I found this stocked in my laptop. It is a screenshot of our favorite walking JOKE.
People who are guilty will never find a good night's sleep...I guess. Ha!
Maybe he's unconscious self is too excited to land in jail!
Don't worry Carlita. Mideo-cre Cruz, Billy "PAKman" Esposo and the CCP Board can't wait either.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Something is not right here
Has anyone heard of a Forum on the RH Bill and Women's reproductive rights at Ateneo?
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila, and Lupon ng mga Nag-aaral ng Antropolohiya at Sosyolohiya (LUNAS), would like to
cordially invite you to attend
The speakers:
Dr. Junice L. Demeterio-Melgar
(Secretary General, Reproductive Health Advocacy Network; Executive Director, Likhaan Center of Women's Health) [Pro-RH, Pro-abortion]
Atty. Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan
(Professor, University of the Philippines Law School; Project Director, Reprocen - Center for Reproductive Rights) [Pro-RH]
Mr. Ramon San Pascual
(Executive Director, Philippine Legislators' Committee on Population and Development Foundation, Inc.) [Pro-RH]
Fr. Roberto E.N. Rivera, S.J.
(Associate Director, Institute on Church and Social Issue
Honestly, I cannot still find a decent explanation about what really is Women's Reproductive Health.
How can it be Reproductive Health when you discourage women from Reproducing?
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila, and Lupon ng mga Nag-aaral ng Antropolohiya at Sosyolohiya (LUNAS), would like to
cordially invite you to attend
2 September 2011 (Friday)
Leong Hall Roof deck
4:30 - 6:00 PM
The speakers:
Dr. Junice L. Demeterio-Melgar
(Secretary General, Reproductive Health Advocacy Network; Executive Director, Likhaan Center of Women's Health) [Pro-RH, Pro-abortion]
Atty. Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan
(Professor, University of the Philippines Law School; Project Director, Reprocen - Center for Reproductive Rights) [Pro-RH]
Mr. Ramon San Pascual
(Executive Director, Philippine Legislators' Committee on Population and Development Foundation, Inc.) [Pro-RH]
Fr. Roberto E.N. Rivera, S.J.
(Associate Director, Institute on Church and Social Issue
Honestly, I cannot still find a decent explanation about what really is Women's Reproductive Health.
How can it be Reproductive Health when you discourage women from Reproducing?
Friday, August 26, 2011
Day of Prayer and Penance
Pray and ask for forgiveness for the blasphemous "junk" at CCP all in the name of freedom of expression.
The call was issued by the Cardinal Archbishop of Manila.
Pray and ask for forgiveness.
Also pray for those who continue to attack the Church. You know them. I blog about them a LOT.
Hope springs eternal. We need to ask the Lord for them to turn from their wicked ways and come back home to His flock.
The call was issued by the Cardinal Archbishop of Manila.
Pray and ask for forgiveness.
Also pray for those who continue to attack the Church. You know them. I blog about them a LOT.
Hope springs eternal. We need to ask the Lord for them to turn from their wicked ways and come back home to His flock.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Billy Esposo: Pathetic PR Man
From that same douche bag, Presidential Ass Kisser (PAK), Legion of Dishonor, chair wrecking tub of lard because of his humongous behind that looks like his face.
Yup, I know. I'll line up at the Quiapo confessional for this.
Gainers and losers at the Senate CCP art work hearing
Praise Senator Ed Angara for the superb handling of the August 16 Senate hearing on the CCP “KULO” art work controversy. [Ugh!] Very profound insights were discussed. Had our media bothered to get these insights before taking the Catholic Taliban side of the issue, a lot of people would have been spared from afflictions caused by severe aggravation. [Tell that to your bosses you fat stupid fart!]
Because our media, especially radio and television, [Oh how convenient to miss out his bosses.] are more attuned to tabloid reporting and sensationalism — the controversy surrounding the art work of artist Mideo Cruz at the CCP (Cultural Center of the Philippines) was blown out of proportion. [put a dang penis on his face and let us blow it our of proportion!] Without even presenting the side of the artist and what he wanted to communicate, media pandered to the noise of the Catholic Talibans who stormed the CCP. [Did his bosses at the Star did the same? Nah. They didn't because that attention-hungry fag named Mideo-cre Cruz did not even bother to explain his junk, well, because, you can't explain junk.]
The initial radio and TV reports had immediately slanted towards a story of an artist that allegedly violated the sensitivities of Catholics and other Christians by the way he depicted Jesus Christ. [Put a penis on this fat blob's face and let us call it "allegedly violated the sensitivities of Billy Esposo".] It was only after the vilification of the art work and its creator had already been impressed in the public mind when media, mostly print, [Oh really? Such an ass kisser!] brought out the fact that Cruz did not intend to desecrate Christ but highlight the false practices of religion where idolatry, external displays of piety, hypocrisy — reminiscent of the Pharisees — had displaced spirituality. [Would you see a priest do this to an image of Christ just to send the message? Is there no other way to communicate that message? Maybe Mideo Cruz is not artistic enough to express such message into his art so he resorted to junk. Well, what a way to go! You used the Celdran Formula and your getting the Celdran treatment, stroking the cold iron bars of jail! And bring your pathetic PR man with you! Mr. PAKman Billy Esposo!]
Yes we can criticize the artist’s choice of how to present his point although there is also that aspect of art that says that it sometimes needs to disturb first before it can make its point. [Can you make a point at how Islam mistreats women? Maybe Gabriela can sponsor this project? Eh?] The “KULO” art work had indeed disturbed a lot of souls but it’s doubted if it conveyed what the artist wanted to communicate. [You think?! Such an idiot! After praising it, now he has second thoughts! Maybe the bed sores are getting to his brain! Now it's brain sores! Ha!] Instead, Cruz became the target of politicians in search of a media forum [media forum? Who is seeking it? A fat retired retarded wash-out like you?] and the rabid Catholic Talibans whose reactions have proved to be far more disturbing than the art work itself. [We went to the CCP to hear Mass, then had a procession.......THAT WAS DISTRUBING?!?!? Oh, yeah, sorry. Stupid me. Satan is disturb by those. HA!]
Of all people, Imelda Marcos should never ever bring up the subject of obscenity. What could be more obscene than her Film Center that was rushed and caused the deaths of many construction laborers? What could be more obscene than her accumulation of jewelry, shoes, and other expensive personal stuff? [Off course, idiot! Imelda might have done those and I am no fan of the "beautiful one", but to her credit, she founded the CCP and built CCP. ]
What could be more obscene than the Marcoses telling us through their controlled media that they were doing us a great service while they were screwing us and to this day, that rape is inspiring a new generation of plunderers and abusers of power? [Off course!]
In the Senate hearing, UP Law School’s Raul Pangalangan and Florin Hilbay, National Artists Frankie Sionil Jose and Abdulmari Asia Imao, Sen. Chiz Escudero and CCP Chair Emily Abrera provided valuable perspectives to balancing religious sensibilities with freedom of expression. Representatives of the Catholic Bishops and that of UST (University of Santo Tomas) demonstrated their archaic narrow mindedness anew. Sen. Jinggoy Estrada transmitted the impression that he was out to lynch CCP officials, not really to decipher and solve the serious issue of religious sensibilities versus freedom of expression. [And he says he is not biased. How about the other National Artists who condemned the exhibit? They are archaic as well? Idiot.]
Raissa Robles, who writes for the South China Morning Post, raised a very relevant point in her August 11 article, Rizal’s novels would be banned today if the Catholic Church succeeded in 1956. Relating the 1956 attempt to ban the Rizal novels to the CCP controversy, Robles wrote: “This is not the first time the Catholic Church has pressured the government into banning a work of art on the grounds that it is sacrilegious and blasphemous.” [Did the Church pressure the government? Really? there was pressure? Where? Huh?]
“To the late Cardinal Rufino J. Santos, the archbishop of Manila then, the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo were the shocking equivalent of Mideo Cruz’ pasting of a wooden phallus on the face of Christ,” Robles wrote. [Such presumption.]
In his April 21, 1956 letter to the Philippine Senate, then Manila Archbishop Rufino J. Santos wrote: “We, the Catholic Philippine Hierarchy maintain that these novels do contain teachings contrary to our faith and so, We are opposed to the proposed compulsory reading in their entirety of such books in any school in the Philippines where Catholic students may be affected. We cannot permit the eternal salvation of immortal souls, souls for which We are answerable before the throne of Divine Justice, to be compromised for the sake of any human good, no matter how great it may appear to be.” Notice how he capitalized W in “We” as if they were referring to God. [Ahhhh.... This is THE "pressure". Where is the "pressure" point. Sorry can't find it. It is so small I need an acupuncturist to use a needle to find it! Idiot! And the capital "W" in We, you idiot, is in reference to the Church. It is the royal "We" you Idiot!]
Talk about the so-called “Bible truth” — Psalm 104:5 polluted people’s mind with this: “The earth is firmly fixed: it shall not be moved.” Subsequently, one of the greatest minds mankind has produced, Galileo, was persecuted by the Inquisition for promoting the theory of another great mind, Copernicus, [Copernicus is a Catholic priest. Guess he doesn't know that. Too much cholesterol getting in the head.] that the earth is not stationary but rotates around the sun. The same “I can’t be wrong” arrogance we now see in our Catholic Talibans was the mindset behind the burning and martyrdom of St. Joan of Arc. St. Joan’s burning at the stake was a project of the Catholic Bishop Pierre Cauchon. [Idiot! That bishop was acting because of political pressure and not because of dogma! And Galileo was censured and not excommunicated even if he was insisting, not only a scientific fact, but that he is already challenging the infallibility of the Bible. He is a scientist for cryin' out loud! St. Robert Bellarmine was one of the cardinals who reminded Galileo to know his bounds! If Galileo was indeed severely persecuted by the Church, then tell me you Legion of Idiot Billy Esposo! Why in God's green earth is Galileo buried inside a Catholic basilica? Guess you don't even know that, you idiot?!]
Christ reprimanded Peter at Gethsemane for cutting the ear of the High Priest’s servant. Christ was true to His teachings — to love our enemies and turn the other cheek, if need be. Yet, in the name of Christ, His Church had waged so many bloody, cruel and ruthless wars. [What a great writer! What a way to jump?! Had a brain freeze that moment there!]
As Christ Himself had warned us: “Not everyone who says, ‘Lord, Lord,’ loves me.”
Hope someone can photoshop a penis on Billy Esposo's face then we call it "allegedly violated the sensitivities of Billy Esposo".
By the way, before you talk to Billy Esposo, cover your noses folks!
His breath stinks of the last meal of Noynoy Aquino. No, not the actual meal. But Aquino's meal that was finally digested.
