Wednesday, October 31, 2012
If a "priest" approaches us to have the tombs of our loved ones blessed....
I'll drag him by the neck and bring him to the police.
That means you Mark Bunag!
If he is indeed an RC priest, I'll send him to his bishop!
That's for sure!
Lots of fake priests going around these days looking to swindle someone!
TLM in St. Peter's Basilica!!!
Di Noia and Llovera |
From Andrea Tornielli
“I gladly accepted to celebrate next Saturday’s mass for pilgrims who came to thank the Pope for the gift of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum because it is a way to make others understand that it is normal to use the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite…” This was the answer Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, gave to Vatican Insider when asked about the meaning of next Saturday’s (3 November) mass which will be celebrated at 15:00 in St. Peter’s Basilica. This morning, the spokesman for the “Una cum Papa nostro” pilgrimage announced that Archbishop Augustine Di Noia, Vice President of Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei will be present at the mass.
What is the point of the pilgrimage?
“To give thanks to God and thank the Pope for the motu proprio he issued five years ago, recognising the value of the liturgy celebrated according to the missal of the Blessed John XXIII and marking continuity with the tradition of the Roman Rite. By recognising the previous liturgy one understands that reform does not mean doing away with older traditional practices.” [Well, for Fr. Anscar Chupungco, who thinks he has more liturgical expertise than Joseph Ratzinger, he believes Vatican II did away with the Missal of John XXIII. So, the reform, according to him, actually scrapped the Old Missal. That is why he is so dead-set to implement his rubbish Misa ng Sambayanang Pilipino all under the inspiration of the "Spirit of Vatican II" and "inculturation".]
Why did you agree to celebrate mass for pilgrims who follow the pre-conciliar Rite?
I agreed because it is a way to show people it is normal to use the 1962 missal: there are two forms of the same Rite but there is only one Rite, so it is normal to use it during mass celebrations. I have already celebrated a number of masses according to the missal introduced by the Blessed John XXIII and I will gladly do so again on this occasion. The Congregation in which the Pope has called me to act as Prefect does not oppose the use of the old liturgy, although the task of our dicastery is to enhance the meaning of liturgical renewal according to the directives of the Sacrosanctum Concilium constitution and follow in the footsteps of the Second Vatican Council. In relation to this it must be said that the extraordinary form of the Latin Rite must draw inspiration from the conciliar Constitution which in the first ten paragraphs focuses on the true spirit of the liturgy and so is relevant to all rites.” [Which in FACT, the Council Fathers wrote and they drew their inspiration from the TLM and NOT the Mass of Paul VI. Logic! During Vatican II, there was no Mass of Paul VI.]
What is your opinion regarding the implementation of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, five years on?
“I do not know the details regarding the world situation, partly because it is the Ecclesia Dei Commission that deals with this but I think that people are gradually beginning to understand that the liturgy is core to the Church and we have to revive the sense of mystery and sacredness in our celebrations. [Do you get that feeling when you see the Mass of Fr. Sobrejuanite on Studio 23, or the Mass of Fr. Glenn Paul Gomez on Channel 2? Or the Mass of Fr. Chupungco with all the inculturated elements, like folk dancing, earthen jars, etc.? Nah. Pure entertainment.] Furthermore, I believe that five years on we are able to better understand that it is not just about some faithful feeling nostalgia for the Latin Rite but about adding to the meaning of the liturgy. We are all part of the Church, we are all in one communion. Pope Benedict XVI explained this very well and on the first anniversary of the motu proprio, he recalled that “no one is unwelcome in the Church.” [Well, Holy Father. Archdiocese of Manila is exclusively for those who either believe or studied under Fr. Anscar Chupungco's school! One guy is implying that you can't be COMPETENT to become a Master of Ceremony if you haven't gone to Bukidnon and San Beda Liturgy School. Daym!]
It is NORMAL to celebrate it.
Then, why, pray tell....
Does Fr. Anscar Chupungco and Fr. Genaro Diwa doing all in their power to STOP the Extraordinary Form of the Latin Mass to be celebrated in the Archdiocese of Manila, more specifically in more prominent churches in the Archdiocese, huh?
Pray tell...
Why Fr. Diwa even called up a bishop to "advise" him to not attend another TLM and be photographed with the group since they will use this as "political leverage" for their "pro-SSPX agenda ".
Yeah. That is the same thing I heard from a priest who once celebrated TLM who eventually got booted out of his order because of his nasty temper and went to another parish and then...
Too much details!
And...I am digressing.
Well, anywho.
Pray tell....
Oh, Most benevolent liturgical experts!
Just try to attend one, if you think it is all but normal.
Just sit there in a pew...........during a TLM.........and pray.
pope benedict xvi,
Summorum Pontificum
New bishop of San Fernando, La Union
Vatican City, 30 October 2012 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Appointed Bishop Rodolfo Beltran, apostolic vicar of Bontoc-Lagawe, Philippines, as bishop of San Fernando de La Union (area 1,493, population 775,000, Catholics 667,000, priests 42, permanent deacons 5, religious 122), Philippines.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Traditionalist or not traditionalist?
Was THAT bishop a sede vacantist and less of a traditionalist too for being too attached to the Traditional Mass?
He is sitting on the SEDE.
I just had to comment.
My email was flooded because of this.
TPC readers wanted me to react on this one.
Nothing personal.
Those faithful who are inclined with the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, also known as Tridentine Rite, are few of the members of the Roman Church [there was an actual head count? Or is it few just because only the few knows about the Extraordinary Form?] that our Holy Mother, the Mystical Body of Christ, embraces. However not all of them respect and obey the Holy Father. [Huh?]
It is widely rampant that some of these faithful, especially those who are active, secretly deny the validity and sanctity of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II). [He must know some of them. But I personally heard one who thinks he is more Catholic than the Pope. Yup, more like a Williamson type.] I heard, and I was well informed by those who knew them, that they still go against the teachings of the Sacred Council and calls the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite invalid. [most likely sede vacantists!] Who are they to call the Mass invalid? It is very clear that the Holy Father, in his motu propio “Summorum Pontificum,” highlighted that the two forms of the Eucharistic Celebration are valid and are equal of dignity – that these two forms of the Roman Rite are rooted in the Tradition (with a capital letter “T”) of the Church. We have only one rite in two forms, and I myself highly appreciate the richness of both forms of one Roman Rite. [I would be more discreet in using the adjective richness for the Novus Ordo.]
The Pope, on the accompanying letter for the said motu propio, already clarified the confusions made by so-called traditionalists (with small letter “t”) that Vatican II never abrogated the Extraordinary Form (notice that I use the official term given by the Holy Father). [The traditionalists are claiming that Vatican II never abrogated the Extraordinary Form? Or was it Cardinal Ratzinger and the other cardinals with him who advised John Paul II that it was so.]
Efforts to reconcile the Society of Saint Pius X are being made. [Whoa! Quick jump here!] As a vibrant sign of their desire to unite with the Holy See, they recently expelled Bishop Richard Williamson from the fraternity because of his disobedience and disrespect toward his superiors. Some breakaway groups from the said society are building means to unite themselves to Rome and, as like the Father in the parable of the prodigal son, they are received with love and affection, with respect and care. We need to pray more for reconciliation within the Roman Catholic Church. [This I agree. This is the true essence of ecumenism, not like how some liturgist, like the famous one, would make the Mass, the Ordinary Form, look more like a Protestant Mass with too much INCULTURATION.]
For those who call themselves ‘traditionalist’ Catholics, when will they reconcile their thoughts, words, actions and feelings to the Roman Church? [Are all traditionalists like this? I don't think so.] How come they go against the Church’s teachings and the Holy Father’s move towards unity and reconciliation? [Huh?] We are celebrating the Year of Faith to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of Vatican II. Yet they disregard to grab the blessed moment to open their hearts and minds to know the teachings – the REAL TEACHINGS - and to enrich their faith. [Wasn't it because of the confusion made my those who made their own interpretation of the so-called Spirit of Vatican II that the Year of Faith was called in the first place? Wasn't it because of the confusion in how the liturgical reform should have been done that the Holy Father has called on the Synod and to discuss other confusions for that matter?] Isn’t it that by doing such acts and holding on to such biased principles, in a sense, being ‘Protestant’ or “Schismatic” - denying the Pope and the Church teachings?
I wish to re-echo the words of Pope Benedict XVI, which he sent to bishops about the motu propio, which I now address to the ‘traditionalist’ Catholics:
“It is true that there have been exaggerations and at times social aspects unduly linked to the attitude of the faithful attached to the ancient Latin liturgical tradition. Your charity and pastoral prudence will be an incentive and guide for improving these.” (Emphasis added) [I think this reminder of the Holy Father is more applicable to those who think traditionalists are automatically denying the validity of the Mass of Paul VI and think they are schismatics too.]
Dear friends, “traditionalism” is not measured on how you worship and what you personally believe. Rather, true traditionalism is measured on how you show fidelity and love to God, through Christ in His Church through His Vicar here on earth, and with your unity in faith with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Uhm... if that were the definition of traditionalism....then those looney Wiccan dancers of St. Vincent School of Theology, Maryhill School of Theology and Euntes of Zamboanga are......uhm....traditionalists?!? Isn't traditionalism a way to describe those who are particularly attached to the TRADITIONAL practices of the Church which disastrously were almost lost to oblivion thanks to the interpretation of Vatican II of those who "show fidelity and love to [sic] God, through Christ in His Church through His Vicar here on earth, and with your unity in faith with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church."
Even those who do the most tragic things during the Mass, dancing, clowns, powerpoints, wise crack jokes...they all show fidelity and love of God. But does it make them traditional?
Will you call Cardinal Mahony and his dissent fest Religious Education Humbug a traditionalist just because they love God?
I consider myself a traditionalist. But I do not consider the Novus Ordo or the Ordinary Form invalid. In fact, I love the Novus Ordo especially if it were celebrated in Latin and Ad orientem. Yes, a priest regularly celebrates it and I ATTEND IT.
Traditionalism is measured in how you love the Church, all about Her...past, present and future.
Take that Mad Man from Davao!
I love the Novus Ordo just as I love the TLM. I have said this many times before. Does that make me less of a traditionalist or not a traditionalist anymore?
To the wackos who parade around wearing their made up cassocks or habits or clerical tabs, or what I call "Knights of Williamson", just associating yourself with the Novus Ordo makes you a heretic.
To the self-proclaimed and self-ordained, just-had-a-seminar-with-Fr. Anscar Chupungco, they think they are more qualified about the liturgy and about Vatican II than even the Pope himself...they think others don't have the right to comment about the liturgy.
Quite frankly, academic degrees mean nothing in the Church except about Canon Law and Licentiate in Theology.
Holy Orders do.
So to the dean of San Beda School of Liturgy, you can brag about your doctorate woman! But you still are not ordained.
So shut up!
catholic tradition,
liturgical manifesto,
vatican 2
Fake Facebook Page
This is the fake Facebook page of Cardinal-elect Luis Antonio Tagle.
Poor grammar gave the fool away!
