediately sent money collected for their Alay Kapwa Sunday to the Archdiocese of Cotabato.
Bishop Antonieto Cabajog of Surigao said that their Alay Kapwa Sunday is always ready to help other diocese in times of calamities.
I wonder how the other denominations would help their affected members....
Well, has anyone audited the Manalos and the Quiboloys and Eli Soriano and his "guys"?
Sorry, can't help it.
And the Filipino Freedumbers want the Church taxed?
Do they have charitable activities? Do they help the needy like those in Cotabato?
Don't strain your brain muscles because the answer is an obvious NO.
They don't care. They just want to tell you they are "thinking".
Uhm...try harder.
The Dogma of the Real Presence
"I believe, I believe, I believe and profess to the last breath that this is the body and the blood of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, which he took from our Lady, the holy and immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God."
- Ethiopic liturgy
"We believe the Lord Jesus Christ to be present, not typically, nor figuratively, nor by superabundant grace, as in the other Mysteries, … but truly and really, so that after the consecration of the bread and of the wine, the bread is transmuted, transubstantiated, converted and transformed into the true Body Itself of the Lord, Which was born in Bethlehem of the ever-Virgin Mary, was baptised in the Jordan, suffered, was buried, rose again, was received up, sitteth at the right hand of the God and Father, and is to come again in the clouds of Heaven; and the wine is converted and transubstantiated into the true Blood Itself of the Lord, Which, as He hung upon the Cross, was poured out for the life of the world."
- Eastern Orthodox Church Synod of Jerusalem
"Hail, true body, born of Mary Virgin, and which truly suffered and was immolated on the cross for mankind!"
- Catholic Hymn "Ave verum"
"by the consecration of the bread and of the wine, a conversion is made of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord, and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of His blood; which conversion is, by the holy Catholic Church, suitably and properly called Transubstantiation"
- The Council of Trent's declaration to combat the heresy of Lutheranism
Christ cannot be thus present in this sacrament except by the change into His body of the reality itself of the bread and the change into His blood of the reality itself of the wine, leaving unchanged only the properties of the bread and wine which our senses perceive. This mysterious change is very appropriately called by the Church transubstantiation. Every theological explanation which seeks some understanding of this mystery must, in order to be in accord with Catholic faith, maintain that in the reality itself, independently of our mind, the bread and wine have ceased to exist after the Consecration, so that it is the adorable body and blood of the Lord Jesus that from then on are really before us under the sacramental species of bread and wine,36 as the Lord willed it, in order to give Himself to us as food and to associate us with the unity of His Mystical Body.37
The unique and indivisible existence of the Lord glorious in heaven is not multiplied, but is rendered present by the sacrament in the many places on earth where Mass is celebrated. And this existence remains present, after the sacrifice, in the Blessed Sacrament which is, in the tabernacle, the living heart of each of our churches. And it is our very sweet duty to honor and adore in the blessed Host which our eyes see, the Incarnate Word whom they cannot see, and who, without leaving heaven, is made present before us.
- The Credo of the People of God, Pope Paul VI
by St. Thomas Aquinas
Latin text | An English translation |
The Associated Press needs a Catholic writer.
This is not a GULP joke.
This is for real.
The caption, I mean.
Emphasis mine.
Now you wonder why Catholics are pro-contraception and pro-divorce?!
They all begin down there!
This is for real.
The caption, I mean.
Emphasis mine.
Pope Benedict XVI, behind the Corpus Christ's relic, leads the Corpus Christi procession on an open vehicle from St. John in Lateran Basilica to St. Mary Major Basilica, in Rome, Thursday, June 23, 2006. The event is dedicated to the mystery of the Eucharist and concludes the cycle of feasts following Easter. Pope Benedict celebrated the evening Mass at St. John in Lateran Basilica then traveled a short distance in a procession to St. Mary Major Basilica.
or maybe a time keeper? :)
UPDATE!!! AP Corrects itself!
CAPTION CORRECTION, CORRECTS YEAR IN CAPTION - Pope Benedict XVI, behind the Corpus Christ's relic, leads the Corpus Christi procession on an open vehicle from St. John in Lateran Basilica to St. Mary Major Basilica, in Rome, Thursday, June 23, 2011. The event is dedicated to the mystery of the Eucharist and concludes the cycle of feasts following Easter. Pope Benedict celebrated the evening Mass at St. John in Lateran Basilica then traveled a short distance in a procession to St. Mary Major Basilica.
But the report still says that the Eucharist is Christ's relic.
While liberals and dissenters might say "Yes, it is a relic of Christ because the true Christ lives in our hearts. He is resurrected in our hearts." Catholics who know their Catechism KNOW FOR A FACT that the Eucharist IS CHRIST HIMSELF... BODY, BLOOD, SOUL AND DIVINITY.
And not just a relic, a symbol, a representation...
That His Presence in the Eucharist begins at the words of consecration "Hoc est enim corpus meum..." and persists even after the celebration of the Mass, and as long as the appearance of bread remain.
And not like what we hear in theology schools nowadays that ;"We are Eucharist. The presence of Christ remains in the Eucharist as long as we remain as a community."
Now you wonder why Catholics are pro-contraception and pro-divorce?!
They all begin down there!
Corpus Christi procession in Moscow!
Rome, Italy, Jun 23, 2011 / 01:50 pm (CNA).- The mayor of St. Petersburg, Russia has granted permission for the first Corpus Christi procession to take place in the city since 1918. [The Catholic Church in Russia just "came back". If you know what that means.]
The announcement was confirmed by the Archdiocese of the Mother of God in Moscow, reported Vatican Radio. The procession will take place on Sunday, June 26, through the Prospettiva Nevsky Avenue, the city’s main street.
The avenue has traditionally been called the “way of confessional tolerance,” as it is lined with Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran and Armenian churches. According to archdiocesan officials, the last time a Corpus Christ procession took place on the avenue was in 1918. [Take note of the date folks.]
Now, 93 years later, Catholics will return to the Prospettiva Nevsky Avenue led by Archbishop Paolo Pezzi of Moscow.
Remember that Our Lady in Fatima asked for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
And having the Corpus Christi procession in Moscow is one of those steps to bring Russia back HOME.
Deo gratias!
The announcement was confirmed by the Archdiocese of the Mother of God in Moscow, reported Vatican Radio. The procession will take place on Sunday, June 26, through the Prospettiva Nevsky Avenue, the city’s main street.
The avenue has traditionally been called the “way of confessional tolerance,” as it is lined with Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran and Armenian churches. According to archdiocesan officials, the last time a Corpus Christ procession took place on the avenue was in 1918. [Take note of the date folks.]
Now, 93 years later, Catholics will return to the Prospettiva Nevsky Avenue led by Archbishop Paolo Pezzi of Moscow.
Remember that Our Lady in Fatima asked for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
And having the Corpus Christi procession in Moscow is one of those steps to bring Russia back HOME.
Deo gratias!
Photos from Installation
You can see some of the wonderful photos of the installation Mass of the new bishop of Pasig by clicking the link below.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
New bishop of Pasig to be installed today
I hope we can get some photos!
New translation of the Missal to be used in PHL by Dec. 2012
MANILA, June 23, 2011―Changes in the English translation of the Order of the Mass are soon to hit parishes across the country when the full implementation of the new liturgical text is adapted next year.
The adoption of the new English translation of the Roman Missal has been approved by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) during its plenary assembly in January this year. [The same translation that Fr. Anscar Chupungco criticized in public along with the liturgical reform of the Pope. Yup, he always criticizes the Pope.]
Some parts of familiar responses and prayers have been amended to reflect the true meaning in the original Latin text, the language of the Roman liturgy.
In the Introductory Rites, for instance, the response of the faithful “And also with you” to the priest’s greeting “The Lord be with you” has been replaced with “And with your spirit.” [How this would be translated to Tagalog is another story. Remember folks that what we have in Tagalog right now is a translation of the mis-translation because obviously, no one from the Church in the Philippines would want to work on the original Latin and instead sloppily used the lame-duck ICEL version to come up with the similarly lame-duck Tagalog translation.]
Similar changes have also been introduced in other parts of the Mass, such as the Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist and the Concluding Rites.
Also in the Eucharistic prayer, the text “…cup of my blood” has been changed to “…chalice of my blood.” Likewise, the text “it will be shed for you and for all men” has been changed to “which will be poured out for you and for many.” [How this will be explained to the faithful is something we ought to guard. Remember how the liberals and dissidents hate the translation because it runs counter to their dissident "spirit of Vatican 2" agenda?]
English-speaking countries including the Philippines are currently using the [lame-duck] 1973 English translation of the Roman Missal prepared by the International Commission on English Liturgy (ICEL) which followed a sense translation.
To prepare the faithful for the liturgical changes, the CBCP has asked Fr. Anscar Chupungco, OSB, [oh brother! are we short on liturgical experts?!?! We have Fr. Jojo Zerrudo and Fr. Tim Ofrasio who can do a better and more faithful job than this grumpy old one! Remember, he hates the liturgical reform of the Pope!] former executive secretary of the Episcopal Commission on Liturgy, to make a catechetical primer on the liturgical development.
Chupungco was a professor and president of St. Anselm Pontifical Institute of Liturgy in Rome and currently the director of the Paul VI Institute of the Liturgy in Bukidnon. [he got the boot that is why he is not in Rome anymore. Well placed sources tell me that a certain cardinal named Joseph Ratzinger was intrumental in him getting booted out. Following the path of his master, Annibale Bugnini?]