Yup, I know. I'll line up at the Quiapo confessional for this.
Gainers and losers at the Senate CCP art work hearing
Praise Senator Ed Angara for the superb handling of the August 16 Senate hearing on the CCP “KULO” art work controversy. [Ugh!] Very profound insights were discussed. Had our media bothered to get these insights before taking the Catholic Taliban side of the issue, a lot of people would have been spared from afflictions caused by severe aggravation. [Tell that to your bosses you fat stupid fart!]
Because our media, especially radio and television, [Oh how convenient to miss out his bosses.] are more attuned to tabloid reporting and sensationalism — the controversy surrounding the art work of artist Mideo Cruz at the CCP (Cultural Center of the Philippines) was blown out of proportion. [put a dang penis on his face and let us blow it our of proportion!] Without even presenting the side of the artist and what he wanted to communicate, media pandered to the noise of the Catholic Talibans who stormed the CCP. [Did his bosses at the Star did the same? Nah. They didn't because that attention-hungry fag named Mideo-cre Cruz did not even bother to explain his junk, well, because, you can't explain junk.]
The initial radio and TV reports had immediately slanted towards a story of an artist that allegedly violated the sensitivities of Catholics and other Christians by the way he depicted Jesus Christ. [Put a penis on this fat blob's face and let us call it "allegedly violated the sensitivities of Billy Esposo".] It was only after the vilification of the art work and its creator had already been impressed in the public mind when media, mostly print, [Oh really? Such an ass kisser!] brought out the fact that Cruz did not intend to desecrate Christ but highlight the false practices of religion where idolatry, external displays of piety, hypocrisy — reminiscent of the Pharisees — had displaced spirituality. [Would you see a priest do this to an image of Christ just to send the message? Is there no other way to communicate that message? Maybe Mideo Cruz is not artistic enough to express such message into his art so he resorted to junk. Well, what a way to go! You used the Celdran Formula and your getting the Celdran treatment, stroking the cold iron bars of jail! And bring your pathetic PR man with you! Mr. PAKman Billy Esposo!]
Yes we can criticize the artist’s choice of how to present his point although there is also that aspect of art that says that it sometimes needs to disturb first before it can make its point. [Can you make a point at how Islam mistreats women? Maybe Gabriela can sponsor this project? Eh?] The “KULO” art work had indeed disturbed a lot of souls but it’s doubted if it conveyed what the artist wanted to communicate. [You think?! Such an idiot! After praising it, now he has second thoughts! Maybe the bed sores are getting to his brain! Now it's brain sores! Ha!] Instead, Cruz became the target of politicians in search of a media forum [media forum? Who is seeking it? A fat retired retarded wash-out like you?] and the rabid Catholic Talibans whose reactions have proved to be far more disturbing than the art work itself. [We went to the CCP to hear Mass, then had a procession.......THAT WAS DISTRUBING?!?!? Oh, yeah, sorry. Stupid me. Satan is disturb by those. HA!]
Of all people, Imelda Marcos should never ever bring up the subject of obscenity. What could be more obscene than her Film Center that was rushed and caused the deaths of many construction laborers? What could be more obscene than her accumulation of jewelry, shoes, and other expensive personal stuff? [Off course, idiot! Imelda might have done those and I am no fan of the "beautiful one", but to her credit, she founded the CCP and built CCP. ]
What could be more obscene than the Marcoses telling us through their controlled media that they were doing us a great service while they were screwing us and to this day, that rape is inspiring a new generation of plunderers and abusers of power? [Off course!]
In the Senate hearing, UP Law School’s Raul Pangalangan and Florin Hilbay, National Artists Frankie Sionil Jose and Abdulmari Asia Imao, Sen. Chiz Escudero and CCP Chair Emily Abrera provided valuable perspectives to balancing religious sensibilities with freedom of expression. Representatives of the Catholic Bishops and that of UST (University of Santo Tomas) demonstrated their archaic narrow mindedness anew. Sen. Jinggoy Estrada transmitted the impression that he was out to lynch CCP officials, not really to decipher and solve the serious issue of religious sensibilities versus freedom of expression. [And he says he is not biased. How about the other National Artists who condemned the exhibit? They are archaic as well? Idiot.]
Raissa Robles, who writes for the South China Morning Post, raised a very relevant point in her August 11 article, Rizal’s novels would be banned today if the Catholic Church succeeded in 1956. Relating the 1956 attempt to ban the Rizal novels to the CCP controversy, Robles wrote: “This is not the first time the Catholic Church has pressured the government into banning a work of art on the grounds that it is sacrilegious and blasphemous.” [Did the Church pressure the government? Really? there was pressure? Where? Huh?]
“To the late Cardinal Rufino J. Santos, the archbishop of Manila then, the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo were the shocking equivalent of Mideo Cruz’ pasting of a wooden phallus on the face of Christ,” Robles wrote. [Such presumption.]
In his April 21, 1956 letter to the Philippine Senate, then Manila Archbishop Rufino J. Santos wrote: “We, the Catholic Philippine Hierarchy maintain that these novels do contain teachings contrary to our faith and so, We are opposed to the proposed compulsory reading in their entirety of such books in any school in the Philippines where Catholic students may be affected. We cannot permit the eternal salvation of immortal souls, souls for which We are answerable before the throne of Divine Justice, to be compromised for the sake of any human good, no matter how great it may appear to be.” Notice how he capitalized W in “We” as if they were referring to God. [Ahhhh.... This is THE "pressure". Where is the "pressure" point. Sorry can't find it. It is so small I need an acupuncturist to use a needle to find it! Idiot! And the capital "W" in We, you idiot, is in reference to the Church. It is the royal "We" you Idiot!]
Talk about the so-called “Bible truth” — Psalm 104:5 polluted people’s mind with this: “The earth is firmly fixed: it shall not be moved.” Subsequently, one of the greatest minds mankind has produced, Galileo, was persecuted by the Inquisition for promoting the theory of another great mind, Copernicus, [Copernicus is a Catholic priest. Guess he doesn't know that. Too much cholesterol getting in the head.] that the earth is not stationary but rotates around the sun. The same “I can’t be wrong” arrogance we now see in our Catholic Talibans was the mindset behind the burning and martyrdom of St. Joan of Arc. St. Joan’s burning at the stake was a project of the Catholic Bishop Pierre Cauchon. [Idiot! That bishop was acting because of political pressure and not because of dogma! And Galileo was censured and not excommunicated even if he was insisting, not only a scientific fact, but that he is already challenging the infallibility of the Bible. He is a scientist for cryin' out loud! St. Robert Bellarmine was one of the cardinals who reminded Galileo to know his bounds! If Galileo was indeed severely persecuted by the Church, then tell me you Legion of Idiot Billy Esposo! Why in God's green earth is Galileo buried inside a Catholic basilica? Guess you don't even know that, you idiot?!]
Christ reprimanded Peter at Gethsemane for cutting the ear of the High Priest’s servant. Christ was true to His teachings — to love our enemies and turn the other cheek, if need be. Yet, in the name of Christ, His Church had waged so many bloody, cruel and ruthless wars. [What a great writer! What a way to jump?! Had a brain freeze that moment there!]
As Christ Himself had warned us: “Not everyone who says, ‘Lord, Lord,’ loves me.”
Hope someone can photoshop a penis on Billy Esposo's face then we call it "allegedly violated the sensitivities of Billy Esposo".
By the way, before you talk to Billy Esposo, cover your noses folks!
His breath stinks of the last meal of Noynoy Aquino. No, not the actual meal. But Aquino's meal that was finally digested.
When you study MA Theology at Maryhill, this is what you'll learn
"There is no proof that God is a male."
- Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago
Miriam always brags that she took her MA in Maryhill School of Theology. But take note, she did not finish her Masters. But she loves bragging that she has a Masters degree.
Just want to ask her this:
Guess MST will agree that Christ is a Male, but being God, nah...He is more of an...
AVATAR!!! Thanks to Teilhard de Chardin.
LIBERATOR!!! Thanks to Gustavo Gutierrez and old-hippie Liberation Theologians stuck in the '60s.
Miriam made the remark during the deliberation of the RH Bill in the Senate. Click more here.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Someone "knowledgeable" about theology RANTS about my post about the TLM
I once made a post about Why I Love the Latin Mass.
I did not say that I hate the Pauline Mass. But I just said I loved it more than I love the Pauline Mass.
But, YOU KNOW, some old guy, who thinks he knows everything there is to KNOW about Catholicism.
And so he reacts...
Paul Dion, STL said...
Well, I guess a grumpy old man is stuck in the 60s and he thinks he is more knowledgeable of the "theological reasons" why Vatican II changed the Mass. Maybe because I thanked the Lord for Summorum Pontificum. That turned on the "Grumpy switch".
I can't wait to hear the "theological reasons you know", Paul, before I even answer point by point what you claim you KNOW really happened even at the time of Pius XII.
Because YOU KNOW, dear TPC readers, PAUL DION, ES-TEE-EL, KNOWS better than that old guy who now calls himself Pope. And YOU KNOW, PAUL DION, ES-TEE-EL, KNOOOOWWWSSS, that when I get to Heaven, I get to live the reactionary Tridentine spirituality I always wanted, because YOU KNOW, PAUL DION, ES-TEE-EL, KNOOOWWWSSS this for a fact because, YOU KNOW that PAUL DION, ES-TEE-EL, KNOOOWWWSSS because he has an ESSSS-----TEEEEE----ELLLLLLL.
"I am so excited and I just can't hide it."
I guess you are too old to know that line too, eh.
Start answering Paul Dion, STL.
I am waiting.
By the way, I do not have an STL. But I KNOW what and how to answer you.
I have Pope Benedict's writings to back me up among other things.
What do you have? "I am so excited and I just can't hide it."
Oh yeah, I forgot.
You have an ESSS ---- TEEEE ---- ELLLLLL!!!!!
I did not say that I hate the Pauline Mass. But I just said I loved it more than I love the Pauline Mass.
But, YOU KNOW, some old guy, who thinks he knows everything there is to KNOW about Catholicism.
And so he reacts...
Paul Dion, STL said...
