From The Guardian
Following in the footsteps of Madonna and Geri Halliwell, Pope Benedict XVI has written a children's book.
Already the author of a range of titles for adults, from an exploration of the legacy of St Paul to reflections on the role of Mary in human history, the pope is now turning his hand to children's literature with a recounting of the story of the 12 apostles and St Paul.
Gli Amici di Gesù (The Friends of Jesus), published by the Italian press Piccola Casa Editrice, brings together passages from the pope's Wednesday general audiences with a prologue by Spanish priest Father Julian Carron. The pope "takes us by the hand and accompanies us as we discover who Jesus's first companions were, how they met Him and were conquered by Him to the point that they never abandoned Him", according to Carron.
Running to 48 pages and illustrated by Italian artist Franco Vignazia, Carron's prologue begins: "Once upon a time there was a small group of men who, one day two thousand years ago, met a young man who walked the roads of Galilee. Each had his own job and family but, in an instant, their lives changed. They were called Andrew and John, Peter, Matthew, Thomas ... In Jerusalem at that time everyone knew that they were Jesus's 'friends' ... Later they were joined by St Paul [who] from being a persecutor of Christians became the greatest witness to Jesus." [Lovely way to start it!]
As yet the book is only published in Italian, so is unlikely to trouble the UK's bestseller charts. However, according to the National Catholic Reporter, [Fish wrap!] English and Spanish versions are expected within the next year.
Hope the English version gets released soon! Can't wait to buy this for my kids!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Great News: Fired Catholic prof. reinstated!
Courtesy of
A professor who was recently fired for explaining the Catholic teaching on homosexuality will be reinstated, [That is how bigoted some people can be! Teach a fact and you are prejudiced!] according to the University of Illinois. Dr. Kenneth Howell's position at the school was terminated at the end of the Spring Semester this year after teaching in a class on Catholicism that the Church believes homosexual behavior violates natural law. [He is just stating what Catholicism teaches! Will the University fire a Muslim professor, if they ever have one, who teaches Islam and says that death to infidels is justifiable? Will they?]
A Thursday letter from the University of Illinois Office of University Counsel told Howell’s lawyers at the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) that “The School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics will be contacting Dr. Howell to offer him the opportunity to teach Religion 127, Introduction to Catholicism, on a visiting instructional appointment at the University of Illinois, for the fall 2010 semester. Dr. Howell will be appointed and paid by the University for this adjunct teaching assignment.”
Howell had been teaching at the university since 2001 and consistently gained high approval ratings on student evaluations. In a class on Catholicism last spring, he followed up a classroom discussion with an e-mail contrasting the ways in which utilitarianism and natural law theory would each determine the morality of homosexual conduct.
A student complained that Howell's words were “hate speech” in an e-mail to the head of the department, Dr. Robert McKim. Howell was called into McKim's office at the end of the semester and told that he would no longer be allowed to teach for the university because his e-mail had “violate[d] university standards of inclusivity.” [Inclusive? In whose point of view? By including idiots like that students who e-mailed and gays, they excluded those who are against homesexual sex and unions! Wow! Now that is inclusive.]
In Howell's defense, the ADF declared that the First Amendment exists to keep controversial ideas from being suppressed. “A university cannot censor professors’ speech--including classroom speech related to the topic of the class--merely because certain ideas ‘offend’ an anonymous student,” said ADF Senior Counsel David French. [Get that? The deab fired Dr. Howell for reacting to an anonymous email! Now that is using brain power!]
“We greatly appreciate the university’s move to put Professor Howell back in the classroom,” he continued, “but we will be watching carefully to make sure that his academic freedom is protected throughout the university’s ongoing process.”
This crap called borders on "I can live the heck I want to! Don't you dare tell me how."
NO thanks to Obama-niacs!
A professor who was recently fired for explaining the Catholic teaching on homosexuality will be reinstated, [That is how bigoted some people can be! Teach a fact and you are prejudiced!] according to the University of Illinois. Dr. Kenneth Howell's position at the school was terminated at the end of the Spring Semester this year after teaching in a class on Catholicism that the Church believes homosexual behavior violates natural law. [He is just stating what Catholicism teaches! Will the University fire a Muslim professor, if they ever have one, who teaches Islam and says that death to infidels is justifiable? Will they?]
A Thursday letter from the University of Illinois Office of University Counsel told Howell’s lawyers at the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) that “The School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics will be contacting Dr. Howell to offer him the opportunity to teach Religion 127, Introduction to Catholicism, on a visiting instructional appointment at the University of Illinois, for the fall 2010 semester. Dr. Howell will be appointed and paid by the University for this adjunct teaching assignment.”
Howell had been teaching at the university since 2001 and consistently gained high approval ratings on student evaluations. In a class on Catholicism last spring, he followed up a classroom discussion with an e-mail contrasting the ways in which utilitarianism and natural law theory would each determine the morality of homosexual conduct.
A student complained that Howell's words were “hate speech” in an e-mail to the head of the department, Dr. Robert McKim. Howell was called into McKim's office at the end of the semester and told that he would no longer be allowed to teach for the university because his e-mail had “violate[d] university standards of inclusivity.” [Inclusive? In whose point of view? By including idiots like that students who e-mailed and gays, they excluded those who are against homesexual sex and unions! Wow! Now that is inclusive.]
In Howell's defense, the ADF declared that the First Amendment exists to keep controversial ideas from being suppressed. “A university cannot censor professors’ speech--including classroom speech related to the topic of the class--merely because certain ideas ‘offend’ an anonymous student,” said ADF Senior Counsel David French. [Get that? The deab fired Dr. Howell for reacting to an anonymous email! Now that is using brain power!]
“We greatly appreciate the university’s move to put Professor Howell back in the classroom,” he continued, “but we will be watching carefully to make sure that his academic freedom is protected throughout the university’s ongoing process.”
This crap called borders on "I can live the heck I want to! Don't you dare tell me how."
NO thanks to Obama-niacs!
Sad news: Young priest found dead
MANILA, July 29, 2010— The Archdiocese of Caceres mourns the passing of 35-year old Rector of the Holy Rosary Preparatory Seminary and Archdiocesan Vocation Director Fr. Baltazar A. Acompanado, Jr. [pictured at right.]
In a statement released and signed by Archbishop Leonardo Z. Legazpi, O.P., D.D. today, it was learned Fr. Acompanado was found dead in his room at the Preparatory Seminary (High School), San Jose, Camarines Sur at about 9:30 A.M. Wednesday, July 28.
Archbishop Legazpi described Fr. Acompanado as “a good and dedicated priest.”
“There is an on-going process of verification as regards the particular circumstance of his demise,” the 75-year old prelate said. [So an autopsy will be performed.]
The late seminary rector was first appointed Parochial Vicar of St. John the Evangelist church in Naga City on March 24, 2003 and Professor/Formator of the Holy Rosary Preparatory Seminary in San Jose, Camarines Sur on November 22, 2003, Assistant Coordinator of SPARC from May 15, 2004 until his appointment as Assistant Director of the Archdiocesan Office of Social Action on April 2, 2006.
He was named Professor and Formator of the Holy Rosary Major Seminary on April 2, 2006 and later Rector/Vocation Director of the Holy Rosary Preparatory Seminary last November 28, 2006.
His remains lie in sate at the Good Shepherd Chapel of the Holy Rosary Major Seminary, Naga City where a concelebrated funeral mass will be offered on Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 2:00 P.M.
Interment will follow at the Resurrection Garden, the burial ground for priests from the Archdiocese of Caceres. (Melo M. Acuna)
Rest in Peace Father!
Let us pray for the repose of the soul of Father Baltazar.
Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, O Lord, shalt observe iniquities; Lord, who shall endure it?
For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness:
and by reason of Thy law, I have waited for Thee, O Lord.
My soul hath relied on His word; my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even until night, let Israel hope in the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him plentiful redemption.
And He shall redeem Israel from all her iniquities.
Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Responsory Prayer for the Dead
V. Do not remember my sins O Lord,
R. When you come to judge the world by fire
V. Direct my ways in your sight, O Lord, my God
R. When you come to judge the world by fire
V. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
R. When you come to judge the world by fire
V. Lord, have mercy
R. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy
V. Our Father in heaven, holy be your name, your kingdom come your will be done on earth as in heaven.
R. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the test but deliver us from evil.
V. From the gates of Hell.
R. Deliver his soul, O Lord.
V. May he rest in peace
R. Amen
V. Lord hear my prayer
R. And let my cry come to you.
Let us pray.
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful,
grant to the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins, that through our pious supplication they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired; who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
O God, Thou didst raise Thy servant, Fr. Baltazar A. Acompanado, Jr, to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ, according to the Order of Melchisedech, giving him the sublime power to offer the Eternal Sacrifice, to bring the Body and Blood of Thy Son Jesus Christ down upon the altar, and to absolve the sins of men in Thine own Holy Name. We beseech Thee to reward his faithfulness and to forget his faults, admitting him speedily into Thy Holy Presence, there to enjoy forever the recompense of his labors. This we ask through Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord. Amen.
In a statement released and signed by Archbishop Leonardo Z. Legazpi, O.P., D.D. today, it was learned Fr. Acompanado was found dead in his room at the Preparatory Seminary (High School), San Jose, Camarines Sur at about 9:30 A.M. Wednesday, July 28.
Archbishop Legazpi described Fr. Acompanado as “a good and dedicated priest.”
“There is an on-going process of verification as regards the particular circumstance of his demise,” the 75-year old prelate said. [So an autopsy will be performed.]
The late seminary rector was first appointed Parochial Vicar of St. John the Evangelist church in Naga City on March 24, 2003 and Professor/Formator of the Holy Rosary Preparatory Seminary in San Jose, Camarines Sur on November 22, 2003, Assistant Coordinator of SPARC from May 15, 2004 until his appointment as Assistant Director of the Archdiocesan Office of Social Action on April 2, 2006.
He was named Professor and Formator of the Holy Rosary Major Seminary on April 2, 2006 and later Rector/Vocation Director of the Holy Rosary Preparatory Seminary last November 28, 2006.
His remains lie in sate at the Good Shepherd Chapel of the Holy Rosary Major Seminary, Naga City where a concelebrated funeral mass will be offered on Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 2:00 P.M.
Interment will follow at the Resurrection Garden, the burial ground for priests from the Archdiocese of Caceres. (Melo M. Acuna)
Rest in Peace Father!
Let us pray for the repose of the soul of Father Baltazar.
Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, O Lord, shalt observe iniquities; Lord, who shall endure it?
For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness:
and by reason of Thy law, I have waited for Thee, O Lord.
My soul hath relied on His word; my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even until night, let Israel hope in the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him plentiful redemption.
And He shall redeem Israel from all her iniquities.
Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Responsory Prayer for the Dead
V. Do not remember my sins O Lord,
R. When you come to judge the world by fire
V. Direct my ways in your sight, O Lord, my God
R. When you come to judge the world by fire
V. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
R. When you come to judge the world by fire
V. Lord, have mercy
R. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy
V. Our Father in heaven, holy be your name, your kingdom come your will be done on earth as in heaven.
R. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the test but deliver us from evil.
V. From the gates of Hell.
R. Deliver his soul, O Lord.
V. May he rest in peace
R. Amen
V. Lord hear my prayer
R. And let my cry come to you.
Let us pray.
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful,
grant to the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins, that through our pious supplication they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired; who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
O God, Thou didst raise Thy servant, Fr. Baltazar A. Acompanado, Jr, to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ, according to the Order of Melchisedech, giving him the sublime power to offer the Eternal Sacrifice, to bring the Body and Blood of Thy Son Jesus Christ down upon the altar, and to absolve the sins of men in Thine own Holy Name. We beseech Thee to reward his faithfulness and to forget his faults, admitting him speedily into Thy Holy Presence, there to enjoy forever the recompense of his labors. This we ask through Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord. Amen.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Archbishop Soc Villegas receives the pallium
Here is a screen grab of Archbishop Soc Villegas after he received the pallium from the hands of the Holy Father, Benedict XVI. Unfortunately, his back is turned when the video was taken.