Poor grammar gave the fool away!
The Knights know what to do against RH politicians
MANILA, Oct. 29, 2012–In a massive display of brotherhood, hundreds of members of the Knights of Columbus from the provinces of Nueva Ecija, Aurora and the prelature of Infanta this weekend gathered for a motorcade to protest the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) bill.
State Program Director Bonifacio B. Martinez during the round-table dinner openly endorsed to hundreds of knights refraining from voting for pro-RH politicians. [That is how to beat those damn Obamaniacs!]
“Elections are coming up and there are pro-RH politicians, aren’t there? So it is up to you to determine who those are; I won’t tell you anymore. And I hope you don’t vote for these pro-RH politicians,” Bonifacio said in Filipino.
Dubbed a “Celebration of Life,” the event kicked off with a Eucharistic celebration, followed by the motorcade that started from St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Crypta Cabanatuan City to the Nueva Ecija High School, where a round-table discussion of District Deputies took place. It was attended by prominent personalities from the province, including Suzuki Philippines president Satoshi Uchida. [GO BUY SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES!!!]
Members of the Knights of Columbus vowed to continue promoting a negative vote campaign, which they said would be carried out nationwide. (CBCP for Life)
And other councils and districts will follow suit!
Join the Facebook group, DO NOT VOTE FOR PRO-RH POLITICIANS.
I administer that page. We will identify which candidate threw in his/her support for the RH Bill, from the national to local positions.
State Program Director Bonifacio B. Martinez during the round-table dinner openly endorsed to hundreds of knights refraining from voting for pro-RH politicians. [That is how to beat those damn Obamaniacs!]
“Elections are coming up and there are pro-RH politicians, aren’t there? So it is up to you to determine who those are; I won’t tell you anymore. And I hope you don’t vote for these pro-RH politicians,” Bonifacio said in Filipino.
Dubbed a “Celebration of Life,” the event kicked off with a Eucharistic celebration, followed by the motorcade that started from St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Crypta Cabanatuan City to the Nueva Ecija High School, where a round-table discussion of District Deputies took place. It was attended by prominent personalities from the province, including Suzuki Philippines president Satoshi Uchida. [GO BUY SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES!!!]
Members of the Knights of Columbus vowed to continue promoting a negative vote campaign, which they said would be carried out nationwide. (CBCP for Life)
And other councils and districts will follow suit!
Join the Facebook group, DO NOT VOTE FOR PRO-RH POLITICIANS.
I administer that page. We will identify which candidate threw in his/her support for the RH Bill, from the national to local positions.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Possible miracle of Ven. Fulton Sheen
The story about the Archbishop Fulton Sheen's possible miracle is reported.
Here is the excerpt:
Engstrom, who has a background in English literature, and her husband, Travis, 30, a physics teacher, had their first two children (Lydia, 4, and Bennet, 3) delivered at home and planned the same for their third. (Their fourth child, Teresa, was born in a hospital in May.)
But something went wrong with James’ birth. There was a knot in the umbilical cord and the baby, weighing 9 pounds 12 ounces, was stillborn. He was blue and limp when the midwife placed him briefly in his mother’s arms then took him back to start CPR. There was no pulse or breathing, and while they waited for an ambulance, Travis took water and baptized his son James Fulton. [Emergency baptism.]
They had already chosen that name because of their love for Sheen’s life and teachings. Engstrom had grown up near Sheen’s birth place in El Paso, Ill., they live not far from the foundation, and Engstrom, while pregnant, had watched videos of Sheen’s TV programs.
She remembers sitting on the floor after the delivery, thinking over and over, “Fulton Sheen, Fulton Sheen, Fulton Sheen.” In her despair, it was as close as she could come to a prayer.
The paramedics rushed James to the hospital and tried to start his heart on the way. They administered two doses of epinephrine through lines inserted in his shin bone, and one leaked and turned his entire leg purple. The doctors and nurses in the emergency room worked on him for another 18 minutes, and one told Engstrom that she wanted James to live long enough for her to hold him and say goodbye.
He was intubated with oxygen and doctors compressed his chest, but a sonogram showed that his heart was only fluttering. Sixty-one minutes after James was stillborn, a neonatologist declared that they stop working on him and call the time of death. They stopped and, Engstrom said, “Then his heart started.”
Read the full story here.
Fr. Z once blogged that if you want a miracle, call the help of a candidate for sainthood. Ask the Servant of God to intercede for you. You need their help, and quite obviously, they do too as they need to prove a miracle through their intercession for their cause to move on.
This is believe so!
If it is God's will, then they will be raised to the honors of the altar.
And He works miracles.
National Thanksgiving Mass for St. Pedro Canonization
This is the scale model of the sanctuary and altar for the National Thanksgiving Mass for the Canonization of San Pedro Calungsod. You can see Cebu Archbishop Emeritus Ricardo Cardinal Vidal behind the scale model. Read about the story here.
Well, if we follow this model, then we are sure not to expect a crucifix and 7 candle sticks on the altar?
But.........this is............Cebu!
Not Manila!
Well, if we follow this model, then we are sure not to expect a crucifix and 7 candle sticks on the altar?
But.........this is............Cebu!
Not Manila!
pinoy bishop,
Pinoy Catholics,
St. Pedro Calungsod
In case you did not know
There is such a thing as Creation of Mass....
Hold Mass before the sun rises, so you can thank the sun for coming out...
Feel the dew on the grass with your bare feet...
Be one with nature and feel the Spirit communicating with you...
Isn't that wonderful?
Christ is in the Mass....why would I need to do all your rubbish?
Are you teaching me to be a Catholic Wiccan or Wiccan Catholic?
Or is there a difference between the two?
Many thanks to Euntes of Zamboanga for continuously contributing a lot of liturgical abuse photos from their own backyard!
Keep it coming!
Hold Mass before the sun rises, so you can thank the sun for coming out...
Feel the dew on the grass with your bare feet...
Be one with nature and feel the Spirit communicating with you...
Isn't that wonderful?
Christ is in the Mass....why would I need to do all your rubbish?
Are you teaching me to be a Catholic Wiccan or Wiccan Catholic?
Or is there a difference between the two?
Many thanks to Euntes of Zamboanga for continuously contributing a lot of liturgical abuse photos from their own backyard!
Keep it coming!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
She is coming back!
Deo gratias!
Vatican City, 24 October 2012 (VIS) - At the end of his general audience today, the Pope announced that he has called a consistory to take place on 24 November, during which he will appoint six new cardinals.
"It is with great joy", he said, "that I announce my intention to hold a consistory on 24 November, in which I will appoint six new members of the College of Cardinals. Cardinals have the task of helping Peter's Successor carry out his mission to confirm people in the faith and to be the source and foundation of the Church's unity and communion".
The Holy Father then read out the names of the new cardinals. They are:
- Archbishop James Michael Harvey, prefect of the Pontifical Household who, Benedict XVI said, "I intend to appoint as archpriest of the papal basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls".
- His Beatitude Bechara Boutros Rai, patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites, Lebanon.
- His Beatitude Baselios Cleemis Thottunkal, major archbishop of Trivandrum of the Syro-Malankars, India.
- Archbishop John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan of Abuja, Nigeria.
- Archbishop Ruben Salazar Gomez of Bogota, Colombia.
- Archbishop Luis Antonio G. Tagle of Manila, Philippines.
"As you have heard", the Pope concluded, "the new cardinals carry out their ministry at the service of the Holy See or as fathers and pastors of particular Churches in various parts of the world. I invite everyone to pray for them, asking for the maternal intercession of the Blessed Virgin May that they may always love Christ and His Church with courage and commitment".
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Editorial about St. Pedro Calungsod
The Jesuits did not care to push for the canonization of Blessed San Vitores because Jesuits are expected to die for the Faith???? And they tons of Blesseds and Saints???
Or the Jesuits simply don't care about canonizations anymore?
Seriously, do we expect the Jesuits to die for the Faith today?
I read somewhere that this annoying Jesuit who smiles every morning, has high praises for his university's basketball win but in all truthfulness, is all for the RH Bill!
I think he'd rather die for a basketball championship rather than for the Faith, eh?
Seriously, aside from the usual high-praises and worship of Jesuits from a product of a Jesuit school, no harm intended for my Jesuit friends and friends who work or study in Jesuit institutions, this reflection of Teddy Locsin is nice...... surprisingly from a MASON like him.
Pinoy Jesuits,
pinoy media,
St. Pedro Calungsod
More fake priest rackets!
Some of the infamous men I posted here on TPC.
"Fr." Mark Bunag of the Apostolic Orthodox something something church of Wherever. Claiming valid ordination from some archbishop Ramzi Musallam, of whatever who loves to pose for photographs including Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to legitimize his claim or their claim as an Eastern Church. Got promoted lately as episcopal vicar! Woohoo! Whatever.
Dom Xavier something something from the Canons of something from France. Duped a lot of people in Christ the King Parish in Greenmeadows. Got excommunicated by Bishop Ongtioco for his antics.
I had breakfast with a friend who told me this outrageous story about fake priests roaming the face of the earth.
I posted about them a lot of times in the past. Just click the tab below "Fake Priests" to see who these guys are.
This is their new modus operandi.
When a grieving family takes a chapel from the famed funeral house, one of their staff, probably the undertaker, approaches the family and asks if they want Mass celebrated at the chapel for the deceased.
Of course, the family will be elated to know this as this would save them the time and effort to look for a priest.
And so, after a few comes "Priest".
He says Mass, does the blessing of the dead....and asks for a Mass stipend of .........P1,000.00!
Yup. They have a flat rate for the "priest's" services.
And he goes around the funeral parlor!
No one, of course, would suspect that the guy is not a real priest until my friend saw the "priest" and recognized him as a former classmate who did not finish his seminary training and was actually expelled from the seminary.
So, what's the gig?
I smell commissions!
Yup, the undertaker does the bookings, calls in fake priest, and they share the booty!
My friend could not remember the name of the "priest" but he wants me to share it to all of you so you'd be on the lookout for these pretenders.
The name of the funeral parlor? Sounds like a woman, just be at PEACE.
They may claim to be Roman Catholic priests, priests from the Ecumenical Orthodox Church of the Apostolic East and West and North and South and the Atlantic regions of the Autocephalous Eparchy of the Holy and Undivided Grand Mumbaki of Manila, or whatever title those nutjobs have claimed for themselves.
They are everywhere.
Want to know how to prove that they are legit Roman Catholic priests?
Ask for their celebret. A piece of document signed by the bishop that the priest is a good standing member of a religious order or the diocese of the bishop.
If not, try Googling for his name.
Ask for the name of his church or diocese of affiliation.
DO NOT JUST TRUST any guy who approaches you and claims to be a priest.
You can also borrow or ask the parish secretary to look for the name of the "priest" in the Catholic Directory of the Philippines. Every parish church has one! Or you can try their online version for quick reference. This one though is not updated.
Now you know why I hate fat looney tunes walking around wearing a clerical tab?
They usually joke around in the US that if you want easy money, found a church.
Here in the Philippines, that is also true....but more!