The Mass is the Mass. It is not a ceremony to watch. It is Christ's sacrifice for our redemption. At Mass we exercise our Priesthood, [WE ARE CHURCH! Wooohoo!!! MST!!!] side by side with the minister, the ordained priest and participate in the Last Supper in remembrance of Him to whom we dedicate our lives fully and without reservation. It's impossible to do that if you don't understand the language [He thinks people who attend the TLM are idiots who don't know Latin. He knows that based on his assumptions.] and if the minister doesn't acknowledge your presence except for an occasional "Dominus Vobiscum." [The priest needs to acknowledge our presence to confect the Holy Sacrifice. So, MST!] I'm old enough to remember what we had before [no wonder why he left!] and I know all the theological reasons why it has changed. [HE KNOWS?!?!?!] I also know [HE ALWAYS KNOWS?!?!?!] that the changes started way before Vatican II and that Vatican II only dressed the table that Pius XII had already begun to set. [Probably a classmate of Anscar. HEY PAUL! Ever heard of Pius XII and his condemnation of liturgical archaelogism in Mediator Dei? I think you KNOW that don't you? You have an STL!]. Now let me see you defend the Pauline Mass!] If you can't handle the 21st century, [yes, I do I was born in the 21st century. Not like you.] just tough it out while you're here and hope that when you get to heaven you'll have all the reactionary Tridentine spirituality [?!?! Who is grumpier here?! I just said I loved the TLM!] you always wanted without ever having truly lived it. [Now, he judges me. Look at him! Studied in Rome for his STL as a layman? Come on, I am no idiot. ]***
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 2:52:00 AM GMT+08:00
Well, I guess a grumpy old man is stuck in the 60s and he thinks he is more knowledgeable of the "theological reasons" why Vatican II changed the Mass. Maybe because I thanked the Lord for Summorum Pontificum. That turned on the "Grumpy switch".
I can't wait to hear the "theological reasons you know", Paul, before I even answer point by point what you claim you KNOW really happened even at the time of Pius XII.
Because YOU KNOW, dear TPC readers, PAUL DION, ES-TEE-EL, KNOWS better than that old guy who now calls himself Pope. And YOU KNOW, PAUL DION, ES-TEE-EL, KNOOOOWWWSSS, that when I get to Heaven, I get to live the reactionary Tridentine spirituality I always wanted, because YOU KNOW, PAUL DION, ES-TEE-EL, KNOOOWWWSSS this for a fact because, YOU KNOW that PAUL DION, ES-TEE-EL, KNOOOWWWSSS because he has an ESSSS-----TEEEEE----ELLLLLLL.
"I am so excited and I just can't hide it."
I guess you are too old to know that line too, eh.
Start answering Paul Dion, STL.
I am waiting.
By the way, I do not have an STL. But I KNOW what and how to answer you.
I have Pope Benedict's writings to back me up among other things.
What do you have? "I am so excited and I just can't hide it."
Oh yeah, I forgot.
You have an ESSS ---- TEEEE ---- ELLLLLL!!!!!
A Documentary about the War for Life in the Philippines
International Pro-Life Groups have noticed the work the Pro-Life Groups in the Philippines are waging against the agents of Death.
Click here for more info.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Poor guy.
Freedom of expression gone awry.
He calls this Operation Visita Iglesia for RH Bill.
And this is how he describes his crusade.
NO, my dear boy, Artifical Contraception is a BIG NO NO for Catholics.
Deal with it. It is non-negotiable. Read the Catechism. It is not the CBCP's word, it is the command of God' Church.
If you can't stand this teaching, then shut up and get out!
And even if you said it was not your intention to smear the Church, well, you are actually doing it!
PS: Next time, try doing that inside that church where you took that shot. And make sure that we, the Knights of Columbus, are on duty. We will talk. Promise.
Have you really read the RH Bill?
He has other photos of this idiotic campaign on his Facebook page. No, I will not give the link here. He is doing a Carlos Celdran, a publicity wh**** in training, maybe.
Do something more productive. Go to the slums and teach couples who cannot properly raise their kids on how to plan their families and how to earn extra through an honest days work.
He calls this Operation Visita Iglesia for RH Bill.
And this is how he describes his crusade.
Defying the Catholic bishops' propaganda and taking a stand to support the Reproductive Health Bill...
NOTE: Hindi ko po intensyon ang siraan ang Simbahang Katoliko o manggulo sa misa at iba pang pagtitipon ng mga anti-RH. Ginagawa ko po ito para ipanawagan sa Simbahan lalo na sa mga obispo na igalang ang karapatan ng bawat Pilipino lalo na ang mga Katoliko na magpahayag ng kanilang saloobin kabilang na ang pagsuporta ng nakararami sa RH bill. Nananawagan din ako sa mga Katolikong maka-RH na tumindig at lumaban para sa ikapapasa ng panukalang batas na ito nang walang takot mula sa banta ng pagkakatiwalag sa Simbahan.
NO, my dear boy, Artifical Contraception is a BIG NO NO for Catholics.
Deal with it. It is non-negotiable. Read the Catechism. It is not the CBCP's word, it is the command of God' Church.
If you can't stand this teaching, then shut up and get out!
And even if you said it was not your intention to smear the Church, well, you are actually doing it!
PS: Next time, try doing that inside that church where you took that shot. And make sure that we, the Knights of Columbus, are on duty. We will talk. Promise.
Have you really read the RH Bill?
He has other photos of this idiotic campaign on his Facebook page. No, I will not give the link here. He is doing a Carlos Celdran, a publicity wh**** in training, maybe.
Do something more productive. Go to the slums and teach couples who cannot properly raise their kids on how to plan their families and how to earn extra through an honest days work.
Bill Esposo: Certified Catholic Basher, you idiot!
That big tub of lard just won't let up.
And mind you, he is a recipient of the Philippines' Legion of Honor.
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales had called for a “Day of Penance” on August 26 for what he described will be “an expression of remorse for the sins committed against God’s majesty.” The Cardinal was referring to what he called the “sinful” art exhibit at the CCP (Cultural Center of the Philippines), the “KULO” art work of Mideo Cruz that Cardinal Rosales and his ilk branded as sacrilegious and blasphemous.
Why the Cardinal still opted to continue with this “Day of Penance” despite the very enlightening revelations [enlightening?! Oh hell yeah! In favor of the Catholic position you idiot!] during the August 16 Senate hearing, must make us wonder if there is more to this than meets the eye. The Senate hearing clearly established important facts and premises, which media failed to communicate due to its insatiable lust for sensationalism, [like you? you're part of the media, idiot!] that shed light and perspective to the art work in question.
The most important of these were:
1. The artist was making a commentary on how society had defaced religion by its succumbing to idolatry, consumerism and so forth. [shall we make a social commentary about how fat blobs sitting on a wheel chair think of how to attack ONLY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Try that on Islam, you idiot!] This is a crucial point because this removes malicious intent. Those threatening to sue Cruz and the CCP will themselves be vulnerable for a counter suit for unjust vexation and harassment. [oh, really? where is the suit, idiot!]
2. As Sen. Chiz Escudero had established with his questions to the Church representatives during the hearing — no person today can really say what is the true face of Jesus Christ. [Try saying that to Muslims! "No one has ever seen the face of Muhammad." Oh, yeah, you won't see it because you won't have a head to begin with, you idiot!] CBCP (Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines) president, Archbishop Jose Palma of Cebu, even admitted that all depictions of Christ are artistic interpretations. This being the case, nobody can really say that it was indeed the face of Christ that was offended? [I'll have more of this below.]
3. As State University Law School Dean Raul Pangalangan pointed out, the artist is protected by freedom of speech, even citing two Supreme Court decisions that supported his assertion. [Just like me calling you a tub of lard sitting on a wheel chair, you idiot!]
4. The CCP had already closed the exhibit, citing security reasons, and from all indications it will not be exhibited there again. So what’s the big fuss all about? [You committed a crime. You can't find the body. So what is the big fuss all about? You still have to face the music in court, you idiot!]
To a senior citizen like your Chair Wrecker, [that big fat asss sure will wreck ANY chair, with wheels or none!] this “Day of Penance” reeks of a camouflage for stirring greater Catholic Taliban passion (Taliban is used figuratively for religious extremism and not a case of name calling). [Oh, now you are backtracking. Afraid, you idiot?!] The real target could be the RH bill. [And bingo was his name-o! It's all about the RH Bill which this idiot is promoting!] Unable to get the support of majority of Filipinos, [Oh really? What number are you talking about? The paid surveys?] the Catholic Church hierarchy could use the passions that this molehill of a controversy had generated. It’s Machiavellian to say the least but hardly surprising if you’ve read the history of the Roman Catholic Church. [Have you? Who's the author? A anti-Catholic Protestant? Richard McBrien?]
Surveys had established just how popular the RH bill is. [Survey says how stupid you are!] Until this art work controversy erupted, the Catholic Church didn’t have a powerful handle by which to persuade and pressure the administration of President Noynoy Aquino (P-Noy) to junk the RH bill. [So, this genius is saying that the Catholic Church has the clout over the president to stop the exhibit and no clout about the RH?] It’s just too tempting for the Catholic Church leaders not to grab the passions displayed by the Catholic Talibans and redirect these to resistance to the RH bill. They’re hoping to mount an effective political theatre. [And this has been is writing to generate attention. Don't worry. I'll swin the Tiber to bring you to the authorities!]
It’s easy to think that this could have been what was in the mind of Cardinal Rosales — the very same Prince of the Catholic Church who reportedly told ZTE whistleblower Jun Lozada and the nuns accompanying him: “Truth and lie are the same. They’re icing on the cake. What’s important is the cake.” Have you ever read if Jesus Christ said in the Gospel that: “Truth and lie are the same?” [Where in the world did the cardinal say that?!?!?]
The history of the Roman Catholic Church can easily match the track records of notorious regimes for their hypocrisy, evil policies, cruelty and lack of humanity. In the name of God, Catholic Popes have waged some of the bloodiest wars, some for sheer temporal ends. Pope Gregory XIII conspired to have a Catholic priest arrange the assassination of Queen Elizabeth I of England. The Inquisition, one of the lowest points of Catholic Church history, had empowered dogmatic stupidity to torture, maim and kill. Some of the greatest specimens of the human race became victims of the Inquisition. [So you know now which books this idiot is reading.]
In the Philippines, the Catholic Friars were in partnership with the Spanish Conquistadores in subjugating and exploiting our people. [classic Masonic literature. Thanks to the Catholic Friars, the Philippines had the first university in Asia! Now that is subjugating and exploiting our people!] that same Catholic Church seemed fascinated with reliving those days of subjugation as they persist in meddling in State affairs and continuously try to influence State policies like the RH bill. Have you noticed how rich they are and how much lands they own? [Did you notice how rich and how much land the INC owns? No, he didn't because the stupid Manalo worshipping idiots are pro-RH, calling the natural family planning method, "artificial". Try asking them Billy!]