Addressed to both clergy and laity, the primer explains the major changes in translation and gives an analysis and catechesis on the translated text. [Be sure to count the number of time the word 'inculturation' would appear.]
“The text to be discussed is shown in Latin and in the 1973 and 2010 English translations. This facilitates quick comparison between the Latin text and its translations,” Chupungco explained in the primer’s preface. [Good thing he did that! That I'll give him credit.]
He said the catechesis offered in the primer is in the form of reflection on the text or a part of the Holy Mass. [Why not based on the reflection of the Holy Father and the doctrines of the Church about the Holy Mass, eh?]
“Comprehension of the meaning of liturgical prayers and other formulas is necessary for active participation as desired by the Second Vatican Council,” Chupungco explained. [Good grief! There goes the magic word! Be on the lookout for textual timebombs here folks! Notice how he used the premise of comprehension as a pretext to active participation. This is usually the issue raised by the TLM hating mob led by Fr. Chupungco against the Traditional Mass. They said that most of those who attend the TLM know jack squat about Latin. Did he ever raise that issue about the incorrect translation of the 1973 Missal? Oh no he did not because it is in the vernacular. is wrongly translated and almost waters down the true meaning of the original Latin prayers.]
‘Tools for translators’
Although the primer has been prepared mainly to aid pastors in catechizing the faithful regarding the changes, Chupungco said the material also serves “to provide some tools for translators in other languages”. [Like what?]
He explained that translations of the liturgy in other languages should be made from the original Latin text. Translating from English is not advisable, he said, “because English has linguistic and cultural properties that are proper to it and may not be present in other languages.” [This bugs me. He publicly criticized this translation along with his confrere Fr. Anthony Ruff of that liturgical dissenting blog, *belch*, but now he advises to go back to the original Latin when doing the translation in other languages like Tagalog.]
The Holy See has twice issued Instructions on how translations of the Roman Missal to other languages should be done, first in 1969 and second in 2001. The first Instruction preferred the sense translation while the second insisted on literal translation. [The Holy See issued in 2001 the Instruction Liturgiam authenticam, which included the requirement that, in translations of the liturgical texts from the official Latin originals, "the original text, insofar as possible, must be translated integrally and in the most exact manner, without omissions or additions in terms of their content, and without paraphrases or glosses. Any adaptation to the characteristics or the nature of the various vernacular languages is to be sober and discreet]
Because of almost 40 years of familiarity with the 1973 English translation, there is a need to explain well to the people the rationale behind the changes, Chupungco said. [Was this done when they immediately changed the TLM to the Novus Ordo? Guess he knows the disaster it made so they go on with the explaining, eh?]
“It should be pointed out that the previous and the new translations do not differ in doctrinal content, [] although each expresses it in distinctive styles proper to the methods of translation known as dynamic equivalence and formal correspondence,” he said. [Two concepts that lead to ambiguity that then lead to loss of Faith. I have blogged about this in the past.]
For his part, Fr. Genaro Diwa, [Chupungco's padawan] executive secretary of the Episcopal Commission on Liturgy said any changes always usher in some difficulties, [guess he experienced it in the 70s eh?] hence the need for liturgical catechesis for everybody, including the bishops and priests. [guess they did not do that in the 70s so they want to do it now, eh?]
The new translation will be introduced throughout the Philippines on the first Sunday of Advent in December 2, 2012. The season of Advent is the beginning of a new liturgical season in the Church calendar.(CBCPNews)
What the@$%@#%@&#^!!!!!!
Why not Advent 2011!!!!
Why wait for a year?!?!?!?!
The delay is something fishy.
Or the Master and the padawan want more time to "instruct".
Just remember to count the number of times inculturation appears, ok?
The adoption of the new English translation of the Roman Missal has been approved by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) during its plenary assembly in January this year. [The same translation that Fr. Anscar Chupungco criticized in public along with the liturgical reform of the Pope. Yup, he always criticizes the Pope.]
Some parts of familiar responses and prayers have been amended to reflect the true meaning in the original Latin text, the language of the Roman liturgy.
In the Introductory Rites, for instance, the response of the faithful “And also with you” to the priest’s greeting “The Lord be with you” has been replaced with “And with your spirit.” [How this would be translated to Tagalog is another story. Remember folks that what we have in Tagalog right now is a translation of the mis-translation because obviously, no one from the Church in the Philippines would want to work on the original Latin and instead sloppily used the lame-duck ICEL version to come up with the similarly lame-duck Tagalog translation.]
Similar changes have also been introduced in other parts of the Mass, such as the Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist and the Concluding Rites.
Also in the Eucharistic prayer, the text “…cup of my blood” has been changed to “…chalice of my blood.” Likewise, the text “it will be shed for you and for all men” has been changed to “which will be poured out for you and for many.” [How this will be explained to the faithful is something we ought to guard. Remember how the liberals and dissidents hate the translation because it runs counter to their dissident "spirit of Vatican 2" agenda?]
English-speaking countries including the Philippines are currently using the [lame-duck] 1973 English translation of the Roman Missal prepared by the International Commission on English Liturgy (ICEL) which followed a sense translation.
To prepare the faithful for the liturgical changes, the CBCP has asked Fr. Anscar Chupungco, OSB, [oh brother! are we short on liturgical experts?!?! We have Fr. Jojo Zerrudo and Fr. Tim Ofrasio who can do a better and more faithful job than this grumpy old one! Remember, he hates the liturgical reform of the Pope!] former executive secretary of the Episcopal Commission on Liturgy, to make a catechetical primer on the liturgical development.
Chupungco was a professor and president of St. Anselm Pontifical Institute of Liturgy in Rome and currently the director of the Paul VI Institute of the Liturgy in Bukidnon. [he got the boot that is why he is not in Rome anymore. Well placed sources tell me that a certain cardinal named Joseph Ratzinger was intrumental in him getting booted out. Following the path of his master, Annibale Bugnini?]
Addressed to both clergy and laity, the primer explains the major changes in translation and gives an analysis and catechesis on the translated text. [Be sure to count the number of time the word 'inculturation' would appear.]
“The text to be discussed is shown in Latin and in the 1973 and 2010 English translations. This facilitates quick comparison between the Latin text and its translations,” Chupungco explained in the primer’s preface. [Good thing he did that! That I'll give him credit.]
He said the catechesis offered in the primer is in the form of reflection on the text or a part of the Holy Mass. [Why not based on the reflection of the Holy Father and the doctrines of the Church about the Holy Mass, eh?]
“Comprehension of the meaning of liturgical prayers and other formulas is necessary for active participation as desired by the Second Vatican Council,” Chupungco explained. [Good grief! There goes the magic word! Be on the lookout for textual timebombs here folks! Notice how he used the premise of comprehension as a pretext to active participation. This is usually the issue raised by the TLM hating mob led by Fr. Chupungco against the Traditional Mass. They said that most of those who attend the TLM know jack squat about Latin. Did he ever raise that issue about the incorrect translation of the 1973 Missal? Oh no he did not because it is in the vernacular. is wrongly translated and almost waters down the true meaning of the original Latin prayers.]
‘Tools for translators’
Although the primer has been prepared mainly to aid pastors in catechizing the faithful regarding the changes, Chupungco said the material also serves “to provide some tools for translators in other languages”. [Like what?]
He explained that translations of the liturgy in other languages should be made from the original Latin text. Translating from English is not advisable, he said, “because English has linguistic and cultural properties that are proper to it and may not be present in other languages.” [This bugs me. He publicly criticized this translation along with his confrere Fr. Anthony Ruff of that liturgical dissenting blog, *belch*, but now he advises to go back to the original Latin when doing the translation in other languages like Tagalog.]
The Holy See has twice issued Instructions on how translations of the Roman Missal to other languages should be done, first in 1969 and second in 2001. The first Instruction preferred the sense translation while the second insisted on literal translation. [The Holy See issued in 2001 the Instruction Liturgiam authenticam, which included the requirement that, in translations of the liturgical texts from the official Latin originals, "the original text, insofar as possible, must be translated integrally and in the most exact manner, without omissions or additions in terms of their content, and without paraphrases or glosses. Any adaptation to the characteristics or the nature of the various vernacular languages is to be sober and discreet]
Because of almost 40 years of familiarity with the 1973 English translation, there is a need to explain well to the people the rationale behind the changes, Chupungco said. [Was this done when they immediately changed the TLM to the Novus Ordo? Guess he knows the disaster it made so they go on with the explaining, eh?]
“It should be pointed out that the previous and the new translations do not differ in doctrinal content, [] although each expresses it in distinctive styles proper to the methods of translation known as dynamic equivalence and formal correspondence,” he said. [Two concepts that lead to ambiguity that then lead to loss of Faith. I have blogged about this in the past.]
For his part, Fr. Genaro Diwa, [Chupungco's padawan] executive secretary of the Episcopal Commission on Liturgy said any changes always usher in some difficulties, [guess he experienced it in the 70s eh?] hence the need for liturgical catechesis for everybody, including the bishops and priests. [guess they did not do that in the 70s so they want to do it now, eh?]
The new translation will be introduced throughout the Philippines on the first Sunday of Advent in December 2, 2012. The season of Advent is the beginning of a new liturgical season in the Church calendar.(CBCPNews)
What the@$%@#%@&#^!!!!!!