Contemplative Nuns and Lady Gaga
This was posted by a lot of Catholic bloggers after it was reported, but I am posting here the newsreel of the signing of the recording contract of Cloistered Avignon Nuns for Decca, the same recording company of Lady Gaga, Elton John and Amy Winehouse.
First Nuncio to Russia!
The archbishop presented his letters of credence to Foreign Affairs Minister Sergej Lavrov on July 15 in a ceremony that was followed by a "cordial" meeting, reported the Vatican press office.
Last December, Benedict XVI and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed to upgrade relations between the two sides to full diplomatic ties, which raises the level of representation to apostolic nuncio and embassy.
The two sides have maintained representation below the rank of ambassador since 1990.
In an address to the new nuncio, Alexander Krusko, the vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, reviewed the development of bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and the Holy See. He noted that the relations between the two were "characterized by a growing understanding and spirit of collaboration," reported L'Osservatore Romano.
Krusko also assured Archbishop Mennini, on behalf of the Russian president, of "a fruitful collaboration in the great moral and ethical challenges posed to man today." [Diplomatic language if taken soooo seriously has a very deep an serious meaning especially in a very highly secularized Europe.]
For his part, the archbishop transmitted the Pope's greeting to the Russian president, assuring his "collaboration for a further reinforcement of relations with the government, as well as for the spiritual and moral growth of the Russian people."
This ceremony brought to an end the exchange of embassies, which began on June 26 in Rome with the presentation of the letters of credence of the first Russian ambassador to the Holy See, Mikolaj Sadlichov.
Take note that this is a huge step!
The Russian Orthodox Church under its former Patriarch Alexy is soooo paranoid of the Roman Catholic Church that even a meeting between the Pope and him is soooo hard to organize. They charge that Rome is proselytizing on traditionally Orthodox land, while they go and build Orthodox churches in traditionally Latin Church grounds. Remember in 2009, they built a Church in....Rome itself. Did they hear the Pope throw a nutty? Nope.
In February 11, 2002, Moscow was raised to the dignity of a Metropolitan Archdiocese with Saratov, Irkutsk and Novosibirsk as suffragans. The current archbishop is Paolo Pezzi, FSCB. (pictured at left)
So things are improving. Praying for the best.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Liturgical Vestments in Manila
The Archdiocese of Manila website posted photos of the Blessing of Liturgica, a shop that sells Catholic liturgical items in SM Megamall.
The text of the invitation for the blessing of the shop, signed by Fr. Genny Diwa, the archdiocesan Minister for Liturgical Affairs. Weird that the online letter says he is the Director Archdiocesan Office of Communications. I think someone forgot to edit the pro-forma letter, eh?
Fr. Diwa blessed the shop.
Well, anywho, here is the message of the letter:
So now let's look at selected photos of the shop courtesy of Why do I get this feeling that the Liturgy Commission is running the Archdiocese's website?
Wow! Beautiful retablo for a chapel. Beautiful altar! Beautiful lectern! Classy chairs. Processional cross modelled after the Paul VI/John Paul II ferula and... WHAT THE?!?!?!
The Tabernacle is on the side AGAIN!!! I does not have the Lord in it. But this set-up says a lot!
Can you not see how the liturgists try to make a parallelism between the presider's chair and the Tabernacle? Geez....after the Year of the Priest and naming St. John Mary Vianney the model for all priests on loving ministry and the Eucharistic Lord, you would think THIS would not happen again? Hah! Wishful thinking Pinoy Catholic!
Busts of laughing Christ and a Christ showing His Sacred Heart with a crown of thorns on the Sacred Head. Hmmm...Never seen this before. I can't make out of this. First, the smiling and the suffering Christ...Nuff said. Then the Sacred Heart with the crown of thorns. Never have seen this before.
The text of the invitation for the blessing of the shop, signed by Fr. Genny Diwa, the archdiocesan Minister for Liturgical Affairs. Weird that the online letter says he is the Director Archdiocesan Office of Communications. I think someone forgot to edit the pro-forma letter, eh?
Fr. Diwa blessed the shop.
Well, anywho, here is the message of the letter:
It has been our experience at the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission to receive inquiries and calls from priests, religious and lay, from our archdiocese and from other arch/dioceses in the country, on where they can get some needed liturgical item. [Huh?! I guess they did not know about a LOT of tailors and metal workers who do great works in liturgical arts. Maybe the Commission does not want them to go to these stores? Hmmm? Dan Brown conspiracy? Nahhh. More of this later.] We are glad there are places and shops that we can refer them to [I am not sure if the shops I will refer later are those that they actually refer.] but we have also come to realize that more shops of this sort are needed.
It is in connection with this that we invite you to the blessing of LITURGICA, a shop or house where various liturgical items can be obtained such as liturgical vestments, books, publications [BOOKS!!! PUBLICATIONS!!!! LITURGY!!! ANSCAR!!!!] and CDs on the liturgy, and other paraphernalia used in the liturgy. It is touted as a one-stop shop. [One stop shop? Of anything liturgy? So does this include items of the traditional Mass? We'll see.]
So now let's look at selected photos of the shop courtesy of Why do I get this feeling that the Liturgy Commission is running the Archdiocese's website?
The inside of the shop and the people who attended the blessing.
Wow! Beautiful retablo for a chapel. Beautiful altar! Beautiful lectern! Classy chairs. Processional cross modelled after the Paul VI/John Paul II ferula and... WHAT THE?!?!?!
The Tabernacle is on the side AGAIN!!! I does not have the Lord in it. But this set-up says a lot!
Can you not see how the liturgists try to make a parallelism between the presider's chair and the Tabernacle? Geez....after the Year of the Priest and naming St. John Mary Vianney the model for all priests on loving ministry and the Eucharistic Lord, you would think THIS would not happen again? Hah! Wishful thinking Pinoy Catholic!
Busts of laughing Christ and a Christ showing His Sacred Heart with a crown of thorns on the Sacred Head. Hmmm...Never seen this before. I can't make out of this. First, the smiling and the suffering Christ...Nuff said. Then the Sacred Heart with the crown of thorns. Never have seen this before.
Drab vestments!
Ho-hum overlay stoles. The St. Joseph the Worker stole is nice, though.
Guess when this will be used? Duh!
White Chasuble with an overlay design most oftentimes mistaken as a stole or what some would call "pallium stole" or "center stole". There is no such thing folks. According to the GIRM, stoles are worn under the chasuble. Only in exceptional cases should it be worn over the chasuble. This overlay designed-stole can still be used provided that an inner stole be worn inside. Looking at the embroidery and the design, it is a nice handiwork and the material is probably the same used in a Barong Tagalog.
Ho-hum chalices and patens. Well, better than the water goblet!
As I mentioned above, there are some shops who do excellent liturgical vestments.
Here they are:
Talleres de Nazaret
You may visit their website. Actually some of their work is sold at Liturgica but these are the ugly ones. Go to their website and you can find excellent Roman chasubles. I have personally seen the Roman chasubles and maniples and traditional copes they make and they are EXCEPTIONAL! BUT!
Talleres is VERY PRICEY and the craftsmanship is not as excellent as I have seen done by smaller shops, staffed and owned by la people. The people who work there need something to buy their daily bread, no? Here is a screenshot of the chasubles.
Talleres is VERY PRICEY and the craftsmanship is not as excellent as I have seen done by smaller shops, staffed and owned by la people. The people who work there need something to buy their daily bread, no? Here is a screenshot of the chasubles.
Next is
Paulus Fine Liturgical Vestments
They have their own website also. Click here.
Here is the profile of the company according to their website:
Paulus is a family-owned company started by the late Gerardo S. Salazar(†) in 1999. It started as Ecclesia Manila and was changed to Paulus Fine Liturgical Vestments following Jerry's untimely demise in 2006.Here are sample works of Paulus:
Today, our family steadfastly pursues the lifelong interest in embroidery, art and design together with a love of worship sparked by Jerry during his life as a designer and servant of the church. Paulus is now being managed by Marcela S. Salazar.
You can come to custom tailor your vestments in our studio located at 5421 Marcelo H. Del Pilar Street, La Huerta Paranaque City, Philippines. Or you may contact us directly through this website.
Traditional Y Cross Gothic Chasuble. Simple, traditional and beautiful!
With a detachable collar. Very fine embroidery!
Traditional Banner for the Mother Butler Guild
Paulus has its share of liturgical horrors too...
I also know of one from Bulacan who makes very great vestments also. I cannot find her contact details. I will post this as soon as I get them.
UPDATE December 28, 2011
They really do good work. And the insides of the chalices are gilded in REAL silver and/or gold. Excellent attention to details also!
UPDATE December 28, 2011
Try this one instead! You can have the best traditional vestments here.
Neumann Liturgical Vestment
Ronnie C. Lominoque
(Liturgical Art Designer)
(Liturgical Art Designer)
63 9167153435
And for your sacred vessels!
Mamerto Pingol Metal Craft Manufacturing
1631 Felix Huertas Street, Sta. Cruz Manila
Telephone Number
+ 63 2 711-8216
+ 63 2 711-8880
and/ or
1631 Felix Huertas Street, Sta. Cruz Manila
Telephone Number
+ 63 2 711-8216
+ 63 2 711-8880
and/ or
63 2 473-2431
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Processional Crosses
A collection of photos of different kinds of processional crosses..
From the beautiful...
To the absurd and weird...
This one looked like it came out of the workshop of Nickelodeon.
And I saved the best for last.
AHHHH!!!!! Run!!!!!! It's a Tiki god pretending to be Christ stuck on pole!!!! AHHHH!!!!
From the beautiful...
To the absurd and weird...
This one looked like it came out of the workshop of Nickelodeon.
And I saved the best for last.
AHHHH!!!!! Run!!!!!! It's a Tiki god pretending to be Christ stuck on pole!!!! AHHHH!!!!
Incorrupt bodies of Saints
This is the body of Blessed Ildefonso Schuster, the Cardinal - Archbishop of Milan during World War II, after his body was exhumed in preparation for his beatification on January 28, 1985. Schuster was beatified on May 12, 1996 by Pope John Paul II.
Now his body is displayed at the Duomo. His face is covered with a silver mask as an Italian tradition.
For other photos of other incorrupt bodies of saints, click here.
Why Archbishop Ranjith will definitely become a cardinal in the next consistory
Take note that his skull cap is still amaranth but oddly his fascia is cardinal red. Sign of things to come? DEFINITELY!!!
I took some excerpts from the circular of Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith declaring the Year of the Eucharist for his Archdiocese of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
"I appeal to all rectors of seminaries, administrators of archdiocesan shrines, superiors of institutions and directors of archdiocesan apostolates to very specially cooperate in this effort. While not exempting others, in such places we cannot tolerate liturgical errors." [Do we see this done in the Philippines? Yes for one diocese, Lingayen-Dagupan. Remember this post where Archbishop Soc Villegas reminds his priests about the Eucharist and faithfully celebrating, according to the norms and rubrics, the Holy Sacrifice?]