Compared to Mideo Cruz, who never intended to deface Christ but highlight the hypocrisy in religious practice, [let us put a penis on the photo of Billy Esposo and say that we do not intend to deface it but just to highlight the hypocrisy of fat idiots confined to a wheel chair masking as mediamen.] the Catholic Church hierarchy has more reasons to be flagellating itself and be offering penance. [I wish I had a dollar everytime I read that. Ha!] By intent Cruz may not have sinned at all in the eyes of a just God. [now he is a priest or pastor?] Can we say the same for Catholic Church leaders who encourage Catholic Talibanism?
What we’re seeing today from some of our Catholic Church leaders are the very same attributes of the Pharisees who condemned Jesus Christ to die by crucifixion. The Roman Governor Pontius Pilate was inclined to release Christ but the Pharisees manipulated the Jerusalem mob to pressure the Roman Governor to crucify the Nazarene.
Don’t you see this same brand of hypocrisy, manipulation and ruthlessness in some of our Catholic Church leaders these days?
The flag of the Philippine is the artistic representation of the country. So, let us put a wood carved human penis on the Philippine Flag. Are you sure you won't get yourself sued?
Report this SOB to the Focolare Movement. He is a member of that group!
Click the link below to express your disgust with what this guy is doing!
And mind you, he is a recipient of the Philippines' Legion of Honor.
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales had called for a “Day of Penance” on August 26 for what he described will be “an expression of remorse for the sins committed against God’s majesty.” The Cardinal was referring to what he called the “sinful” art exhibit at the CCP (Cultural Center of the Philippines), the “KULO” art work of Mideo Cruz that Cardinal Rosales and his ilk branded as sacrilegious and blasphemous.
Why the Cardinal still opted to continue with this “Day of Penance” despite the very enlightening revelations [enlightening?! Oh hell yeah! In favor of the Catholic position you idiot!] during the August 16 Senate hearing, must make us wonder if there is more to this than meets the eye. The Senate hearing clearly established important facts and premises, which media failed to communicate due to its insatiable lust for sensationalism, [like you? you're part of the media, idiot!] that shed light and perspective to the art work in question.
The most important of these were:
1. The artist was making a commentary on how society had defaced religion by its succumbing to idolatry, consumerism and so forth. [shall we make a social commentary about how fat blobs sitting on a wheel chair think of how to attack ONLY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Try that on Islam, you idiot!] This is a crucial point because this removes malicious intent. Those threatening to sue Cruz and the CCP will themselves be vulnerable for a counter suit for unjust vexation and harassment. [oh, really? where is the suit, idiot!]
2. As Sen. Chiz Escudero had established with his questions to the Church representatives during the hearing — no person today can really say what is the true face of Jesus Christ. [Try saying that to Muslims! "No one has ever seen the face of Muhammad." Oh, yeah, you won't see it because you won't have a head to begin with, you idiot!] CBCP (Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines) president, Archbishop Jose Palma of Cebu, even admitted that all depictions of Christ are artistic interpretations. This being the case, nobody can really say that it was indeed the face of Christ that was offended? [I'll have more of this below.]
3. As State University Law School Dean Raul Pangalangan pointed out, the artist is protected by freedom of speech, even citing two Supreme Court decisions that supported his assertion. [Just like me calling you a tub of lard sitting on a wheel chair, you idiot!]
4. The CCP had already closed the exhibit, citing security reasons, and from all indications it will not be exhibited there again. So what’s the big fuss all about? [You committed a crime. You can't find the body. So what is the big fuss all about? You still have to face the music in court, you idiot!]
To a senior citizen like your Chair Wrecker, [that big fat asss sure will wreck ANY chair, with wheels or none!] this “Day of Penance” reeks of a camouflage for stirring greater Catholic Taliban passion (Taliban is used figuratively for religious extremism and not a case of name calling). [Oh, now you are backtracking. Afraid, you idiot?!] The real target could be the RH bill. [And bingo was his name-o! It's all about the RH Bill which this idiot is promoting!] Unable to get the support of majority of Filipinos, [Oh really? What number are you talking about? The paid surveys?] the Catholic Church hierarchy could use the passions that this molehill of a controversy had generated. It’s Machiavellian to say the least but hardly surprising if you’ve read the history of the Roman Catholic Church. [Have you? Who's the author? A anti-Catholic Protestant? Richard McBrien?]
Surveys had established just how popular the RH bill is. [Survey says how stupid you are!] Until this art work controversy erupted, the Catholic Church didn’t have a powerful handle by which to persuade and pressure the administration of President Noynoy Aquino (P-Noy) to junk the RH bill. [So, this genius is saying that the Catholic Church has the clout over the president to stop the exhibit and no clout about the RH?] It’s just too tempting for the Catholic Church leaders not to grab the passions displayed by the Catholic Talibans and redirect these to resistance to the RH bill. They’re hoping to mount an effective political theatre. [And this has been is writing to generate attention. Don't worry. I'll swin the Tiber to bring you to the authorities!]
It’s easy to think that this could have been what was in the mind of Cardinal Rosales — the very same Prince of the Catholic Church who reportedly told ZTE whistleblower Jun Lozada and the nuns accompanying him: “Truth and lie are the same. They’re icing on the cake. What’s important is the cake.” Have you ever read if Jesus Christ said in the Gospel that: “Truth and lie are the same?” [Where in the world did the cardinal say that?!?!?]
The history of the Roman Catholic Church can easily match the track records of notorious regimes for their hypocrisy, evil policies, cruelty and lack of humanity. In the name of God, Catholic Popes have waged some of the bloodiest wars, some for sheer temporal ends. Pope Gregory XIII conspired to have a Catholic priest arrange the assassination of Queen Elizabeth I of England. The Inquisition, one of the lowest points of Catholic Church history, had empowered dogmatic stupidity to torture, maim and kill. Some of the greatest specimens of the human race became victims of the Inquisition. [So you know now which books this idiot is reading.]
In the Philippines, the Catholic Friars were in partnership with the Spanish Conquistadores in subjugating and exploiting our people. [classic Masonic literature. Thanks to the Catholic Friars, the Philippines had the first university in Asia! Now that is subjugating and exploiting our people!] that same Catholic Church seemed fascinated with reliving those days of subjugation as they persist in meddling in State affairs and continuously try to influence State policies like the RH bill. Have you noticed how rich they are and how much lands they own? [Did you notice how rich and how much land the INC owns? No, he didn't because the stupid Manalo worshipping idiots are pro-RH, calling the natural family planning method, "artificial". Try asking them Billy!]
Compared to Mideo Cruz, who never intended to deface Christ but highlight the hypocrisy in religious practice, [let us put a penis on the photo of Billy Esposo and say that we do not intend to deface it but just to highlight the hypocrisy of fat idiots confined to a wheel chair masking as mediamen.] the Catholic Church hierarchy has more reasons to be flagellating itself and be offering penance. [I wish I had a dollar everytime I read that. Ha!] By intent Cruz may not have sinned at all in the eyes of a just God. [now he is a priest or pastor?] Can we say the same for Catholic Church leaders who encourage Catholic Talibanism?
What we’re seeing today from some of our Catholic Church leaders are the very same attributes of the Pharisees who condemned Jesus Christ to die by crucifixion. The Roman Governor Pontius Pilate was inclined to release Christ but the Pharisees manipulated the Jerusalem mob to pressure the Roman Governor to crucify the Nazarene.
Don’t you see this same brand of hypocrisy, manipulation and ruthlessness in some of our Catholic Church leaders these days?
The flag of the Philippine is the artistic representation of the country. So, let us put a wood carved human penis on the Philippine Flag. Are you sure you won't get yourself sued?
Report this SOB to the Focolare Movement. He is a member of that group!
Click the link below to express your disgust with what this guy is doing!
Monday, August 22, 2011
On honoring sacred images
EVERY one must recognise that a man who attempts to dishonour an image which has been set up for the glory and remembrance of Christ, of His holy Mother, or one of his saints, is an enemy of Christ, of His holy Mother, and the saints. It is also set up to shame the devil and his crew, out of love and zeal for God. The man who refuses to give this image due, though not divine, honour, is an upholder of the devil and his demon host, showing by his act grief that God and the saints are honoured and glorified, and the devil put to shame. The image is a canticle and manifestation and monument to the memory of those who have fought bravely and won the victory to the shame and confusion of the vanquished. I have often seen lovers gazing at the loved one's garment, and embracing it with eyes and mouth as if it was himself. We must give his due to every man, St Paul says "Honour to whom honour: to the king as excelling: or to governors as sent by him," (Rom. 13.7) to each according to the measure of his dignity.
St. John Damascene, Apologia against those who decry holy images.
Many thanks to Fr. Jojo Zerrudo of Sense of the Sacred for the quotation.
Unfortunately, in this day and age, nothing is held sacred, morals, unborn life, religious icons or items held sacred by other people.....except "what one wants and what one thinks." Even junk made to look like art.
MADRID — Pope Benedict XVI closed the religious ceremonies of World Youth Day on Sunday with a giant Mass in which he told young people to “swim against the tide” and abide by the principles of the Catholic Church despite broader changes in society. [The Pope is mindful of the worldwide hate towards Catholicism, the conservative and traditional values She professes and lived by is what these secular and Modernist world hates. It does not mean that the whole world has gone ga-ga for abortion, contraception, divorce and same-sex marriage that we just jump into the bandwagon.]
The culmination of World Youth Day — a six-day event that drew more than one million pilgrims to Madrid — took place at an air base on the outskirts of the city.
Though the event was marred last week by clashes between the police and protesters condemning its cost, the huge and ebullient welcome for the pope provided a powerful demonstration of his influence, even at a time when church attendance has been dwindling in Roman Catholic countries like Spain.[The rabid and noisy anti-Catholics are just few but they are rabid and noisy and we have to make a bolder stand against them by witnessing through our lives.]
At the end of Sunday’s Mass, the pope announced that the next such event would be in Rio de Janeiro in 2013. Until then, he told those at the service, in Portuguese, that they “will be swimming against the tide in a society with a relativistic culture, which wishes neither to seek nor hold on to the truth.”
While about 70 percent of Spain’s residents consider themselves to be Catholics, the percentage attending church has fallen sharply, and the number of civil weddings overtook religious ones in 2009.
Still, the economic downturn has shown the importance of religious charities, at a time when the government has imposed severe austerity cuts to help resolve its debt problems. About 800,000 people in Spain fell into poverty from 2007 to 2010, according to a report published last month by Cáritas, a Catholic charity.
Besides being an opportunity for the Catholic Church to strengthen its support, the event should be seen as a call for “greater social engagement,” said Cristóbal Fones, a priest and musician visiting from Chile.