Pretend to be a priest!...crash someone else's funeral service...and boom! Easy money.
Oh, did I tell you that some altar servers also love this kind of know, pretending to be the Master of Ceremonies of a guest priest or bishop, then even joins the lunch or dinner for the guest priest or bishop afterwards?
Mga tambay sa Quiapo!
This one is funny!
![]() |
The Supremo... |
This one is outright disgusting!
And the Suprema! Aw! |
BREAKING NEWS: Williamson removed from SSPX
It is finally confirmed, as TPC has broken the news before...
Bishop Richard Williamson, the Holocaust denying bishop, is removed as a member of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X!
Read about it from Rorate Caeli.
Bishop Richard Williamson, the Holocaust denying bishop, is removed as a member of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X!
Read about it from Rorate Caeli.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
GULP Alert: Breakfast buns anyone?
Mark your calendars!
from the Facebook group, Custos pro Mitra:
From Peter to Thomas Aquinas! Welcome SAN Pedro Calungsod to UST, and to the Philippines!
From the airport, his image will be brought straight to the Pontifical and Royal Catholic University of Santo Tomas on Thursday - 25 October 2012 - at o'clock in the evening!
The TLM in Sto. Domingo Church....AGAIN!
While Filipino Catholics are still rejoicing with the canonization of St. Pedro Calungsod, the TLM Community of the Philippines, celebrated a TLM in front of the miraculous image of Our Lady of La Naval de Manila in her own shrine in Sto. Domingo Church in Quezon City.
The last TLM was offered here by the late Fr. Manuel Piñon, OP.
Thanks to our good friend Dinky for the wonderful photos. Here are some of them.
Those who attended the Mass said that close to 300 faithful Catholics were present for the Mass. There was also a representative from the TLM Community of Davao. What?! No GI?!
The word is spreading indeed. More people are knowing the TLM!
Grace filled indeed!
The very same Mass that St. Pedro Calungsod was so devoted was celebrated the day after his name was officially listed in the Canon of the Saints! Yup. I am not making this up. The teenage saint was trained to be with the missionaries. So, it is highly probable that our dear Pedro is also well-versed in serving the TLM and in Latin. He did not do a Swswswshhhh, not understanding what it meant. 15 years old! Good in Latin! Imagine that! Now what would the Rev. Showman of SM Megamall have to say about that?!
You can see teenage kids like San Pedro Calungsod assisting at a TLM either as an altar boy or as a Mass goer.
Thank you to the organizers and movers of this historic moment!
And I bet that the old Benedictine monk is upset at the trend of more Catholic laity attending the TLM.
Imagine, if more priests offer this Mass.
I hope and pray that more brave priests come forward and ask to be trained to celebrate the TLM. The Societas Ecclesia Dei Sancti Ioseph - Una Voce Philippines - the official lay movement affiliated with Una Voce International, which promotes the TLM, offers assistance and training to interested priests and seminarians.
And if you take a look at the photo, what do you see? More young people!
So, the accusation of the Liturgist and his minions that the TLM attracts only the old and nostalgic is.......FALSE!
The last TLM was offered here by the late Fr. Manuel Piñon, OP.
Thanks to our good friend Dinky for the wonderful photos. Here are some of them.
Those who attended the Mass said that close to 300 faithful Catholics were present for the Mass. There was also a representative from the TLM Community of Davao. What?! No GI?!
The word is spreading indeed. More people are knowing the TLM!
Grace filled indeed!
The very same Mass that St. Pedro Calungsod was so devoted was celebrated the day after his name was officially listed in the Canon of the Saints! Yup. I am not making this up. The teenage saint was trained to be with the missionaries. So, it is highly probable that our dear Pedro is also well-versed in serving the TLM and in Latin. He did not do a Swswswshhhh, not understanding what it meant. 15 years old! Good in Latin! Imagine that! Now what would the Rev. Showman of SM Megamall have to say about that?!
You can see teenage kids like San Pedro Calungsod assisting at a TLM either as an altar boy or as a Mass goer.
Thank you to the organizers and movers of this historic moment!
And I bet that the old Benedictine monk is upset at the trend of more Catholic laity attending the TLM.
Imagine, if more priests offer this Mass.
I hope and pray that more brave priests come forward and ask to be trained to celebrate the TLM. The Societas Ecclesia Dei Sancti Ioseph - Una Voce Philippines - the official lay movement affiliated with Una Voce International, which promotes the TLM, offers assistance and training to interested priests and seminarians.
And if you take a look at the photo, what do you see? More young people!
So, the accusation of the Liturgist and his minions that the TLM attracts only the old and nostalgic is.......FALSE!
Monday, October 22, 2012
The return of the Papal Fanon
Someone is throwing a nutty fit again.
Oh well.
He and his minions would just think.
"The Pope can do whatever he wants, just as long as it is not done in Manila or in the entire Philippines."
Yup. That is the plan all along.
Pope Benedict can display all the old liturgical vestments he wants for as long as he does not use his "papal powers" to impose it on all dioceses in the world, including Imperial Archdiocese of Manila who so blatantly and arrogantly issued a directive against a Papal Motu Propio, Summorum Pontificum. Who wrote it? Who else?!?!?
Fr. Anscar Chupungco.
But who signed it?
The former archbishop, Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales, benefactor and protector of Fr. Chupungco's Paul VI Institute for Liturgy in Malaybalay, Bukidnon.
But what these liturgical rebels think is just plain liturgical fancy of an old man, is actually a deeper expression of faith and the bringing forth of a worship worth the Lord and Creator of the Universe.
So mass vestments and other devotionals are not just mere externals. They are an expression of what you feel inside.
So when you over simplify, you get the point.
So when you emphasize more on inculturation of the liturgy, you put more weight on the culture. Surprising to note that for a liturgical expert to just trash away all the traditional elements of liturgy to tell you that your pious expression is WRONG and that his research on liturgy is right.
Yeah.......for the sake of selling books.
You can read a wonderful article about the Papal Fanon by Fr. Z.
Miriam does the another classless act
Well, what do you expect from someone suffering from extreme form of megalomania.
She just asked the new saint, San Pedro Calungsod, to pray for the passage of the RH Bill while continuing her LIES ABOUT 11 DAILY MATERNAL DEATHS.
Ergo, Miriam Defensor Santiago............DAKILANG EPAL!
Any politician who associates with the RH Bill and with Miriam Defensor - Santiago....
She just asked the new saint, San Pedro Calungsod, to pray for the passage of the RH Bill while continuing her LIES ABOUT 11 DAILY MATERNAL DEATHS.
Ergo, Miriam Defensor Santiago............DAKILANG EPAL!
Any politician who associates with the RH Bill and with Miriam Defensor - Santiago....
San Pedro Calungsod, i-ampo mo kami!
Here is the text of the Pope's homily in English:
The Son of Man came to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (cf. Mk 10:45)
Dear Brother Bishops,
Dear brothers and sisters!
“Today the Church listens again to these words of Jesus, spoken by the Lord during his journey to Jerusalem, where he was to accomplish the mystery of his passion, death and resurrection. They are words which enshrine the meaning of Christ’s mission on earth, marked by his sacrifice, by his total self-giving.
On this third Sunday of October, on which we celebrate World Mission Sunday, the Church listens to them with special attention and renews her conviction that she should always be fully dedicated to serve mankind and the Gospel, after the example of the One who gave himself up even to the sacrifice of his life. I extend warm greetings to all of you who fill Saint Peter’s Square, especially the official delegations and the pilgrims who have come to celebrate the seven new saints. I greet with
affection the Cardinals and Bishops who, during these days, are taking part in the Synodal Assembly on the New Evangelization.
The coincidence between this ecclesiastical meeting and World Mission Sunday is a happy one; and the word of God that we have listened to sheds light on both subjects. It shows how to be evangelizers, called to bear witness and to proclaim the Christian message, configuring ourselves to Christ and following his very path. This is true both for the mission ad Gentes and for the new evangelization in places with ancient Christian roots.
The Son of Man came to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (cf. Mk 10:45) These words were the blueprint for living of the seven Blessed men and women that the Church solemnly enrols this morning in the glorious ranks of the saints. With heroic courage they spent their lives in total consecration to the Lord and in the generous service of their brethren. They are sons and daughters of the Church who chose the path of service following the Lord. Holiness always rises up in the Church from the well-spring of the mystery of redemption, as foretold by the prophet Isaiah in the first reading: the Servant of the Lord is the righteous one who “shall make many to be accounted as righteous; and he shall bear their iniquities” (Is 53:11); he is Jesus Christ, crucified, risen and living in glory.
Today’s canonization is an eloquent confirmation of this mysterious saving reality. The tenacious profession of faith of these seven generous disciples of Christ, their configuration to the Son of Man shines out brightly today in the whole Church.
Jacques Berthieu, born in 1838 in France, was passionate about Jesus Christ at an early age. During his parish ministry, he had the burning desire to save souls. Becoming a Jesuit, he wished to journey through the world for the glory of God. A tireless pastor on the island of Sainte Marie, then in Madagascar, he struggled against injustice while bringing succour to the poor and sick. The Malagasies thought of him as a priest come down from heaven, saying, You are our “father and mother!” He made himself all things to all men, drawing from prayer and his love of the sacred heart of Jesus the human and priestly force to face martyrdom in 1896. He died, saying “I prefer to die rather than renounce my faith”. Dear friends, may the life of this evangelizer be an encouragement and a model for priests that, like him, they will be men of God! May his example aid the many Christians of today persecuted for their faith! In this Year of Faith, may his intercession bring forth many fruits for Madagascar and the African Continent! May God bless the Malagasy people!
Pedro Calungsod was born around the year sixteen fifty-four, in the Visayas region of the Philippines. His love for Christ inspired him to train as a catechist with the Jesuit missionaries there. In sixteen sixty-eight, along with other young catechists, he accompanied Father Diego Luís de San Vitores to the Marianas Islands in order to evangelize the Chamorro people. Life there was hard and the missionaries also faced persecution arising from envy and slander. Pedro, however, displayed deep faith and charity and continued to catechize his many converts, giving witness to Christ by a life of purity and dedication to the Gospel. Uppermost was his desire to win souls for Christ, and this made him resolute in accepting martyrdom. He died on the second of April, sixteen seventy-two. Witnesses record that Pedro could have fled for safety but chose to stay at Father Diego’s side. The priest was able to give Pedro absolution before he himself was killed. May the example and courageous witness of Pedro Calungsod inspire the dear people of the Philippines to announce the Kingdom bravely and to win souls for God!
Giovanni Battista Piamarta, priest of the Diocese of Brescia, was a great apostle of charity and of young people. He raised awareness of the need for a cultural and social presence of Catholicism in the modern world, and so he dedicated himself to the Christian, moral and professional growth of the younger generations with an enlightened input of humanity and goodness. Animated by unshakable faith in divine providence and by a profound spirit of sacrifice, he faced difficulties and fatigue to breathe life into various apostolic works, including the Artigianelli Institute, Queriniana Publishers, the Congregation of the Holy Family of Nazareth for men, and for women the Congregation of the Humble Sister Servants of the Lord. The secret of his intense and busy life is found in the long hours he gave to prayer. When he was overburdened with work, he increased the length of his encounter, heart to heart, with the Lord. He preferred to pause before the Blessed Sacrament, meditating upon the passion, death and resurrection of Christ, to gain spiritual fortitude and return to gaining people’s hearts, especially the young, to bring them back to the sources of life with fresh pastoral initiatives.