Why not Advent 2011!!!!
Why wait for a year?!?!?!?!
The delay is something fishy.
Or the Master and the padawan want more time to "instruct".
Just remember to count the number of times inculturation appears, ok?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The anti-Catholic Catholics
From George Weigel
Anti-Catholicism is arguably the oldest bias in the history of the American people. [And the oldest here in the country if you count the Freemasons, and the youngest if you count the Freedumbers aka Freethinkers.] Or so Arthur M. Schlesinger Sr. — who had no dog in the fight — once told the dean of U.S. Catholic historians, Fr. John Tracy Ellis. Over the centuries, however, anti-Catholicism in America has taken on several forms.
In its classic New England iteration, anti-Catholicism was shaped by Protestant and, later, Enlightenment-rationalist assumptions. Both were neatly summarized in a letter from John Adams to his wife, Abigail, written during the First Continental Congress after Mr. Adams had undertaken an anthropological expedition through the streets of Philadelphia:
Adams, it should be noted, contributed handsomely to the building of a Catholic church in Boston in the years after the Revolution; the passionate support for the cause of American independence displayed by such Federalist leaders as Charles Carroll of Carrolton had, evidently, caused the Sage of Quincy to reconsider. But in that 1774 letter to Abigail, he neatly summed up an indictment against Catholicism that would show remarkable staying power in the United States over the centuries: Catholicism is superstition; [like what inculturated liturgists want to call the TLM.] Catholics are ill-educated, [like what that old Jesuit constitutionalist who is shy to admit that he is pro-RH. and some of his Jesuit confreres, but not all.] priest-ridden boobies; the Church is a vast, money-making machine that sucks the lifeblood of the poor and ignorant; [like what Angsioco, that pro-abortion witch wrote.] no educated person could possibly take the doctrines of the Church seriously. [like what the Freedumbers say.]
You can read the rest of the article here.
Anti-Catholicism is arguably the oldest bias in the history of the American people. [And the oldest here in the country if you count the Freemasons, and the youngest if you count the Freedumbers aka Freethinkers.] Or so Arthur M. Schlesinger Sr. — who had no dog in the fight — once told the dean of U.S. Catholic historians, Fr. John Tracy Ellis. Over the centuries, however, anti-Catholicism in America has taken on several forms.
In its classic New England iteration, anti-Catholicism was shaped by Protestant and, later, Enlightenment-rationalist assumptions. Both were neatly summarized in a letter from John Adams to his wife, Abigail, written during the First Continental Congress after Mr. Adams had undertaken an anthropological expedition through the streets of Philadelphia:
This afternoon, led by curiosity and good company, I strolled away to mother church, or rather grandmother church. I mean the Romish chapel. . . . [The] entertainment was to me most awful and affecting: the poor wretches fingering their beads, chanting Latin, not a word of which they understood; their pater nosters and ave Marias; their holy water; their crossing themselves perpetually; their bowing to the name of Jesus, whenever they hear it; their bowings, kneelings, and genuflections before the altar. The dress of the priest was rich white lace. His pulpit was velvet and gold. The altar piece was very rich, little images and crucifixes about; wax candles lighted up. . . .[John Adams hates holy things. Didn't I blog about this? An exorcist said that evil spirits hate holy things. Hmmm...]
Here is everything which can lay hold of the eye, ear, and imagination — everything which can charm and bewitch the simple and ignorant. I wonder how Luther ever broke the spell. [ASK BUGNINI and that Benedictine monk who praises Luther in public!]
Adams, it should be noted, contributed handsomely to the building of a Catholic church in Boston in the years after the Revolution; the passionate support for the cause of American independence displayed by such Federalist leaders as Charles Carroll of Carrolton had, evidently, caused the Sage of Quincy to reconsider. But in that 1774 letter to Abigail, he neatly summed up an indictment against Catholicism that would show remarkable staying power in the United States over the centuries: Catholicism is superstition; [like what inculturated liturgists want to call the TLM.] Catholics are ill-educated, [like what that old Jesuit constitutionalist who is shy to admit that he is pro-RH. and some of his Jesuit confreres, but not all.] priest-ridden boobies; the Church is a vast, money-making machine that sucks the lifeblood of the poor and ignorant; [like what Angsioco, that pro-abortion witch wrote.] no educated person could possibly take the doctrines of the Church seriously. [like what the Freedumbers say.]
You can read the rest of the article here.
One for the books!
In the good sense that is.
Traditional Latin Mass promoter and Cubao Diocese exorcist Fr. Jojo Zerrudo of the Parish of the Lord of the Divine Mercy, posted one of the most beautiful Pentecost reflections I have heard in a long while.
While it may be a few Sundays back, it is still a good meditation material.
Head on over to Fr. Jojo's blog to read more about it.
Traditional Latin Mass promoter and Cubao Diocese exorcist Fr. Jojo Zerrudo of the Parish of the Lord of the Divine Mercy, posted one of the most beautiful Pentecost reflections I have heard in a long while.
While it may be a few Sundays back, it is still a good meditation material.
Head on over to Fr. Jojo's blog to read more about it.
Cong. Mitos Magsaysay on the RH Bill
Just shared to me a few minutes ago.
Hot off the press! :)
Pass and share like how it was given to me.
The congressman just gained a fan in me.
Hot off the press! :)
Pass and share like how it was given to me.
The congressman just gained a fan in me.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Australians praise the New and Corrected Mass translation
From the Australian
A CATHOLIC priest of almost six decades and another on his first service both praised the new English translation of the liturgy celebrated at Sunday mass for the first time yesterday. [So it is both for old and young ones.]
Tim Norris, 82, and Greg Morgan, 24, agreed the translation was richer and more devotional, and had been well received. [Except for the nutty ones who brandish their academic degrees. Yeah, the Benedictie. No, its Fr. Ruff. You ha!]
Father Norris, ordained in Rome in 1955, and who said mass in Latin for his first 10 years as a priest, found the new version much easier.
"It's wonderful to be going forward with an excellent translation we didn't have before," said the parish priest of St Kevin's Geebung, on Brisbane's northside. [Because those who did the first one had an agenda and that is to humanize the liturgy which must be divine!]
"So many priests and people felt let down in the late 1960s -- [and some are still stuck in it.] not by the loss of the Latin or the fact that the priest had to face the people, but because so much richness was lost. [because they turned the priest towards the people, because we lost Gregorian chant... I have the whole day to do this folks!]
"The new text will have a transformative effect, invoking a strong sense of the sacred. It will make people think about Christ's sacrifice as it is relived in every mass.
"The language is so different from everyday speech, and will turn people's minds and hearts to the mysteries of the faith." [Liturgy sets apart the mundane from the sacred.]
Father Morgan, one of five priests ordained in Sydney on May 20, said young priests and mass-goers he met were "nothing but positive" about the translation. [Except the nutty ones who brandish their liturgical academic degrees and their books. Yeah, the Benedictine. You ha!]
"The difference between the two translations is incredible, with the new one being so rich and beautiful," said Father Morgan, who elected to use the new translation for his first mass at St Christopher's Holsworthy in southwestern Sydney. [I wish he said something about the old one.]
"The mass is an act of worship and the language should reflect that. It is a very exciting time to be a priest." [Except the nutty ones who brandish their liturgical academic degrees and their books. Yeah, the Benedictine.... Can't help it. Hehe.]
The translation, the biggest overhaul in church liturgy since the old Latin rite was replaced after the Second Vatican Council more than 40 years ago, was instigated by Pope John Paul II. The text was written by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy, and overseen by the Vox Clara committee, chaired by Australia's Cardinal George Pell and including representatives from the US, Canada, Britain, Ireland, India, Africa and the Caribbean. [The Benedictine who brandish his liturgical academic degrees and books and mentions the names of his masters named Bugnini and Piero Marini was not invited!!!! Que Horror! No wonder the translation is "faulty". It is not properly inculturated!!!! You ha!]
Cardinal Pell, the Archbishop of Sydney, said the first masses in the new translation had gone smoothly at Sydney's St Mary's Cathedral, and he had good feedback from parishes. "People are quietly appreciative," he said. [Because if you are not "quietly appreciative", you get booted out, right? Like what they did in Manila Cathedral? NO!!! Not that fat gay guy who needs a stunt to sell her tour guide service. I mean the Latin Mass that was given the boot because it is not inculturated! Ok, get it?]
Many parishes began to use the new text yesterday on Pentecost Sunday, but they have until the first Sunday of Advent in November to make the full transition.
Not everyone is happy. [Oh, tell me about it. I can name that grumpy old man in one letter! Can I buy a vowel? Can I have an "A" please? DING!]In the National Council of Priests' magazine The Swag, [Fascinating name for a magazine.] Melbourne priest Eric Hodgens condemned what he called "the non-consultative and politically motivated superimposition of a new, defective translation of the liturgy".
On that last part...
Did the old ICEL translation used consultation?
Was it not politically motivated in so much as to change the words of scripture to make it more "gender sensitive"?
And yeah, it was NOT defective, that is why we DO NOT need to fix it.
Why not use it here in the Philippines and let us see how the people react?
No, don't ask that Benedictine who brandish his liturgical academic degrees and books and mentions...
Ok, you get the point.
