On the Twitter page of Catholic News Service.
Catholic News Svc @CatholicNewsSvc 51m
The date for canonization -- April 27, 2014 -- is Divine Mercy Sunday, an observance ordered by JPII & important theme for Pope Francis
Catholic News Svc @CatholicNewsSvc 53m
Those who are not cardinals have been asked to leave the room where the consistory took place.
Catholic News Svc @CatholicNewsSvc 54m
April 27 is canonization date for John Paul II, John XXIII
Catholic News Svc @CatholicNewsSvc 59m
In Latin, Cardinal Amato asks Pope Francis to solemn proclaim the holiness of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII
Catholic News Svc @CatholicNewsSvc 1h
Popes John XXIII, John Paul II were servants peace, Cardinal Amato says
Catholic News Svc @CatholicNewsSvc 1h
Cardinal Amato asks pope to approve canonizations; says both John Paul II, John XXIII dedicated their lives completely to proclaiming Gospel
Catholic News Svc @CatholicNewsSvc 1h
We hope to have soon the official announcement of the date for the canonization of Blessed John XXIII, John Paul II
Catholic News Svc @CatholicNewsSvc 1h
#PopeFrancis is about to begin consistory where cardinals support canonization of Blessed John Paul II, John XXIII
No word yet as to who will be the new cardinals or if there would be any to be created.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Real reason why Pope Francis does not want to stay at the Papal apartments.
And be sure to NOT catch this at your favorite media outlet like the MSM in the US and Europe.
And God's gift to journalism, Rappler, who I fervently hope, continue to bleed out money...
"I chose to live [in Santa Marta], in Room 201, because when I took possession of the papal apartment, inside myself I distinctly heard a ‘no.’ The papal apartment in the Apostolic Palace is not luxurious. It is old, tastefully decorated and large, but not luxurious.
But in the end it is like an inverted funnel. It is big and spacious, but the entrance is really tight. People can come only in dribs and drabs, and I cannot live without people. I need to live my life with others.”
— Pope Francis on why he is not living in the Papal Apartment
Remember, the media took a lot of jab against the "luxurious and pompous" papal apartment that Benedict XVI chose to live at.
They forgot to mention that the predecessors of Francis all lived there including Blessed John Paul II and Blessed John XXIII.
Yet they called those not of Francis' mold as too "lavish".
In the age of Information Technology, dear media people, we can't fooled.
And God's gift to journalism, Rappler, who I fervently hope, continue to bleed out money...

But in the end it is like an inverted funnel. It is big and spacious, but the entrance is really tight. People can come only in dribs and drabs, and I cannot live without people. I need to live my life with others.”
— Pope Francis on why he is not living in the Papal Apartment
Remember, the media took a lot of jab against the "luxurious and pompous" papal apartment that Benedict XVI chose to live at.
They forgot to mention that the predecessors of Francis all lived there including Blessed John Paul II and Blessed John XXIII.
Yet they called those not of Francis' mold as too "lavish".
In the age of Information Technology, dear media people, we can't fooled.
Do you pray the St. Michael prayer after Mass?
This comes as a great news!
We need to remember that we are a member of the Church Militant and we need to continue our fight against the forces of Satan here on earth, to work out diligently our salvation.
Honestly, I am thankful the CBCP did this. I am not sure the great Fr. Geny Diwa supports this. I know for a fact that not a few people at the CBCP Office in Intramuros are grumbling against this prayer...save for a few poor souls who are constantly mocked for being too "Benedict". No, not Benedictine. Ha!
MANILA, Sept. 26, 2013— The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines has authorized for use of the old St. Michael the Archangel Prayer for recitation after Mass in all churches nationwide. [Hoorah!!!]
In a circular to all the archdioceses and dioceses, the CBCP highly recommends [why not command? Oh well. We live in the Vatican II era no, where strong, precise language is a rarity. Anywho. Better highly recommend it than never, no?] the recitation of the prayer composed by Leo XIII in 1896 amid the “many situation of trouble and conflict” in the country.
Archbishop Jose Palma, CBCP president, said the prayer is also “very timely” because of recent calamities that brought havoc in various areas and the “escalating” corruption in the government.
“Through this prayer, we invoke St. Michael to defend us and our country against the wickedness and snares of the evil one,” Palma said.
“Michael – which means, “Who is like God” – will win over all the evil attempts to disfigure the face of mankind because God Who is stronger acts in him,” he added.
The Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel:
“St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl upon the earth for the ruin of souls. Amen”. (CBCPNews)
I can hear a lot of groaning among liberals.
"Why would the bishops even bother issuing this kind of directive???"
Oh. yeah.. I heard them said in rectories, chanceries and seminaries over at lunch, dinner...
You hear them talk about the need to address the issue of corruption, destruction of nature, employment issues., migration, etc. What bothers me the most among these men of God is that they try to analyze these issues with the eyes of men. They try to look at problems only on the material plane. I am not saying it is bad. But what we forget is that there are things in this world that are of moral and spiritual in nature.
We are a Christian country, one of the biggest countries in terms of Catholic population in terms of over all population of a country. Yet, sadly, we are a country with the highest number of corruption cases. I think we can all agree that we have lost the sense of sin, of damnation and of the sacred. I see this as the reason why we lie, cheat and steal because we have been so engrossed with what is important for ourselves, we forget that this life is nothing but a stage to another life, a preparation to eternity.
We have lost a sense of sin. Priests forget to tell us about sin, about the social and spiritual dimension of sin.
That is the reason even why some priests don't believe in such things because priests do not see themselves working for a supernatural purpose. They see themselves just as how Che Guevarra saw himself.