Still, most of the teenagers, dressed in the event’s official yellow T-shirt and waving their national flags, said the highlight had been seeing the pope. “I can’t think of a happier day in my life,” said Roberto Avalos, a 17-year-old who was among a large contingent from Ecuador.
Last week, the downtown square Puerta del Sol was the scene of small but violent clashes between the police and protesters who objected to the cost of the visit, as well as the blurring of lines between a Catholic celebration and the secularism that is enshrined in the Spanish Constitution. On Friday, the Spanish Interior Ministry ordered an investigation into whether the police had used excessive force against the protesters.
Organizers have insisted that the event’s budget of about $72 million was covered by registration fees and corporate sponsors. The government and the regional authorities of Madrid also forecast that the event would help a Spanish economy that has been severely hit by the global financial crisis.
The Holy Father is fulfilling what he said on his message for the World Youth Day. "As the Successor of the Apostle Peter, I too want to confirm you in the faith (cf. Lk 22:32)"
You can read the Pope's homily here.
Remember folks...Christ reminded us that we are like sheep among wolves.
The culmination of World Youth Day — a six-day event that drew more than one million pilgrims to Madrid — took place at an air base on the outskirts of the city.
Though the event was marred last week by clashes between the police and protesters condemning its cost, the huge and ebullient welcome for the pope provided a powerful demonstration of his influence, even at a time when church attendance has been dwindling in Roman Catholic countries like Spain.[The rabid and noisy anti-Catholics are just few but they are rabid and noisy and we have to make a bolder stand against them by witnessing through our lives.]
At the end of Sunday’s Mass, the pope announced that the next such event would be in Rio de Janeiro in 2013. Until then, he told those at the service, in Portuguese, that they “will be swimming against the tide in a society with a relativistic culture, which wishes neither to seek nor hold on to the truth.”
While about 70 percent of Spain’s residents consider themselves to be Catholics, the percentage attending church has fallen sharply, and the number of civil weddings overtook religious ones in 2009.
Still, the economic downturn has shown the importance of religious charities, at a time when the government has imposed severe austerity cuts to help resolve its debt problems. About 800,000 people in Spain fell into poverty from 2007 to 2010, according to a report published last month by Cáritas, a Catholic charity.
Besides being an opportunity for the Catholic Church to strengthen its support, the event should be seen as a call for “greater social engagement,” said Cristóbal Fones, a priest and musician visiting from Chile.
Still, most of the teenagers, dressed in the event’s official yellow T-shirt and waving their national flags, said the highlight had been seeing the pope. “I can’t think of a happier day in my life,” said Roberto Avalos, a 17-year-old who was among a large contingent from Ecuador.
Last week, the downtown square Puerta del Sol was the scene of small but violent clashes between the police and protesters who objected to the cost of the visit, as well as the blurring of lines between a Catholic celebration and the secularism that is enshrined in the Spanish Constitution. On Friday, the Spanish Interior Ministry ordered an investigation into whether the police had used excessive force against the protesters.
Organizers have insisted that the event’s budget of about $72 million was covered by registration fees and corporate sponsors. The government and the regional authorities of Madrid also forecast that the event would help a Spanish economy that has been severely hit by the global financial crisis.
The Holy Father is fulfilling what he said on his message for the World Youth Day. "As the Successor of the Apostle Peter, I too want to confirm you in the faith (cf. Lk 22:32)"
You can read the Pope's homily here.
Remember folks...Christ reminded us that we are like sheep among wolves.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Anti-Catholic bigots harass WYD pilgrims
From the Philippine Star
MANILA, Philippines - The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines today reported that several Filipino delegates were harassed by anti-Catholic protesters in separate incidents during the World Youth Day (WYD) in Madrid.
Fr. Ransom Rapirap, a cluster head handling eight sub-groups under the official Philippine delegation, narrated how a Spanish man, who obviously recognized them to be WYD delegates, shouted profanities at him and Jan Dell Posion, another Pinoy delegate, while they were asking directions from a pharmacist yesterday morning in a neighborhood in Alcorcón. [Spanish hospitality? I don't think so. The "WYD pilgrim" thing gave them away.]
"Suddenly he wanted to cross the street but he was already shouting towards us… The tone of his voice and the expression of his body. Parang (He looked as if) he wanted to crush you," Rapirap added.
Posion, a member of the media team covering the Philippine delegation, shared that though the incident was shocking in itself, it may point to a more startling reality. [True right you are!]
“Di ko lang lubos maisip na sila ‘yung nagdala ng Christianity sa’tin, pero bakit ngayon andami ng anti-Catholics? Ano kaya ang nangyari? (I just cannot fathom that they brought Christianity to us, but why are there so many anti-Catholic Spanish people now? What happened?”) [It's called secularism, no thanks to Catholic theologians who thought Modernism. Oh, yes folks, it all began there!]
JC Perez, a Jesuit novice who came to Madrid under the Archdiocese of Manila, had a more direct confrontation with the anti-Catholic, anti-Pope protesters. [Mah favorite society!]
Perez was chanting together with other delegates, as they are known to do in public places in Madrid, particularly in train stations, when the protesters met them with derogatory chants, seemingly in an effort to provoke them.
In another incident, two more Filpinos who came as delegates of Dubai, Chris Asero, 28, and Rome Jarlego, 27, were walking along Sol, Madrid on August 17 when they encountered protesters harassing some Italian, German and French delegates who were chanting in unison.
"May mga nagmumura na. ‘Yung mga placards nila talagang derogatory (Some were already cursing. Their placards were really derogatory)," Asero added. [I think the Filipino Freethinkers organized this, no? Ha!]
In an interview, Jarlego and Asero estimated that around 3,000 protesters were present at that time, answering the WYD delegates’ with anti-Catholic chants of their own.
According to Jarlego, the protesters were against government spending for the WYD. [Was it for WYD or for the Pope's visit? Remember that the Pope is a Head of State and Head of Government!]
They advocated, instead that countries like Somalia be given aid or even Spain itself which is in the middle of an economic slow-down like the rest of Europe. [Why don't we tell the Hollywood and sports celebrities to stop spending as if others are not wanting? Let's start with that. Or maybe ask these demonstrators what they had given to the poor of Madrid! Now, that is something I would like to blog.]
Asero said that the protesters are unaware that the Spanish government did not fund the WYD, but that each delegate had to shell out a US$500-registration fee for the week-long event. [Idjit.]
He also added that the WYD would actually benefit Spain, "Sa pag-buhos ng mga turista sa bansa nito..Malaking bagay na ‘to sa economy nila, sa tourism. (With the arrival of tourists in their country…It will be a big boost to their economy, to tourism.)
Because they call themselves FREETHINKERS, right Red Tani?
And because they are free to think, like any atheist I talked with, they devote only their energy and time against Catholicism ONLY. Not against Protestanism....not against Evangelicals....not against Hindus....not against Buddhists...JUST AGAINST CATHOLICS.
Why don't you try this group?
Are you really thinking?
Guess they are. Because these chickens and ball-less jokes know that they'll lose another part of their body if they do so.
MANILA, Philippines - The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines today reported that several Filipino delegates were harassed by anti-Catholic protesters in separate incidents during the World Youth Day (WYD) in Madrid.
Fr. Ransom Rapirap, a cluster head handling eight sub-groups under the official Philippine delegation, narrated how a Spanish man, who obviously recognized them to be WYD delegates, shouted profanities at him and Jan Dell Posion, another Pinoy delegate, while they were asking directions from a pharmacist yesterday morning in a neighborhood in Alcorcón. [Spanish hospitality? I don't think so. The "WYD pilgrim" thing gave them away.]
"Suddenly he wanted to cross the street but he was already shouting towards us… The tone of his voice and the expression of his body. Parang (He looked as if) he wanted to crush you," Rapirap added.
Posion, a member of the media team covering the Philippine delegation, shared that though the incident was shocking in itself, it may point to a more startling reality. [True right you are!]
“Di ko lang lubos maisip na sila ‘yung nagdala ng Christianity sa’tin, pero bakit ngayon andami ng anti-Catholics? Ano kaya ang nangyari? (I just cannot fathom that they brought Christianity to us, but why are there so many anti-Catholic Spanish people now? What happened?”) [It's called secularism, no thanks to Catholic theologians who thought Modernism. Oh, yes folks, it all began there!]
JC Perez, a Jesuit novice who came to Madrid under the Archdiocese of Manila, had a more direct confrontation with the anti-Catholic, anti-Pope protesters. [Mah favorite society!]
Perez was chanting together with other delegates, as they are known to do in public places in Madrid, particularly in train stations, when the protesters met them with derogatory chants, seemingly in an effort to provoke them.
In another incident, two more Filpinos who came as delegates of Dubai, Chris Asero, 28, and Rome Jarlego, 27, were walking along Sol, Madrid on August 17 when they encountered protesters harassing some Italian, German and French delegates who were chanting in unison.
"May mga nagmumura na. ‘Yung mga placards nila talagang derogatory (Some were already cursing. Their placards were really derogatory)," Asero added. [I think the Filipino Freethinkers organized this, no? Ha!]
In an interview, Jarlego and Asero estimated that around 3,000 protesters were present at that time, answering the WYD delegates’ with anti-Catholic chants of their own.
According to Jarlego, the protesters were against government spending for the WYD. [Was it for WYD or for the Pope's visit? Remember that the Pope is a Head of State and Head of Government!]
They advocated, instead that countries like Somalia be given aid or even Spain itself which is in the middle of an economic slow-down like the rest of Europe. [Why don't we tell the Hollywood and sports celebrities to stop spending as if others are not wanting? Let's start with that. Or maybe ask these demonstrators what they had given to the poor of Madrid! Now, that is something I would like to blog.]
Asero said that the protesters are unaware that the Spanish government did not fund the WYD, but that each delegate had to shell out a US$500-registration fee for the week-long event. [Idjit.]
He also added that the WYD would actually benefit Spain, "Sa pag-buhos ng mga turista sa bansa nito..Malaking bagay na ‘to sa economy nila, sa tourism. (With the arrival of tourists in their country…It will be a big boost to their economy, to tourism.)
Because they call themselves FREETHINKERS, right Red Tani?
And because they are free to think, like any atheist I talked with, they devote only their energy and time against Catholicism ONLY. Not against Protestanism....not against Evangelicals....not against Hindus....not against Buddhists...JUST AGAINST CATHOLICS.
Why don't you try this group?
Are you really thinking?
Guess they are. Because these chickens and ball-less jokes know that they'll lose another part of their body if they do so.
From Atheist, to Protestant, to Catholic
Muslim Imam becomes a Christian
"Muslim Clerics Convert to Christianity
Muslim clerics in the Middle East and North Africa are leaving Islam for Christianity, according to Father Zakaria Boutros.