The old, Fr. Tim Norris, 82
and the young, Fr. Greg Morgan, 24
A CATHOLIC priest of almost six decades and another on his first service both praised the new English translation of the liturgy celebrated at Sunday mass for the first time yesterday. [So it is both for old and young ones.]
Tim Norris, 82, and Greg Morgan, 24, agreed the translation was richer and more devotional, and had been well received. [Except for the nutty ones who brandish their academic degrees. Yeah, the Benedictie. No, its Fr. Ruff. You ha!]
Father Norris, ordained in Rome in 1955, and who said mass in Latin for his first 10 years as a priest, found the new version much easier.
"It's wonderful to be going forward with an excellent translation we didn't have before," said the parish priest of St Kevin's Geebung, on Brisbane's northside. [Because those who did the first one had an agenda and that is to humanize the liturgy which must be divine!]
"So many priests and people felt let down in the late 1960s -- [and some are still stuck in it.] not by the loss of the Latin or the fact that the priest had to face the people, but because so much richness was lost. [because they turned the priest towards the people, because we lost Gregorian chant... I have the whole day to do this folks!]
"The new text will have a transformative effect, invoking a strong sense of the sacred. It will make people think about Christ's sacrifice as it is relived in every mass.
"The language is so different from everyday speech, and will turn people's minds and hearts to the mysteries of the faith." [Liturgy sets apart the mundane from the sacred.]
Father Morgan, one of five priests ordained in Sydney on May 20, said young priests and mass-goers he met were "nothing but positive" about the translation. [Except the nutty ones who brandish their liturgical academic degrees and their books. Yeah, the Benedictine. You ha!]
"The difference between the two translations is incredible, with the new one being so rich and beautiful," said Father Morgan, who elected to use the new translation for his first mass at St Christopher's Holsworthy in southwestern Sydney. [I wish he said something about the old one.]
"The mass is an act of worship and the language should reflect that. It is a very exciting time to be a priest." [Except the nutty ones who brandish their liturgical academic degrees and their books. Yeah, the Benedictine.... Can't help it. Hehe.]
The translation, the biggest overhaul in church liturgy since the old Latin rite was replaced after the Second Vatican Council more than 40 years ago, was instigated by Pope John Paul II. The text was written by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy, and overseen by the Vox Clara committee, chaired by Australia's Cardinal George Pell and including representatives from the US, Canada, Britain, Ireland, India, Africa and the Caribbean. [The Benedictine who brandish his liturgical academic degrees and books and mentions the names of his masters named Bugnini and Piero Marini was not invited!!!! Que Horror! No wonder the translation is "faulty". It is not properly inculturated!!!! You ha!]
Cardinal Pell, the Archbishop of Sydney, said the first masses in the new translation had gone smoothly at Sydney's St Mary's Cathedral, and he had good feedback from parishes. "People are quietly appreciative," he said. [Because if you are not "quietly appreciative", you get booted out, right? Like what they did in Manila Cathedral? NO!!! Not that fat gay guy who needs a stunt to sell her tour guide service. I mean the Latin Mass that was given the boot because it is not inculturated! Ok, get it?]
Many parishes began to use the new text yesterday on Pentecost Sunday, but they have until the first Sunday of Advent in November to make the full transition.
Not everyone is happy. [Oh, tell me about it. I can name that grumpy old man in one letter! Can I buy a vowel? Can I have an "A" please? DING!]In the National Council of Priests' magazine The Swag, [Fascinating name for a magazine.] Melbourne priest Eric Hodgens condemned what he called "the non-consultative and politically motivated superimposition of a new, defective translation of the liturgy".
On that last part...
Did the old ICEL translation used consultation?
Was it not politically motivated in so much as to change the words of scripture to make it more "gender sensitive"?
And yeah, it was NOT defective, that is why we DO NOT need to fix it.
Why not use it here in the Philippines and let us see how the people react?
No, don't ask that Benedictine who brandish his liturgical academic degrees and books and mentions...
Ok, you get the point.
Friday, June 17, 2011
EF Mass by Knights of Columbus?
To those who say that Humane Vitae can be put aside
A friendly reminder to Fr. Joaquin Bernas and all those who say that we can still be Catholic and not obey what the Church teaches about contraception, and question the authority of the Pope's teachings and writings on issues of morality...
Yeah, it includes Lea Salonga, Jim Paredes, Edcel Lagman, Janet Garin, the other has-been actors and artists who want attention just to sell tickets. Never mind Humpty Dumpty. Just a waste of oxygen...
Yeah, it includes Lea Salonga, Jim Paredes, Edcel Lagman, Janet Garin, the other has-been actors and artists who want attention just to sell tickets. Never mind Humpty Dumpty. Just a waste of oxygen...
So, then, if anyone says that the Roman Pontiff has merely an office of supervision and guidance, and not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the whole Church, and this not only in matters of faith and morals, but also in those which concern the discipline and government of the Church dispersed throughout the whole world; or that he has only the principal part, but not the absolute fullness, of this supreme power; or that this power of his is not ordinary and immediate both over all and each of the Churches and over all and each of the pastors and faithful: let him be anathema
The First Vatican Council in session
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Pinoy Bishop tells it like it is
Courtesy of CBCP for Life
One of the main reasons, if not the main reason, why the Catholic Church is against the House Bill 4244 (Reproductive Health Bill or Responsible Parenthood Bill) is that the bill directs the government to promote contraception and to give free contraceptives to people. According to Father Bernas, SJ (Sounding Board, Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 23, 2011), this opposition of the Church is against religious freedom. He says that, because of religious freedom, “the state should not prevent people from practicing responsible parenthood according to their beliefs nor may churchmen compel President Aquino, by whatever means, to prevent people from acting according to their religious belief.”
First of all, by opposing the RH Bill, the Catholic Church is not moving for the ban of contraceptives (the non-abortifacient ones), although she would be happy if these contraceptives were banned. At present, in the Philippines, anyone can buy contraceptives from drugstores and even from some “convenience stores”. What the Church is against, I repeat, is that government should promote contraception and provide free contraceptives to people. Therefore it is wrong to say that the Church wants the government to “prevent people from practicing responsible parenthood according to their religious belief” and that the Catholic churchmen are compelling “President Aquino, by whatever means, to prevent people from acting according to their religious beliefs.” What the church does is to try to convince President Aquino and our senators and congressmen not to enact a law that directs the government to promote contraception and provide free contraceptives to people.
It is also good to point out that the church teaching regarding contraceptives is not based on Faith or revelation, although it is confirmed by our Faith. This church teaching is based on natural law, which we know through natural reason. By studying through correct reasoning the nature of the human person, we arrive at this teaching regarding contraception. All human beings, Catholic or not, are obliged to act according to right reason. By the efforts of the Church to go against the RH Bill, the Church is not imposing her religious beliefs on others. She is trying to stop a bill which is against natural law, a law which all human beings, Catholic or not, should follow. The RH Bill, judged from the principles of natural law, is against the good of the human person and the common good. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in its “Doctrinal Note regarding the Participation of Catholics in Political Life” tells us that all citizens, including Catholics, have the right “to base their contribution to society and political life – through the legitimate means available to everyone in a democracy – on their particular understanding of the human person and the common good.” In a democracy, any group of citizens has the right to campaign and lobby so that what they consider to be good for the country are enacted into law and what they deem to be harmful for the country are not enacted into law.
Father Bernas says further in his column that we live in a pluralist society. This is true and, therefore, we should respect the beliefs and opinions of others. But there is a limit to this pluralism. We cannot accept an “ethical pluralism “which ignores the principles of natural ethics and yield to ephemeral cultural and moral trends, as if every outlook on life were of equal value.” (Doctrinal Note on the Participation of Catholics in Political Life)
Father Bernas also quotes the “Compendum on the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church: “Because of its historical and cultural ties to a nation, a religious community might be given special recognition on the part of the State. Such recognition must in no way create discrimination within the civil or social order for other religious groups” and “Those responsible for government are required to interpret the common good of their country not only according to the guidelines of the majority but also according to the effective good of all the members of the community, including the minority.” The Church, by opposing the HB 4244, is “interpreting the common good of the country not only according to the guidelines of the majority but also according to the effective good of all the members of the community, including the minority.” In opposing the bill the Church is interpreting the common good according to the guidelines of natural law, which is valid for all, the minority as well as the majority. Benedict XVI says that natural law must be the foundation of democracy, so that those in power are not given the chance to determine what is good or evil [ Vatican City, Oct. 5, 2007].
Regarding freedom, Benedict XVI said in his Address to the International Congress on Natural Law: “…yet taking into account that human freedom is always a freedom shared with others, it is clear that the harmony of freedom can be found only in what is common to all: the truth of the human being, the fundamental message of being itself, exactly the “lex naturalis.”
Bishop of Antipolo
Fr. bernas getting served, big time!
One of the main reasons, if not the main reason, why the Catholic Church is against the House Bill 4244 (Reproductive Health Bill or Responsible Parenthood Bill) is that the bill directs the government to promote contraception and to give free contraceptives to people. According to Father Bernas, SJ (Sounding Board, Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 23, 2011), this opposition of the Church is against religious freedom. He says that, because of religious freedom, “the state should not prevent people from practicing responsible parenthood according to their beliefs nor may churchmen compel President Aquino, by whatever means, to prevent people from acting according to their religious belief.”