They see Christ as a political hero, a social liberator.
I have posted here time and again how the seminary failed to educate our priests. Philosophies taught at our seminaries right now are not Thomistic! They came from atheists who do not think in the realms of the supernatural. How can you even talk about religion when you have seminarians getting heavily influenced by Marx and Nietzsche!
How can even expect them to talk about religion when they think against religion?!
This is where it all started and this is the reason why there are oppositions in the parish level to pray this prayer.
Question to Chupungcan liturgists out there!
Did Sacrosanctum Concilium order Catholics to stop praying this prayer after Mass?
Why so mad of this prayer huh?
BREAKING NEWS: Dark Days ahead...
Is it true that liberal Archbishop Piero Marini is set to be named as prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and that the appointment is just a matter of days or even hours???
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Priest stands up for women and homosexuals, gets excommunicated
What happened???
I thought Pope Francis said...
Or so the media said.
Look how happy he was to receive the news!
Melbourne, Australia, Sep 25, 2013 / 02:06 am (CNA).- Pope Francis has ordered the excommunication of a Catholic priest in Australia who illicitly said Mass, taught that women should be ordained priests and advocated for “gay marriage.” [So the pope excommunicated someone who supported gay marriage huh? What will the biased media say about this? Hello Rappler!!!]
An Archdiocese of Melbourne spokesman said the Pope had ordered the excommunication of Father Greg Reynolds, who has also been dismissed from the clerical state, the Australian Associated Press reports.
Australian newspaper The Age reported that Archbishop Denis Hart of Melbourne said the excommunication was due to the priest’s public celebration of Mass without faculties to do so, and his preaching contrary to the teachings of the Church. [Hey! We have the same Brady Bunch here! They teach at LST, MST, SVST, Euntes!]
The letter announcing the penalty, written in Latin, was dated May 31. [I'm sure Mr. Reynolds did not understand a word written there. He might have asked someone at ICEL to do it for him. He definitely would not know any rad-trads out there, to translate it for him, no?]
Excommunication is a canonical penalty intended to warn and correct those who commit grave offenses against the Church. Priests who are excommunicated may not receive or celebrate the sacraments. [I guess Mr. Reynolds does not believe in both the clerical state nor in excommunication, no? Ha!]
Reynolds said he expected to be dismissed from the clerical state, but not excommunicated. He said he was told that Archbishop Hart did not apply for dismissal from the clerical state, but that someone else contacted the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. [I bet it is a layman or laywomyn. I respect his defense of womyn that is why I wrote it that way. Ha!]
Reynolds had resigned as a parish priest in the Archdiocese of Melbourne in 2011. He founded a group called “Inclusive Catholics” the following year, and has indicated he will continue his work with the group. [Now he is included!...in the list of excommunicated Catholics!]
In August 2012, a visitor to the group’s woman-led religious service reportedly fed “consecrated bread” to his dog. Media reports at the time were unclear whether the bread was in fact the Holy Eucharist, as the priest’s involvement in the service was minimal. However, the reports led Archbishop Hart to say such a sacrilege of the Blessed Sacrament would be an “abomination.”
The Catholic Church requires priests to have faculties, or the approval of Church authorities, to licitly celebrate Mass. Catholic teaching is that women cannot be ordained priests for ecclesial reasons, because Christ did not grant the Church authority to do so. [No. The theologians at St. Vincent and Maryhill are vehemently against this Patriarchal, invented dogma! These teaching were concocted by a sexist bunch of old guys who continue to dominate the world and subdue the sacred feminine! They are the cause of much injustice and evil in this world. This subjugation of the feminine is the real work of the devil! Not sin! There is no such thing as sin! There is no such thing as hell! The real hell is when injustice is continuously done upon poor, helpless womyn who continue to be hidden in the dark shadows of the Institutional Church. These Womyn who are continually treated as second class citizens!..............No, that's not me talking. That's what I learned from my theology professors.]
Several individuals who have participated in the simulated “ordination” of women have been excommunicated.
I invite theologians of St. Vincent School of Theology and Euntes in Zamboanga to shed their pretenses and openly declare their support for women's ordination and homosexual unions if they really have the balls to fight for what they think is God's will for women and homosexuals in the Church!
Go ahead.
We dare you!
Fr. Pilario, this one's for you!
PS: I bet you. The media will not publish this news. Because we should not focus on too much petty issues, right?
What happened???
I thought Pope Francis said...
Or so the media said.
Look how happy he was to receive the news!
Melbourne, Australia, Sep 25, 2013 / 02:06 am (CNA).- Pope Francis has ordered the excommunication of a Catholic priest in Australia who illicitly said Mass, taught that women should be ordained priests and advocated for “gay marriage.” [So the pope excommunicated someone who supported gay marriage huh? What will the biased media say about this? Hello Rappler!!!]
An Archdiocese of Melbourne spokesman said the Pope had ordered the excommunication of Father Greg Reynolds, who has also been dismissed from the clerical state, the Australian Associated Press reports.
Australian newspaper The Age reported that Archbishop Denis Hart of Melbourne said the excommunication was due to the priest’s public celebration of Mass without faculties to do so, and his preaching contrary to the teachings of the Church. [Hey! We have the same Brady Bunch here! They teach at LST, MST, SVST, Euntes!]
The letter announcing the penalty, written in Latin, was dated May 31. [I'm sure Mr. Reynolds did not understand a word written there. He might have asked someone at ICEL to do it for him. He definitely would not know any rad-trads out there, to translate it for him, no?]
Excommunication is a canonical penalty intended to warn and correct those who commit grave offenses against the Church. Priests who are excommunicated may not receive or celebrate the sacraments. [I guess Mr. Reynolds does not believe in both the clerical state nor in excommunication, no? Ha!]