“May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in you” (Ps 32:22). With these words, the liturgy invites us to make our own this hymn to God, creator and provider, accepting his plan into our lives. María Carmelo Sallés y Barangueras, a religious born in Vic in Spain in 1848, did just so. Filled with hope in spite of many trials, she, on seeing the progress of the Congregation of the Conceptionist Missionary Sisters of Teaching, which she founded in 1892, was able to sing with the Mother of God, “His mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation” (Lk 1:50). Her educational work, entrusted to the Immaculate Virgin Mary, continues to bear abundant fruit among young people through the generous dedication of her daughters who, like her, entrust themselves to God for whom all is possible.
I now turn to Marianne Cope, born in eighteen thirty-eight in Heppenheim, Germany. Only one year old when taken to the United States, in eighteen sixty-two she entered the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis at Syracuse, New York. Later, as Superior General of her congregation, Mother Marianne willingly embraced a call to care for the lepers of Hawaii after many others had refused. She personally went, with six of her fellow sisters, to manage a hospital on Oahu, later founding Malulani Hospital on Maui and opening a home for girls whose parents were lepers. Five years after that she accepted the invitation to open a home for women and girls on the island of Molokai itself, bravely going there herself and effectively ending her contact with the outside world.
There she looked after Father Damien, already famous for his heroic work among the lepers, nursed him as he died and took over his work among male lepers. At a time when little could be done for those suffering from this terrible disease, Marianne Cope showed the highest love, courage and enthusiasm. She is a shining and energetic example of the best of the tradition of Catholic nursing sisters and of the spirit of her beloved Saint Francis.
Kateri Tekakwitha was born in today’s New York state in sixteen fifty-six to a Mohawk father and a Christian Algonquin mother who gave to her a sense of the living God. She was baptized at twenty years of age and, to escape persecution, she took refuge in Saint Francis Xavier Mission near Montreal. There she worked, faithful to the traditions of her people, although renouncing their religious convictions until her death at the age of twenty-four. Leading a simple life, Kateri remained faithful to her love for Jesus, to prayer and to daily Mass. Her greatest wish was to know and to do what pleased God. She lived a life radiant with faith and purity. Kateri impresses us by the action of grace in her life in spite of the absence of external help and by the courage of her vocation, so unusual in her culture. In her, faith and culture enrich each other! May her example help us to live where we are, loving Jesus without denying who we are. Saint Kateri, Protectress of Canada and the first native American saint, we Entrust to you the renewal of the faith in the first nations and in all of North America! May God bless the first nations!
Anna Schaeffer, from Mindelstetten, as a young woman wished to enter a missionary order. She came from a poor background so, in order to earn the dowry needed for acceptance into the cloister, she worked as a maid. One day she suffered a terrible accident and received incurable burns on her legs which forced her to be bed-ridden for the rest of her life. So her sick-bed became her cloister cell and her suffering a missionary service. She struggled for a time to accept her fate, but then understood her situation as a loving call from the crucified One to follow him. Strengthened by daily communion, she became an untiring intercessor in prayer and a mirror of God’s love for the many who sought her counsel. May her apostolate of prayer and suffering, of sacrifice and expiation, be a shining example for believers in her homeland, and may her intercession strengthen the Christian hospice movement in its beneficial activity.
Dear brothers and sisters, these new saints, different in origin, language, nationality and social condition, are united among themselves and with the whole People of God in the mystery of salvation of Christ the Redeemer. With them, we too, together with the Synod Fathers from all parts of the world, proclaim to the Lord in the words of the psalm that he “is our help and our shield” and we invoke him saying, “may your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in you” (Ps 32:20.22). May the witness of these new saints, and their lives generously spent for love of Christ, speak today to the whole Church, and may their intercession strengthen and sustain her in her mission to proclaim the Gospel to the whole world.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
For Greater Glory
I just saw the movie "For Greater Glory: The True Story of the Cristiada" last night thanks to a friend, a Grand Knight of our Order who brought me to his cozy house at La Vista, Quezon City.
I was really excited to watch this movie, so when my brother Knight invited me to watch the movie from a Blu-ray copy that just came in from the United States, I could not say no. So out with the previous appointments! haha
Do not watch this movie if you have not read anything about the Cristero War. The Wikipedia article is extensive enough to give you a good background of the movie.
I was lucky enough to read about the Cristero War before watching the movie that is why it was a bit easy for me to understand the first hour of the movie. Yup the movie is more than 2 hours long. The first hours will get you baffled because of the weird way the script was written. The second part of the movie is where the most touching part is. There you will see what it really means to die for your beliefs knowing that THAT belief will bring you your blessed eternal reward.
I cannot go on further to details as it may spoil the movie.
For members of the GULP, you will see some liturgical inaccuracies in the portrayal of the Mass in the movie. Yup, no Ordinary Form Mass here. Hello! Movie set in 1920s! But you'll notice a versus populum altar in one church in the movie but the original retablo and altar are still there together with the Communion rail.
You can also brush up on your Spanish since the English dialogue are interspersed with some Spanish sentences here and there throughout the movie.
Watch the movie until the end of the credits. No. I don't mean that the scenes you find in Marvel and Disney movies like Pirates of the Carribean. Just watch the whole thing. Blessed Miguel Pro was not in the movie but he was one of those blesseds who came out of the war. You'll see his martyrdom there.
PREPARE LOTS OF TISSUE! I guarantee you'll cry especially at the martyrdom of Blessed Jose Sanchez del Rio.
The movie did not do well at the box office so help the producers recoup the expenses. You'll discourage Catholic producers for producing movies like this.
I just wonder why SM Cinema did not show this movie maybe because it was not released here. This movie was produced by independent film producers. I am not also sure if the Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson, is THE Carl Anderson as the executive producer of the movie. But the film producer "New Land Films" with the ship of Columbus as its logo is a tell-tale sign, that it might be produced by the Order.
That is the image of Blessed Jose. His body is not incorrupt. |
Some reviews say you will suffer from Catholic tunnel vision after watching the movie which I find insulting since it presented the war just as it was. The Cristero War is never taught in Mexican schools since it is really a bad chapter in the nation's history. The Calles Law was really against Catholics, against religious freedom. Hello Obama!
You can draw a lot of parallelisms of the anti-Catholic bigotry and persecutions going on around the world. Is it really worth it to pick up arms and kill to defend the Faith? Or do a peaceful silent protest? If the Cristeros did not rebel, would it change the course of history? Would it force the Mexican government to rescind the anti-Catholic law?
The movie will leave you thinking of what you'll do if faced with the same consequences. And I can guarantee you, that whatever you promised in your Baptism and renewed every Easter, and the fire that you received from the Holy Spirit in your Confirmation, will all be put to test when that gun is pointed at you and you were asked to renounce your Faith in order to save your life.
Does St. Lorenzo Ruiz and the Boy Martyr of the Cristero War, Blessed Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio, come to mind?
Speaking of the blessed boy, the actor who played him Mauricio Kuri is also coincidentally 14 year old at the time of the shooting of the movie. That is the same age when Blessed Jose was martyred. Here is his reflection of what it means to be "Jose"
"We can be Cristeros right now. not just to grab your gun and your sombrero," he said with a small laugh, "But to defend your faith. To say 'I'm Catholic and I'm proud of it. And if you don't know what Catholicism is, I can teach you. I can tell you about Jesus and tell you about José.' To live your life the way Jesus wants to live it. "
How refreshing to hear that kind of spiritual passion out of a teenager. I hoped out loud that the film would have a similar impact on others his age. So what would this aspiring actor want to say to those in their early teens?
"If they're going to watch the movie," he replied, "and I hope so because it's a really cool story. If you are going to watch it, you must see Jose's character and get involved in the feeling of all his torture because he is a martyr. Then be like him nowadays.
"It's hard being a Catholic. Maybe some friends are saying you are a fanatic but you must stand up for what you believe. You must stand up for your religion and your most dear friend, Jesus Christ!"
You can go and visit the website of the movie for more info.
You can also read this wonderful review from Sis. Anita Moore of V for Victory.
And I assure you, at the end of the movie, you'll love saying....
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
5 years after Summorum Pontificum
Kraychy is the executive director of the Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei, a group formed to support Pope John Paul II’s 1988 apostolic letter, issued motu proprio (“on his own initiative”).
In the document, the Holy Father notified the Church of the excommunication of five clerics associated with the Society of St. Pius X, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre being the most notable among them.
However, Ecclesia Dei also contained the announcement of a pontifical commission by the same name, whose purpose was to facilitate the full ecclesial communion of those who had been associated with the Society of St. Pius X by allowing for wider use of the traditional Latin Mass. [This was in 1988 folks! I only learned about Ecclesia Dei in 1992 when some mysterious person sent me a booklet of Michael Davis about the Traditional Latin Mass. And did we even hear bishops and priests talk about the motu propio? Nah. Cardinal Sin and the CBCP in 1988 was busy praising the 1986 revolution.]
“Pope John Paul II wanted the Society of St. Pius X to understand that, while he did support their appreciation for the traditional liturgy, he wanted to ensure that it would be offered under his guidance as the visible head of the Church,” Kraychy said. “He encouraged bishops to make ‘a wide and generous application of the directives’ released by the Congregation for Divine Worship in a 1984 letter regarding that very issue.” [which did not happen and 1988 and which STILL is not happening even after Summorum Pontificum. Why you might ask? Read on.]
That letter, Quattuor Abhinc Annos (Four Years Ago), was sent to the presidents of bishops’ conferences around the world. Bishops were informed that those who desired to worship according to the 1962 Missal would be able to do so, under certain conditions.
The two most significant were that those requesting such worship believe in the validity of the Roman Missal promulgated by Pope Paul VI in 1970 and that such worship occur in the times and places determined by the bishop.
However, four years after the letter was released, there was still very little response to the Holy Father’s lead, Kraychy said. She attributed this to a misunderstanding of the status of the 1962 Missal in the Church. “There was a belief, common among bishops and laity, that the traditional Latin Mass was peculiar, archaic or even downright unacceptable,” she said. “There was a widespread impression that the ‘old Mass’ had been outlawed forever and that ‘piano and guitar Masses’ in English were now the norm.” [It was not just an 'impression'. It was being taught that this is how the Mass should be! Dancing, clapping, guitars, etc...]
Kraychy didn’t want to stand by while this notion prevailed.
In an attempt to improve the situation, she formed, along with 14 other laypeople, the Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei (distinct from the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei). “We started doing everything we could to make known the status of the traditional liturgy and to encourage its broader availability,” she said.