Father Zakaria is an Egyptian Coptic priest who was kicked out of his country for converting Muslims to Christ. Today he has a ministry to the Muslim world through his satellite TV broadcast, 'Truth Talk.'
Broadcast daily into the Middle East, the program challenges Muslims to examine their faith and encourages them to discuss issues in an Internet chat room on Pal Talk.
Watch the interview to learn how those broadcasts are leading Muslim clerics to Christ."
Guess what we hear about more people becoming Muslims is not at all true.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The Brain wrecker
This Noynoy Aquino ass-kisser needed the attention also.
Taken from here.
The Catholic Church in our country is so messed up that it cannot even stop its own followers from spewing fire and brimstone. [I must have stayed long enough in the hermitage that I missed the fall of the Holy Roman Empire. What is this guy talking about?]
The internationally respected human rights and communications luminary Florangel Braid [that sets the tone, eh?] said that she was surprised at the language used by the Catholic group protesting the art work “Politeismo.” [The internationally respected human rights and communications luminary is not surprised at the artwork herself. How highly LUMINARY of that!] The Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) conducted a forum last August 5 for the artists and the public to discuss the art exhibit. Flor, who is my good friend, [ow shucks. He is friends with LUMINARIES. Start the name dropping. How many did he meet at a cocktail party is now his LUMINARY FRIEND?] is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the CCP, the venue for the exhibit “Kulo” which featured the controversial art work of Mideo Cruz. [Thus, one of those sued. Good!]
“Malaswa! Hindi gawa ng Pilipino, Gawa ng demonyo, (Vulgar! Not the work of a Filipino. It’s the work of the devil)” raved one of them. “If you are a Catholic you can no longer think independently!” asserted another woman identified as a theologian with the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). [And who that might be? Names? Nah. Esposo does not know. She is not LUMINARY enough. Ha!] The same woman was quoted by media for ridiculously claiming that the exhibit was intentionally timed to occur at the height of discussions on the RH Bill. [Esposo is an advertising and PR man. So he knows what ridiculous timing is all about.] In a rally, the Church group and its followers branded artists and members of the CCP as “anti-Christ.” We thought this had ended with the Inquisition. [Idiot! Read the history books about what the Inquisition is all about. And that the work of the Church against the anti-Christ continues until Christ comes back again in glory. Unless you are not even a Christian or you just sit all day chomping down your quarter pounder.]
On August 4, the art work was vandalized and there was an attempt to set fire to the exhibit. A Manny Andrada, identified as an author/businessman, smugly boasted on TV News 5 that he was the culprit and that if he chanced to see the artist, Mideo Cruz, he would maul him and break the wooden phallus that Cruz had attached to the image of Jesus Christ on the artist’s mouth. How very Christian. [Yeah, right! If a Christian defends himself or his faith, the Bible is thrown at him!]
What gave him the confidence that he would go unpunished? [Did you ask Mideo Cruz and the CCP about that?] Like the Overlords of the Inquisition, [There are positions like that? Was he reading a comic book about He-Man?] he probably thinks that it’s okay to vandalize in the name of Christ, [Wah? What the?!?! Who is this guy talking about? Andrada vandalized the junk. He admitted it. He did not vandalize the name of Christ. He came to defend Him. Idiot!] that he will be cheered for it and that he knows he has the support of the same rabid group that mounted protests against the RH Bill and now the art work. [You defend life and you are rabid. Ok good. I'll rabidly defend life.]
Instead of cooling down tempers, foreign and Filipino priests who were present during the forum reportedly stoked further animosity by interjecting comments and interrupting speakers from the artists’ side. How very Christian indeed. [Like the other group did not do that. How selective indeed!] Last Friday, a group of priests performed a rare ritual of asking God to “forgive the sinners” — referring to those behind the exhibit. They invited media so it was obviously meant for show. [Asking God to forgive sinners is a RARE RITUAL? Billy's religion does not forgive sinners. So it is rare for him to experience that. And he call it a show.]
What’s happening to the leaders of the Catholic faith? We would expect the Catholic clergy to exude an aura of holiness, calm and peace. [For Esposo, it means doing nothing while the whole country goes gaga like one archbishop we all know.] We’d expect them to vibrate a certain loving kindness, the kind of spiritual energy that does not judge but seeks to understand and establish harmony. [Which means, 'leave us alone and let us live our lives. Do not tell us what to do." That is the kind of clergy Esposo wants. That is what spiritual energy he is talking about. If Christ were alive, and Esposo saw what Christ did at the Temple, he would have branded Christ a Taliban.] We can see these virtues and traits in the Catholic Focolare Movement that lives the gospel of love and interfaith harmony but we rarely see this in the CBCP and its rabid right-wing followers. [Good he mentioned the Focolare because this guy is a member of that movement. And he has the audacity to even call himself Catholic while throwing his support to an exhibit that blatantly blasphemes the image of Christ! Time to write the Focolare Movement!]
Our Church hierarchy and its followers claim to represent the nation’s 80 percent Catholics — presumably based on baptism numbers, which does not mean practice. [And you have the numbers? Yeah, he also presumed.] Naturally, they lure grandstanding politicos to support them and when the issue happens to resonate in media, it becomes a formula for lynching. [Like how many politicians are actually anti-RH and are, as what he says 'rabid'? Yup, he is presuming also.]
However, the myth of the Catholic influence stops there. Surveys have shown that the Catholic followers do not necessarily toe the Church line. The latest SWS survey on people’s opinion about the RH Bill and family planning reveals a whopping 82 percent favoring freedom of choice in selecting method of birth control. [And who commissioned the survey? Last time a pro-life rally was done at the Luneta, Esposo's lot claims they were all 'hakot" or literally dragged to the event. Yeah, he is whopping. Can't help not picturing him with the whopping burger in his hand. Ha!]
No wonder the credibility of the Catholic Church hierarchy among its own flock had plummeted. [And that is why the churches on Sundays are near as empty as an INC chapel. And that is why we do not have massive traffics in Quiapo every second week of January. Yup, Esposo knows the numbers.] There are Catholics today who nurture their faith by independently using their own spiritual discernment or have totally shifted to another faith and belief system.
While other Catholic countries, including Italy, have adapted to the times, the Philippines remains the only predominantly Catholic country in the world that does not allow divorce. When asked for a reaction, retired Archbishop Oscar Cruz beamed with pride, insinuating that the Philippines is the only country that stood on moral ground. That demonstrates the “I can’t be wrong” attitude of the Overlords of the Inquisition and that this Philippine Catholic Church doesn’t intend to change or adapt to the times. [He did not even cite what Archbishop Oscar Cruz mentioned why the Philippines does not want so. Italy has been ruled by the Mafia for quite so long. How would you think that country would behave? Geez. Too much cholesterol in one's diet makes you turn your facts like turning those burger patties!]
There is no divorce in our country but the rich can always get a marriage annulment. It is not only hypocrisy; it is also anti-poor and oppressive. Sometimes, it’s hard not to wonder if all the duplicity and hypocrisy in our system is a result of the friar — conquistador tradition, reminiscent of Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere. [this is what this is all about. Catholic bashing.]
While our nation cries for justice for victims of crimes and abuses and while we all need to address the gnawing gaps in wealth and education, these “holy and venerable champion and defenders of our morals” have opted to harass the CCP board for allegedly betraying public trust and the artists for being what they consider anti-Christ. [Put a penis on the face of Christ and he calls it alleged. Let's do it to his picture and you'd be sure that he'll file a case in court.]
We’re witnessing the terrifying emergence of a Catholic Taliban who threatens to destroy the very foundations of our Christian morality. [The what?!? He has Catholic Morals?!] Read about the Inquisition and ask yourself if our lives will improve with a revival of that dark chapter of Catholic Church history. [I must have stayed long enough in the hermitage that I missed the court hearings? Where are the gibbets? I'll make one that'll fit this fat one. I am pretty sure if the Inquisition were around, Billy Esposo will be the first one tied to a pole and roasted, ehrm , I mean burned alive. Ha! with an apple in his mouth? Can't help it. Ha!]
I once pictured myself receiving the Philippine Legion of Honor medal for services to the country. Esposo received that award from, guess who? Yup, Noynoy Aquino.
If the SWS and Noynoy Aquino has its own orchestra, Esposo will occupying the entire trumpet section.
And you can bet that every morning, Esposo's lips is smeared with what Noynoy ate last night. No, not the left-overs. I meant what Noynoy already digested.
I have never read a commentary so biased, so ass-kissing, you'd stay away from Esposo and not even talk to him because his breath would stink with the excrement of Aquino and the SWS and yes, the pharmaceutical companies paying his PR fee.
Yeah, Esposo is a PR guy.
He knows the tricks of the trade.
And so do I.
How many pieces of silver, Billy? 30?
Don't forget your rope. I know a good tree for you.
Taken from here.
The Catholic Church in our country is so messed up that it cannot even stop its own followers from spewing fire and brimstone. [I must have stayed long enough in the hermitage that I missed the fall of the Holy Roman Empire. What is this guy talking about?]
The internationally respected human rights and communications luminary Florangel Braid [that sets the tone, eh?] said that she was surprised at the language used by the Catholic group protesting the art work “Politeismo.” [The internationally respected human rights and communications luminary is not surprised at the artwork herself. How highly LUMINARY of that!] The Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) conducted a forum last August 5 for the artists and the public to discuss the art exhibit. Flor, who is my good friend, [ow shucks. He is friends with LUMINARIES. Start the name dropping. How many did he meet at a cocktail party is now his LUMINARY FRIEND?] is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the CCP, the venue for the exhibit “Kulo” which featured the controversial art work of Mideo Cruz. [Thus, one of those sued. Good!]
“Malaswa! Hindi gawa ng Pilipino, Gawa ng demonyo, (Vulgar! Not the work of a Filipino. It’s the work of the devil)” raved one of them. “If you are a Catholic you can no longer think independently!” asserted another woman identified as a theologian with the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). [And who that might be? Names? Nah. Esposo does not know. She is not LUMINARY enough. Ha!] The same woman was quoted by media for ridiculously claiming that the exhibit was intentionally timed to occur at the height of discussions on the RH Bill. [Esposo is an advertising and PR man. So he knows what ridiculous timing is all about.] In a rally, the Church group and its followers branded artists and members of the CCP as “anti-Christ.” We thought this had ended with the Inquisition. [Idiot! Read the history books about what the Inquisition is all about. And that the work of the Church against the anti-Christ continues until Christ comes back again in glory. Unless you are not even a Christian or you just sit all day chomping down your quarter pounder.]