Reynolds said he expected to be dismissed from the clerical state, but not excommunicated. He said he was told that Archbishop Hart did not apply for dismissal from the clerical state, but that someone else contacted the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. [I bet it is a layman or laywomyn. I respect his defense of womyn that is why I wrote it that way. Ha!]
Reynolds had resigned as a parish priest in the Archdiocese of Melbourne in 2011. He founded a group called “Inclusive Catholics” the following year, and has indicated he will continue his work with the group. [Now he is included!...in the list of excommunicated Catholics!]
In August 2012, a visitor to the group’s woman-led religious service reportedly fed “consecrated bread” to his dog. Media reports at the time were unclear whether the bread was in fact the Holy Eucharist, as the priest’s involvement in the service was minimal. However, the reports led Archbishop Hart to say such a sacrilege of the Blessed Sacrament would be an “abomination.”
The Catholic Church requires priests to have faculties, or the approval of Church authorities, to licitly celebrate Mass. Catholic teaching is that women cannot be ordained priests for ecclesial reasons, because Christ did not grant the Church authority to do so. [No. The theologians at St. Vincent and Maryhill are vehemently against this Patriarchal, invented dogma! These teaching were concocted by a sexist bunch of old guys who continue to dominate the world and subdue the sacred feminine! They are the cause of much injustice and evil in this world. This subjugation of the feminine is the real work of the devil! Not sin! There is no such thing as sin! There is no such thing as hell! The real hell is when injustice is continuously done upon poor, helpless womyn who continue to be hidden in the dark shadows of the Institutional Church. These Womyn who are continually treated as second class citizens!..............No, that's not me talking. That's what I learned from my theology professors.]
Several individuals who have participated in the simulated “ordination” of women have been excommunicated.
I invite theologians of St. Vincent School of Theology and Euntes in Zamboanga to shed their pretenses and openly declare their support for women's ordination and homosexual unions if they really have the balls to fight for what they think is God's will for women and homosexuals in the Church!
Go ahead.
We dare you!
Fr. Pilario, this one's for you!
PS: I bet you. The media will not publish this news. Because we should not focus on too much petty issues, right?
Media won't stop twisting the words of the Pope
I have a thing or two about the Holy Father's off the cuff comments.
You better read the excellent Monk's Hobbit's post about how twisted the Philippine media is.
Expectedly, they twist the comments of the Pope about abortion, contraception.
Visit the Monk's Hobbit and spike up his stats will yah?
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
GULP Exam: Guess who the main celebrant is
I had a migraine trying to answer that question.
The priest in the center looks like he is the main celebrant because he is in the center...but he is just wearing a stole over his alb.
The other priests are either wearing just an alb or a chasu-alb.
The deacon on the left is positioned properly while the one on the right looked like he got booted by the other concelebrating priest.
So who do you think is the main celebrant?
If it it were really the one on the center, well, he is not dressed properly for the occasion.
Same bull you get here from priests who don't dress properly, giving you the same bull that what is important is what is in the inside.
Oh really?
Dear Fathers, read the parable of the wedding feast. A poor guy gets booted out just because he was not wearing the right dress.
Nuff said.
GULP EXAM 2: Guess the name of the priest in the center
The priest in the center looks like he is the main celebrant because he is in the center...but he is just wearing a stole over his alb.
The other priests are either wearing just an alb or a chasu-alb.
The deacon on the left is positioned properly while the one on the right looked like he got booted by the other concelebrating priest.
So who do you think is the main celebrant?
If it it were really the one on the center, well, he is not dressed properly for the occasion.
Same bull you get here from priests who don't dress properly, giving you the same bull that what is important is what is in the inside.
Oh really?
Dear Fathers, read the parable of the wedding feast. A poor guy gets booted out just because he was not wearing the right dress.
Nuff said.
GULP EXAM 2: Guess the name of the priest in the center
When you treat the altar like this
This is not just any place.
This is the Holy of Holies.
This is the "table" where relics of the saints, especially martyrs are "buried"
This is the "table" where Calvary is made present again.
And this is the place where this priest decides to say "thank you" by performing a song for his parishioners.
No connection to the Mass whatsoever, but he just decides to use the Altar, like it were any kind of surface.
He used the sanctuary, like it were his own stage.
How do you expect people to respect the church, to genuflect when entering or leaving the church, to sit silently when waiting for the Mass to start, when you have priests, priest of our Lord Jesus Christ, acting as if there is nothing special, nothing holy about the place.
Did Christ treat the Temple like this during His days on earth?
If you are so itching to do that thank you song number, Fr. Zabala, why not do it in a stage outside your parish church? Why do it in the sanctuary, and on the altar????
Why??? WHY???
Friday, September 20, 2013
Baclaran Church CCP scandal part 2
And if blood pressures were raised with a photograph...
Wait till you watch this!
I had to suffer so much!
Here is the thing.
Nobody goes to the CCP anymore, so the CCP went to the people.
They chose a holy place to do a secular act.
Not cool.
The National Shrine is reserved for religious matters, not secular ones.
Remember, this is the same CCP that hosted an exhibit of trash, pasted together, and called art, desecrated images of the Lord and our Lady and called freedom of expression.
Whoever is the Redemptorist who willingly collaborated in this one should get disciplined!
This is outrageous and causes serious scandal among the faithful!
Nobody, not even the ordained, care about what is sacred space and what is not!
We have lost the concept and idea and feeling for the SACRED.
No wonder even some priests don't get why the Church is against contraception and homosexual unions.
No wonder they silently promote it.
No wonder.
Wait till you watch this!