These efforts met with success, but nothing along the lines of what happened after Pope Benedict XVI’s apostolic letter Summorum Pontificum, also issued motu proprio, took effect on Sept. 14, 2007.
On that date, priests in the Latin rite were no longer obliged to ask permission of their bishop to offer the traditional liturgy.
The 1962 Missal was officially opened up to any priest who wished to use it and to any “stable group of the faithful” who wished to participate in its use.
The Holy Father’s action facilitated an upsurge in the number of traditional Latin Masses offered. [Here in the Philippines, I would not dare use the term upsurge. Why? Fr. Chupungco and Fr. Diwa are relentless in their attacks against the Traditional Liturgy. Bishops are being threatened, would you believe that, by one this priest for supporting and allowing the Traditional Mass! Even some bishops whom I have talked with confirm that these two are doing everything they can to stop the liturgical agenda of Pope Benedict XVI and to push their own liturgical reform, which lamentably is Bugnini in all shapes and sizes! See what you have from San Beda! See the liturgical "art" you get from PDDM! Their type of liturgy is to put the tabernacle to the side!]
By September 2007, Kraychy counted 235 Sunday Masses regularly offered according to the 1962 Missal in the United States. Five years later, the number has grown to 475. [Here in the Philippines? Let's count the Archdiocese of Manila first................NADA! In the Diocese of Malaybalay.......Nada! Why, you might ask did I single out those two dioceses? Because those two are the places frequented by our world-renowned liturgist! He has inexplicable clout in those dioceses! And yet......what do we have there? KUMBAYA MASS!!!]
“We had seen a slow but steady increase in the number of Sunday Latin Masses prior to September of 2007, but since then, it has become a rapid and steady increase. If you take the previous five-year period [2002-2007], there was a net gain of 55 Sunday Masses, while in the last five years, there was net gain of 240,” she said.
When it comes to weekday Masses, the numbers appear to be even more impressive, Kraychy believes, although the coalition does not keep exact figures for them.
“In addition to the priests who offer the extraordinary form exclusively, there are many more who do so on a limited basis, usually during the week,” she said. “The former group is comprised mostly of order priests, such as those from the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter [FSSP] and the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. The latter group is mostly made up of diocesan priests.”
Diocesan priests constitute the majority of participants at liturgical workshops sponsored by the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius. The classes on topics like the history, spirituality and rubrics of the traditional Latin Mass started just prior to the release of Summorum Pontificum and continue to this day.
Over the past five years, almost 1,000 priests and seminarians have been trained by the Canons Regular to offer Mass according to the 1962 Missal. Roughly 80% of these participants are from dioceses, and 20% belong to religious orders.
The next workshop will take place Oct. 23-26 in Chicago, where the 1,000th participant will be trained. This is in stark contrast to the years before Summorum Pontificum, when Father Scott Haynes of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius said training occurred only on an as-requested basis: “Before the release of the Holy Father’s motu proprio, we had one or two priests at a time come to us for assistance in learning the 1962 Missal. Then, immediately before it came out, we had our first official workshop, and we haven’t let up since. We’re very pleased with the Holy Father’s action, and we’re eager to help more priests and seminarians learn what is now called the ‘extraordinary form.’” [Here in the Philippines, priests come to be trained.......on a per request basis....and even lying to their bishops or superiors as to the real reason where they are going and for what. Yup. Philippines.....home of world renowned liturgical expert, still in pre-Summorum Pontificum era.....still can't say goodbye to the 1960s and 70s.]
There is an online tutorial available at the Canons Regular’s website (, along with other resources on the traditional liturgy, such as CDs, DVDs and books.
A new book, The Mystical Theology of the Mass, will be added to the assortment later this year. It was written by Father Haynes and includes a foreword by Cardinal Raymond Burke and an introduction by Alice von Hildebrand. The book — and many of the other resources — are designed for both clergy and the laity.
The Canons Regular also provide instruction for laypeople, and Father Haynes welcomes this opportunity to make the extraordinary form better understood and accepted.
“There are definitely laypeople who already have a desire to participate in the extraordinary form, but there are some who aren’t sure what to expect, and some are even apprehensive,” he said. “We want to assure them that while there are different forms of the Mass, we’re all Catholic, and we’re not in a competition. We’re simply trying to give due honor to almighty God through reverent worship.” [But Fr. Chupungco and Fr. Diwa think we are in competition, and frankly, I agree with them. One of the rare times actually. Why? Imagine pitting the TLM against the Misa ng Sambayanang Pilipino.....If this were a wrestling or boxing match.....expect a major squashing to happen. Train-wreck! TLM against the G-string clad liturgical dancers of Fr. Chupungco? I'd rather watch paint dry.....Ugh!]
The goal of reverent worship has also been a hallmark of Jesuit Father Joseph Fessio’s life. The founder and president of Ignatius Press believes that the Mass can be offered reverently in both the ordinary form (according to the Missal of Pope Paul VI) and in the extraordinary form (according to the Missal of Blessed Pope John XXIII). [Yes, I agree. But why has Fr. Chupungco and Fr. Diwa not done anything? Why are they preventing the TLM to be offered freely without their "veiled threats" to bishops and priests wanting it? it just really baffles me. Do they seriously think that they can go up against Pope Benedict XVI?]
“While it may surprise some people, I think the ordinary form of the Mass, if it is actually conducted as Pope Paul VI intended, can be just as beautiful as the extraordinary form,” Father Fessio stated. “But it can’t be done arbitrarily, as it largely has been over the past four decades. It has to be done as it was truly intended by Pope Paul VI.” [but it is being done arbitrarily. Just open your TV sets every Sunday morning! And where are the liturgical experts to clamp down on these abuses? NOWHERE!]
What does such a Mass look like? Father Fessio indicates that it looks much like a Mass offered according to the 1962 Missal.
This is one of the reasons he doesn’t use the unqualified term “Latin Mass” regarding the older Missal. “The specific reasons people list for attending the extraordinary form are things such as use of Latin, the priest facing the same direction as the congregation, the employment of Gregorian chant. Yet all of these can be done with the ordinary form.” [Yes! Sacrosanctum Concilium specifically mentioned it but Fr. Chupungco is openly against it!]
Father Fessio utilizes these features at his own Masses, including those he celebrated recently at the Napa Institute’s second annual conference. “At the Napa conference in late July, there were four to five Masses per day, and all of them were done ad orientem — with priest and people facing in the same direction. This was true of the ordinary and the extraordinary form, and no one seemed to have a problem with it.” [Imagine the likes of Frs. Anton Pascual, Glenn Paul Gomez, Mario "Swswswshhhh" Sobrejuanite doing orientem....I can imagine them frothing in the mouth for being able to flash their pearly white teeth in front of the camera while doing their "Bob Barker" style of worship. Ha! Imagine the torture they had to go through. Forget "Fr." Archie Guiriba. He is hopeless. He really has to work hard to feed the fruits of his loins.]
A major reason why it went so smoothly, Father Fessio believes, was Summorum Pontificum, which made the extraordinary form more available than it had been. “There’s no question that Summorum has made the extraordinary form more available, so the faithful have been able to witness the beauty of the traditional liturgy firsthand. The horror and hostility expressed by some at the release of Summorum have been blunted by the reality before their eyes. For five years we’ve seen that there’s nothing to fear, but much to be thankful for.” [Ha! Tell that to Fr. Diwa, Fr. Chupungco, Fr. Sobrejuanite!]
This gratitude has made Father Fessio’s work of restoring the novus ordo Mass much easier. “When the faithful realize the novus ordo was supposed to be an organic development of tradition, rather than a break from it, things go more smoothly in steering it to where it should be,” he said.
One major inspiration for Father Fessio’s labors is Pope Benedict, who taught him in graduate school. “I was very fortunate to learn from one of the best minds in the Church while pursuing my doctorate in theology,” Father Fessio said. “He has had important things to say on so many topics, but the liturgy is one realm that might stand out above the rest. Even in the 1970s, he was publicly questioning the reforms taking place, because they were not called for by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council, and they did not constitute an organic development of the liturgy.” [Do you think the Misa ng Sambayanang Pilipino of Fr. Chupungco is an organic development? How can be a development when the Mass was played up like a jigsaw puzzle!]
These criticisms didn’t become well known in the English-speaking world until Ignatius Press published The Ratzinger Report in 1985 and Feast of Faith in 1986.
Then, in 2000, came The Spirit of the Liturgy, his best-known work on the topic.
By the time he succeeded Pope John Paul II in 2005, a number of observers expected Pope Benedict to do something grand regarding the traditional liturgy. Their expectations were met in 2007 with the release of Summorum Pontificum, a document that has helped in very practical ways to renew appreciation for the sacred liturgy in the hearts and minds of the faithful.
But much more has to be done.
Summorum Pontificum is not yet fully liberalized.
Bishops and priests are still openly hostile towards groups promoting the Traditional Liturgy calling them "SSPX Supporters" Ha! I wish I had a dollar every time I read that! Or maybe write it in ALL CAPS!
5 years after the issuance of Summorum Pontificum, priests who openly celebrated it are marginalized, ridiculed made fun of.
One priest even told me that one of his confreres asked if most of the TLM goers are rich people!
See that?
There is your compass pointing to their "North".
That is their inspiration!
Not really about the form of the liturgy eh?
So, I'll repeat what I have posted before.
If the richest people in the Philippines, like Henry Sy, Lucio Tan, Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, all the other billionaires in the country would ask for the Traditional Latin Mass expect the likes of Fr. Anton Pascual, Fr. Glenn Paul Gomez, Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite to scamper to traditional groups asking to be trained to say the EF Mass. Expect them to wear the black cassock everytime.....with biretta and cappelo romano for sure.
30 pieces of silver anyone?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
BREAKING NEWS: Bishop Williamson expelled from SSPX?
Seems like it.
Some blogs are saying that all it needs is a formality.
There was a letter from SSPX Superior Bishop Bernard Fellay to Bishop Williamson where Fellay is demanding Williamson to publicly apologize for criticizing the decision of the General Chapter.
And Williamson is not the apologizing type, eh, fellows?
So, what's next for the looney Holocaust denying "I am the only Catholic" bishop of the planet?
Can't wait for him and Miriam Santiago slug it out!
Oh, I forgot....
Some angry guy now in the US thinks I am a secret SSPX supporter. And who better to tell Angry Guy.....[drum roll, please.....]
Google Liturgist!
Mad man of the South.
Now, Cybercrime that!
Paul VI to be the near future!
Imagine the angst of Bishop Williamson for this one. Ha!
From Andrea Tornielli
Paul VI, or Giovanni Battista Montini, the Pope who reigned from 1963 to 1978 and led three of the four sessions of the Second Vatican Council, guiding the Church through the difficult post-conciliar period, could be proclaimed a saint in 2013. After examining the “Positio” with the documents of the canonical process, in recent weeks, theologians of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints voted in favour of the former pope’s beatification, without raising any objections. Next 11 December cardinals and bishops of the Congregation will also vote. Having overcome the theologian hurdle, the final “yes” from cardinals looks highly likely.