First of all, by opposing the RH Bill, the Catholic Church is not moving for the ban of contraceptives (the non-abortifacient ones), although she would be happy if these contraceptives were banned. At present, in the Philippines, anyone can buy contraceptives from drugstores and even from some “convenience stores”. What the Church is against, I repeat, is that government should promote contraception and provide free contraceptives to people. Therefore it is wrong to say that the Church wants the government to “prevent people from practicing responsible parenthood according to their religious belief” and that the Catholic churchmen are compelling “President Aquino, by whatever means, to prevent people from acting according to their religious beliefs.” What the church does is to try to convince President Aquino and our senators and congressmen not to enact a law that directs the government to promote contraception and provide free contraceptives to people.
It is also good to point out that the church teaching regarding contraceptives is not based on Faith or revelation, although it is confirmed by our Faith. This church teaching is based on natural law, which we know through natural reason. By studying through correct reasoning the nature of the human person, we arrive at this teaching regarding contraception. All human beings, Catholic or not, are obliged to act according to right reason. By the efforts of the Church to go against the RH Bill, the Church is not imposing her religious beliefs on others. She is trying to stop a bill which is against natural law, a law which all human beings, Catholic or not, should follow. The RH Bill, judged from the principles of natural law, is against the good of the human person and the common good. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in its “Doctrinal Note regarding the Participation of Catholics in Political Life” tells us that all citizens, including Catholics, have the right “to base their contribution to society and political life – through the legitimate means available to everyone in a democracy – on their particular understanding of the human person and the common good.” In a democracy, any group of citizens has the right to campaign and lobby so that what they consider to be good for the country are enacted into law and what they deem to be harmful for the country are not enacted into law.
Father Bernas says further in his column that we live in a pluralist society. This is true and, therefore, we should respect the beliefs and opinions of others. But there is a limit to this pluralism. We cannot accept an “ethical pluralism “which ignores the principles of natural ethics and yield to ephemeral cultural and moral trends, as if every outlook on life were of equal value.” (Doctrinal Note on the Participation of Catholics in Political Life)
Father Bernas also quotes the “Compendum on the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church: “Because of its historical and cultural ties to a nation, a religious community might be given special recognition on the part of the State. Such recognition must in no way create discrimination within the civil or social order for other religious groups” and “Those responsible for government are required to interpret the common good of their country not only according to the guidelines of the majority but also according to the effective good of all the members of the community, including the minority.” The Church, by opposing the HB 4244, is “interpreting the common good of the country not only according to the guidelines of the majority but also according to the effective good of all the members of the community, including the minority.” In opposing the bill the Church is interpreting the common good according to the guidelines of natural law, which is valid for all, the minority as well as the majority. Benedict XVI says that natural law must be the foundation of democracy, so that those in power are not given the chance to determine what is good or evil [ Vatican City, Oct. 5, 2007].
Regarding freedom, Benedict XVI said in his Address to the International Congress on Natural Law: “…yet taking into account that human freedom is always a freedom shared with others, it is clear that the harmony of freedom can be found only in what is common to all: the truth of the human being, the fundamental message of being itself, exactly the “lex naturalis.”
Bishop of Antipolo
Fr. bernas getting served, big time!
New Pinoy Bishops
MANILA, June 16, 2011— In what could be a very rare occasion, Pope Benedict XVI has appointed three Filipino prelates in a day.
First, is Laoag Bishop Sergio Utleg who was appointed as archbishop of Tuguegarao in Northern Philippines.
Utleg will succeed Archbishop Diosdado Talamayan, 78, whose resignation, which he filed in 2008 upon having reached the age limit of 75, has finally been accepted by the pope.
The archbishop-elect will serve the archdiocese with around 1.3 million Catholics, 82 priests and 122 religious.
Utleg is currently the chairman of the Episcopal Commission Indigenous Peoples of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP).
Also appointed was Monsignor Jose Bantolo, vicar general of the Diocese of San Jose de Antique as the new bishop of Masbate.
Bantolo was born in Guisijan town in Antique on November 12, 1960 and ordained priest on April 21, 1986.
The Diocese of Masbate has no prelate since 2009 after Bishop Joel Baylon was transferred to the Diocese of Legazpi.
Bantolo will serve the diocese with a population of 704,000 Catholics, 56 priests, and 18 religious.
The pontiff also named Monsignor David William Valencia Antonio, who is currently the vicar general of the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia, as auxiliary of the same archdiocese.
Antonio was born in Nagtupacan, Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur on December 1, 1963 and ordained a priest on December 1, 1988.
The appointment of the three prelates was made at the Vatican at noon (6pm, Manila time) on Wednesday, June 15, 2011.
In the Philippines, the announcement was made by the Apostolic Nunciature in Manila, in a communiqué sent to the CBCP. [CBCPNews]
First, is Laoag Bishop Sergio Utleg who was appointed as archbishop of Tuguegarao in Northern Philippines.
Utleg will succeed Archbishop Diosdado Talamayan, 78, whose resignation, which he filed in 2008 upon having reached the age limit of 75, has finally been accepted by the pope.
The archbishop-elect will serve the archdiocese with around 1.3 million Catholics, 82 priests and 122 religious.
Utleg is currently the chairman of the Episcopal Commission Indigenous Peoples of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP).
Also appointed was Monsignor Jose Bantolo, vicar general of the Diocese of San Jose de Antique as the new bishop of Masbate.
Bantolo was born in Guisijan town in Antique on November 12, 1960 and ordained priest on April 21, 1986.
The Diocese of Masbate has no prelate since 2009 after Bishop Joel Baylon was transferred to the Diocese of Legazpi.
Bantolo will serve the diocese with a population of 704,000 Catholics, 56 priests, and 18 religious.
The pontiff also named Monsignor David William Valencia Antonio, who is currently the vicar general of the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia, as auxiliary of the same archdiocese.
Antonio was born in Nagtupacan, Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur on December 1, 1963 and ordained a priest on December 1, 1988.
The appointment of the three prelates was made at the Vatican at noon (6pm, Manila time) on Wednesday, June 15, 2011.
In the Philippines, the announcement was made by the Apostolic Nunciature in Manila, in a communiqué sent to the CBCP. [CBCPNews]
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Joke Time: A Dominican, a Franciscan and a Jesuit
A Jesuit, a Dominican, and a Franciscan were walking along an old road, debating the greatness of their orders. Suddenly, an apparition of the Holy Family appeared in front of them, with Jesus in a manger and Mary and Joseph praying over him.
The Franciscan fell on his face, overcome with awe at the sight of God born in such poverty.
The Dominican fell to his knees, adoring the beautiful reflection of the Trinity and the Holy Family.
The Jesuit walked up to Joseph, put his arm around his shoulder, and said, "So, have you thought about where to send the boy to school?"
The Franciscan fell on his face, overcome with awe at the sight of God born in such poverty.
The Dominican fell to his knees, adoring the beautiful reflection of the Trinity and the Holy Family.
The Jesuit walked up to Joseph, put his arm around his shoulder, and said, "So, have you thought about where to send the boy to school?"
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The man Euntes, MST and SVT idolizes...
"Fr." Hans Kung
He says and I quote:
"The Pope would have an easier job than the President of the United States in adopting a change of course. He has no Congress alongside him as a legislative body nor a Supreme Court as a judiciary. He is absolute head of government, legislator and supreme judge in the church. If he wanted to, he could authorize contraception over night, permit the marriage of priests, make possible the ordination of women and allow eucharistic fellowship with this Protestant churches. What would a Pope do who acted in the spirit of Obama?"Let us then ask the reaction of Joseph Ratzinger...
Ok, no words needed. We can read it all over your face.
KC Caloocan Council Stands up for Life
Yesterday I posted about this.
Now here is a news article about the June 18 Pro-Life Conference in
MANILA, June 14, 2011―The Knights of Columbus is holding a symposium on the reproductive health bill aimed to counteract widespread misinformation that prevents citizens to make sound judgments on the issue.
"We are led to believe that the country is overpopulated when it is not. We are led to believe that contraceptives are safe and moral, which they are not. We are led to believe that maternal deaths are caused by non-access to contraception when in fact all we need to do is to improve basic medical services," said Rommel Lopez, council lecturer and recently elected Deputy Grand Knight of his council of the Knights of Columbus in Kalookan diocese. [led to believe. the keywords folks!]
Lopez believes that the division which this piece of legislation is causing among Filipinos―and even among some Catholics―is due to misinformation, hence resulting in varied positions regarding the bill.
"When we heard about the ongoing debates in media about the RH and how the issue drives a wedge among conservative and liberal or so-called ‘cafeteria Catholics,’ the Knights of Columbus decided it was high time that we informed the public―especially the ordinary Mass-going Catholics―of what the RH Bill meant for all of us," he explained. [this is the Knights advocacy, the protection of the family and life. This is the reason the Order of the Knights of Columbus was founded.]
"And so we thought of organizing an event where we could invite speakers who can talk authoritatively about what the RH bill is for Filipinos and for Catholics. We hope that by holding this symposium, we can educate our parishioners about the bill and the medical, social, moral and spiritual dangers it poses to a Filipino Catholic," Lopez said [That is why we need to attend folks! I wonder if they have security to prevent the FreeDumbers from coming.]
Dubbed "Stand up for Life!" the symposium brings together experts on the RH bill and related issues to tackle the various aspects involved: House Representatives Roilo Golez (Parañaque) and Mitos Magsaysay (Zambales), and Dr. Lissa Poblete and Dr. Gabby Dy Liacco both of Filipinos for Life.