I had to suffer so much!
Here is the thing.
Nobody goes to the CCP anymore, so the CCP went to the people.
They chose a holy place to do a secular act.
Not cool.
The National Shrine is reserved for religious matters, not secular ones.
Remember, this is the same CCP that hosted an exhibit of trash, pasted together, and called art, desecrated images of the Lord and our Lady and called freedom of expression.
Whoever is the Redemptorist who willingly collaborated in this one should get disciplined!
This is outrageous and causes serious scandal among the faithful!
Nobody, not even the ordained, care about what is sacred space and what is not!
We have lost the concept and idea and feeling for the SACRED.
No wonder even some priests don't get why the Church is against contraception and homosexual unions.
No wonder they silently promote it.
No wonder.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
When you don't treat the church as a sacred place...
And when you think you just can do whatever you want, whenever you want it, just to get attention
That is what this joker did.
And that is the concept of a Flash Mob.
As they say in publicity and PR circles..."Any publicity is GOOD publicity."
And that is what they only cared for.
MANILA – Months after surprising passengers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, members of the Cultural Center of the Philippines staged another flash mob performance, this time inside the iconic Baclaran Church. [And for what?!]
Headed by the Philippine Madrigal Singers, more than 300 choir members sang and danced to Ryan Cayabyab’s “Hibang sa Awit” after the Wednesday noon mass inside the church. [People were still praying....and they went HIBANG, which means MAD. Boy, if I were there!]
CCP artistic director Chris Millado said the performance, which he referred to as a “random act of culture,” is aimed at making “art matter to every Filipino.” [First of all, a flash mob is not random. It is a planned publicity stunt. Second, disrupting people while they are still praying is not a sign of someone "cultured". Third, doing this cheap act in a sacred place is not for someone CULTURED!]
The flash mob also marked CCP’s 44th anniversary. [They just showed people how to be cheap. The leader of the Madz died and they went with this. Just so you know how we missed her so much.]
“In the wake of yet another scandal that has ravaged the nation, artists once again persist in picking up the shreds of our dignity and sing with hopefulness that all Filipinos finally get the graceful lives they deserve,” Millado said in a statement, referring to the multi-billion peso pork barrel scam involving non-government organizations and lawmakers. [This is neither graceful nor what we deserve. The national shrine is not the place to do this stupid thing! If you want to pick up the shreds of our dignity and sing with hopefulness, go to the Senate or to the House of Thieves in Batasan. Go to the slum of Payatas and sing there! Not in the CHURCH! That damn write up just came from the books of "How to write a bad press statement for a BAD publicity stunt". ]
In October last year, members of the CCP and the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra performed “William Tell Overture,” a “Sound of Music” medley, and “Kay Ganda ng Ating Musika” at the airport. [But why a church?!]
“Gusto naming imulat sa mga Filipino ang importansiya ng cultural music. Aminin natin na masyado na tayong inclined sa pop music,” CCP president Raul Sunico told ABS-CBN News in a previous interview.
[Cultural music??? In a church??? If I can get my hands on that Redemptorist!!!]
Would you think they'd do the same let's say in a court of law, or in the halls of parliament, or even in Malacanang?
Let's try doing it in their own homes, huh?
Of course, they'd get mad, the government officials and those who own their homes.
It's an invasion of privacy! A SACRED thing for these people, but not the HOUSE OF GOD!
We have lost THE SENSE OF THE SACRED and that is why we just do whatever we want whenever we want it just to get the attention.
Right, Celdran?
And this time, we had a Redemptorist priest to join them in this nonsense!
That is what this joker did.

And that is the concept of a Flash Mob.
As they say in publicity and PR circles..."Any publicity is GOOD publicity."
And that is what they only cared for.
MANILA – Months after surprising passengers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, members of the Cultural Center of the Philippines staged another flash mob performance, this time inside the iconic Baclaran Church. [And for what?!]
Headed by the Philippine Madrigal Singers, more than 300 choir members sang and danced to Ryan Cayabyab’s “Hibang sa Awit” after the Wednesday noon mass inside the church. [People were still praying....and they went HIBANG, which means MAD. Boy, if I were there!]
CCP artistic director Chris Millado said the performance, which he referred to as a “random act of culture,” is aimed at making “art matter to every Filipino.” [First of all, a flash mob is not random. It is a planned publicity stunt. Second, disrupting people while they are still praying is not a sign of someone "cultured". Third, doing this cheap act in a sacred place is not for someone CULTURED!]
The flash mob also marked CCP’s 44th anniversary. [They just showed people how to be cheap. The leader of the Madz died and they went with this. Just so you know how we missed her so much.]
“In the wake of yet another scandal that has ravaged the nation, artists once again persist in picking up the shreds of our dignity and sing with hopefulness that all Filipinos finally get the graceful lives they deserve,” Millado said in a statement, referring to the multi-billion peso pork barrel scam involving non-government organizations and lawmakers. [This is neither graceful nor what we deserve. The national shrine is not the place to do this stupid thing! If you want to pick up the shreds of our dignity and sing with hopefulness, go to the Senate or to the House of Thieves in Batasan. Go to the slum of Payatas and sing there! Not in the CHURCH! That damn write up just came from the books of "How to write a bad press statement for a BAD publicity stunt". ]
In October last year, members of the CCP and the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra performed “William Tell Overture,” a “Sound of Music” medley, and “Kay Ganda ng Ating Musika” at the airport. [But why a church?!]
“Gusto naming imulat sa mga Filipino ang importansiya ng cultural music. Aminin natin na masyado na tayong inclined sa pop music,” CCP president Raul Sunico told ABS-CBN News in a previous interview.