Benedict XVI could approve what he recognises as Pope Montini’s “heroic virtues” in the next consistory for the promulgation of the decrees on beatifications and canonizations, expected to take place next Christmas. This will conclude the beatification process. Then, before the beatification ceremony takes place all that remains is for the official recognition of a miracle that occurred through the intercession of the candidate to be elevated to the sainthood. In Paul VI’s case, Antonio Mazzaro, the Postulator promoting his cause, has already chosen a healing case which initial analyses proved “unexplainable”, out of the suggestions put forward. The alleged miracle involves the healing of an unborn child which took place sixteen years ago in California. [Unborn child! Remember, that Papa Montini is the father of Humanae Vitae!]
During the pregnancy, doctors found a serious problem in the foetus and because of the repercussions it would have had on the brain, they advised the young mother that the only solution was to abort. The woman had wanted to follow the pregnancy through and entrusted herself to the intercession of Paul VI, the pope who wrote the “Humanae Vitae” encyclical in 1968. The child was born without problems but the family would have to wait until the age of 16 to have full confirmation perfect healing. Although the Vatican’s examination of the miracle will formally begin after the announcement of the candidate’s heroic virtues, this could all be over and done with quite quickly.
Benedict XVI has followed developments in his predecessor’s cause for beatification closely. Paul VI appointed Ratzinger Archbishop of Munich and cardinal. After beatifying John Paul II - the pope with whom he collaborated for a quarter of a century - in record breaking time last year, Ratzinger expects to do the same for the late Brescian pope, Montini. After leading the Council and concluding it with almost complete unanimity, Montini was a suffering witness at the time of the student protests of 1968 in Italy and continued to highlight the Church’s Credo through speeches and encyclicals, without ever taking any steps back in relation to the path marked out by the Second Vatican Council.
John Paul I’s (renowned for his holiness throughout the world) beatification cause is also being deliberated on alongside Paul VI’s, while Pius XII’s was approved in 2009 [no thanks to historical revisionists!!] with the promulgation of the decree of heroic values but a miracle is yet to be selected to be presented to the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, the Vatican dicastery led by Cardinal Angelo Amato who deals with new sainthood causes.
Lots of teeth gnashing when the beatification takes place!
From Andrea Tornielli
Paul VI, or Giovanni Battista Montini, the Pope who reigned from 1963 to 1978 and led three of the four sessions of the Second Vatican Council, guiding the Church through the difficult post-conciliar period, could be proclaimed a saint in 2013. After examining the “Positio” with the documents of the canonical process, in recent weeks, theologians of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints voted in favour of the former pope’s beatification, without raising any objections. Next 11 December cardinals and bishops of the Congregation will also vote. Having overcome the theologian hurdle, the final “yes” from cardinals looks highly likely.
Benedict XVI could approve what he recognises as Pope Montini’s “heroic virtues” in the next consistory for the promulgation of the decrees on beatifications and canonizations, expected to take place next Christmas. This will conclude the beatification process. Then, before the beatification ceremony takes place all that remains is for the official recognition of a miracle that occurred through the intercession of the candidate to be elevated to the sainthood. In Paul VI’s case, Antonio Mazzaro, the Postulator promoting his cause, has already chosen a healing case which initial analyses proved “unexplainable”, out of the suggestions put forward. The alleged miracle involves the healing of an unborn child which took place sixteen years ago in California. [Unborn child! Remember, that Papa Montini is the father of Humanae Vitae!]
During the pregnancy, doctors found a serious problem in the foetus and because of the repercussions it would have had on the brain, they advised the young mother that the only solution was to abort. The woman had wanted to follow the pregnancy through and entrusted herself to the intercession of Paul VI, the pope who wrote the “Humanae Vitae” encyclical in 1968. The child was born without problems but the family would have to wait until the age of 16 to have full confirmation perfect healing. Although the Vatican’s examination of the miracle will formally begin after the announcement of the candidate’s heroic virtues, this could all be over and done with quite quickly.
Benedict XVI has followed developments in his predecessor’s cause for beatification closely. Paul VI appointed Ratzinger Archbishop of Munich and cardinal. After beatifying John Paul II - the pope with whom he collaborated for a quarter of a century - in record breaking time last year, Ratzinger expects to do the same for the late Brescian pope, Montini. After leading the Council and concluding it with almost complete unanimity, Montini was a suffering witness at the time of the student protests of 1968 in Italy and continued to highlight the Church’s Credo through speeches and encyclicals, without ever taking any steps back in relation to the path marked out by the Second Vatican Council.
John Paul I’s (renowned for his holiness throughout the world) beatification cause is also being deliberated on alongside Paul VI’s, while Pius XII’s was approved in 2009 [no thanks to historical revisionists!!] with the promulgation of the decree of heroic values but a miracle is yet to be selected to be presented to the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, the Vatican dicastery led by Cardinal Angelo Amato who deals with new sainthood causes.
Lots of teeth gnashing when the beatification takes place!
causes of saints,
pope paul vi,
vatican 2,
vaticanista analysis
This is how a priest treats.....
Consecrated hosts or plain hosts?
Not sure from the photo.
But how he dressed up for the "Wedding Feast" sure shows how he is excited for the event.
Remember that Gospel passage where one guest was not dressed properly and he was ordered to be kicked out of the feast where he stayed in the dark wailing and gnashing his teeth?
Well, it just came to my mind after seeing how this priest came properly dressed for the occasion.
Pitiful for the Year of Faith.
Pope appoints Cardinal Rosales
Vatican City, (VIS) - The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Duitama-Sogamoso, Colombia, presented by Bishop Carlos Prada Sanmiguel, in accordance with canon 401 para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.
On Saturday 13 October it was made public that the Pope appointed Cardinal Gaudencio B. Rosales, archbishop emeritus of Manila, Philippines, as his special envoy to the tenth plenary assembly of FABC (Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences). The event is to be held at the Xuan Loc Diocese Pastoral Centre from 19 to 25 November, and the concluding ceremony will take place in the cathedral of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
On Saturday 13 October it was made public that the Pope appointed Cardinal Gaudencio B. Rosales, archbishop emeritus of Manila, Philippines, as his special envoy to the tenth plenary assembly of FABC (Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences). The event is to be held at the Xuan Loc Diocese Pastoral Centre from 19 to 25 November, and the concluding ceremony will take place in the cathedral of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Year of Faith officially begins!
Take note also that it is also the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
lamentably isn't being promoted during the Year of Faith or...
by our own Catholic schools and catechists.
because they have their own version of Vatican II!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
This is what really we are being taught....
By bishops, priests, nuns, catechists....
It still goes on.
Revisionist historians, they still think this way and spread these lies.
No wonder why we have public dissenter led by Constitutionalist Jesuit Joaquin Bernas.
That is why we have "catholic" universities like Ateneo and De La Salle not publicly reprimanding their dissident professors.
That is why we have pro-contraception and pro-divorce politicians like Miriam Santiago who publicly challenge and ridicule the teaching authority of the Church to have their wedding anniversary celebrated in a Cathedral - Basilica, and the cardinal who presided at the Mass did not even budge an inch against the attack at the Church.
Yes, this bishop in this Vortex video and like most Filipino bishops, priests, nuns and catechists really believe that we are not experiencing a crisis of Faith. They think that everything is A-OK even with the Church today.
That is the Church we have right now, under attack from outside and even from within.
The Year of Faith was called to re-evangelize the world, evangelize meaning to bring them into the Faith, not the kind of evangelization of these revisionist and Vatican II worshippers, the evangelization of presence, of dialogue, of holding hands, of clapping, of dancing, of the Age of Aquarius....
This bishop and many like them are either living in a dream or horribly intoxicated.
Only Obama and Noynoy Aquino still think this way.
I never thought that this kind of fantasy exists even in our Church.
It still goes on.
Revisionist historians, they still think this way and spread these lies.
No wonder why we have public dissenter led by Constitutionalist Jesuit Joaquin Bernas.
That is why we have "catholic" universities like Ateneo and De La Salle not publicly reprimanding their dissident professors.
That is why we have pro-contraception and pro-divorce politicians like Miriam Santiago who publicly challenge and ridicule the teaching authority of the Church to have their wedding anniversary celebrated in a Cathedral - Basilica, and the cardinal who presided at the Mass did not even budge an inch against the attack at the Church.
Yes, this bishop in this Vortex video and like most Filipino bishops, priests, nuns and catechists really believe that we are not experiencing a crisis of Faith. They think that everything is A-OK even with the Church today.
That is the Church we have right now, under attack from outside and even from within.
The Year of Faith was called to re-evangelize the world, evangelize meaning to bring them into the Faith, not the kind of evangelization of these revisionist and Vatican II worshippers, the evangelization of presence, of dialogue, of holding hands, of clapping, of dancing, of the Age of Aquarius....
This bishop and many like them are either living in a dream or horribly intoxicated.
Only Obama and Noynoy Aquino still think this way.
I never thought that this kind of fantasy exists even in our Church.
dissidents silent apostasy,
The Vortex,
vatican 2
GULP Alert: How NOT to promote the Year of Faith
by showing how you take Holy things like they are just ordinary things!
And to think that we encourage people to dress up appropriately for Mass with posters such as these!
Oh damn!
I forgot!
They are NOT in a church! Duh!
Thank you dear Fathers so taking our Holy Mass so lightly!
Yes I am mad and I am being sarcastic, TPC style of course.
And to think that we encourage people to dress up appropriately for Mass with posters such as these!
Oh damn!
I forgot!
They are NOT in a church! Duh!
Thank you dear Fathers so taking our Holy Mass so lightly!
Yes I am mad and I am being sarcastic, TPC style of course.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Liturgical Dance is really a big No-No!.....
The Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship has said it! won't expect the TV Mass on ABS-CBN and Studio 23 to stop.
Ratings will suffer?
More precise is....
The priests JUST DON'T CARE.
They are their own popes.
Thanks to Augustinus of Rorate for the tip. :) won't expect the TV Mass on ABS-CBN and Studio 23 to stop.
Ratings will suffer?
More precise is....
The priests JUST DON'T CARE.
They are their own popes.
Thanks to Augustinus of Rorate for the tip. :)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
All these happened after Vatican II!
Excerpt of the report given by Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, D.C. and General Relator of the Synod of Bishops.
The responses from bishops in the so-called third world – more recently evangelized societies – indicate the same experience in their own local churches. (cf Instrumentum laboris nn. 87-89)
This current situation is rooted in the upheavals of the 1970s and 80s, decades in which there was manifest poor catechesis or miscatechesis at so many levels of education. [And I thought Vatican II was supposed to bring in a new springtime, a new Pentecost!] We faced the hermeneutic of discontinuity [after Vatican II!} that permeated so much of the milieu of centers of higher education [like Ateneo and La Salle and soooo many Catholic schools and houses of formations!] and was also reflected in aberrational liturgical practice. [like the Kiko Mass, Misa ng Sambayanang Pilipino, liturgical inculturation, liturgical danceers of Fr. Swswswswshhh...] Entire generations have become disassociated from the support systems that facilitated the transmission of faith. It is as if a tsunami of secular influence has swept across the cultural landscape, taking with it such societal markers as marriage, family, the concept of the common good and objective right and wrong. [All after the glorious promises of Vatican II!] Tragically, the sins of a few have encouraged a distrust in some of the very structures of the Church herself. (cf Instrumentum laboris n. 69, n. 95, n. 104)
Secularization has fashioned two generations of Catholics who do not know the Church’s foundational prayers. [All after Vatican II!] Many do not sense a value in Mass attendance, fail to receive the sacrament of penance and have often lost a sense of mystery or the transcendent as having any real and verifiable meaning. [All because of the liturgical revolution which our very own Fr. Anscar Chupungco is guilty of promoting and spreading!]