The symposium on House Bill 4244 or The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2011, is slated on June 18, from 1:00 to 6:00 pm at St. Mary’s Academy in Grace Park, Caloocan City.
"All of us Filipinos want the best for our country," Lopez said. "Unfortunately, some of the worst things that happened to the world happened with man having the best of intentions. [But] if people are informed of what the RH bill is and what it really wants to accomplish, then people would definitely come out and let their voices be heard that they do not want a bill that is redundant and does not respect their faith and the freedom to choose."
"Stand up for Life!" is spearheaded by the Knights of Columbus Our Lady of Grace Council 5617, in cooperation with the Our Lady of Grace Parish Ministry on Family and Life, the Diocesan Ministry on Family and Life, St. Mary's Academy of Caloocan City, and Filipinos for Life. (Diana Uichanco)
A friend who is a missionary in Hong Kong went to the mainland to visit some of his friends. During one of his visits to a farming village, some members of the Communist Party went to distribute relief goods. Maybe they just came from a natural calamity. He was surprised to hear what some of the folks said after they received their goods "Send our thanks to Chairman Mao. He is such a good man!"
Good heavens! Its been year since that mad man died! And people in China are still left out of the dark and they are led to believe that the lunatic is still alive and in control of the country!
That is how the Communist controlled the people.
That is how the Nazis brainwashed the people of Germany leading to believe that any non-Aryan is a stain to the human race.
That is how the pro-RH people does it:
And they still think that the Right to Life is not the basic form of human right.
Right to promiscuous sex is...for them!
Now here is a news article about the June 18 Pro-Life Conference in
MANILA, June 14, 2011―The Knights of Columbus is holding a symposium on the reproductive health bill aimed to counteract widespread misinformation that prevents citizens to make sound judgments on the issue.
"We are led to believe that the country is overpopulated when it is not. We are led to believe that contraceptives are safe and moral, which they are not. We are led to believe that maternal deaths are caused by non-access to contraception when in fact all we need to do is to improve basic medical services," said Rommel Lopez, council lecturer and recently elected Deputy Grand Knight of his council of the Knights of Columbus in Kalookan diocese. [led to believe. the keywords folks!]
Lopez believes that the division which this piece of legislation is causing among Filipinos―and even among some Catholics―is due to misinformation, hence resulting in varied positions regarding the bill.
"When we heard about the ongoing debates in media about the RH and how the issue drives a wedge among conservative and liberal or so-called ‘cafeteria Catholics,’ the Knights of Columbus decided it was high time that we informed the public―especially the ordinary Mass-going Catholics―of what the RH Bill meant for all of us," he explained. [this is the Knights advocacy, the protection of the family and life. This is the reason the Order of the Knights of Columbus was founded.]
"And so we thought of organizing an event where we could invite speakers who can talk authoritatively about what the RH bill is for Filipinos and for Catholics. We hope that by holding this symposium, we can educate our parishioners about the bill and the medical, social, moral and spiritual dangers it poses to a Filipino Catholic," Lopez said [That is why we need to attend folks! I wonder if they have security to prevent the FreeDumbers from coming.]
Dubbed "Stand up for Life!" the symposium brings together experts on the RH bill and related issues to tackle the various aspects involved: House Representatives Roilo Golez (Parañaque) and Mitos Magsaysay (Zambales), and Dr. Lissa Poblete and Dr. Gabby Dy Liacco both of Filipinos for Life.
The symposium on House Bill 4244 or The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2011, is slated on June 18, from 1:00 to 6:00 pm at St. Mary’s Academy in Grace Park, Caloocan City.
"All of us Filipinos want the best for our country," Lopez said. "Unfortunately, some of the worst things that happened to the world happened with man having the best of intentions. [But] if people are informed of what the RH bill is and what it really wants to accomplish, then people would definitely come out and let their voices be heard that they do not want a bill that is redundant and does not respect their faith and the freedom to choose."
"Stand up for Life!" is spearheaded by the Knights of Columbus Our Lady of Grace Council 5617, in cooperation with the Our Lady of Grace Parish Ministry on Family and Life, the Diocesan Ministry on Family and Life, St. Mary's Academy of Caloocan City, and Filipinos for Life. (Diana Uichanco)
A friend who is a missionary in Hong Kong went to the mainland to visit some of his friends. During one of his visits to a farming village, some members of the Communist Party went to distribute relief goods. Maybe they just came from a natural calamity. He was surprised to hear what some of the folks said after they received their goods "Send our thanks to Chairman Mao. He is such a good man!"
Good heavens! Its been year since that mad man died! And people in China are still left out of the dark and they are led to believe that the lunatic is still alive and in control of the country!
That is how the Communist controlled the people.
That is how the Nazis brainwashed the people of Germany leading to believe that any non-Aryan is a stain to the human race.
That is how the pro-RH people does it:
- that overpopulation or too much people is a curse to development
- that people must not be taught how to discipline themselves when it comes to sex because we are such a horny creature.
- that the fertilized human egg is nothing but blood that does not deserve protection and care in a humane society.
And they still think that the Right to Life is not the basic form of human right.
Right to promiscuous sex is...for them!
Monday, June 13, 2011
From a TPC reader: RH and Divorce
Sent via email.
According to the sender, this is a reflection of a viewer of ABS-CBN's "Harapan" last night. He said and I quote: "She wrote it when she got irate after hearing the lame reasoning of the pro-divorce are."
Actually, I did not watch it, because I fear the same effects on me: getting irate and not able to sleep I'll end up blogging in the wee hours of the night.
I'm not a devout Catholic. I rarely go to church. I almost never read the bible. But I know the concept of responsibility.
When you fail to go to a job interview, expect to lose a chance to get the job.
When you neglect your health, expect to be sick. When you fail to keep a promise, expect to lose relations.
The consequence may be harsh but that's life's best teacher. I'm afraid that in the future, in this country, married men will be fearless engaging in sex with other women because they know how to prevent a baby from forming. Couples will try beating and nagging each other out to have a good chance for divorce to be granted. Mistresses will have the last laugh for they will soon have an equal, if not more, power over the first wife. I'm afraid that responsibility will not anymore be valued, and noble men will diminish. People will be encouraged to only seek the easiest way out & only do things for fun (commonly misinterpreted as happiness).
Congressmen claim: battered women need divorce. Wouldn't that just let crazy guys loose, marry someone else whom they'll abuse too? Wouldn't that deprive the domestic victim the only power she has over the man who has maltreated her? What if that's his way to force her to divorce him?
Why not create a law which will prevent abusers from marrying instead? Are we really advocating women's rights or mistresses' rights? I'm don't have anything against children outside of first marriage---they are victims too. But an individual hopping from one person to another, leading to the creation of more motherless/fatherless children should be disciplined too.
Why deprive children of their childhood by opening to them, at an immature age, what contraceptive does? Because it is more convenient than to create a law that will prohibit people from poisoning their minds?
Why steal a child's innocence? Would that make our country first world? It's sad that we cannot think of a better way to improve our lives & forget that humans too are resources.
I personally know people who had gotten pregnant, unplanned. Some were even left by guys who did it with them. Yet, they decided to keep the child, and they never regretted that decision. They even became more responsible.
I personally know couples who fell apart because of third parties but reconciled. Good thing, there is no divorce here... yet. They stayed true to their promise.
Are we too desperate to be a first world country? Are we too frustrated to end marriage? Why have sex and marry, in the first place? Because it feels good?
Because we are happy for the moment?
Have we forgotten that responsibility is a big step toward social and economic development? Or are we just saying, we are ready to break vows?
Eliminate responsibility, and then what? We'll eliminate love and be anti-social too? Create websites such as that of the students of the University of Chicago, where students fish strangers online to have casual sex? "What ever happened to getting-to-know each other?" commented a host of The Today Show.
If it's true that eliminating responsibility and humanity is the only way to make life better, then I believe that the quality of life is not going anywhere but downwards.
I think the last paragraph is something the pro-RH and pro-divorce advocates don't know of. They may see what they advocate as a plain "human rights" issue.
But what are the repercussions?
Most of the time, we just don't care.
It is the NOW that we always care about.
One of the many dangers of Modernism and Secularism.
It does not teach you to look to the future, the beyond, the afterlife.
And you hear priests and nuns not even believing in the Four Last Things : Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell.
It is the NOW that they always teach.
And are we surprised that Catholics think this way nowadays? marriage...
Because they taught that there is nothing to look forward to.
There is nothing after death.
Try listening to your priest during Sunday Mass if he talks about Salvation and the Four Last things.
If after several Masses he doesn't, approach him and ask him why.
or better yet, give him a copy of this:
I owe my Faith to this precious little book.
Or you can read the online version here.
According to the sender, this is a reflection of a viewer of ABS-CBN's "Harapan" last night. He said and I quote: "She wrote it when she got irate after hearing the lame reasoning of the pro-divorce are."
Actually, I did not watch it, because I fear the same effects on me: getting irate and not able to sleep I'll end up blogging in the wee hours of the night.
I'm not a devout Catholic. I rarely go to church. I almost never read the bible. But I know the concept of responsibility.
When you fail to go to a job interview, expect to lose a chance to get the job.
When you neglect your health, expect to be sick. When you fail to keep a promise, expect to lose relations.