[Cultural music??? In a church??? If I can get my hands on that Redemptorist!!!]
Would you think they'd do the same let's say in a court of law, or in the halls of parliament, or even in Malacanang?
Let's try doing it in their own homes, huh?
Of course, they'd get mad, the government officials and those who own their homes.
It's an invasion of privacy! A SACRED thing for these people, but not the HOUSE OF GOD!
We have lost THE SENSE OF THE SACRED and that is why we just do whatever we want whenever we want it just to get the attention.
Right, Celdran?
And this time, we had a Redemptorist priest to join them in this nonsense!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
What it means to be an Altar Server
And it does not involve anything about cosplay, and claiming imaginary titles and institutions...
Filipino Mason's pathetic way of flattering
You know how they say it:
"Imitation is the best form of flattery."
And Masons have a great way of making themselves look pathetic.
Because we have this...
Then they had this...
I'd do this to the Masonic doll...
The Pedrito doll was made to arise the consciousness of the people, especially the youth, about the Boy Martyr Saint from Cebu. Masons see that this is an effective tool and used it to their advantage.
What now? Little girls wanting to become Masons.
That I want to see!
You are for equality aren't you Masons?
Why not admit women?
You discriminate women?
"Imitation is the best form of flattery."
And Masons have a great way of making themselves look pathetic.
Because we have this...
Then they had this...
I'd do this to the Masonic doll...
The Pedrito doll was made to arise the consciousness of the people, especially the youth, about the Boy Martyr Saint from Cebu. Masons see that this is an effective tool and used it to their advantage.
What now? Little girls wanting to become Masons.
That I want to see!
You are for equality aren't you Masons?
Why not admit women?
You discriminate women?
Murmurs and whispers in a "meeting"
of "Directors" of "Liturgy" of "dioceses".
"Wear your vestments right or you end up in a blog!"
Oh my, dear Padre. You made me blush.
You follow my blog!
"Wear your vestments right or you end up in a blog!"
Oh my, dear Padre. You made me blush.
You follow my blog!
What some of you told me...
And this...
I just can't let more than 1,000 people visiting the blog daily.
I just can't.
You want to read and be catechized. And I am here.
Thank you for your trust.
Please keep me in your prayers.
I need to be strengthened, physically, emotionally to keep this going.
I do not seek attention, fame or be photographed so it can be posted on Facebook, or be invited to speak in seminars or what have you.
In fact, I did not do this for fame or fortune.
I did this because I had to.
Because this is what I got from my Baptism and Confirmation.
And this is what I will do.
Thank you.
Please pray for me.
To priests, to ordinary laymen...(yes, it includes women!)
Found enlightenment!
Not in a Masonic lodge!
But from Catholics who BELIEVE and LIVE!
Thank you for standing with me.
And I know for sure what this blog is all about.
Found enlightenment!
Not in a Masonic lodge!
But from Catholics who BELIEVE and LIVE!
Thank you for standing with me.
And I know for sure what this blog is all about.
Monday, September 16, 2013
This might be it...
Too many things to consider.
Too many.
Prayers answered.
Signs given.
This might be the end
Or it might be a hiatus.
For what has been.
Thank you very much.
To you my dear friends...
Do not sleep.
Do not rest.
Keep oil in your oil lamps.
Be on guard.
Be steadfast in the Faith.
For we were born for combat.
I am Catholic.
God speed!
Exquisite Embroideries for Traditional Vestments for religious images
Visit Cecille's Embroidery page on Facebook.
I guess they can do the same for Solemn High Mass sets.
Really exquisite and beautiful!
I guess they can do the same for Solemn High Mass sets.
Really exquisite and beautiful!

Friday, September 13, 2013
The Cross is folly to some!
Flag on the stage?
For what?
I don't know.
But this is not a church. It's an auditorium. Schools are always guilty of doing this.
They have a chapel or a church and they decide to hold Mass at the "comfier" auditorium, where the people relax comfortably in their La-Z Boy "chairs" while the priest offers the same Sacrifice of Calvary.
But when you look at this picture....there is actually more!
See that corpus-less cross?
You would think that Anglican or some Episcopalian churches look more Catholic than this "catholic" setting, no?
When you see "altars" set up this way...
When you see our chapels designed this way...
You know that it is not really about Christ that is the center.
They hate to see the suffering Christ on the cross, reasoning that Christ has already risen and that the Catholic Faith is anchored on the resurrection of Christ.
But the fact of the matter is, the Mass IS the same Sacrifice of Calvary, and the crucifix, not the cross, reminds us of that.
Why o why do our priests and nuns HATE the crucifix???
Before Vatican 2, all religious priests and nuns and brothers carry a profession cross like this.
They'd have tables and smartphones than this one.
More of keeping with times.
Not even these papal words of wisdom would mean anything to these liturgists!
For St Paul the Cross has a fundamental primacy in the history of humanity; it represents the focal point of his theology because to say "Cross" is to say salvation as grace given to every creature. The topic of the Cross of Christ becomes an essential and primary element of the Apostle's preaching: the clearest example concerns the community of Corinth. Facing a Church in which disorder and scandal were disturbingly present, where communion was threatened by internal factions and ruptures which damaged the unity of the Body of Christ, Paul did not present himself with sublime words or wisdom but with the proclamation of Christ, of Christ crucified. His strength is not in the use of persuasive language but, paradoxically, in the weakness and trepidation of those who entrust themselves solely to the "power of God" (cf. 1 Cor 2: 1-5). The Cross, for all it represents, hence also for the theological message it contains, is scandal and folly. The Apostle says so with an impressive force that it is good to hear directly from his words: "for the word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God... it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles" (1 Cor 1: 18-23).