All of the above resulted in a large segment of the faithful being ill-prepared to deal with a culture that, as our Holy Father has pointed out on his many visits around the world, is characterized by secularism, materialism and individualism.
All of these, and more ghastly things happened and still happening in the Church after Vatican II...
And it was supposed to be a new Pentecost...
Based on Cardinal Wuerl's words, it's more like a trip back to the time of the Golden Calf!
And I kept on telling you that I hope and pray for a Syllabus of Errors to come out of this Synod.
Even though some of the bishops there in attendance have questionable orthodoxy namely Archbishop...
Tell it like it is: Jesuits running Ateneo and Christian Brothers of La Salle are....
Cybercrime that!
They'd rather side with academic freedom than do their jobs of standing up for what the Catholic Church teaches and what Catholic institutions of higher learning ought to be as stated in the Apostolic Constitution, Ex corde ecclesiae....
Oh, wait!
These schools don't care at all!.....
Except UST!
RH bill, Ateneo, and La Salle: Of lemons and cowards
Going against the grain, going against the tide, going against popularity surveys, [wasn't it because of a popularity survey that Christ was sent to His death?] the University of Santo Tomas has upheld the stand of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) condemning the Reproductive Health (RH) bill as an anti-poor, social-engineering measure that not only denigrates the natural law but also runs roughshod over maternal health, kowtows to the contraceptive imperialism of the West, and generally blames the poor and their alleged overpopulation for the ills of society, when it’s the Philippine state and its depredations—its mismanagement and appalling corruption—that are to blame. [What a way to put the RH in a paragraph! Nailed it!]
UST is a Catholic institution. It is a pontifical institution—the second to be so named in world history. [Will Ateneo even care? Nah. I think they got worried when Manuela resigned. Ha!] Nobody should question whether the University supports the Church’s stand as the Gospel of Christ is UST’s—and any Catholic institution’s—pillar and foundation.
Professors who are affiliated with UST must respect the stand of the University against the RH bill as they are part of an institution which is fundamentally bound with Catholic faith and teachings. If UST professors don’t agree with the stand of the CBCP, then they have a problem. The bishops are the successors of the Christ’s apostles and possess the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Church. [You cannot talk to dissenters like Fr. Bernas about this. Moreso, with the theologians of MST!]
If faculty members of UST and other Catholic schools feel they need to invoke their academic freedom to make known their stand in conflict with the bishops regarding the RH bill, then they’re free to do so. [Yeah, who is going to stop them? Their free to speak!] But they must resign from UST. They must give up their Catholic academic affiliation. They must have the courage of their intellectual conviction. Upholding their conscience, they must respect the Church and her teachings. [They are speaking up against their employer! Not only only speaking up, they are attacking the moral ascendancy of their employer! Imagine if the same guys were members of the Communist Party of the Philippines and they spoke up against the party...well, we know what happens to those who are against the party, eh?]
Recently, a number of professors from Ateneo de Manila University and De La Salle University have voiced their support for the RH bill. A close reading of the measure should show it promotes abortifacients.
A total of 192 Ateneo professors supported the RH bill in their Aug. 13 statement, arguing that the “RH bill can have a decided impact on alleviating pressing social concerns such as high maternal mortality ratio, the rise in teenage pregnancies, and the increase in the number of HIV/AIDS cases, among others.”
Last Sept. 3, 45 La Salle professors joined the bandwagon, arguing that there is a need for artificial contraceptives as these can control the growth of the population and improve the quality of life. [And they call themselves professors! Katipunan University and Taft University have gone to the dogs! It's down to a fight for basketball supremacy, team! Forget your Catholic identity! It's good on paper.]
It’s quite shocking that Ateneo and La Salle professors should harbor naive and misguided thinking about health and social problems. How could they argue that an RH measure would be needed to lower maternal mortality when the Philippine government not too long ago had told the United Nations that it was on track to meet the Unesco millennium development goals by 2015, one of which was the lowering of maternal deaths? How could they argue that alleged high mortality must be checked by an RH measure when pregnancy complications are not in the Top 10 causes of women's deaths? How could they argue that contraceptives allegedly worth billions of pesos must be given to women to avert pregnancy risks when contraceptives have been known to cause cardiac problems, which are the No. 1 cause of death of Filipino women?
How could Ateneo and La Salle professors dismiss the medically established dangerous side effects of contraceptives when they are not even physicians? [Well...uhm...some in the faculty of Ateneo are medical doctors, well, who, uhm....opt to leave that fact out. Of course! Commish people! Commish!]
In contrast, UST, which has the oldest and the foremost school of medicine in the Philippines and Southeast Asia, has always warned about the dangerous side effects of contraceptives. UST and her physicians surely know whereof they speak. They’re scientists and experts, unlike the Ateneo and La Salle professors who are intellectual pretenders and interlopers! [Harsh, but when you think of Leloy Claudio, and the four Ateneo Theology professors....I LIKE IT!]
But what’s more appalling is that the Jesuit and Christian Brother administrations of Ateneo and La Salle didn’t reprimand their faculty members for openly defying the bishops. [try publicly defying the Jesuits if you are an Ateneo employee and you'll see that hell hath no fury than a Jesuit publicly scorned by his peon!] Ateneo said it respects the academic freedom of its professors: it had nothing to say about the intellectual dishonesty of its faculty members who are teaching in and receiving high salaries from a Catholic institution who however chose to bite the hand that feeds them all in the name of academic freedom. [Too much freedom leads to spoiled brats, like these professors and dissenters. Try giving freedom to your kids, let's see what happens.]
The Ateneo administration did not even clamp down on two [actually four] theology professors who signed the pro-RH statement for violating the mandatum of the Catholic Church on theology professors to observe orthodoxy. Perhaps even worse, a Filipino Jesuit professor has been quoted by his student in the latter’s Facebook as scoffing at the alleged threat of the bishops to remove Ateneo’s Catholic title, saying that Ateneo in any case does not have the word “Catholic” appended to its name, so what’s there to lose? [but I am pretty sure that they'll cry hard when they lose their more cherished title....the UAAP title. Ugh!] We’re pretty sure Saint Ignatius would have no confusion on where to put that jesuitic Jesuit—in Heaven or Hell?—in his famous Spiritual Exercises.
The Ateneo and La Salle professors therefore have been treated with kid gloves by the Jesuits and the Christian Brothers. Although they’re religious and members of Catholic orders, the Jesuits and Christian Brothers have failed to uphold orthodoxy and defend the Church. As far as the RH bill and support for it among their faculty are concerned, they’re lemons. [boom!] And as far as the Pro-RH Ateneo and La Salle professors are concerned, they’re dishonest and don’t have the courage of their intellectual conviction. [boom!] Contradicting the bishops and defending the RH bill, they have clung on to their faculty membership in Catholic institutions. They want to have their cake and eat it, too. They’re intellectual mercenaries, nothing more, nothing less.
It is quite gratifying that UST has cracked the whip and reminded its faculty members that they’re members of a Catholic institution and should toe the line.
UST Secretary General Fr. Winston Cabading, O.P. has sent a letter to Prof. Clarita Carillo, Ph.D., vice rector for academic affairs and research, to reaffirm the University’s support of the bishops on matters of faith and morals.
“In the light of recent events where some faculty members of Catholic Universities have publicly expressed dissenting positions from the Catholic bishops on matters of faith and morals, we in the University would like to reaffirm our fidelity to the magisterium of the Church as the Catholic University of the Philippines,” Cabading stated in the letter. [Those two universities cannot even issue a strongly worded declaration like this from UST.]
UST was given the title of “The Catholic University of the Philippines” in 1947 by Pope Pius XII. Even earlier, in 1902, UST had been declared a “Pontifical University,” the second to be so named in history even ahead of European universities. Therefore, the University has embodied the ideals that Catholic universities must possess, including the Catholic “education” which the students must learn from their professors.
Cabading also stated in his letter that “all faculty members of the University are to refrain from teaching or expressing their personal opinions within the bounds of the University, anything contrary to Catholic faith and morals.”
As these professors have chosen to teach in a Catholic university, they must abide by its teachings and beliefs. In the first place, the same is demanded of students.
Cabading emphasized that such reaffirmation is “to safeguard the right of the students to a solid Catholic education.”
Faculty members are “obliged to uphold and show deference to their teaching authority whenever the bishops of the Church have spoken on an issue and have taken a stand in behalf of the Church,” the Dominican Patristics scholar explained.
Father Cabading has also clarified that professors, “if they are to speak outside the University of anything contrary to the position of the Church, they are to do so only as private individuals and never identify themselves as faculty members of the University.” [precisely my point from the moment these Ateneo professors issued their support for RH. Why can't they issue the statement without using the name of the university?]
Every person is given the “freedom” to choose but that freedom is not absolute. [only spoiled brats think otherwise.]
Professors, who are opposed to the University’s—and the bishops’—stand, have always the choice of leaving the University’s portals if they adulterate the Catholic education that the student is entitled to with their personal preference or personal position. The student of a Catholic school must receive Catholic teachings without adulteration, without debasement.
But is Father Cabading’s declaration contrary to “academic freedom?”
In the first place, academic freedom is not absolute. The Church does not say that a professor must always take the stand of the Church. In the first place, teachers and scholars should know that they’re applying for teaching positions in a sectarian institution.
The professors, before they apply for a university position, must know the background of a university. In this case, a Catholic university, like Ateneo, La Salle and UST, has a purpose over and above academic freedoms: the nature and function of a Catholic school are inextricably tied up with the mandatum given by Christ to the Apostles before He ascended to Heaven: “Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Douay-Rheims Bible).
In short, over and above academic freedom, the Catholic university exists for evangelical purposes. By going against the stand of the bishops, the Ateneo and La Salle professors are saying they don’t agree with the Church’s mission. If so, they’re free to leave. In fact, they must leave. They must resign if they have the courage of their conviction.
But alas, it seems intellectual honesty and moral conviction are in such short supply in Katipunan, Quezon City and Taft Avenue, Manila.
So if you want to send your child to a REAL CATHOLIC university, UST is it!
Don't expect your child to come out a Catholic when you send them to Ateneo and La Salle where you have dissidents teaching them and administrators more concerned of getting donations from tycoons to build new buildings named after them rather than doing what a Catholic school administrator ought to do!
Oh yeah and one other school.
University of Asia and the Pacific!