"An effort will be made to make common Latin chants popular during this year. With this aim in mind the Archdiocesan Coordinator for Liturgy, together with Mr Francis D’ Almeida will be organising sessions of practice in all 15 deaneries and teach all choirs some basic Latin chants which could be used in parishes and institutions. Once these practice sessions take place parishes may sing at least the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei at parish Sunday Masses on the first Sunday of the month. No. 36 of the Constitution on the Sacred liturgy clearly sets forth the principles in this regard. Latin still remains the main liturgical language of the Church. In Sri Lanka we made a mistake in abandoning the language of our worship altogether." [But our dear liturgical "experts" here in CBCP do not even encourage Latin chants. When was the last time you attended a Mass with Latin chants? Go to Baclaran Church for the weekly Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Hold your breath when you hear how Tantum Ergo was translated from Latin to English. Martin Luther would have danced his liturgical jig in joy!]
I also wish to affirm that as indicated in the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of 7th July 2007 priests and institutions are now permitted to celebrate, where it is appropriate, the Tridentine Mass and the Sacraments in that rite. In this case it is best that the faithful be prepared for it beforehand. Priests may take the initiative themselves to implement in their parishes. I myself hope to celebrate a solemn Eucharist in that rite sometime in the near future at the Archdiocesan Cathedral. [Remember how Cardinal Rosales brazenly defied the Holy Father and issued restrictions against the implementation of the Motu Propio putting himself over the Holy Father?]
These are the reasons why Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith will become cardinal in the next consistory.
And that is also why I do not expect a Filipino become a cardinal in the next consistory.
Watch out for the sell-out senator Joker Arroyo throw a nutty for a Filipino less consistory.
I took some excerpts from the circular of Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith declaring the Year of the Eucharist for his Archdiocese of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
"I appeal to all rectors of seminaries, administrators of archdiocesan shrines, superiors of institutions and directors of archdiocesan apostolates to very specially cooperate in this effort. While not exempting others, in such places we cannot tolerate liturgical errors." [Do we see this done in the Philippines? Yes for one diocese, Lingayen-Dagupan. Remember this post where Archbishop Soc Villegas reminds his priests about the Eucharist and faithfully celebrating, according to the norms and rubrics, the Holy Sacrifice?]
"An effort will be made to make common Latin chants popular during this year. With this aim in mind the Archdiocesan Coordinator for Liturgy, together with Mr Francis D’ Almeida will be organising sessions of practice in all 15 deaneries and teach all choirs some basic Latin chants which could be used in parishes and institutions. Once these practice sessions take place parishes may sing at least the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei at parish Sunday Masses on the first Sunday of the month. No. 36 of the Constitution on the Sacred liturgy clearly sets forth the principles in this regard. Latin still remains the main liturgical language of the Church. In Sri Lanka we made a mistake in abandoning the language of our worship altogether." [But our dear liturgical "experts" here in CBCP do not even encourage Latin chants. When was the last time you attended a Mass with Latin chants? Go to Baclaran Church for the weekly Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Hold your breath when you hear how Tantum Ergo was translated from Latin to English. Martin Luther would have danced his liturgical jig in joy!]
I also wish to affirm that as indicated in the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of 7th July 2007 priests and institutions are now permitted to celebrate, where it is appropriate, the Tridentine Mass and the Sacraments in that rite. In this case it is best that the faithful be prepared for it beforehand. Priests may take the initiative themselves to implement in their parishes. I myself hope to celebrate a solemn Eucharist in that rite sometime in the near future at the Archdiocesan Cathedral. [Remember how Cardinal Rosales brazenly defied the Holy Father and issued restrictions against the implementation of the Motu Propio putting himself over the Holy Father?]
These are the reasons why Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith will become cardinal in the next consistory.
And that is also why I do not expect a Filipino become a cardinal in the next consistory.
Watch out for the sell-out senator Joker Arroyo throw a nutty for a Filipino less consistory.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Request for prayers...and some financial assistance
My emphasis and comments
26th of July 2010
Feast of St. Anne
Your Excellencies, Reverend Fathers, friends, and love ones:
Pax Christi in Regno Christi!
Allow me to express my most sincere and deepest gratitude for the prayers you offered for Mama Belle's recovery from surgery, for her healing from Cancer, and for the temporal assistance you extended to us.
Your prayers are Mama Belle's source of strength and consolation during these dark and trying times. Whenever I visit her room, regardless of how many times I do so in a day, she will always tell me; "text mo sila to please continue praying for me." An 'alternative' to this is "Anak, are they still praying for me?"
I love my mother so much. I will willingly trade places with her if I could. I have the strength to endure any pain in her behalf, but I do not have the strength to see her suffer.
Last 12th of July, she went under the knife with the purpose of removing the 'retroperitoneal mass' which was first discovered last 8th of July. Only less than 50% of the different mass-es {others were discovered before the operation} were removed in the said surgery. A histopathological examination was conducted, and on the 16th of July, the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, the Oncologist confirmed that the tumor is malignant.
As advised by the doctor, I submitted samples of the tumors to the National Kidney and Transplant Institute last 21st of July for further tests, the result of which shall determine the and the of cancer, and the the mass will be most responsive to. As of this writing, Mama Belle is recovering from her operation and is slowly regaining her strength, but her eyes betray her fear of the upcoming chemotherapy.
Wherefore, I appeal to your Christian charity. I beg you to please remember Bella Zenaida Madarang Ramirez in your Masses, rosaries, Liturgy of the Hours, devotions, novenas, and acts of mercy. We are under the patronage of Mama Mary under her title of Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso - Our Lady of Good Events - whose feast is on the 10th of August. I beg you, please beg Mama Mary to grant us a 'good event'.
As an act of faith, we will schedule further medical procedures {except for check-ups} after the 10th of August.
As reminded to me by the great Mariologist, Bro. Marwil Llasos, O.P.; "never has it been known' that anyone who clings to the Blessed Mother has been left unaided". [AMEN!] Pray also for me.
The burden on my shoulder is heavy, and I am the only one who is carrying this cross. I cannot even pray as before because "a huge storm {has} come up, and waves {are} pouring into the boat, threatening to sink it."{Mark 4:37} All I can utter is, Lord, save us!
Thank you to the Rev. Fr. Michell Joe B. Zerrudo for remembering Mama Belle as you offer the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Thank you to the Rev. Fr. Abraham Arganiosa, C.R.S. and your Somascan community for the Masses and prayers you offer for Mama Belle. Thank you to the members of Defensores Fidei Foundation, Totus, and Ecclesia Dei Society of St. Joseph who assure us of their prayers during these trying times.
To those who are able, I beg you for financial assistance. We only have but a mite, and it is in all humility that I beg for help, para kay Mama.
If you have contacts at P.C.S.O and/or PAGCOR or any other charitable institution, please help me reach them.
Nagmamakaawa po ako. Tulungan niyo po akong tulungan ang Mama ko. [I beg of you. Help me help my Mama.]
Thank you so much. I assure you of my prayers, and may God bless you in the same way that you have blessed us with your prayers and assistance.
Entrusting Mama Belle and myself to the the Lord of Divine Mercy, and to His most sweet Mother, Mary most Holy, and appealing to your Christian charity, I remain.
In Christ through Mary,
Miguel Ramirez y Madarang
Address: [I omitted Miguel's address and mobile number for security reasons, if you want to donate, just send the money through the bank account below. There are quacks out there.]
Bank Account Details: Ryan Miguel M. Ramirez
B.D.O - V.A. Rufino Branch
Account Number: 6910017373
26th of July 2010
Feast of St. Anne
Your Excellencies, Reverend Fathers, friends, and love ones:
Pax Christi in Regno Christi!
Allow me to express my most sincere and deepest gratitude for the prayers you offered for Mama Belle's recovery from surgery, for her healing from Cancer, and for the temporal assistance you extended to us.
Your prayers are Mama Belle's source of strength and consolation during these dark and trying times. Whenever I visit her room, regardless of how many times I do so in a day, she will always tell me; "text mo sila to please continue praying for me." An 'alternative' to this is "Anak, are they still praying for me?"
I love my mother so much. I will willingly trade places with her if I could. I have the strength to endure any pain in her behalf, but I do not have the strength to see her suffer.
Last 12th of July, she went under the knife with the purpose of removing the 'retroperitoneal mass' which was first discovered last 8th of July. Only less than 50% of the different mass-es {others were discovered before the operation} were removed in the said surgery. A histopathological examination was conducted, and on the 16th of July, the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, the Oncologist confirmed that the tumor is malignant.
As advised by the doctor, I submitted samples of the tumors to the National Kidney and Transplant Institute last 21st of July for further tests, the result of which shall determine the and the of cancer, and the the mass will be most responsive to. As of this writing, Mama Belle is recovering from her operation and is slowly regaining her strength, but her eyes betray her fear of the upcoming chemotherapy.
Wherefore, I appeal to your Christian charity. I beg you to please remember Bella Zenaida Madarang Ramirez in your Masses, rosaries, Liturgy of the Hours, devotions, novenas, and acts of mercy. We are under the patronage of Mama Mary under her title of Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso - Our Lady of Good Events - whose feast is on the 10th of August. I beg you, please beg Mama Mary to grant us a 'good event'.
As an act of faith, we will schedule further medical procedures {except for check-ups} after the 10th of August.
As reminded to me by the great Mariologist, Bro. Marwil Llasos, O.P.; "never has it been known' that anyone who clings to the Blessed Mother has been left unaided". [AMEN!] Pray also for me.
The burden on my shoulder is heavy, and I am the only one who is carrying this cross. I cannot even pray as before because "a huge storm {has} come up, and waves {are} pouring into the boat, threatening to sink it."{Mark 4:37} All I can utter is, Lord, save us!
Thank you to the Rev. Fr. Michell Joe B. Zerrudo for remembering Mama Belle as you offer the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Thank you to the Rev. Fr. Abraham Arganiosa, C.R.S. and your Somascan community for the Masses and prayers you offer for Mama Belle. Thank you to the members of Defensores Fidei Foundation, Totus, and Ecclesia Dei Society of St. Joseph who assure us of their prayers during these trying times.
To those who are able, I beg you for financial assistance. We only have but a mite, and it is in all humility that I beg for help, para kay Mama.
If you have contacts at P.C.S.O and/or PAGCOR or any other charitable institution, please help me reach them.
Nagmamakaawa po ako. Tulungan niyo po akong tulungan ang Mama ko. [I beg of you. Help me help my Mama.]
Thank you so much. I assure you of my prayers, and may God bless you in the same way that you have blessed us with your prayers and assistance.
Entrusting Mama Belle and myself to the the Lord of Divine Mercy, and to His most sweet Mother, Mary most Holy, and appealing to your Christian charity, I remain.
In Christ through Mary,
Miguel Ramirez y Madarang
Address: [I omitted Miguel's address and mobile number for security reasons, if you want to donate, just send the money through the bank account below. There are quacks out there.]
Bank Account Details: Ryan Miguel M. Ramirez
B.D.O - V.A. Rufino Branch
Account Number: 6910017373
Request for Prayers:
Thanks to my good friend Jay Balza of Veritatem Facientes in Caritate blog for updating me on this.
Please say a prayer for Bella Zenaida Madarang Ramirez, mother of TPC reader Miguel Madarang. She recently had surgery and she is suffering from cancer.
Please say a prayer for Bella Zenaida Madarang Ramirez, mother of TPC reader Miguel Madarang. She recently had surgery and she is suffering from cancer.
Kindly remember Bella Zenaida Madarang Ramirez and her family in your Masses and prayers.
Please say the following prayers for Mrs. Ramirez. Let us entrust her to the loving arms of Our Mother.
Memorare, O piissima Virgo Maria,
non esse auditum a saeculo,
quemquam ad tua currentem praesidia,
tua implorantem auxilia,
tua petentem suffragia, esse derelictum.
Ego tali animatus confidentia,
ad te, Virgo Virginum, Mater, curro, ad te venio,
coram te gemens peccator assisto.
Noli, Mater Verbi, verba mea despicere;
sed audi propitia et exaudi. Amen.
Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
Salve Regina, Mater misericordiae.
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve.
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae.
Ad te Suspiramus,
gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle.
Eia ergo, Advocata nostra,
illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte.
Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris
tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.
O clemens, O pia,
O dulcis Virgo Maria.
V/. Ora pro nobis, Sancta Dei Genetrix.
R/. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. Amen.
GULP EXAM: "Spot the Not" Answers
I posted this photo and asked TPC readers to spot the liturgical no-nos and here are the answers:
1. The proper attire of a priest offering the Holy Sacrifice are the following: alb, stole and chasuble
Redemptionis Sacramentum says: "123. “The vestment proper to the Priest celebrant at Mass, and in other sacred actions directly connected with Mass unless otherwise indicated, is the chasuble, worn over the alb and stole.” [Take note. The alb, then the stole, then the chasuble, meaning the chasuble covers the alb and stole. Obviously, this means that the stole is placed over the alb and tied with a cincture.]
2. Chalices must be made of precious metal and NOT GLASS.
The GIRM states this:
289. Among the requisites for the celebration of Mass, the sacred vessels hold a place of honor, especially the chalice and paten, which are used in presenting, consecrating, and receiving the bread and wine.
290. Vessels should be made from materials that are solid and that in the particular region are regarded as noble. The conference of bishops will be the judge in this matter. But preference is to be given to materials that do not break easily or become unusable. [In Thailand, where that Mass was held, Gold is held as noble and NOT GLASS. What you can see in the photo is obviously an ordinary water goblet.]
The New GIRM also states in 328-332 that: "328: "Sacred vessels are to be made from precious metal."
Obviously, the glass goblet is a violation of these norms. Glass is not a durable material thus, it is not allowed to be a material for chalices!
This same question about glass chalices was also discussed in Zenit and archived in EWTN.
God commanded that precious vestments and vessels be used when offering sacrifices to Him. These can be read in Exodus 28,
Precious things for our Precious Lord!
St. John Marie Vianney, patron of parish priests did this. He invested A LOT in sacred vessels and vestments but lived the life of a pauper. See my post here.
Here are sample photos:
The saints personal effects.
Now compare this with the vestments he used.
See, where the heart of the great Saint lied?
How many priests do we see today wearing signature clothes and shoes instead of their cassocks or clerical collar but wear flimsy and cheap vestments?
Peter said "Lord you know everything you know that I love you."
Christ answered to something like "Oh yeah? PROVE IT!"
SNAPSHOT: The Pope relaxing
My broadband sucks!
Yeah, let me rant.
I tried getting online yesterday to update my blog but I always get disconnected by my awesome broadband service provider.
And yes, HINDI KO MAABOT ANG MUNDO! I cannot reach the world with a sloppy service like this!
I tried getting online yesterday to update my blog but I always get disconnected by my awesome broadband service provider.
And yes, HINDI KO MAABOT ANG MUNDO! I cannot reach the world with a sloppy service like this!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Now I know who this priest is!
I once posted about this priest.
Now I know who he is. He is Fr. Arnold Abelardo, CMF, or a Claretian. He is the well-loved chaplain of the National Orthopedic Center. He is a campaign volunteer of Pres. Noynoy Aquino. He went with the then candidate Noynoy to every campaign sortie.
But what I noticed was, in the available photos and videos of the priest, he was always wearing a yellow stole! For whatever reason he had it on, I had no idea.
Bishops, priests and deacons were the stole ONLY during liturgical and paraliturgical celebrations where they are the celebrant and concelebrant.
Read about liturgical rules of stoles by clicking here and here.
Now, for the love of...Why would this priest wear a stole, albeit yellow, for a non liturgical function???
Here is a news video of Fr. Arnold. Notice that he even wears a chasuble while acting as close in security of Noynoy Aquino.
I don't mind him working for a presidential candidate nor am I attacking his work as chaplain. He is doing a great job. he does. A friend who works at the NOC says he is a friendly and very approachable guy.
But when it comes to liturgical laws, boy he needs a LOT OF REMINDERS.
If priests who lay Catholics look up to when it comes to the laws of the Church are the very ones who violate it, then who are we not to?
Now I know who he is. He is Fr. Arnold Abelardo, CMF, or a Claretian. He is the well-loved chaplain of the National Orthopedic Center. He is a campaign volunteer of Pres. Noynoy Aquino. He went with the then candidate Noynoy to every campaign sortie.
Bishops, priests and deacons were the stole ONLY during liturgical and paraliturgical celebrations where they are the celebrant and concelebrant.
Read about liturgical rules of stoles by clicking here and here.
Now, for the love of...Why would this priest wear a stole, albeit yellow, for a non liturgical function???
Here is a news video of Fr. Arnold. Notice that he even wears a chasuble while acting as close in security of Noynoy Aquino.
I don't mind him working for a presidential candidate nor am I attacking his work as chaplain. He is doing a great job. he does. A friend who works at the NOC says he is a friendly and very approachable guy.
But when it comes to liturgical laws, boy he needs a LOT OF REMINDERS.
If priests who lay Catholics look up to when it comes to the laws of the Church are the very ones who violate it, then who are we not to?
SNAPSHOT: The Pope "Reflecting"
Friday, July 23, 2010
Famous Pinoy painter passes away
This is one of the famous paintings of Joey Velasco along with this one.
The children in this painting are real street kids of Manila.
MANILA, Philippines - In 2005, weighed down by a life-threatening kidney ailment, businessman Joey Velasco found a way to distract himself from pain and misery--by clinging to the healing power of art.
He had been battling kidney problems for years and lost his left kidney.
Velasco was an entrepreneur who started painting to deal with the depression brought about by his illness.
"Ang laging binubulong sa akin ng wife ko noon, [what my wife always whispers to me was to] surrender to the Lord, full surrender. Nanghingi po ako sa kanya ng lubid para makawala. [I was asking for a rope from him so that I can escape.] Metaphorically, hindi siya nagbigay ng rope. [He did not give me the rope.] He dangled a paintbrush and I grabbed it. Doon, liwanag. [There. Light.] New life," he said in an interview on Probe Profiles.
He specialized in religious art and was called a "heartist" for depicting Jesus in everyday Filipino life.
His newfound devotion brought him serenity, and this was manifested in his art.
Inspired by the Last Supper, he made his first and most notable piece "Hapag ng Pagasa" [Table of Hope, the painting above.] in 2005, out of a lesson he wanted to teach his children about the value of food .He recast the theme by having Christ share a meal with street children.
In 2006, the work won the Catholic Mass Media Awards.
But there was more to the work.
"Ang na feel ko, [What I felt was] my painting can communicate to the soul. Everyday, kung sinong makakitang tao, [whoever I see] same pattern of question, how can I give my share, how can I contribute. Di ko maassemble yung sarili ko e. [I cannot gather myself] Sila talaga bumubuo-buo ng piraso ko. [They are the ones who make my entire paradise.] Nahanap ko yung sarili ko na ito pala ang magbibigay ng meaning sa buhay," he said. [I found myself and realized that this will be the one to give meaning to my life.]
Eventually, following a vow he first made to help the children who helped him, donations came.
Filled with new inspiration and without any formal training, Velasco churned out religious painting, more than 100 of them in 5 years.
Word spread about his artwork.
Aware of his own mortality, he found meaning in every experience.
He also wrote books, produced short films, and engrossed himself in sculpture.
"For a long time, di na ako nagsusuot ng relos e, [I don't wear a watch.] I don't live chronologically, by time. I live by the moment," Velasco said. "Whenever I paint, I consider it my last obra. Takot na takot po ako. Pero ngayon, hindi na." [I was so afraid before. But now, I am not.]
Friends and fans grieve for the passing of the artist on Tuesday.
Velasco's works are living proof of an enduring faith that saw him to the end, when he finally came face to face with his maker, the one who inspired his art.
President Noynoy Aquino took the time off from his hectic schedule to pay his respects. See here.
May I request everyone to pray for the eternal repose of Joey Velasco.
Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, O Lord, shalt observe iniquities; Lord, who shall endure it?
For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness:
and by reason of Thy law, I have waited for Thee, O Lord.
My soul hath relied on His word; my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
My soul hath relied on His word; my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even until night, let Israel hope in the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him plentiful redemption.
And He shall redeem Israel from all her iniquities.
Because with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him plentiful redemption.
And He shall redeem Israel from all her iniquities.
Eternal rest give unto Joey Velasco, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.
May Joey Velasco's soul and the soul of all faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
Let us pray.
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful,
grant to the soul of Your servant Joey Velasco the remission of all his sins,
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful,
grant to the soul of Your servant Joey Velasco the remission of all his sins,
that through our pious supplication, he and all the departed
may obtain that pardon which they have always desired;
You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
Eternal rest give unto Joey Velasco, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.
May Joey Velasco's soul and the soul of all faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
BE WARNED: Bogus deacon, priest, doctor whatever!
From CBCP News
Manila’s Roman Catholic Church has warned the faithful Thursday against a fake cleric asking for donations.
The chancery office of the Manila archdiocese said the fake deacon, identified as Ritchie Verdeflor Buenavides claimed to be one Rev. Paulus Maria Sanguinis Sacris. [I did a little investigation about this guy myself. More about this below.]
The Church issued the warning in a circular letter issued July 19 after getting the information from Bro. Francis Joseph of the Brothers of Mercy of St. John of God based in Bocaue, Bulacan warning them against the fake cleric.
Joseph, in a letter to Cardinal Rosales, said that Buenavides might use their congregation’s name “San Juan de Dios” in soliciting money for his supposed priestly ordination on July 29 at the “Holy Family Catholic Church” in Kapatiran Village, Pasong Buaya II, Imus, Cavite.
A follow-up with the Our Lady of the Pillar Parish Church in Imus, Cavite revealed there’s no Holy Family Catholic church in the area.
The 2008-2009 Catholic Directory of the Philippines also has no listing for the Missionary Society of Sts. Peter and Paul, said to be based in Manila. [Bogus Society! A quick check of the internet would show you this.]
Buenavides, who will assume the religious name of Fr. Paulus Maria Sanguinis Sacriz, MSSPP, allegedly goes around Manila soliciting donations for his ordination to be performed by Bishops Johannes Vincent Irenaeus, Jose Maria Emmanuel and Petrus Paulus, all members of MSSPP. [BOGUS! My goodness! Is this a priestly ordination or an episcopal ordination? Do you need 3 bishops to ordain you?!]
There are no bishops of these names listed in the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines directory.
The wacko has his own Facebook account!

As you can see, he claims to be a member of the bogus society.
Look at his profile picture. Notice anything? He is lying prostrate wearing a deacon's stole.
BUT! This posture is done DURING a priestly ordination! How come he is asking for his upcoming priestly ordination when he has a photo of him doing an act done in a priestly ordination?
He is also president and founder of SJDLC which, who knows what!
Scrolling down...
Wow! Look at that! He has 3 doctorates! In Clinical Psychology (which obviously he will need himself!), In Education Management (majoring in Imagines Diplomas) and in Theology which he would definitely receive an excommunication laetae sententiae if he attempts to simulate the administration of the Sacraments especially the Mass. I do not know if soliciting money for a supposed priestly ordination merits this.
If you notice, this guy must be very good! Imagine he got his MS in Clinical Psychology in 2007 and got his PhD in the same discipline the SAME YEAR!
Doogie Howser!!!
I thought of calling the Commission on Higher Education or even Ateneo de Davao University, where I once taught, to check on the veracity of this guy's claim...But...I thought to myself. NOT WORTH IT!
Manila’s Roman Catholic Church has warned the faithful Thursday against a fake cleric asking for donations.