The consequence may be harsh but that's life's best teacher. I'm afraid that in the future, in this country, married men will be fearless engaging in sex with other women because they know how to prevent a baby from forming. Couples will try beating and nagging each other out to have a good chance for divorce to be granted. Mistresses will have the last laugh for they will soon have an equal, if not more, power over the first wife. I'm afraid that responsibility will not anymore be valued, and noble men will diminish. People will be encouraged to only seek the easiest way out & only do things for fun (commonly misinterpreted as happiness).
Congressmen claim: battered women need divorce. Wouldn't that just let crazy guys loose, marry someone else whom they'll abuse too? Wouldn't that deprive the domestic victim the only power she has over the man who has maltreated her? What if that's his way to force her to divorce him?
Why not create a law which will prevent abusers from marrying instead? Are we really advocating women's rights or mistresses' rights? I'm don't have anything against children outside of first marriage---they are victims too. But an individual hopping from one person to another, leading to the creation of more motherless/fatherless children should be disciplined too.
Why deprive children of their childhood by opening to them, at an immature age, what contraceptive does? Because it is more convenient than to create a law that will prohibit people from poisoning their minds?
Why steal a child's innocence? Would that make our country first world? It's sad that we cannot think of a better way to improve our lives & forget that humans too are resources.
I personally know people who had gotten pregnant, unplanned. Some were even left by guys who did it with them. Yet, they decided to keep the child, and they never regretted that decision. They even became more responsible.
I personally know couples who fell apart because of third parties but reconciled. Good thing, there is no divorce here... yet. They stayed true to their promise.
Are we too desperate to be a first world country? Are we too frustrated to end marriage? Why have sex and marry, in the first place? Because it feels good?
Because we are happy for the moment?
Have we forgotten that responsibility is a big step toward social and economic development? Or are we just saying, we are ready to break vows?
Eliminate responsibility, and then what? We'll eliminate love and be anti-social too? Create websites such as that of the students of the University of Chicago, where students fish strangers online to have casual sex? "What ever happened to getting-to-know each other?" commented a host of The Today Show.
If it's true that eliminating responsibility and humanity is the only way to make life better, then I believe that the quality of life is not going anywhere but downwards.
I think the last paragraph is something the pro-RH and pro-divorce advocates don't know of. They may see what they advocate as a plain "human rights" issue.
But what are the repercussions?
Most of the time, we just don't care.
It is the NOW that we always care about.
One of the many dangers of Modernism and Secularism.
It does not teach you to look to the future, the beyond, the afterlife.
And you hear priests and nuns not even believing in the Four Last Things : Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell.
It is the NOW that they always teach.
And are we surprised that Catholics think this way nowadays? marriage...
Because they taught that there is nothing to look forward to.
There is nothing after death.
Try listening to your priest during Sunday Mass if he talks about Salvation and the Four Last things.
If after several Masses he doesn't, approach him and ask him why.
or better yet, give him a copy of this:
I owe my Faith to this precious little book.
Or you can read the online version here.
Mark your dates again folks!
I have been receiving a lot of emails about the movement of the pro-life groups who want to catechize our faithful about the dangers to our bodies and to our souls that the RH Bill poses.
Thanks, most of it to my fellow Sir Knight, who just got elected Deputy Grand Knight of his council.
I got this last week and I apologize for the late posting.
He texted me again just to remind me. Brother, I don't mind the reminders. :)
Kudos SK RL!
Thanks, most of it to my fellow Sir Knight, who just got elected Deputy Grand Knight of his council.
I got this last week and I apologize for the late posting.
He texted me again just to remind me. Brother, I don't mind the reminders. :)
Kudos SK RL!
Updates on Sta. Quiteria Conference
Remember that post about a seeming pro-RH parish?
Well, I just heard from very reliable sources that it was a case of miscommunication. Apparently the organizers were 'too slow' to invite the pro-lifers to the occasion. But they made it. The pro-lifer speakers trounced the pro-RH Hontiveros and Claudio. The whole crowd was pro-life!
And so, the parish deserves credit for being pro-life.
I am still wondering though why they have to give the pro-RH the venue to spill their filth.
Well, it turned out well after all. They made fools out of Hontiveros and Claudio, people who are freethinkers, informed and empowered.
Well, I just heard from very reliable sources that it was a case of miscommunication. Apparently the organizers were 'too slow' to invite the pro-lifers to the occasion. But they made it. The pro-lifer speakers trounced the pro-RH Hontiveros and Claudio. The whole crowd was pro-life!
And so, the parish deserves credit for being pro-life.
I am still wondering though why they have to give the pro-RH the venue to spill their filth.
Well, it turned out well after all. They made fools out of Hontiveros and Claudio, people who are freethinkers, informed and empowered.
Come Creator Spirit!
One of the most widely used hymns in the Church, Veni, Creator Spiritus, is attributed to Rabanus Maurus (776-856). It is used at Vespers, Pentecost, Dedication of a Church, Confirmation, and Holy Orders and whenever the Holy Spirit is solemnly invoked. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite it. A plenary indulgence is granted if it is recited on January 1st or on the feast of Pentecost. |
VENI, Creator Spiritus, mentes tuorum visita, imple superna gratia quae tu creasti pectora. | COME, Holy Spirit, Creator blest, and in our souls take up Thy rest; come with Thy grace and heavenly aid to fill the hearts which Thou hast made. |
Qui diceris Paraclitus, altissimi donum Dei, fons vivus, ignis, caritas, et spiritalis unctio. | O comforter, to Thee we cry, O heavenly gift of God Most High, O fount of life and fire of love, and sweet anointing from above. |
Tu, septiformis munere, digitus paternae dexterae, Tu rite promissum Patris, sermone ditans guttura. | Thou in Thy sevenfold gifts are known; Thou, finger of God's hand we own; Thou, promise of the Father, Thou Who dost the tongue with power imbue. |
Accende lumen sensibus: infunde amorem cordibus: infirma nostri corporis virtute firmans perpeti. | Kindle our sense from above, and make our hearts o'erflow with love; with patience firm and virtue high the weakness of our flesh supply. |
Hostem repellas longius, pacemque dones protinus: ductore sic te praevio vitemus omne noxium. | Far from us drive the foe we dread, and grant us Thy peace instead; so shall we not, with Thee for guide, turn from the path of life aside. |
Per te sciamus da Patrem, noscamus atque Filium; Teque utriusque Spiritum credamus omni tempore. | Oh, may Thy grace on us bestow the Father and the Son to know; and Thee, through endless times confessed, of both the eternal Spirit blest. |
Deo Patri sit gloria, et Filio, qui a mortuis surrexit, ac Paraclito, in saeculorum saecula. Amen. | Now to the Father and the Son, Who rose from death, be glory given, with Thou, O Holy Comforter, henceforth by all in earth and heaven. Amen. |
Saturday, June 11, 2011
The EF enriches the OF
That is the wish of the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, that the two forms of the same Roman Rite mutually enrich each other.
We have seen it before here in The Pinoy Catholic how Pinoy bishops and priests celebrate the Mass more reverently and more faithfully to the set rules and rubrics that Holy Mother Church set for us.
Here are more examples:
The priest celebrant is Rev. Fr. Dominic Maria Lim, OFM Conv., Rector of St. Maximilian Kolbe Seminary, who is also a TLM priest celebrant and Director of TLM Training Program of Societas LSSG St. Maximilian Kolbe Seminary. He wore a silk Spanish Gothic chasuble for the celebration.
Server kisses the cruets and hands of the priest during the pouring of the wine and water into the chalice. This is not in the Novus Ordo rubrics but is a nice addition to the rite. Not like those tambourine jugglers in SM Megamall!
Hand clasped, head bowed...this is the proper posture. And notice the Benedictine Altar arrangement. No candles on the floor! Take note! If someone you know celebrates the EF Mass and then insists on putting candles on the floor and the crucifix on the side of the altar and NOT on the altar (how legal that may be since it is in the GIRM) why not opt for the best option? Makes me wonder what the EF Mass is all about for them. Obviously, it is not enriching the person.
Priest and server genuflects as they leave the sanctuary. This is not an exclusively EF Mass rubric folks, but this is THE NORM whenever a priest and those who assisted at Mass are leaving the sanctuary after the Holy Sacrifice has been offered. The genuflect is towards the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. If the Blessed Sacrament is reserved some place else, then a profound bow is then made.
Have you seen those things done in your chapels? In your churches?
Grab a camera. It would be like the aurora borealis. So rare!
We have seen it before here in The Pinoy Catholic how Pinoy bishops and priests celebrate the Mass more reverently and more faithfully to the set rules and rubrics that Holy Mother Church set for us.
Here are more examples:
The priest celebrant is Rev. Fr. Dominic Maria Lim, OFM Conv., Rector of St. Maximilian Kolbe Seminary, who is also a TLM priest celebrant and Director of TLM Training Program of Societas LSSG St. Maximilian Kolbe Seminary. He wore a silk Spanish Gothic chasuble for the celebration.
Server kisses the cruets and hands of the priest during the pouring of the wine and water into the chalice. This is not in the Novus Ordo rubrics but is a nice addition to the rite. Not like those tambourine jugglers in SM Megamall!