- Benedict XVI
"The desire to restore everything indiscriminately to its ancient condition is neither wise nor praiseworthy. It would be wrong, for example, to want the altar restored to its ancient form of a table, to want black eliminated from the liturgical colors, and pictures and statues excluded from our churches; to require crucifixes that do not represent the bitter sufferings of the divine Redeemer"
- Pius XII
"Thus, to cite some instances, one would be straying from the straight path were he to wish the altar restored to its primitive tableform; were he to want black excluded as a color for the liturgical vestments; were he to forbid the use of sacred images and statues in Churches; were he to order the crucifix so designed that the divine Redeemer's body shows no trace of His cruel sufferings; and lastly were he to disdain and reject polyphonic music or singing in parts, even where it conforms to regulations issued by the Holy See."
- Pius XII Mediator Dei
And even our own liturgical books, published after Vatican II speaks specifically about it!
"No 308. There is also to be a cross, with the figure of Christ crucified upon it, either on the altar or near it, where it is clearly visible to the assembled congregation. It is appropriate that such a cross, which calls to mind for the faithful the saving Passion of the Lord, remain near the altar even outside of liturgical celebrations." General Instruction of the Roman Missal
In my next blog posts, I'll show you more horrifying pictures of "crucifixes".
No. Not the one that will lead you to true sorrow and remorse for your sins...
The one that would lead you to curse who ever thought of making that and putting that one up. The kind that would lead you to....oh well...
"No 308. There is also to be a cross, with the figure of Christ crucified upon it, either on the altar or near it, where it is clearly visible to the assembled congregation. It is appropriate that such a cross, which calls to mind for the faithful the saving Passion of the Lord, remain near the altar even outside of liturgical celebrations." General Instruction of the Roman Missal
In my next blog posts, I'll show you more horrifying pictures of "crucifixes".
No. Not the one that will lead you to true sorrow and remorse for your sins...
The one that would lead you to curse who ever thought of making that and putting that one up. The kind that would lead you to....oh well...
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Pacquiao is Catholic again!....says who?
Let the article speak for itself.
MANILA (2nd UPDATE) -- Not even the rains, flood and traffic could stop Manny Pacquiao from attending a Christian fellowship.
The fighting congressman was forced to take the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) to attend a Christian gathering at the Dolphy Theater in the ABS-CBN Compound on Tuesday evening.
“Sobrang traffic, so naglakad kaming puntang MRT,” Pacquiao said after the fellowship.
“Bumaba kami sa Kamuning, tapos naglakad kami papunta dito.”
Pacquiao and his bodyguards were supposed to pass through EDSA but could not due to traffic and floods.
He boarded the MRT from the Ayala station to Kamuning station.
From Kamuning station, Pacquiao's party could not get a ride to take them ABS-CBN, so Pacquiao and his group walked along Sgt. Esguerra Avenue until they reached the network.
ABS-CBN reporter Dyan Castillejo said she tried to have Pacquiao fetched from Kamuning.
“’Yung driver ko [naman] hindi naabutan, so naglakad siya (Pacquiao) tuloy papunta dito,” she said.
The boxer said he didn’t mind walking.
“Anything, basta Word of God,” said Pacquiao.
Pacquiao is set for a November 24 clash against Brandon Rios.
I heard one priest say that he is already back.
I heard another friend say the same thing.
We'll the photo says it all.
He ain't Catholic....again...yet.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Where are the other religions? Where are the Filipino Freethinker loudmouths?
From GMA News.
Zamboanga City Mayor Isabelle Climaco-Salazar on Monday night made the rounds of evacuation centers sheltering constituents who fled from the gun battles between government troops and the Moro National Liberation Front.
Among the evacuation centers Climaco visited was the Western Mindanao State University gymnasium, where many of the victims of the crisis were brought.
The gym, aside from being an evacuation center, was also designated a Satellite Emergency Hospital.
Climaco then proceeded to the Zamboanga Grandstand to check the situation of more than 1,000 evacuees.
The city government and volunteers provided the refugees with food during their stay at the grandstand.
Zamboanga City residents were forced to flee their homes due to the gun battles between the government and the MNLF. At least six people have been killed in the clashes.
The mayor earlier imposed a curfew over the city, in the wake of a standoff between the opposing forces, virtually shutting down Zamboanga City.
Zamboanga churches
Catholic churches in Zamboanga City on Monday opened their doors to people fleeing the clashes between government troops and the Moro National Liberation Front.
Zamboanga Archdiocese administrator Msgr. Crisologo Manongas [because there is still no archbishop.] said the churches in the archdiocese welcomed all evacuees be they Christian or Muslim.
Manongas added there was no reason for Muslim evacuees to be denied accommodation since all civilians reject the ongoing conflict.
“This is not a religious conflict. This is a political conflict. There’s no animosity between Muslims and Christians. We have a good relationship with Muslim religious leaders,” Manongas said.
The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines said Zamboanga church officials condemned the violence and called for an end to the fighting.
"We appeal to the MNLF leadership not to involve the innocent civilians in their political demands. Negotiations with arms will not resolve anything. We are appealing to them to lay down their arms," said Manongas.
The Zamboanga Archdiocese administrator was outraged over the violence since civilians, especially children, were among the most affected by the fighting. — DVM, GMA News
The Catholic Church is STILL the biggest charitable organization in the whole world!
Where are the loudmouths when you needed them to make the noise the most?
Where is the loudmouth INC who loves to brag about how good they are when they only open their doors to their own members?
Now, where is the loudmouth YELLOW JOURNALISTS to show this to the whole world, huh?
That's it.