The chancery office of the Manila archdiocese said the fake deacon, identified as Ritchie Verdeflor Buenavides claimed to be one Rev. Paulus Maria Sanguinis Sacris. [I did a little investigation about this guy myself. More about this below.]
The Church issued the warning in a circular letter issued July 19 after getting the information from Bro. Francis Joseph of the Brothers of Mercy of St. John of God based in Bocaue, Bulacan warning them against the fake cleric.
Joseph, in a letter to Cardinal Rosales, said that Buenavides might use their congregation’s name “San Juan de Dios” in soliciting money for his supposed priestly ordination on July 29 at the “Holy Family Catholic Church” in Kapatiran Village, Pasong Buaya II, Imus, Cavite.
A follow-up with the Our Lady of the Pillar Parish Church in Imus, Cavite revealed there’s no Holy Family Catholic church in the area.
The 2008-2009 Catholic Directory of the Philippines also has no listing for the Missionary Society of Sts. Peter and Paul, said to be based in Manila. [Bogus Society! A quick check of the internet would show you this.]
Buenavides, who will assume the religious name of Fr. Paulus Maria Sanguinis Sacriz, MSSPP, allegedly goes around Manila soliciting donations for his ordination to be performed by Bishops Johannes Vincent Irenaeus, Jose Maria Emmanuel and Petrus Paulus, all members of MSSPP. [BOGUS! My goodness! Is this a priestly ordination or an episcopal ordination? Do you need 3 bishops to ordain you?!]
There are no bishops of these names listed in the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines directory.
The wacko has his own Facebook account!
As you can see, he claims to be a member of the bogus society.
Look at his profile picture. Notice anything? He is lying prostrate wearing a deacon's stole.
BUT! This posture is done DURING a priestly ordination! How come he is asking for his upcoming priestly ordination when he has a photo of him doing an act done in a priestly ordination?
He is also president and founder of SJDLC which, who knows what!
Scrolling down...
Wow! Look at that! He has 3 doctorates! In Clinical Psychology (which obviously he will need himself!), In Education Management (majoring in Imagines Diplomas) and in Theology which he would definitely receive an excommunication laetae sententiae if he attempts to simulate the administration of the Sacraments especially the Mass. I do not know if soliciting money for a supposed priestly ordination merits this.
If you notice, this guy must be very good! Imagine he got his MS in Clinical Psychology in 2007 and got his PhD in the same discipline the SAME YEAR!
Doogie Howser!!!
I thought of calling the Commission on Higher Education or even Ateneo de Davao University, where I once taught, to check on the veracity of this guy's claim...But...I thought to myself. NOT WORTH IT!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
GULP Alert: Answers to recent post
Remember this picture?
I posted this last Monday, July 17.
TPC readers kate5_17 and Dr. Ben Vallejo got it right for noticing that the tabernacle is off to the side.
And notice how an empty chair is occupying the central part of the sanctuary. Does it look like it is on a place of honor? Does the expression "center of attention" ring a bell to you? Where do presidents of nation or even corporations sit whenever their are important events? Riiiiiggghhhttt! CENTER.
In the meantime, let me quote kate5_17 for her observations:
Excellent points katie!
Now here is what the legislation of the Church says about the placement of the tabernacle also known as the "box or receptacle made of precious metal containing the Lord truly present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the appearance of Bread."
Documents on Tabernacle Placement
I - Catechism of the Catholic Church [1994]
§1379. The tabernacle was first intended for the reservation of the Eucharist in a worthy place so that it could be brought to the sick and those absent, outside of Mass. As faith in the real presence of Christ in his Eucharist deepened, the Church became conscious of the meaning of silent adoration of the Lord present under the Eucharistic species. It is for this reason that the tabernacle should be located in an especially worthy place in the church and should be constructed in such a way that it emphasizes and manifests the truth of the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. [Does that placement of the Tabernacle, being in an equal position of the Holy Bible emphasizes and manifests the truth of the Real Presence? Remember, this is a major seminary and not just any major seminary. This is the major seminary of the Primatial See of the Philippines, the largest Catholic nation in Asia.]
II - Code of Canon Law [1983]
The Reservation and Veneration of The Most Holy Eucharist at Title III, Chapter II, Canons 934-944.
Can. 938
2. "The tabernacle in which the Most Holy Eucharist is reserved should be placed in a part of the church that is prominent, conspicuous, beautifully decorated, and suitable for prayer." [Is it prominent? Nope.]
Can 940: "A special lamp to indicate and honor the presence of Christ is to burn at all times before the tabernacle in which the Most Holy Eucharist is reserved". [Do you see a lamp? Nope.]
III - Caeremoniale Episcoporum [Ceremonial for Bishops - 1984]
Chapter III - Of Cathedral Churches
49. It is recommended that the tabernacle, in accordance with ancient tradition preserved in cathedral churches, be placed in a separate chapel in a central location in the nave.[48]
If, however, in a particular case a tabernacle is upon the altar on which the bishop is to celebrate, the Most Holy Sacrament is to be transferred to another dignified location. [Take the case of St. Peter's Basilica and other huge churches. These churches have become treasure troves of artwork that people of all religions visit it for their art value. BUT St. Peter's has a Blessed Sacrament Chapel where even cameras are not allowed since the place is for those wanting to pray and not for tourists.]
(NB - these citations follow. Editor)
IV - De Sacra Communione et de cultu mysterii Eucharistici extra Missam, Praenotanda generalia [Holy Communion and worship outside of Mass, General Introduction, 21 June 1973 (DOL 279)]
9. The place for the reservation of the Eucharist should be truly preeminent. [It is not preeminent in that photo!] It is highly recommended that the place be suitable also for private adoration and prayer so that the faithful may readily and fruitfully continue to honor the Lord, present in the sacrament, through personal worship.
This will be achieved more easily if the chapel is separate from the body of the church, especially in churches where marriages and funerals are celebrated frequently and in churches where there are many visitors because of pilgrimages or the artistic and historical treasures.
10. The Holy Eucharist is to be reserved in a solid tabernacle. It must be opaque and unbreakable. [Eucharisticum Mysterium DOL 179 no 1281, note R4] Ordinarily there should be only one tabernacle in a church; this may be placed on an altar or if not on an altar, at the discretion of the local Ordinary, in some other noble and properly ornamented part of the church. [The location and ornamentation of the tabernacle, if you can find any ornamentation at all, is a violation of this provision.]
11. The presence of the Eucharist in the tabernacle is to be shown by a veil or in another suitable way determined by the competent authority. [Nope. No veil there.]
According to traditional usage, an oil lamp or lamp with a wax candle is to burn constantly near the tabernacle as a sign of the honor shown to the Lord. [Nope. No Candle either.]
V - Eucharisticum Mysterium [On Worship of the Eucharist - May 25, 1967: AAS 59 (1967) 5390573; Not. 3 (1967) 225-260; DOL 179
Part III - Worship of the Eucharist as a Permanent Sacrament
Chapel of Reservation
53. The place in a church or oratory where the Eucharist is reserved in a tabernacle should be truly a place of honor. It should also be suited to private prayer so that the faithful may readily and to their advantage continue to honor the Lord in this sacrament by private worship. Therefore it is recommended that as far as possible the tabernacle be placed in a chapel set apart from the main body of the church, especially in churches where there frequently are marriages and funerals and in places that, because of their artistic or historical treasures, are visited by many people. [Just like St. Peter's Basilica. But in this case, is the tabernacle in a place of honor? Nope. It has been relegated to a position equal to that of the Holy Bible. Yes, Christ is in the proclaimed Word but His Presence is RADICALLY DIFFERENT from His Presence in the Holy Eucharist!]
Tabernacle in the middle of altar or in another part of the church
54. "The Eucharist is to be reserved in a solid and secure tabernacle, placed in the middle of the main altar or on a minor, but truly worthy altar, or else, depending on lawful custom and in particular cases approved by the local Ordinary, in another, special, and properly adorned part of the church.
"It is also lawful to celebrate Mass facing the people [meaning it is not the norm! Mass facing the people is an alternative. But we all know that after Vatican II, the alternative became the norm. But I digress.] even on an altar where there is a small but becoming tabernacle." [n. 115 - SCR Instruction Inter Oecumenici, no. 95 [DOL 23. no 3870.]
Tabernacle on an altar where Mass is celebrated with a congregation
55. In the celebration of Mass the principal modes of Christ's presence to His Church emerge clearly one after the other: first He is seen to be present in the assembly of the faithful gathered in His name; then in His word, with the reading and explanation of Scripture, [not on a Bible that is not even read.] also in the person of the minister; finally, in a singular way under the Eucharistic Elements. Consequently, on the grounds of the sign value, it is more in keeping with the nature of the celebration that, through reservation of the sacrament in the tabernacle, Christ not be present eucharistically from the beginning on the altar where Mass is celebrated. That presence is the effect of the consecration and should appear as such. [This is becomes the Gospel truth for those against the tabernacle on the altar. But what about the Traditional Latin Mass? The tabernacle is on the altar.]
Means of indicating the presence of Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle
57. Care should be taken that the faithful be made aware of the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle by the use of a veil or some other effective means prescribed by the competent authority. [Hmmm... Do you see that in the Tabernacle in the seminary? Nope.]
According to the traditional practice, a lamp should burn continuously near the tabernacle as a sign of the honor shown to the Lord. [n. 117 - see CIC can. 1271.] [Nope. None there. Not a candle but a small light bulb. A lamp burns while a bulb shines, right?]
VI - Inter Oecumenici [September 26, 1964]
Chapter VI: Reservation of the Eucharist
95. The eucharist is to be reserved in a solid and secure tabernacle, placed in the middle of the main altar or on a minor, but truly worthy altar, or, in accord with lawful custom and in particular cases approved by the local Ordinary, also in another, special, and properly adorned part of the church. [Complete violation of everything said here!]
Imagine! Our future priests pray in this chapel. With that kind of respect and honor shown to the Blessed Sacrament, by placing it in an equal position as that of the Holy Bible, what can you expect...
Here is one thing that your liberal/modernist parish priest or even parish sister/nun would not want you to be: knowledgeable of church legislation and tradition! These are the pro-democracy style of parish governance but throws a nutty when they are reminded of church legislation and tradition. You'll be rebuked for being "bookish", "too rigid", "not open to the Spirit of Vatican 2" and other rubbish. But guess what? What Rome says I obey.
The Pinoy Catholic is an ultramontanist!
I posted this last Monday, July 17.
TPC readers kate5_17 and Dr. Ben Vallejo got it right for noticing that the tabernacle is off to the side.
And notice how an empty chair is occupying the central part of the sanctuary. Does it look like it is on a place of honor? Does the expression "center of attention" ring a bell to you? Where do presidents of nation or even corporations sit whenever their are important events? Riiiiiggghhhttt! CENTER.
In the meantime, let me quote kate5_17 for her observations:
The First thing that is wrong is that THIS IS the Archdiocesan Major Seminary of the Primatial See of the Philippines! How the Late Rufino Cardinal Santos of great and blessed memory would have mourned and turned over his grave for seeing how this could pass up for the worthy celebration of our Liturgies! [Yeah. I heard from some elderly priests of how the late cardinal was adamant of the liturgical changes of Vatican II. In fact, the See of Manila was one of the last sees to implement the liturgical changes. One priest even told me that the first time Cardinal Santos concelebrated was during Paul VI's visit to the Philippines.]
The Tabernacle is on the side, and the sedilia takes the center space. [Get that! The celebrant is now the focus of worship not God in the tabernacle! See how the seminary treats the Book as equal to the Bread!] If I remember, if ever the Holy Sacrament should not take the central space in the sanctuary, it should be housed on a "proper and worthy" space (a chapel or side altar) of its own. [It must be! More of this later.]