On August 4, the art work was vandalized and there was an attempt to set fire to the exhibit. A Manny Andrada, identified as an author/businessman, smugly boasted on TV News 5 that he was the culprit and that if he chanced to see the artist, Mideo Cruz, he would maul him and break the wooden phallus that Cruz had attached to the image of Jesus Christ on the artist’s mouth. How very Christian. [Yeah, right! If a Christian defends himself or his faith, the Bible is thrown at him!]
What gave him the confidence that he would go unpunished? [Did you ask Mideo Cruz and the CCP about that?] Like the Overlords of the Inquisition, [There are positions like that? Was he reading a comic book about He-Man?] he probably thinks that it’s okay to vandalize in the name of Christ, [Wah? What the?!?! Who is this guy talking about? Andrada vandalized the junk. He admitted it. He did not vandalize the name of Christ. He came to defend Him. Idiot!] that he will be cheered for it and that he knows he has the support of the same rabid group that mounted protests against the RH Bill and now the art work. [You defend life and you are rabid. Ok good. I'll rabidly defend life.]
Instead of cooling down tempers, foreign and Filipino priests who were present during the forum reportedly stoked further animosity by interjecting comments and interrupting speakers from the artists’ side. How very Christian indeed. [Like the other group did not do that. How selective indeed!] Last Friday, a group of priests performed a rare ritual of asking God to “forgive the sinners” — referring to those behind the exhibit. They invited media so it was obviously meant for show. [Asking God to forgive sinners is a RARE RITUAL? Billy's religion does not forgive sinners. So it is rare for him to experience that. And he call it a show.]
What’s happening to the leaders of the Catholic faith? We would expect the Catholic clergy to exude an aura of holiness, calm and peace. [For Esposo, it means doing nothing while the whole country goes gaga like one archbishop we all know.] We’d expect them to vibrate a certain loving kindness, the kind of spiritual energy that does not judge but seeks to understand and establish harmony. [Which means, 'leave us alone and let us live our lives. Do not tell us what to do." That is the kind of clergy Esposo wants. That is what spiritual energy he is talking about. If Christ were alive, and Esposo saw what Christ did at the Temple, he would have branded Christ a Taliban.] We can see these virtues and traits in the Catholic Focolare Movement that lives the gospel of love and interfaith harmony but we rarely see this in the CBCP and its rabid right-wing followers. [Good he mentioned the Focolare because this guy is a member of that movement. And he has the audacity to even call himself Catholic while throwing his support to an exhibit that blatantly blasphemes the image of Christ! Time to write the Focolare Movement!]
Our Church hierarchy and its followers claim to represent the nation’s 80 percent Catholics — presumably based on baptism numbers, which does not mean practice. [And you have the numbers? Yeah, he also presumed.] Naturally, they lure grandstanding politicos to support them and when the issue happens to resonate in media, it becomes a formula for lynching. [Like how many politicians are actually anti-RH and are, as what he says 'rabid'? Yup, he is presuming also.]
However, the myth of the Catholic influence stops there. Surveys have shown that the Catholic followers do not necessarily toe the Church line. The latest SWS survey on people’s opinion about the RH Bill and family planning reveals a whopping 82 percent favoring freedom of choice in selecting method of birth control. [And who commissioned the survey? Last time a pro-life rally was done at the Luneta, Esposo's lot claims they were all 'hakot" or literally dragged to the event. Yeah, he is whopping. Can't help not picturing him with the whopping burger in his hand. Ha!]
No wonder the credibility of the Catholic Church hierarchy among its own flock had plummeted. [And that is why the churches on Sundays are near as empty as an INC chapel. And that is why we do not have massive traffics in Quiapo every second week of January. Yup, Esposo knows the numbers.] There are Catholics today who nurture their faith by independently using their own spiritual discernment or have totally shifted to another faith and belief system.
While other Catholic countries, including Italy, have adapted to the times, the Philippines remains the only predominantly Catholic country in the world that does not allow divorce. When asked for a reaction, retired Archbishop Oscar Cruz beamed with pride, insinuating that the Philippines is the only country that stood on moral ground. That demonstrates the “I can’t be wrong” attitude of the Overlords of the Inquisition and that this Philippine Catholic Church doesn’t intend to change or adapt to the times. [He did not even cite what Archbishop Oscar Cruz mentioned why the Philippines does not want so. Italy has been ruled by the Mafia for quite so long. How would you think that country would behave? Geez. Too much cholesterol in one's diet makes you turn your facts like turning those burger patties!]
There is no divorce in our country but the rich can always get a marriage annulment. It is not only hypocrisy; it is also anti-poor and oppressive. Sometimes, it’s hard not to wonder if all the duplicity and hypocrisy in our system is a result of the friar — conquistador tradition, reminiscent of Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere. [this is what this is all about. Catholic bashing.]
While our nation cries for justice for victims of crimes and abuses and while we all need to address the gnawing gaps in wealth and education, these “holy and venerable champion and defenders of our morals” have opted to harass the CCP board for allegedly betraying public trust and the artists for being what they consider anti-Christ. [Put a penis on the face of Christ and he calls it alleged. Let's do it to his picture and you'd be sure that he'll file a case in court.]
We’re witnessing the terrifying emergence of a Catholic Taliban who threatens to destroy the very foundations of our Christian morality. [The what?!? He has Catholic Morals?!] Read about the Inquisition and ask yourself if our lives will improve with a revival of that dark chapter of Catholic Church history. [I must have stayed long enough in the hermitage that I missed the court hearings? Where are the gibbets? I'll make one that'll fit this fat one. I am pretty sure if the Inquisition were around, Billy Esposo will be the first one tied to a pole and roasted, ehrm , I mean burned alive. Ha! with an apple in his mouth? Can't help it. Ha!]
I once pictured myself receiving the Philippine Legion of Honor medal for services to the country. Esposo received that award from, guess who? Yup, Noynoy Aquino.
If the SWS and Noynoy Aquino has its own orchestra, Esposo will occupying the entire trumpet section.
And you can bet that every morning, Esposo's lips is smeared with what Noynoy ate last night. No, not the left-overs. I meant what Noynoy already digested.
I have never read a commentary so biased, so ass-kissing, you'd stay away from Esposo and not even talk to him because his breath would stink with the excrement of Aquino and the SWS and yes, the pharmaceutical companies paying his PR fee.
Yeah, Esposo is a PR guy.
He knows the tricks of the trade.
And so do I.
How many pieces of silver, Billy? 30?
Don't forget your rope. I know a good tree for you.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
A CCP board member speaks up
From the Inquirer
This is a first hand account from someone who was really in the board room!
So Billy Esposo, bug out! Stay in the corner and chump your burger!
Editor’s note: Below is what the author, a member of the CCP Board of Trustees, calls as a “Reflection on the Controversial Exhibit at the CCP.”
I am writing this reflection as a response to Florangel Braid’s [she is a well known human rights and communications personality. She is even one of the members of the 1986 Constitutional Commission. With that resume, watch out!] observations on the forum shortly after the CCP executive board meeting on Friday, Aug. 5, convened by Raul Sunico, CCP president, to discuss the brewing controversy spawned by the exhibit “Kulo,” and also to reiterate some points I raised during the meeting. [The Franciscan already raised some points.]
Present in that meeting were Sunico; Emily Abrera, chair of the board of trustees; trustees Braid, Isabel Caro Wilson, Nedy Tantoco, Carol Espiritu, architect Cristina Turalba and myself. [Full house?]
I was provided a copy of Nick Lizaso’s letter of objection to the exhibit and Antonio Yap’s e-mail with the same objection. [two already objected.]
To my recollection, there were six trustees who were opposed to the exhibit: Sunico, Tantoco, Wilson and I, who were present, and Lizaso and Yap, who sent their objections by e-mail. Those who were in favor of the exhibit were Abrera, Braid and Espiritu. [Six against three, yet it pushed through?!?]
At the end of the meeting, Abrera said she was not calling for a vote, but only to consult with the board members, and that the exhibit could not be closed due to the contract that provided for the use of the venue until the third week of August. [Of course! The vote should have been done before the contract was even signed! Abrera knows about this being an advertising luminary and all that jazz!]
Of course, heated exchanges were made during the board meeting. I, for one, restated my own expression of freedom of speech, which I sent by cell phone at the very start of the uproar occasioned by the exhibit, in an equally dramatic fashion: “May the families of those who rejoice in the insult against heaven be cursed for seven generations, and may their households be consumed with misery for the same length of time.”
I added that it should not disturb those who do not share my faith, and should it ever happen, they can shrug it off as mere coincidence, since the connection cannot be proven empirically.
I subscribe to the liberal humanism of Pope John Paul II, of revered memory, specifically with regard to culture and the arts.
The Gospel passage “…that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (Plenitude of Life—John 10:10), has always been the reference of my involvement in cultural work since the 1970s as we battled martial law, even as a founder of one of the first arts councils affiliated with the CCP from 1988 onward. [The friar has credentials, not like that fat obnoxious blob of noisy fat....No not you Billy! Sit down!]
That the CCP has accorded us, the Ibabao Arts Council of Calbayog, Inc. the Pilak honor in 2004 is a distinct recognition of our enduring work in the cultural transformation of our country. I believe this is also the principal reason why I was appointed to the CCP board of trustees in 2009.
The freedom that must come from this frame of reference is freedom of expression with an important caveat: It must not harm others. That freedom is based on one preeminent task, as secular humanism would passionately argue—the founding of a just and peaceful society.
I submit, therefore, that the exhibit “Kulo” is an incendiary attack against Christian faith as whole, and the Catholic Church in particular. [Great power comes great responsibility. And men by nature are born with intellect and free will. And our free will empowers us to do whatever we want, but it will always have consequences because if just let any Little Jimmy do what he wants, then we will be one hell of a traffic jam. That is why we have traffic signs, lights and enforcers. That is why we have laws. They are not meant to limit our freedom. They are there to ensure order and that we do not hurt anybody in pursuit of our own happiness to just do whatever we want in the name of freedom.]
As all art exhibits are founded on the so-called creative intent of the artists, the counter-discourse cannot be dismissed by the claim to so-called freedom of expression; it cannot hide behind constitutional guarantees, for the freedom of religion is also a paramount guarantee of a civilized constitution. [that is the word there folks!]
The unjust vexations suffered by Christians, Catholics in particular, occasioned by the exhibit at government-funded Cultural Center of the Philippines, might even give the wrong impression that the ruling political powers have let loose their hounds against the Catholic Church. [It looks like it! Prove it otherwise!]
Into the ‘Devil’s Labyrinth’
In the debate that ensued during the board meeting, I asked the presiding officer whether she would allow an exhibit that would feature a frame of the President treated in the same way as the debauched face of Jesus Christ in the exhibit.