You are good at attacking the Catholic Church.
You cannot even lift a damn finger to help those in need.
Nothing but rhetoric.
Bunch of privileged spoiled brats!
Put them in the same situation as those in Zamboanga or even those affected by natural calamities and I bet you that you'll never see them ask or pray to their Math and Science.
I bet you.
When death comes knocking at their doors, they'll start praying.
Zamboanga City Mayor Isabelle Climaco-Salazar on Monday night made the rounds of evacuation centers sheltering constituents who fled from the gun battles between government troops and the Moro National Liberation Front.
Among the evacuation centers Climaco visited was the Western Mindanao State University gymnasium, where many of the victims of the crisis were brought.
The gym, aside from being an evacuation center, was also designated a Satellite Emergency Hospital.
Climaco then proceeded to the Zamboanga Grandstand to check the situation of more than 1,000 evacuees.
The city government and volunteers provided the refugees with food during their stay at the grandstand.
Zamboanga City residents were forced to flee their homes due to the gun battles between the government and the MNLF. At least six people have been killed in the clashes.
The mayor earlier imposed a curfew over the city, in the wake of a standoff between the opposing forces, virtually shutting down Zamboanga City.
Zamboanga churches
Catholic churches in Zamboanga City on Monday opened their doors to people fleeing the clashes between government troops and the Moro National Liberation Front.
Zamboanga Archdiocese administrator Msgr. Crisologo Manongas [because there is still no archbishop.] said the churches in the archdiocese welcomed all evacuees be they Christian or Muslim.
Manongas added there was no reason for Muslim evacuees to be denied accommodation since all civilians reject the ongoing conflict.
“This is not a religious conflict. This is a political conflict. There’s no animosity between Muslims and Christians. We have a good relationship with Muslim religious leaders,” Manongas said.
The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines said Zamboanga church officials condemned the violence and called for an end to the fighting.
"We appeal to the MNLF leadership not to involve the innocent civilians in their political demands. Negotiations with arms will not resolve anything. We are appealing to them to lay down their arms," said Manongas.
The Zamboanga Archdiocese administrator was outraged over the violence since civilians, especially children, were among the most affected by the fighting. — DVM, GMA News
The Catholic Church is STILL the biggest charitable organization in the whole world!
Where are the loudmouths when you needed them to make the noise the most?
Where is the loudmouth INC who loves to brag about how good they are when they only open their doors to their own members?
Now, where is the loudmouth YELLOW JOURNALISTS to show this to the whole world, huh?
That's it.
You are good at attacking the Catholic Church.
You cannot even lift a damn finger to help those in need.
Nothing but rhetoric.
Bunch of privileged spoiled brats!
Put them in the same situation as those in Zamboanga or even those affected by natural calamities and I bet you that you'll never see them ask or pray to their Math and Science.
I bet you.
When death comes knocking at their doors, they'll start praying.
Monday, September 9, 2013
GULP Exam: What is wrong in this photo?
Yes. This is a Catholic Mass. Not an Aglipayan, Episcopalian, Lutheran or Evangelical prayer service.
It is a Catholic Mass.
Find out what is wrong in this photo.
Anomalies in the Novus Ordo?
There are other anomalies [wow! what a term!] within the Novo [Novus] Ordo that I think are worth mentioning:
1. Not kneeling or Sitting during the Consecration and the Agnus Dei. [Well, this is not true here in the Philippines. Filipino bishops have directed that the laity kneel during the consecration and during the "Ecce Agnus Dei.."]
2. Holding of Hands during the Pater Noster. Should it not be the priest raising his hands as a gesture of raising the prayers of the congregation to God? [Well...this is the subject of my next blog post.]
3. Raising of Hands when answering Et cum spirituo and Habemus ad Dominum. [Another innovation which I think bore out of the laity's reaction. It actually began in the charismatic movement. Again, it is not allowed. The liturgical action of raising the hand when greeting with "Dominus vobiscum" is a liturgical action of the ordained.]
4. Saying "My Lord and My God" during consecration. [This is actually a pious devotion that was done even before Vatican II and is still encouraged You can read about this in a post by Fr. Z. In fact, St. Pius X granted an indulgence to those who would say those words while the Host is elevated. In fact, the traditional ejaculation is this: “My LORD and my God, I believe, help my unbelief.” and at the elevation of the Chalice, “Be mindful O LORD of Thy creature, whom Thou hast redeemed by Thy most Precious Blood.” ]
5. Recitation of the shorter's Apostles Creed instead of the longer Niceno-Constantinopolitan "Credo in Unum Deum". I don't see any pastoral reason the recite the shorter version. By the way, it is ONLY in the Philippines that the Apostles Creed is recited in the Mass. WHY? [It was decided upon by the CBCP. But with the new translation, the Nicene Creed is now recited during Masses in English.]
6. The secular greeting at the start of the Mass e.g. good morning, good evening, etc... This is totally NONE liturgical and is a pretty good means of flushing out in a second the prayerful atmoshere that has built during the entrance hymn or antiphone. [I am with you on this. "The Lord be with you." is the best greeting you could ever say to another Christian.]
7.Clapping after the Ite Missa Est as norm. I do not see this in the rubrics, do you? [I have blogged a lot of time against this. THIS IS JUST A PLAIN DUMB PRACTICE!]