Second is that I reallly do not recount why some clergy would ever put up a space for the "lectionary/evangelarium" as if the outward emphasis and importance of the Word of God be somewhat diminished if it doesnt have its space! [Does Martin Luther ring a bell here?] There is nowhere in the liturgical books where you could see any mention of a place set apart for the "L/E". [Yeah, indeed! Never a tradition of the Church. Obviously an innovation!] It is completely a liturgical invention and an abuse. It derives for the Protestant tradition to have a space apart for the "Word of God." [Hello, Luther!]
Excellent points katie!
Now here is what the legislation of the Church says about the placement of the tabernacle also known as the "box or receptacle made of precious metal containing the Lord truly present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the appearance of Bread."
Documents on Tabernacle Placement
I - Catechism of the Catholic Church [1994]
§1379. The tabernacle was first intended for the reservation of the Eucharist in a worthy place so that it could be brought to the sick and those absent, outside of Mass. As faith in the real presence of Christ in his Eucharist deepened, the Church became conscious of the meaning of silent adoration of the Lord present under the Eucharistic species. It is for this reason that the tabernacle should be located in an especially worthy place in the church and should be constructed in such a way that it emphasizes and manifests the truth of the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. [Does that placement of the Tabernacle, being in an equal position of the Holy Bible emphasizes and manifests the truth of the Real Presence? Remember, this is a major seminary and not just any major seminary. This is the major seminary of the Primatial See of the Philippines, the largest Catholic nation in Asia.]
II - Code of Canon Law [1983]
The Reservation and Veneration of The Most Holy Eucharist at Title III, Chapter II, Canons 934-944.
Can. 938
2. "The tabernacle in which the Most Holy Eucharist is reserved should be placed in a part of the church that is prominent, conspicuous, beautifully decorated, and suitable for prayer." [Is it prominent? Nope.]
Can 940: "A special lamp to indicate and honor the presence of Christ is to burn at all times before the tabernacle in which the Most Holy Eucharist is reserved". [Do you see a lamp? Nope.]
III - Caeremoniale Episcoporum [Ceremonial for Bishops - 1984]
Chapter III - Of Cathedral Churches
49. It is recommended that the tabernacle, in accordance with ancient tradition preserved in cathedral churches, be placed in a separate chapel in a central location in the nave.[48]
If, however, in a particular case a tabernacle is upon the altar on which the bishop is to celebrate, the Most Holy Sacrament is to be transferred to another dignified location. [Take the case of St. Peter's Basilica and other huge churches. These churches have become treasure troves of artwork that people of all religions visit it for their art value. BUT St. Peter's has a Blessed Sacrament Chapel where even cameras are not allowed since the place is for those wanting to pray and not for tourists.]
(NB - these citations follow. Editor)
IV - De Sacra Communione et de cultu mysterii Eucharistici extra Missam, Praenotanda generalia [Holy Communion and worship outside of Mass, General Introduction, 21 June 1973 (DOL 279)]
9. The place for the reservation of the Eucharist should be truly preeminent. [It is not preeminent in that photo!] It is highly recommended that the place be suitable also for private adoration and prayer so that the faithful may readily and fruitfully continue to honor the Lord, present in the sacrament, through personal worship.
This will be achieved more easily if the chapel is separate from the body of the church, especially in churches where marriages and funerals are celebrated frequently and in churches where there are many visitors because of pilgrimages or the artistic and historical treasures.
10. The Holy Eucharist is to be reserved in a solid tabernacle. It must be opaque and unbreakable. [Eucharisticum Mysterium DOL 179 no 1281, note R4] Ordinarily there should be only one tabernacle in a church; this may be placed on an altar or if not on an altar, at the discretion of the local Ordinary, in some other noble and properly ornamented part of the church. [The location and ornamentation of the tabernacle, if you can find any ornamentation at all, is a violation of this provision.]
11. The presence of the Eucharist in the tabernacle is to be shown by a veil or in another suitable way determined by the competent authority. [Nope. No veil there.]
According to traditional usage, an oil lamp or lamp with a wax candle is to burn constantly near the tabernacle as a sign of the honor shown to the Lord. [Nope. No Candle either.]
V - Eucharisticum Mysterium [On Worship of the Eucharist - May 25, 1967: AAS 59 (1967) 5390573; Not. 3 (1967) 225-260; DOL 179
Part III - Worship of the Eucharist as a Permanent Sacrament
Chapel of Reservation
53. The place in a church or oratory where the Eucharist is reserved in a tabernacle should be truly a place of honor. It should also be suited to private prayer so that the faithful may readily and to their advantage continue to honor the Lord in this sacrament by private worship. Therefore it is recommended that as far as possible the tabernacle be placed in a chapel set apart from the main body of the church, especially in churches where there frequently are marriages and funerals and in places that, because of their artistic or historical treasures, are visited by many people. [Just like St. Peter's Basilica. But in this case, is the tabernacle in a place of honor? Nope. It has been relegated to a position equal to that of the Holy Bible. Yes, Christ is in the proclaimed Word but His Presence is RADICALLY DIFFERENT from His Presence in the Holy Eucharist!]
Tabernacle in the middle of altar or in another part of the church
54. "The Eucharist is to be reserved in a solid and secure tabernacle, placed in the middle of the main altar or on a minor, but truly worthy altar, or else, depending on lawful custom and in particular cases approved by the local Ordinary, in another, special, and properly adorned part of the church.
"It is also lawful to celebrate Mass facing the people [meaning it is not the norm! Mass facing the people is an alternative. But we all know that after Vatican II, the alternative became the norm. But I digress.] even on an altar where there is a small but becoming tabernacle." [n. 115 - SCR Instruction Inter Oecumenici, no. 95 [DOL 23. no 3870.]
Tabernacle on an altar where Mass is celebrated with a congregation
55. In the celebration of Mass the principal modes of Christ's presence to His Church emerge clearly one after the other: first He is seen to be present in the assembly of the faithful gathered in His name; then in His word, with the reading and explanation of Scripture, [not on a Bible that is not even read.] also in the person of the minister; finally, in a singular way under the Eucharistic Elements. Consequently, on the grounds of the sign value, it is more in keeping with the nature of the celebration that, through reservation of the sacrament in the tabernacle, Christ not be present eucharistically from the beginning on the altar where Mass is celebrated. That presence is the effect of the consecration and should appear as such. [This is becomes the Gospel truth for those against the tabernacle on the altar. But what about the Traditional Latin Mass? The tabernacle is on the altar.]
Means of indicating the presence of Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle
57. Care should be taken that the faithful be made aware of the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle by the use of a veil or some other effective means prescribed by the competent authority. [Hmmm... Do you see that in the Tabernacle in the seminary? Nope.]
According to the traditional practice, a lamp should burn continuously near the tabernacle as a sign of the honor shown to the Lord. [n. 117 - see CIC can. 1271.] [Nope. None there. Not a candle but a small light bulb. A lamp burns while a bulb shines, right?]
VI - Inter Oecumenici [September 26, 1964]
Chapter VI: Reservation of the Eucharist
95. The eucharist is to be reserved in a solid and secure tabernacle, placed in the middle of the main altar or on a minor, but truly worthy altar, or, in accord with lawful custom and in particular cases approved by the local Ordinary, also in another, special, and properly adorned part of the church. [Complete violation of everything said here!]
Imagine! Our future priests pray in this chapel. With that kind of respect and honor shown to the Blessed Sacrament, by placing it in an equal position as that of the Holy Bible, what can you expect...
Here is one thing that your liberal/modernist parish priest or even parish sister/nun would not want you to be: knowledgeable of church legislation and tradition! These are the pro-democracy style of parish governance but throws a nutty when they are reminded of church legislation and tradition. You'll be rebuked for being "bookish", "too rigid", "not open to the Spirit of Vatican 2" and other rubbish. But guess what? What Rome says I obey.
The Pinoy Catholic is an ultramontanist!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sex: Two opposing views
An article from the PDI aka...
The Bishop's Move by Jesselynn G. de la Cruz
There’s more to the comprehensive sexuality education program than the DepEd and DOH admit, claims the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines. This should be taught by parents, the bishops insist, instead of being “mandated by government and funded by population agencies”
Why do our children need to be taught about sex? And who should teach them?
The two questions spring from a premise over which there seems to be no debate: that yes, Filipino youths need to learn about sex.
The “why” and the “who” remain areas of contention and escalating tension between the country’s Catholic Bishops and government agencies pushing for a comprehensive sex education program in public schools.
There is a marked difference in perspective on the issue that caused the Church and the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Health department (DOH) to part ways on sex education.
“The Catholic Church says sex is sacred; (the government agencies) say sex is dangerous,” explains Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz, former president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), which has vehemently opposed the DepEd-DOH program. [This is where the battle line is drawn just as I have always debated people who do not understand the Church's stand on sex. Unless we have a common definition of what sex is then there is nothing to talk about. But there are those who say that contraception should be allowed by the Church even for married couples. The answer to that is: sex is for the creation of life and any artificial means to stop the creation of life, take note of this, is against the natural moral law and is therefore morally wrong and sinful!]
This distinction is vital, the archbishop notes, because it determines why, how and by whom sex education should be taught. “What is important for the Church is that sex education should not be removed from the human person and therefore cannot be abstracted. In fact, we would not call it ’sex education,’ but rather ’education in human sexuality.’”
The premise that sex is “for pleasure, but is dangerous,” he added, leads to a conclusion that you can have the pleasure but “you must be protected.” And this seems to be the approach of the sex education program as envisioned by the DepEd-DOH, he adds.
But the Church view on the sacredness of sex is that “it is for man and woman to be able to give God an occasion to create, with the parents co-creating,” [the stand of the Church towards sex will never be compromised with what that pig named Sigmund Freud said! The world worships his view on human sexuality even if he impregnates his sister-in-law and has an abortion!] contends Cruz. In that context, sex—or human sexuality, as the Philippine Church prefers to call it—cannot be considered merely a school subject alongside the other course offerings in the regular curriculum that can be taught in modules and in regular class sessions. It is not something you can teach “objectively,” like math or science, he adds.
Caloocan bishop Deogracias Iñiguez had expressed the same sentiments to explain his participation in a protest action launched by a party-list and child advocacy group at the DepEd office in Pasig City last month.
Iñiguez has since consistently urged Education officials to stop the pilot-testing of the sex education program in some 180 elementary and high schools in the country.
“Sex is now perceived as pleasure for today’s generation,” he noted. [And no one dare tell otherwise!]
The Catholic Church has always maintained that the first teachers of human sexuality should be the parents—specifically, mothers.
If the DepEd and the DOH are serious in launching a sex education program in schools for the good of the children, the Bishops counter, then they should address the parents first: teach parents how to teach their children. [The government cannot handle EVERYTHING. This is one fact of life they have to accept.]
“Once the parents have been provided or equipped with the necessary information, then they will be able to adjust this information to the needs of their kids. Because every kid will have a separate level of growth and understanding—mentally, psychologically and emotionally. If the parents teach human sexuality in the context of their family, their papa and mama, ate and kuya—then it’s closer to home and not something alien,” says Cruz. [Oh I can here Maramba and de Quiros say, "Look bishop. You do not have a wife and kids. You are in no position to tell us how to do it! ENGK! Non sequitur!]
But even before the issue of how and by whom sexuality education should be taught, the CBCP seeks an honest disclosure of the motivation and objective of the program. [Can we hear the UN and EU and HUGE pharmaceutical money behind all of this? Didn't we hear the same when the Cheaper Medicines Act was being heard in Congress? The tactics are SOOOO very the same.]
“The reaction from the bishops and the Catholic lay faithful regarding the sex education program to be introduced in schools is rooted in the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill, which was introduced in Congress and that became a very poignant issue of dissent between the CBCP, particularly the Commission on Family and Life, and the House representatives themselves,” Cruz admits.