This discourse about the Varsitarian op-ed can be likened to the Counseling program that the DSWD does with youth offenders. They aren't sent to jail whether they steal or murder. They get counseled. And was it effective? Last newscast, I saw show these kids doing the same thing over and over again.
Honestly, this is what happens to the likes of public dissenters like Fr. Bernas, Sen. Santiago, the pro-RH professors and their pathetic copycats the few pro-RH La Salle professors.
There is such a thing as dignified anger. And this is one of them.
Yeah, that is right.
They'll label Christ a terrorist, just as how they label the Pope, the loyal bishops, priests, nuns and brothers and lay Catholics who stand up for what is right and what the Church teaches.
But when you turn the tables they do this.
Cybercrime that!
They'd rather side with academic freedom than do their jobs of standing up for what the Catholic Church teaches and what Catholic institutions of higher learning ought to be as stated in the Apostolic Constitution, Ex corde ecclesiae....
Oh, wait!
These schools don't care at all!.....
Except UST!
RH bill, Ateneo, and La Salle: Of lemons and cowards
Going against the grain, going against the tide, going against popularity surveys, [wasn't it because of a popularity survey that Christ was sent to His death?] the University of Santo Tomas has upheld the stand of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) condemning the Reproductive Health (RH) bill as an anti-poor, social-engineering measure that not only denigrates the natural law but also runs roughshod over maternal health, kowtows to the contraceptive imperialism of the West, and generally blames the poor and their alleged overpopulation for the ills of society, when it’s the Philippine state and its depredations—its mismanagement and appalling corruption—that are to blame. [What a way to put the RH in a paragraph! Nailed it!]
UST is a Catholic institution. It is a pontifical institution—the second to be so named in world history. [Will Ateneo even care? Nah. I think they got worried when Manuela resigned. Ha!] Nobody should question whether the University supports the Church’s stand as the Gospel of Christ is UST’s—and any Catholic institution’s—pillar and foundation.
Professors who are affiliated with UST must respect the stand of the University against the RH bill as they are part of an institution which is fundamentally bound with Catholic faith and teachings. If UST professors don’t agree with the stand of the CBCP, then they have a problem. The bishops are the successors of the Christ’s apostles and possess the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Church. [You cannot talk to dissenters like Fr. Bernas about this. Moreso, with the theologians of MST!]
If faculty members of UST and other Catholic schools feel they need to invoke their academic freedom to make known their stand in conflict with the bishops regarding the RH bill, then they’re free to do so. [Yeah, who is going to stop them? Their free to speak!] But they must resign from UST. They must give up their Catholic academic affiliation. They must have the courage of their intellectual conviction. Upholding their conscience, they must respect the Church and her teachings. [They are speaking up against their employer! Not only only speaking up, they are attacking the moral ascendancy of their employer! Imagine if the same guys were members of the Communist Party of the Philippines and they spoke up against the party...well, we know what happens to those who are against the party, eh?]
Recently, a number of professors from Ateneo de Manila University and De La Salle University have voiced their support for the RH bill. A close reading of the measure should show it promotes abortifacients.
A total of 192 Ateneo professors supported the RH bill in their Aug. 13 statement, arguing that the “RH bill can have a decided impact on alleviating pressing social concerns such as high maternal mortality ratio, the rise in teenage pregnancies, and the increase in the number of HIV/AIDS cases, among others.”
Last Sept. 3, 45 La Salle professors joined the bandwagon, arguing that there is a need for artificial contraceptives as these can control the growth of the population and improve the quality of life. [And they call themselves professors! Katipunan University and Taft University have gone to the dogs! It's down to a fight for basketball supremacy, team! Forget your Catholic identity! It's good on paper.]
It’s quite shocking that Ateneo and La Salle professors should harbor naive and misguided thinking about health and social problems. How could they argue that an RH measure would be needed to lower maternal mortality when the Philippine government not too long ago had told the United Nations that it was on track to meet the Unesco millennium development goals by 2015, one of which was the lowering of maternal deaths? How could they argue that alleged high mortality must be checked by an RH measure when pregnancy complications are not in the Top 10 causes of women's deaths? How could they argue that contraceptives allegedly worth billions of pesos must be given to women to avert pregnancy risks when contraceptives have been known to cause cardiac problems, which are the No. 1 cause of death of Filipino women?
How could Ateneo and La Salle professors dismiss the medically established dangerous side effects of contraceptives when they are not even physicians? [Well...uhm...some in the faculty of Ateneo are medical doctors, well, who, uhm....opt to leave that fact out. Of course! Commish people! Commish!]
In contrast, UST, which has the oldest and the foremost school of medicine in the Philippines and Southeast Asia, has always warned about the dangerous side effects of contraceptives. UST and her physicians surely know whereof they speak. They’re scientists and experts, unlike the Ateneo and La Salle professors who are intellectual pretenders and interlopers! [Harsh, but when you think of Leloy Claudio, and the four Ateneo Theology professors....I LIKE IT!]
But what’s more appalling is that the Jesuit and Christian Brother administrations of Ateneo and La Salle didn’t reprimand their faculty members for openly defying the bishops. [try publicly defying the Jesuits if you are an Ateneo employee and you'll see that hell hath no fury than a Jesuit publicly scorned by his peon!] Ateneo said it respects the academic freedom of its professors: it had nothing to say about the intellectual dishonesty of its faculty members who are teaching in and receiving high salaries from a Catholic institution who however chose to bite the hand that feeds them all in the name of academic freedom. [Too much freedom leads to spoiled brats, like these professors and dissenters. Try giving freedom to your kids, let's see what happens.]
The Ateneo administration did not even clamp down on two [actually four] theology professors who signed the pro-RH statement for violating the mandatum of the Catholic Church on theology professors to observe orthodoxy. Perhaps even worse, a Filipino Jesuit professor has been quoted by his student in the latter’s Facebook as scoffing at the alleged threat of the bishops to remove Ateneo’s Catholic title, saying that Ateneo in any case does not have the word “Catholic” appended to its name, so what’s there to lose? [but I am pretty sure that they'll cry hard when they lose their more cherished title....the UAAP title. Ugh!] We’re pretty sure Saint Ignatius would have no confusion on where to put that jesuitic Jesuit—in Heaven or Hell?—in his famous Spiritual Exercises.
The Ateneo and La Salle professors therefore have been treated with kid gloves by the Jesuits and the Christian Brothers. Although they’re religious and members of Catholic orders, the Jesuits and Christian Brothers have failed to uphold orthodoxy and defend the Church. As far as the RH bill and support for it among their faculty are concerned, they’re lemons. [boom!] And as far as the Pro-RH Ateneo and La Salle professors are concerned, they’re dishonest and don’t have the courage of their intellectual conviction. [boom!] Contradicting the bishops and defending the RH bill, they have clung on to their faculty membership in Catholic institutions. They want to have their cake and eat it, too. They’re intellectual mercenaries, nothing more, nothing less.
It is quite gratifying that UST has cracked the whip and reminded its faculty members that they’re members of a Catholic institution and should toe the line.
UST Secretary General Fr. Winston Cabading, O.P. has sent a letter to Prof. Clarita Carillo, Ph.D., vice rector for academic affairs and research, to reaffirm the University’s support of the bishops on matters of faith and morals.
“In the light of recent events where some faculty members of Catholic Universities have publicly expressed dissenting positions from the Catholic bishops on matters of faith and morals, we in the University would like to reaffirm our fidelity to the magisterium of the Church as the Catholic University of the Philippines,” Cabading stated in the letter. [Those two universities cannot even issue a strongly worded declaration like this from UST.]
UST was given the title of “The Catholic University of the Philippines” in 1947 by Pope Pius XII. Even earlier, in 1902, UST had been declared a “Pontifical University,” the second to be so named in history even ahead of European universities. Therefore, the University has embodied the ideals that Catholic universities must possess, including the Catholic “education” which the students must learn from their professors.
Cabading also stated in his letter that “all faculty members of the University are to refrain from teaching or expressing their personal opinions within the bounds of the University, anything contrary to Catholic faith and morals.”
As these professors have chosen to teach in a Catholic university, they must abide by its teachings and beliefs. In the first place, the same is demanded of students.
Cabading emphasized that such reaffirmation is “to safeguard the right of the students to a solid Catholic education.”
Faculty members are “obliged to uphold and show deference to their teaching authority whenever the bishops of the Church have spoken on an issue and have taken a stand in behalf of the Church,” the Dominican Patristics scholar explained.
Father Cabading has also clarified that professors, “if they are to speak outside the University of anything contrary to the position of the Church, they are to do so only as private individuals and never identify themselves as faculty members of the University.” [precisely my point from the moment these Ateneo professors issued their support for RH. Why can't they issue the statement without using the name of the university?]
Every person is given the “freedom” to choose but that freedom is not absolute. [only spoiled brats think otherwise.]
Professors, who are opposed to the University’s—and the bishops’—stand, have always the choice of leaving the University’s portals if they adulterate the Catholic education that the student is entitled to with their personal preference or personal position. The student of a Catholic school must receive Catholic teachings without adulteration, without debasement.
But is Father Cabading’s declaration contrary to “academic freedom?”
In the first place, academic freedom is not absolute. The Church does not say that a professor must always take the stand of the Church. In the first place, teachers and scholars should know that they’re applying for teaching positions in a sectarian institution.
The professors, before they apply for a university position, must know the background of a university. In this case, a Catholic university, like Ateneo, La Salle and UST, has a purpose over and above academic freedoms: the nature and function of a Catholic school are inextricably tied up with the mandatum given by Christ to the Apostles before He ascended to Heaven: “Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Douay-Rheims Bible).
In short, over and above academic freedom, the Catholic university exists for evangelical purposes. By going against the stand of the bishops, the Ateneo and La Salle professors are saying they don’t agree with the Church’s mission. If so, they’re free to leave. In fact, they must leave. They must resign if they have the courage of their conviction.
But alas, it seems intellectual honesty and moral conviction are in such short supply in Katipunan, Quezon City and Taft Avenue, Manila.
So if you want to send your child to a REAL CATHOLIC university, UST is it!
Don't expect your child to come out a Catholic when you send them to Ateneo and La Salle where you have dissidents teaching them and administrators more concerned of getting donations from tycoons to build new buildings named after them rather than doing what a Catholic school administrator ought to do!
Oh yeah and one other school.
University of Asia and the Pacific!
This discourse about the Varsitarian op-ed can be likened to the Counseling program that the DSWD does with youth offenders. They aren't sent to jail whether they steal or murder. They get counseled. And was it effective? Last newscast, I saw show these kids doing the same thing over and over again.
Honestly, this is what happens to the likes of public dissenters like Fr. Bernas, Sen. Santiago, the pro-RH professors and their pathetic copycats the few pro-RH La Salle professors.
There is such a thing as dignified anger. And this is one of them.
Yeah, that is right.
They'll label Christ a terrorist, just as how they label the Pope, the loyal bishops, priests, nuns and brothers and lay Catholics who stand up for what is right and what the Church teaches.
But when you turn the tables they do this.
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