This is for real.
The caption, I mean.
Emphasis mine.
Pope Benedict XVI, behind the Corpus Christ's relic, leads the Corpus Christi procession on an open vehicle from St. John in Lateran Basilica to St. Mary Major Basilica, in Rome, Thursday, June 23, 2006. The event is dedicated to the mystery of the Eucharist and concludes the cycle of feasts following Easter. Pope Benedict celebrated the evening Mass at St. John in Lateran Basilica then traveled a short distance in a procession to St. Mary Major Basilica.
or maybe a time keeper? :)
UPDATE!!! AP Corrects itself!
CAPTION CORRECTION, CORRECTS YEAR IN CAPTION - Pope Benedict XVI, behind the Corpus Christ's relic, leads the Corpus Christi procession on an open vehicle from St. John in Lateran Basilica to St. Mary Major Basilica, in Rome, Thursday, June 23, 2011. The event is dedicated to the mystery of the Eucharist and concludes the cycle of feasts following Easter. Pope Benedict celebrated the evening Mass at St. John in Lateran Basilica then traveled a short distance in a procession to St. Mary Major Basilica.
But the report still says that the Eucharist is Christ's relic.
While liberals and dissenters might say "Yes, it is a relic of Christ because the true Christ lives in our hearts. He is resurrected in our hearts." Catholics who know their Catechism KNOW FOR A FACT that the Eucharist IS CHRIST HIMSELF... BODY, BLOOD, SOUL AND DIVINITY.
And not just a relic, a symbol, a representation...
That His Presence in the Eucharist begins at the words of consecration "Hoc est enim corpus meum..." and persists even after the celebration of the Mass, and as long as the appearance of bread remain.
And not like what we hear in theology schools nowadays that ;"We are Eucharist. The presence of Christ remains in the Eucharist as long as we remain as a community."
Now you wonder why Catholics are pro-contraception and pro-divorce?!
They all begin down there!
do i hear the word transignification from our religious brothers and sister and also liberal clergy? Oh! they would not bother because they do not even believe that the dogmas of the council of Trent still exist. They are not afraid of the word ANATHEMA! They believe on the super dogma of vatican II..