With this background, he continues, the conclusion is rather obvious. “The sex education program ordered by the DepEd goes hand in hand with the RH Bill backed by the DOH. There is a very big lobby, funded by the international pharmaceuticals who are marketers of contraceptives, condoms, etc., that started with the RH Bill and continues with the Comprehensive Sex Education Program.” [And what do you think fuels these columnists to air their tirades against the Church, eh? 30 pieces of silver STILL is a LOT of money.]
The country’s Catholic leaders, says Cruz, are convinced that the sex education program is a way for the two government agencies to ultimately introduce an RH program—a population control program—“that will not have to pass any other legislative agency, and lose strength in the process.”
“There may be more to it than they are ready to admit. I’m saying the (DepEd and DOH) are not doing this only on their own initiative,” the former Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan stresses.
“There seems to be pressure and/or incentives from some source. So we’re questioning the motivation—and the finality. The start and the goal are both dubious—and it has to be exposed for what it is, for what the agenda is.”
This final argument, the former CBCP president says, is meant to examine the purpose or objective of the Comprehensive Sex Education Program.
“The Church believes, insists—and includes in every document and law—that the responsibility of parents is procreation and education. And when we say education, the objective is to provide our children with: information—they will know; formation—it will have an effect on them, and transformation—it will make a difference in them,” says the archbishop. [Archbisop Cruz is impressing me! He speaks like he is a father who has real kids of his own. Very impressive, indeed.]
“Sexuality education can be all that, only if it is the responsibility of the parents, and not because it is mandated by government and funded by population agencies.”
It's all about the money folks...Why you might ask?
They have exhausted the market in Europe, Japan and the Americas where the call now is towards more people to be born. Population in these parts of the world is going down quickly. More people are growing old while there are only few being born, no thanks to contraception and abortion and...also sex is for fun.
Know the issues so that you don't get bamboozled by agents of death who are willing to write for the devil for 30 pieces of silver!
The Bishop's Move by Jesselynn G. de la Cruz
There’s more to the comprehensive sexuality education program than the DepEd and DOH admit, claims the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines. This should be taught by parents, the bishops insist, instead of being “mandated by government and funded by population agencies”
Why do our children need to be taught about sex? And who should teach them?
The two questions spring from a premise over which there seems to be no debate: that yes, Filipino youths need to learn about sex.
The “why” and the “who” remain areas of contention and escalating tension between the country’s Catholic Bishops and government agencies pushing for a comprehensive sex education program in public schools.
There is a marked difference in perspective on the issue that caused the Church and the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Health department (DOH) to part ways on sex education.
“The Catholic Church says sex is sacred; (the government agencies) say sex is dangerous,” explains Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz, former president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), which has vehemently opposed the DepEd-DOH program. [This is where the battle line is drawn just as I have always debated people who do not understand the Church's stand on sex. Unless we have a common definition of what sex is then there is nothing to talk about. But there are those who say that contraception should be allowed by the Church even for married couples. The answer to that is: sex is for the creation of life and any artificial means to stop the creation of life, take note of this, is against the natural moral law and is therefore morally wrong and sinful!]
This distinction is vital, the archbishop notes, because it determines why, how and by whom sex education should be taught. “What is important for the Church is that sex education should not be removed from the human person and therefore cannot be abstracted. In fact, we would not call it ’sex education,’ but rather ’education in human sexuality.’”
The premise that sex is “for pleasure, but is dangerous,” he added, leads to a conclusion that you can have the pleasure but “you must be protected.” And this seems to be the approach of the sex education program as envisioned by the DepEd-DOH, he adds.
But the Church view on the sacredness of sex is that “it is for man and woman to be able to give God an occasion to create, with the parents co-creating,” [the stand of the Church towards sex will never be compromised with what that pig named Sigmund Freud said! The world worships his view on human sexuality even if he impregnates his sister-in-law and has an abortion!] contends Cruz. In that context, sex—or human sexuality, as the Philippine Church prefers to call it—cannot be considered merely a school subject alongside the other course offerings in the regular curriculum that can be taught in modules and in regular class sessions. It is not something you can teach “objectively,” like math or science, he adds.
Caloocan bishop Deogracias Iñiguez had expressed the same sentiments to explain his participation in a protest action launched by a party-list and child advocacy group at the DepEd office in Pasig City last month.
Iñiguez has since consistently urged Education officials to stop the pilot-testing of the sex education program in some 180 elementary and high schools in the country.
“Sex is now perceived as pleasure for today’s generation,” he noted. [And no one dare tell otherwise!]
The Catholic Church has always maintained that the first teachers of human sexuality should be the parents—specifically, mothers.
If the DepEd and the DOH are serious in launching a sex education program in schools for the good of the children, the Bishops counter, then they should address the parents first: teach parents how to teach their children. [The government cannot handle EVERYTHING. This is one fact of life they have to accept.]
“Once the parents have been provided or equipped with the necessary information, then they will be able to adjust this information to the needs of their kids. Because every kid will have a separate level of growth and understanding—mentally, psychologically and emotionally. If the parents teach human sexuality in the context of their family, their papa and mama, ate and kuya—then it’s closer to home and not something alien,” says Cruz. [Oh I can here Maramba and de Quiros say, "Look bishop. You do not have a wife and kids. You are in no position to tell us how to do it! ENGK! Non sequitur!]
But even before the issue of how and by whom sexuality education should be taught, the CBCP seeks an honest disclosure of the motivation and objective of the program. [Can we hear the UN and EU and HUGE pharmaceutical money behind all of this? Didn't we hear the same when the Cheaper Medicines Act was being heard in Congress? The tactics are SOOOO very the same.]
“The reaction from the bishops and the Catholic lay faithful regarding the sex education program to be introduced in schools is rooted in the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill, which was introduced in Congress and that became a very poignant issue of dissent between the CBCP, particularly the Commission on Family and Life, and the House representatives themselves,” Cruz admits.
With this background, he continues, the conclusion is rather obvious. “The sex education program ordered by the DepEd goes hand in hand with the RH Bill backed by the DOH. There is a very big lobby, funded by the international pharmaceuticals who are marketers of contraceptives, condoms, etc., that started with the RH Bill and continues with the Comprehensive Sex Education Program.” [And what do you think fuels these columnists to air their tirades against the Church, eh? 30 pieces of silver STILL is a LOT of money.]
The country’s Catholic leaders, says Cruz, are convinced that the sex education program is a way for the two government agencies to ultimately introduce an RH program—a population control program—“that will not have to pass any other legislative agency, and lose strength in the process.”
“There may be more to it than they are ready to admit. I’m saying the (DepEd and DOH) are not doing this only on their own initiative,” the former Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan stresses.
“There seems to be pressure and/or incentives from some source. So we’re questioning the motivation—and the finality. The start and the goal are both dubious—and it has to be exposed for what it is, for what the agenda is.”
This final argument, the former CBCP president says, is meant to examine the purpose or objective of the Comprehensive Sex Education Program.
“The Church believes, insists—and includes in every document and law—that the responsibility of parents is procreation and education. And when we say education, the objective is to provide our children with: information—they will know; formation—it will have an effect on them, and transformation—it will make a difference in them,” says the archbishop. [Archbisop Cruz is impressing me! He speaks like he is a father who has real kids of his own. Very impressive, indeed.]
“Sexuality education can be all that, only if it is the responsibility of the parents, and not because it is mandated by government and funded by population agencies.”
It's all about the money folks...Why you might ask?
They have exhausted the market in Europe, Japan and the Americas where the call now is towards more people to be born. Population in these parts of the world is going down quickly. More people are growing old while there are only few being born, no thanks to contraception and abortion and...also sex is for fun.
Know the issues so that you don't get bamboozled by agents of death who are willing to write for the devil for 30 pieces of silver!
Another Inquirer columnist attacks the Church!
You really get that stinking feeling that the lobbyist of contraceptive companies, the UN and EU are out to really push the contraceptive agenda into the country equating over population to poverty. Oh in China? Neeeh! China has a HUGE workforce they are now an economic superpower!
Read this rant from the agents of death at the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
“IT” is here again; what else but the Reproductive Health bill (RH): the revival by Rep. Edcel Lagman and another version by Rep. Janette Garin. (“RH bill rises from the dead,” Inquirer, 7/7/10) No need for a clairvoyant to see that RH, like the “Noli” and “Fili” decades ago, will rise again and again.
Statements like “there are no changes in the stand of the Church,” or “we invite, but they don’t turn up” kill dialogue and belie lofty claims to the contrary. The stand-off is very serious and is exacerbated by sex education, first cousin of RH.
In this duel, three groups become apparent.
The first is a huge sector that belongs to the Catholic Church, body and soul. Its members believe that the official Church makes no mistakes; all its pronouncements carry the weight of dogma and must be believed and followed. As strong language (read agitated), their slogans are unmatched, like “Deliver us from the evils of the RH bill,” “culture of death,” “contraceptive mentality.” With a good press and TV exposure and pressure politics too (read lobbying or bullying, depending on whom you ask), [Really? Are you sure? Like what the Iglesia ni Cristo does? Can you even write against the INC? I don't think so. You know the bishops won't answer back at you or have armed goons know on your door like the INC does. You and the PDI are just too chicken to treat the INC like how you and your paper treat the Catholic Church.] they back the Church in its relentless drive to “stop artificial birth control.” [Now you get a feel that this writer is REALLY anti-Catholic. She does not even know what those "slogans" really mean and she rants and pain.]
It’s a chain of command from Pope to bishops to priests to laity, and one doesn’t depart from orders from on high. [Oh really? You think?] A dear friend said that if anyone in her house practiced contraception he/she had to “leave the house.” So dead serious was she that I backed off. [Good for your friend!]
Yet, I can’t erase the scenario that in the future, birth control, so earthshaking now, may go the way of the interest in money, overturned from “immoral” to “moral”; or of slavery, overturned from “moral” for bloody centuries to thoroughly “immoral.” Never say “never!” [Really?! Contraception would go the same road as the equality of whites and blacks? Is the prevention of the conception of a human life the same as treating people equally because of their color? The Church has never treated people differently because of their color! Look it up in the Catechism! People will have the same rights and dignity no matter what the color of their skin may be! Life will always begin at the moment of conception and that definition will stay that way....FOREVER!]
The second group in this war of attrition? The people who ignore the media war, and who think and decide for themselves, which isn’t so bad and which is already happening. [Like you?]
They examine if every pat argument of the Church holds water or springs leaks, like: “The world is big enough for x-more people,” or “Every sex act must be open to procreation.” (Is it so in natural birth control?) Or “Contraception will open the floodgates to abortion and promiscuity” (sequitur or non?), [when was the last time you were in Europe, Japan and the US, huh?] or “Teaching sex education is the sole right and responsibility of parents.” (Do they? Can they? Did my parents? Did yours?) [Yeah. My parents did because they were responsible enough! My mom taught it to me with details and all! Oh, yeah I can hear her rebut "But that is your mom!" Yeah, right. Chicken parry.]
Two articles: “True North” by Thomas A. Shannon and “The Limits of Authority” by Richard Gaillardetz from Catholic magazines—America [run by American Jesuits and therefore...liberal and dissenting. Remember how its former editor, Thomas Reese, SJ was asked to step down by a not so known cardinal named Joseph Ratzinger for publishing articles in support of...(hold on to your seats!) homosexual lifestyle, contraceptives, anti-priestly celibacy and women ordination. Yeah, Ms. Maramba. America IS Catholic. Yup. That is sooo well thought of eh, Ms. Maramba.] and Commonweal, [oh and isn't this so surprising, Ms. Maramba. This publication openly questioned Pope Paul VI's not so well known encyclical Humanae Vitae, which condemns (hold on to your seat Ms. Maramba, artificial birth control.] respectively—actually confirm what is already happening and is being fortuitously done by many.