8. The terrible pop music we implement in our liturgy that are no longer reverend of the Church, no longer didactic, not singable or cantabile by the common man and as a congregation. E.g. "Humayo't Ihayag" is a catchy tune, but is it singable? does it teach much? In addition, the usage of secular instruments which distracts more than uplift. We really lost the use of the classical organ where the right hand plays a different part from the left, melodiously assisting the Gregorian Chant. Not so much of Nostalgia because I have not experience this era. [Vatican II placed Gregorian Chant in a a very high place, YET, liturgists like Chupungco and Diwa have a very low regard for Gregorian Chant. You ask why? Ask the Jesuits of Ateneo in Katipunan Ave. They created a big industry out of this. Imagine if they promoted Gregorian Chant. You think they'd benefit financially from it?]
9. Removal of the Crucifix on the Altar because this removes the sense of sacrifice of Christ that the priests re-offers in a mystical manner. If I were the Pope, I would order priests to perform the Consecration AGAIN facing the altar and back against the congregation because this is the greatest symbol that the priest is offering the Merits of Christs Passion, Death, and Resurrection in a mystical and unbloody manner to the Father FOR THE PEOPLE and In Persona Christi. Then he can face back the congregation when he resume praying the rest of the Eucharistic prayer. [One of the great and mind-boggling reform that the Church did after Vatican II is to have Mass facing the people. I suggest you read this.]
10. The blessing for anniversary, birthday celebrators at the end of the Mass and the singing of the HAPPY BIRTHDAY inside the Church. Ahhh, this really is appalling. [I am with you here. There is a special liturgy where special blessings can be done.]
10. Engaging altar girls. As I said, this is a practicum for boys, not for girls. [I have blogged about this. I don't like it either.]
11. Priest not wearing the alb underneath. Even if we're in a tropical country, it is not reason to wear the Chasuble as this is a symbol of the Baptismal robe. [There are a lot of liturgical abuses committed by priests who do not wear the proper liturgical attire.]
12. On the laity's part, the already norm of wearing casual instead of the Sunday Best clothes. [It's not the norm. In fairness, the Archdiocese of Manila came out with guidelines about this. Unfortunately, they are good on paper.] Wow! We all go dress to the 9th when attending parties, social gatherings, weddings, SONA, yet in the house of God, we enter with our pekpek shorts and chinelas and maong pants. So is God a lesser person to honor?
Ahh, just too much abuse that simple makes me squirm. No wonder present day Catholics lost their respect for the priesthood, for the sanctuary, for the Holy Eucharist, the lost of reverence and appreciation for the Mass, all because the way we celebrate the Lex Orandi DOES NOT anymore Reflect our Lex Credendi, i.e. our Liturgy in the Novo Ordo or the manner we celebrate it no longer express and is didactic showcase of our What We Believe.
Too bad!
Oh yes, I do agree.
Whenever we see priests treat the Mass as if it were their own entertainment show.
We treat the Mass as if it were not a holy event.
Even Commencement Exercises are treated with so much pomp and nobility, the present day Sunday Mass becomes much like a children's party!
Is this how we treat the holy?
Both clergy and laity are guilty.
We don't treat the Holy Mass holy!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
GULP Alert: Giving Jesus a Bubble Bath
This is serious, really.
Just the stupidity of all these priests who'd find anything stupid they could think of just to justify their liturgical nonsense.
Watch this video and prepare to look like this.
And here is the justification of the priest who did this unjustifiable action.
Before you start getting all crazy...
This is Anglican.
You think it is Catholic no?
Yeah, it figures. Why?
Because it CAN happen to a Catholic Mass too!
Just the stupidity of all these priests who'd find anything stupid they could think of just to justify their liturgical nonsense.
Watch this video and prepare to look like this.
And here is the justification of the priest who did this unjustifiable action.
Before you start getting all crazy...
This is Anglican.
You think it is Catholic no?
Yeah, it figures. Why?
Because it CAN happen to a Catholic Mass too!
Before Carly Rae Jepsen there was Jesus!
But that is how it actually happened.
Don't you think so?
But that is how a Christian is called.
You get in love with Christ and just drop everything and follow Him!
Friday, September 6, 2013
Because the plain and ugly is a sign of "progress"
I dare anyone who wants to have a very simplistic church or chapel to show me any Vatican II document saying that this is how our churches should look like. Almost stripped off of its sacred art and furnishing.
Which leads me to this...
St. Paul the Apostle Church in Quezon City. Even if you take out the veil from the crucifix, it is still ugly.
Really ugly.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Communion on the Tongue...only!
Watch this video and see how this priest reminded a communicant to receive only on the tongue.
It's on the 0:08 mark.
And look! Even the deacons receive Communion kneeling...and by intinction.
While we have this happening in our retreat houses, chapels...
For those who are for this practice, show me a liturgical law that says you can receive Communion by yourself!
"Oh Pinoy Catholic! You are so legalistic! You are like the Pharisees!"
Oh really?
Did Christ abolish the Law of Moses?
He didn't.
And so must you not too!
And here is The Vortex video about Communion on the Tongue...only!
FYI, as per my investigation, the Philippines did not receive any permission from the Vatican to distribute Holy Communion on the Hand!
And here is the classic YouTube video about Communion on the Tongue and Kneeling by the not so well known cardinal named Francis Arinze...
It's on the 0:08 mark.
And look! Even the deacons receive Communion kneeling...and by intinction.
While we have this happening in our retreat houses, chapels...
For those who are for this practice, show me a liturgical law that says you can receive Communion by yourself!
"Oh Pinoy Catholic! You are so legalistic! You are like the Pharisees!"
Oh really?
Did Christ abolish the Law of Moses?
He didn't.
And so must you not too!
And here is The Vortex video about Communion on the Tongue...only!
FYI, as per my investigation, the Philippines did not receive any permission from the Vatican to distribute Holy Communion on the Hand!
And here is the classic YouTube video about Communion on the Tongue and Kneeling by the not so well known cardinal named Francis Arinze...
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