Hand clasped, head bowed...this is the proper posture. And notice the Benedictine Altar arrangement. No candles on the floor! Take note! If someone you know celebrates the EF Mass and then insists on putting candles on the floor and the crucifix on the side of the altar and NOT on the altar (how legal that may be since it is in the GIRM) why not opt for the best option? Makes me wonder what the EF Mass is all about for them. Obviously, it is not enriching the person.
Priest and server genuflects as they leave the sanctuary. This is not an exclusively EF Mass rubric folks, but this is THE NORM whenever a priest and those who assisted at Mass are leaving the sanctuary after the Holy Sacrifice has been offered. The genuflect is towards the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. If the Blessed Sacrament is reserved some place else, then a profound bow is then made.
Have you seen those things done in your chapels? In your churches?
Grab a camera. It would be like the aurora borealis. So rare!
liturgical abuse,
Pinoy Catholics,
pinoy priest
An exorcist speaks up
Here is an excerpt from the interview conducted with Fr. Gary Thomas, the exorcist whose real life story became the inspiration for the movie "The Rite." You can read the full interview here.
Velazquez is the interviewer.
Velasquez: Do you have any stories to tell of exorcisms?
Fr Gary: There was a situation in Rome once with a young woman who walked in speaking Italian to me, my exorcist trainer walked in and blessed her with holy water and she literally began screaming and picked up the chair, and was going to throw it at him. [If psychiatrists and Freedumbers were around they'll conclude otherwise. ] Now, they’re not all like that. There’s the man I pray over and have been exorcising for two years, there’s huge manifestations, he’s improved dramatically, but, nonetheless, he opened himself up for a bunch of reasons. I can’t detail them on the phone, it would take too long.
Velasquez: In general, what do you recommend people avoid if they don’t want to become involved with demonic activity? [now this is what every Catholic should read!]
Fr Gary: I think they should just stay away from everything that is pagan in the sense of ritual, so I recommend that people should stay away from dabbling in the occult; from dabbling in things that are idolatrous, from getting involved in things that are simply about self, and I don’t mean by that going to a club and doing physical exercise. Where people are into Wicca, earth worship of other kinds, witchcraft and spells, crystals, using metaphysical means to try and find answers to questions. [Exactly what Fr. Jojo Zerrudo, exorcist of the Diocese of Cubao said.]
Velasquez: So stay away from New Age practices?
Fr Gary: Yes, those are all the New Age practices. [teeth gnashing and nail scratching sounds coming from Euntes and SVT. Woohoo!]
Velasquez: Do you think there’s a greater need now in the Church than in previous times?
Fr Gary: I do, because there’s more Catholics involved in more paganism and idolatry. [isn't this a bit of a shock for you folks? For me, yes and no. Yes because Catholics should not be involved in paganistic rituals like Wiccan, Feng-shui and all that geomancy mumbo jumbo. No, because it all came from nuns and priests who are into New Age thingies!]
Velasquez: Fr Gabriel Amorth agrees with you, according to his books. Why do you think that there’s not enough of this ministry?
Fr Gary: I think for a long time we just relied so much on the social sciences, Psychiatry and Psychology as sort of a new religion to figure out the mysteries of human behavior. [The new gods of so-called aggiornamento Catholics. It is heavily taught in seminaries and formation houses. So what do we expect? New warlocks and witches!] I think we felt we could just depend on science, and I certainly am a proponent of using Psychiatry and Psychology, but in the same breath, I think that there’s a limit to science and there’s the realm of the spiritual we know far less about. And because of our scientific mind and orientation as a Western society, I think we put these other kinds of things we can’t figure out on the shelf. [And anything supernatural goes out of the window.]
Velasquez: So its our prejudice against a spiritual explanation for things?
Fr Gary: I think so.
The video below is a special coverage of CNN about "The Rite" and about Fr. Gary Thomas.
Velazquez is the interviewer.
Velasquez: Do you have any stories to tell of exorcisms?
Fr Gary: There was a situation in Rome once with a young woman who walked in speaking Italian to me, my exorcist trainer walked in and blessed her with holy water and she literally began screaming and picked up the chair, and was going to throw it at him. [If psychiatrists and Freedumbers were around they'll conclude otherwise. ] Now, they’re not all like that. There’s the man I pray over and have been exorcising for two years, there’s huge manifestations, he’s improved dramatically, but, nonetheless, he opened himself up for a bunch of reasons. I can’t detail them on the phone, it would take too long.
Velasquez: In general, what do you recommend people avoid if they don’t want to become involved with demonic activity? [now this is what every Catholic should read!]
Fr Gary: I think they should just stay away from everything that is pagan in the sense of ritual, so I recommend that people should stay away from dabbling in the occult; from dabbling in things that are idolatrous, from getting involved in things that are simply about self, and I don’t mean by that going to a club and doing physical exercise. Where people are into Wicca, earth worship of other kinds, witchcraft and spells, crystals, using metaphysical means to try and find answers to questions. [Exactly what Fr. Jojo Zerrudo, exorcist of the Diocese of Cubao said.]
Velasquez: So stay away from New Age practices?
Fr Gary: Yes, those are all the New Age practices. [teeth gnashing and nail scratching sounds coming from Euntes and SVT. Woohoo!]
Velasquez: Do you think there’s a greater need now in the Church than in previous times?
Fr Gary: I do, because there’s more Catholics involved in more paganism and idolatry. [isn't this a bit of a shock for you folks? For me, yes and no. Yes because Catholics should not be involved in paganistic rituals like Wiccan, Feng-shui and all that geomancy mumbo jumbo. No, because it all came from nuns and priests who are into New Age thingies!]
Velasquez: Fr Gabriel Amorth agrees with you, according to his books. Why do you think that there’s not enough of this ministry?
Fr Gary: I think for a long time we just relied so much on the social sciences, Psychiatry and Psychology as sort of a new religion to figure out the mysteries of human behavior. [The new gods of so-called aggiornamento Catholics. It is heavily taught in seminaries and formation houses. So what do we expect? New warlocks and witches!] I think we felt we could just depend on science, and I certainly am a proponent of using Psychiatry and Psychology, but in the same breath, I think that there’s a limit to science and there’s the realm of the spiritual we know far less about. And because of our scientific mind and orientation as a Western society, I think we put these other kinds of things we can’t figure out on the shelf. [And anything supernatural goes out of the window.]
Velasquez: So its our prejudice against a spiritual explanation for things?
Fr Gary: I think so.
The video below is a special coverage of CNN about "The Rite" and about Fr. Gary Thomas.
Friday, June 10, 2011
What really happens
From an old Catechism comics for kids.
They don't make them like they used to.
Now I know why!
Christ does not want to entertain. He wants to SAVE!
Does your priest make you look and see Christ in Him?
Or he just want you to, you know, just LOOK at him?
They don't make them like they used to.
Now I know why!
Christ does not want to entertain. He wants to SAVE!
Does your priest make you look and see Christ in Him?
Or he just want you to, you know, just LOOK at him?
Thursday, June 9, 2011
BREAKING!!! Pinoy Catholic parish sponsors RH forum
Really pissed me off, big time!
I learned from a friend that rabidly pro-contraception, pro-divorce and "doesn't seem like it but actually she is pro-abortion" politician Risa Hontiveros, (Thank God she lost in the elections.) and rabidly atheist and just like what I said in describing Hontiveros, Dr. Sylvia Claudio have been invited to speak at a pro-RH forum at Sta. Quiteria Parish Church in Baesa, Caloocan City.
I have also learned from my brother knight that the organizers are now frantic to look for a Pro-Lifer to talk to the event, to make it appear that they are sponsoring a "balanced forum"
What is happening to our Church?!?!
Calling Bishop Deogracias Iniguez! Your own priests are getting out control.
I learned from a friend that rabidly pro-contraception, pro-divorce and "doesn't seem like it but actually she is pro-abortion" politician Risa Hontiveros, (Thank God she lost in the elections.) and rabidly atheist and just like what I said in describing Hontiveros, Dr. Sylvia Claudio have been invited to speak at a pro-RH forum at Sta. Quiteria Parish Church in Baesa, Caloocan City.
I have also learned from my brother knight that the organizers are now frantic to look for a Pro-Lifer to talk to the event, to make it appear that they are sponsoring a "balanced forum"
What is happening to our Church?!?!
Calling Bishop Deogracias Iniguez! Your own priests are getting out control.
GULP Exam: Bowing head during the Mass
A TPC reader emailed me asking me about the bowing of the head during the TLM and why it is not done in the Ordinary Form.
Well, actually it is in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal but no one cares to read it actually.
275. A bow signifies reverence and honor shown to the persons themselves or to the signs that
represent them. There are two kinds of bows: a bow of the head and a bow of the body.
a. A bow of the head is made when the three Divine Persons are named together and at the names of Jesus, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of the Saint in whose honor Mass is being celebrated.
b. A bow of the body, that is to say a profound bow, is made to the altar; during the prayers Munda cor meum (Almighty God, cleanse my heart) and In spiritu humilitatis (Lord God, we ask you to receive); in the Creed at the words Et incarnatus est (by the power of the Holy Spirit . . . made man); in the Roman Canon at the words Supplices te rogamus (Almighty God, we pray that your angel). The same kind of bow is made by the deacon when he asks for a blessing before the proclamation of the Gospel. In addition, the priest bows slightly as he speaks the words of the Lord at the in consecration.
Now these are what you call an enrichment of the TLM to the Ordinary form.
Why aren't we doing it?
Are you?
Should we?
Chime in your answers.
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