“True North”—with lead sentence “How moral theologians help set Catholics on the right course”—proposes “not so much to tell people what to do as it is to help them become moral agents by forming their consciences.” As “dispenser of the Church’s tradition,” the Church lays down the “generally accepted positions of the Church’s magisterium” but “focus is shifted to the moral agent, the person, making the decision” on a concrete case on hand; who weighs all the situational, scientific, historical factors entering the picture and synthesizes these with the Church’s tradition.
“The Limits of Authority”—with lead sentence “When bishops speak…. Catholics should listen but don’t have to agree”—takes a similar vein. [WHAT?!? Isn't this a load of schismatic bull!] It speaks of three levels of Church teaching: laying down the Church’s “universal moral teachings”; admitting specific, collateral moral principles emerging from the general principle; and the prudential judgment of the moral agent.
In other words, something happens to the general principle, accosted by circumstances, scientific or doctrinal developments, current and historical context, as it travels down to the ground where a decision must be made. [The Church tells you what is right and what is wrong. It is up to you to follow or not. But all things have an effect. You do something, something happens. And this is what the Church reminds us.]
The first level belongs to the Church. That is her duty and explains why encyclicals are brimming with general principles. [What was the last encyclical you read, Ms. Maramba?] In the second and third levels, the moral agent takes a decisive role; episcopal authority is “diminished” and the “prudential judgement” must be respected. [Yeah, the Church does. Do you see the bishops and priests pointing a knife at you?] This process is neither chopping nor choosing morality but applying it judiciously. “The guidance of bishops… does not trump the obligation of Catholics to exercise their own prudential judgement.”
I suspect this is the process young couples seriously go through. No matter that their menopausal parents cry themselves hoarse opposing RH. Try the process on RH and sex education.
The third group embraces the greatest number of people—huge colonies that pour out of alleys, dirt roads, railroad tracks, feebly dignified as informal settlers; farmers, fisherfolk, people of the earth in hinterlands; our lavandera with 34 grandchildren and 12 great grands. What chance have they got? “Control yourself naman,” I told a laborer. His smile clearly said he was entitled to “it,” anytime, drunk or sober.
They don’t know what RH is or what’s happening between Congress and the Church with its fumbling preferential option for the poor. [She is sooooo annoying, isn't she? Ms. Maramba, have you been to Mindoro, Mindanao or to the Sulu archipelago? Have you seen the work of Catholic missionaries in places even the government you soo worship has done? One village I went to a month ago does not even know the word "Health Worker".] Has any parish in this biggest network in the country set up a systematic teaching program on natural family planning? Have pilot projects been sustained? Who talks to the people? Who teaches them? [Now this is the only one I would agree on. Hello CBCP! Please answer the question because honestly I don't know how because I can't see your work here.]
The first group is in the Church’s pocket. The second helps themselves. It’s the people from the third group for whom RH must be studied most carefully and collaboratively. Nobody is forcing them to do this or that. But they need information and help. Badly. [And not this pontificating of a woman!]
Asuncion David Maramba is a retired professor, [Thank God she is retired! No wonder the rants.] book editor and occasional journalist. Comments to marda_ph, fax 8284454
This is the kind of bull that the Western Media would like you to believe in:
LET NOBODY TELL YOU WHAT'S RIGHT OR WRONG! And we all know that worked wonders in Europe and in the US. See how happy they all are for enjoying their guiltless freedom!
See? The Philippines has its own brand of Hell's Bible, New York Times wannabe. The PDI. The Philippine's Demonic Inquirer!
I was educated at the PDI and I know how bloated the ego of some of their people (there are great guys there. Gani Yambot is one!) are in there especially the old guy in Sports. He is the AC/DC stuff. If your in the PR world, you'll know what that means. And I also know some in other sections who would not dare talk to you or even read your press release if you do not know...
Unfortunately, the PDI has fallen into the pitfall of always going against the established norm for the sake of publicity. Hey publicity makes money!
Read this rant from the agents of death at the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
“IT” is here again; what else but the Reproductive Health bill (RH): the revival by Rep. Edcel Lagman and another version by Rep. Janette Garin. (“RH bill rises from the dead,” Inquirer, 7/7/10) No need for a clairvoyant to see that RH, like the “Noli” and “Fili” decades ago, will rise again and again.
Statements like “there are no changes in the stand of the Church,” or “we invite, but they don’t turn up” kill dialogue and belie lofty claims to the contrary. The stand-off is very serious and is exacerbated by sex education, first cousin of RH.
In this duel, three groups become apparent.
The first is a huge sector that belongs to the Catholic Church, body and soul. Its members believe that the official Church makes no mistakes; all its pronouncements carry the weight of dogma and must be believed and followed. As strong language (read agitated), their slogans are unmatched, like “Deliver us from the evils of the RH bill,” “culture of death,” “contraceptive mentality.” With a good press and TV exposure and pressure politics too (read lobbying or bullying, depending on whom you ask), [Really? Are you sure? Like what the Iglesia ni Cristo does? Can you even write against the INC? I don't think so. You know the bishops won't answer back at you or have armed goons know on your door like the INC does. You and the PDI are just too chicken to treat the INC like how you and your paper treat the Catholic Church.] they back the Church in its relentless drive to “stop artificial birth control.” [Now you get a feel that this writer is REALLY anti-Catholic. She does not even know what those "slogans" really mean and she rants and pain.]
It’s a chain of command from Pope to bishops to priests to laity, and one doesn’t depart from orders from on high. [Oh really? You think?] A dear friend said that if anyone in her house practiced contraception he/she had to “leave the house.” So dead serious was she that I backed off. [Good for your friend!]
Yet, I can’t erase the scenario that in the future, birth control, so earthshaking now, may go the way of the interest in money, overturned from “immoral” to “moral”; or of slavery, overturned from “moral” for bloody centuries to thoroughly “immoral.” Never say “never!” [Really?! Contraception would go the same road as the equality of whites and blacks? Is the prevention of the conception of a human life the same as treating people equally because of their color? The Church has never treated people differently because of their color! Look it up in the Catechism! People will have the same rights and dignity no matter what the color of their skin may be! Life will always begin at the moment of conception and that definition will stay that way....FOREVER!]
The second group in this war of attrition? The people who ignore the media war, and who think and decide for themselves, which isn’t so bad and which is already happening. [Like you?]
They examine if every pat argument of the Church holds water or springs leaks, like: “The world is big enough for x-more people,” or “Every sex act must be open to procreation.” (Is it so in natural birth control?) Or “Contraception will open the floodgates to abortion and promiscuity” (sequitur or non?), [when was the last time you were in Europe, Japan and the US, huh?] or “Teaching sex education is the sole right and responsibility of parents.” (Do they? Can they? Did my parents? Did yours?) [Yeah. My parents did because they were responsible enough! My mom taught it to me with details and all! Oh, yeah I can hear her rebut "But that is your mom!" Yeah, right. Chicken parry.]
Two articles: “True North” by Thomas A. Shannon and “The Limits of Authority” by Richard Gaillardetz from Catholic magazines—America [run by American Jesuits and therefore...liberal and dissenting. Remember how its former editor, Thomas Reese, SJ was asked to step down by a not so known cardinal named Joseph Ratzinger for publishing articles in support of...(hold on to your seats!) homosexual lifestyle, contraceptives, anti-priestly celibacy and women ordination. Yeah, Ms. Maramba. America IS Catholic. Yup. That is sooo well thought of eh, Ms. Maramba.] and Commonweal, [oh and isn't this so surprising, Ms. Maramba. This publication openly questioned Pope Paul VI's not so well known encyclical Humanae Vitae, which condemns (hold on to your seat Ms. Maramba, artificial birth control.] respectively—actually confirm what is already happening and is being fortuitously done by many.
“True North”—with lead sentence “How moral theologians help set Catholics on the right course”—proposes “not so much to tell people what to do as it is to help them become moral agents by forming their consciences.” As “dispenser of the Church’s tradition,” the Church lays down the “generally accepted positions of the Church’s magisterium” but “focus is shifted to the moral agent, the person, making the decision” on a concrete case on hand; who weighs all the situational, scientific, historical factors entering the picture and synthesizes these with the Church’s tradition.
“The Limits of Authority”—with lead sentence “When bishops speak…. Catholics should listen but don’t have to agree”—takes a similar vein. [WHAT?!? Isn't this a load of schismatic bull!] It speaks of three levels of Church teaching: laying down the Church’s “universal moral teachings”; admitting specific, collateral moral principles emerging from the general principle; and the prudential judgment of the moral agent.
In other words, something happens to the general principle, accosted by circumstances, scientific or doctrinal developments, current and historical context, as it travels down to the ground where a decision must be made. [The Church tells you what is right and what is wrong. It is up to you to follow or not. But all things have an effect. You do something, something happens. And this is what the Church reminds us.]
The first level belongs to the Church. That is her duty and explains why encyclicals are brimming with general principles. [What was the last encyclical you read, Ms. Maramba?] In the second and third levels, the moral agent takes a decisive role; episcopal authority is “diminished” and the “prudential judgement” must be respected. [Yeah, the Church does. Do you see the bishops and priests pointing a knife at you?] This process is neither chopping nor choosing morality but applying it judiciously. “The guidance of bishops… does not trump the obligation of Catholics to exercise their own prudential judgement.”
I suspect this is the process young couples seriously go through. No matter that their menopausal parents cry themselves hoarse opposing RH. Try the process on RH and sex education.
The third group embraces the greatest number of people—huge colonies that pour out of alleys, dirt roads, railroad tracks, feebly dignified as informal settlers; farmers, fisherfolk, people of the earth in hinterlands; our lavandera with 34 grandchildren and 12 great grands. What chance have they got? “Control yourself naman,” I told a laborer. His smile clearly said he was entitled to “it,” anytime, drunk or sober.
They don’t know what RH is or what’s happening between Congress and the Church with its fumbling preferential option for the poor. [She is sooooo annoying, isn't she? Ms. Maramba, have you been to Mindoro, Mindanao or to the Sulu archipelago? Have you seen the work of Catholic missionaries in places even the government you soo worship has done? One village I went to a month ago does not even know the word "Health Worker".] Has any parish in this biggest network in the country set up a systematic teaching program on natural family planning? Have pilot projects been sustained? Who talks to the people? Who teaches them? [Now this is the only one I would agree on. Hello CBCP! Please answer the question because honestly I don't know how because I can't see your work here.]
The first group is in the Church’s pocket. The second helps themselves. It’s the people from the third group for whom RH must be studied most carefully and collaboratively. Nobody is forcing them to do this or that. But they need information and help. Badly. [And not this pontificating of a woman!]
Asuncion David Maramba is a retired professor, [Thank God she is retired! No wonder the rants.] book editor and occasional journalist. Comments to marda_ph, fax 8284454
This is the kind of bull that the Western Media would like you to believe in:
LET NOBODY TELL YOU WHAT'S RIGHT OR WRONG! And we all know that worked wonders in Europe and in the US. See how happy they all are for enjoying their guiltless freedom!
See? The Philippines has its own brand of Hell's Bible, New York Times wannabe. The PDI. The Philippine's Demonic Inquirer!
I was educated at the PDI and I know how bloated the ego of some of their people (there are great guys there. Gani Yambot is one!) are in there especially the old guy in Sports. He is the AC/DC stuff. If your in the PR world, you'll know what that means. And I also know some in other sections who would not dare talk to you or even read your press release if you do not know...
Unfortunately, the PDI has fallen into the pitfall of always going against the established norm for the sake of publicity. Hey publicity makes money!
pinoy bishop,
Pinoy politics,
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