She answered that President Aquino’s effigy has been burned on the street.
I said that I was not referring to anywhere else but the CCP.
Then I wondered aloud: How would the Aquino family feel if there was an exhibit at the CCP that defaced Cory Aquino?
When the officer in charge of the Visual Arts Division (Karen Ocampo Flores) was invited in, I asked her if she would have allowed another exhibit, God forbid, that blasphemed the revered Islamic prophet.
She could not answer. She found the question difficult to answer; but she seemed not to have any qualms about giving permission to an exhibit that mocked Christianity. [Chicken?]
It was suggested that the exhibit also referred to the National Hero, Dr. José Rizal, who was a UST student and who attacked religious institutions.
I protested that Rizal never hurled an insult at God. He was not expelled by the Dominicans. To connect the exhibit to him is to abuse and dishonor his memory. [Which idiots like Humpty Dumpty of Intramuros always would want you to believe.]
When Espiritu wanted to dismiss the voices of protest as coming only from the Catholics, I told her that no God-fearing Christian would not consider the exhibit offensive—Catholic or not. [So what if it were only Catholics protesting, what is wrong with that? Would that make the case lose its credibility?]
I hastened to remind her that the CCP was funded by taxes which Catholics also paid. A trustee retorted that the bishops do not pay taxes. I argued that millions of Catholics like me paid taxes, directly or indirectly. At that point, I realized that the debate was pointless. I felt that the prejudice by some trustees against the Catholic Church precluded any further discussion.
You reap what you sow
If we argue for freedom of expression by allowing the “blasphemous” exhibit at the CCP, do we have the right to deprive those who were aggrieved or maligned by it to express their indignation as passionately and as strongly as the artists by their “artistic expression”? Are we not guilty of bigotry, if we want the Catholics to shut up because they are just Catholics? Wouldn’t such attitude invite the millions of Catholic faithful to take us to task?
It seems that it is now “open season” against the Church that paved the way for another Aquino to ascend the presidency via the much televised funeral where he was endorsed by his younger sister to the grieving nation. It is ironical that the Church that offered sanctuary to Corazon Aquino, in life and in death, should be the object and subject of attack by those who want to curry favor with the Palace.
Braid, who holds my utmost respect, wrote in her e-mail: “I was just wondering that while we are witnessing many abuses of human rights (on children, vulnerable minority groups, etc.), which certainly are more shocking, these holy defenders of our morals have gone out of their way to spew insult to ‘betrayers of public trust’ like us who certainly had no malicious intent. They even showed distrust by saying that this may have been timed with the Reproductive Health and Divorce bills. Which is farthest from the mind of Karen and our board.” [Beating the bush if you ask me. Settle the issue first Dr. Braid then we'll get back to your child abuse issue. Oh, by the way, the church were you belong also has its fair share of abuse scandals! FYI, Dr. Braid is not Catholic. She is a Protestant.]
The inference that the Church has been remiss in fighting for human rights is unfair and cannot be sustained, considering the broad involvement and advocacy by Church people on social issues. Lay people and priests have lost their lives in standing up for human rights. [Dr. Braid is infering that since Judas sent Christ to His death all Catholics are traitors. Since Peter denied Christ, all Popes deny Him too.]
The greater tragedy is the chasm between the Church, which stood up against martial law, and the liberals, who would want the Church to gobble up whatever is served to it, has widened. The recent abuses heaped upon the Church by the operatives of the “liberal” agenda now encourage disengagement from cooperation with government and distance from greater dialogue with liberal humanism. [Ask Braid where she was during those times.]
Redress of grievance
I concurred with the lawyer present that the matter should go to court, so as to define the limits to the constitutional guarantee on the freedom of expression. I would counsel the Catholics to write to their House representatives and the senators to voice out their concern.
Other recourses can include a boycott of companies and products that sponsor CCP programs and events. These recourses are more preferable to violence.
I am tempted to take the challenge to every parish… and bring the discourse to the attention of every tax-paying Catholic, that our Catholic voices matter.
There is an intensified clamor for the CCP chair and board to resign. Perhaps, it’s the more honorable and decent way to deflect the arrows that will be aimed at the presidency.
I have no qualms about resigning my CCP seat.
The author is a Franciscan friar and the moderator general of the Congregatio S. Francesco Peregrinorum (CSFP, or Pilgrim Brothers of Saint Francis). He is based in Punta Princesa, Cebu City, and is into cultural work as chair of the Pasundayag Cultural Network and Institute of Drama for the Development of Peoples, and executive board member of the ITI International Monodrama Forum and ITI Philippine Center.
If Mideo has a wooden phallus for his art, this Franciscan brother has the b***s to stand up for what is right and civil and best of all what his Catholic Faith teaches him.
Artistic license and freedom of expression are not licenses to freely insult anyone. The lot of Abrera and Braid will most certainly claim this is done in the US and other European countries. Well, wake up sisters. You are in the Philippines. What applies there does not necessary work here and among them hurting religious sensitivities.
Why are we so fast to defend anti black, gay slur while Abrera and Braid would want us to engage and dialogue over an obvious insult to Catholicism?
Not only was Mideo(cre) Cruz's work plain rubbish branded as art, the exhibit itself was meant to raise controversy and publicity which it obviously did!
Let us do it this way.
Let us make an exhibit showing the faces of Emily Abrera, Dr. Florangel Braid, Billy Esposo, Winnie Monsod, Mideo Cruz, Red Tani, Carlos Celdran...with wood-carved human penises for noses!
Well, I think Mideo, Red and Carlos would appreciate it.
Great thing Mideo got sued!
This is a first hand account from someone who was really in the board room!
So Billy Esposo, bug out! Stay in the corner and chump your burger!
Editor’s note: Below is what the author, a member of the CCP Board of Trustees, calls as a “Reflection on the Controversial Exhibit at the CCP.”
I am writing this reflection as a response to Florangel Braid’s [she is a well known human rights and communications personality. She is even one of the members of the 1986 Constitutional Commission. With that resume, watch out!] observations on the forum shortly after the CCP executive board meeting on Friday, Aug. 5, convened by Raul Sunico, CCP president, to discuss the brewing controversy spawned by the exhibit “Kulo,” and also to reiterate some points I raised during the meeting. [The Franciscan already raised some points.]
Present in that meeting were Sunico; Emily Abrera, chair of the board of trustees; trustees Braid, Isabel Caro Wilson, Nedy Tantoco, Carol Espiritu, architect Cristina Turalba and myself. [Full house?]
I was provided a copy of Nick Lizaso’s letter of objection to the exhibit and Antonio Yap’s e-mail with the same objection. [two already objected.]
To my recollection, there were six trustees who were opposed to the exhibit: Sunico, Tantoco, Wilson and I, who were present, and Lizaso and Yap, who sent their objections by e-mail. Those who were in favor of the exhibit were Abrera, Braid and Espiritu. [Six against three, yet it pushed through?!?]
At the end of the meeting, Abrera said she was not calling for a vote, but only to consult with the board members, and that the exhibit could not be closed due to the contract that provided for the use of the venue until the third week of August. [Of course! The vote should have been done before the contract was even signed! Abrera knows about this being an advertising luminary and all that jazz!]
Of course, heated exchanges were made during the board meeting. I, for one, restated my own expression of freedom of speech, which I sent by cell phone at the very start of the uproar occasioned by the exhibit, in an equally dramatic fashion: “May the families of those who rejoice in the insult against heaven be cursed for seven generations, and may their households be consumed with misery for the same length of time.”
I added that it should not disturb those who do not share my faith, and should it ever happen, they can shrug it off as mere coincidence, since the connection cannot be proven empirically.
I subscribe to the liberal humanism of Pope John Paul II, of revered memory, specifically with regard to culture and the arts.
The Gospel passage “…that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (Plenitude of Life—John 10:10), has always been the reference of my involvement in cultural work since the 1970s as we battled martial law, even as a founder of one of the first arts councils affiliated with the CCP from 1988 onward. [The friar has credentials, not like that fat obnoxious blob of noisy fat....No not you Billy! Sit down!]
That the CCP has accorded us, the Ibabao Arts Council of Calbayog, Inc. the Pilak honor in 2004 is a distinct recognition of our enduring work in the cultural transformation of our country. I believe this is also the principal reason why I was appointed to the CCP board of trustees in 2009.
The freedom that must come from this frame of reference is freedom of expression with an important caveat: It must not harm others. That freedom is based on one preeminent task, as secular humanism would passionately argue—the founding of a just and peaceful society.
I submit, therefore, that the exhibit “Kulo” is an incendiary attack against Christian faith as whole, and the Catholic Church in particular. [Great power comes great responsibility. And men by nature are born with intellect and free will. And our free will empowers us to do whatever we want, but it will always have consequences because if just let any Little Jimmy do what he wants, then we will be one hell of a traffic jam. That is why we have traffic signs, lights and enforcers. That is why we have laws. They are not meant to limit our freedom. They are there to ensure order and that we do not hurt anybody in pursuit of our own happiness to just do whatever we want in the name of freedom.]
As all art exhibits are founded on the so-called creative intent of the artists, the counter-discourse cannot be dismissed by the claim to so-called freedom of expression; it cannot hide behind constitutional guarantees, for the freedom of religion is also a paramount guarantee of a civilized constitution. [that is the word there folks!]
The unjust vexations suffered by Christians, Catholics in particular, occasioned by the exhibit at government-funded Cultural Center of the Philippines, might even give the wrong impression that the ruling political powers have let loose their hounds against the Catholic Church. [It looks like it! Prove it otherwise!]
Into the ‘Devil’s Labyrinth’
In the debate that ensued during the board meeting, I asked the presiding officer whether she would allow an exhibit that would feature a frame of the President treated in the same way as the debauched face of Jesus Christ in the exhibit.
She answered that President Aquino’s effigy has been burned on the street.
I said that I was not referring to anywhere else but the CCP.
Then I wondered aloud: How would the Aquino family feel if there was an exhibit at the CCP that defaced Cory Aquino?
When the officer in charge of the Visual Arts Division (Karen Ocampo Flores) was invited in, I asked her if she would have allowed another exhibit, God forbid, that blasphemed the revered Islamic prophet.
She could not answer. She found the question difficult to answer; but she seemed not to have any qualms about giving permission to an exhibit that mocked Christianity. [Chicken?]
It was suggested that the exhibit also referred to the National Hero, Dr. José Rizal, who was a UST student and who attacked religious institutions.
I protested that Rizal never hurled an insult at God. He was not expelled by the Dominicans. To connect the exhibit to him is to abuse and dishonor his memory. [Which idiots like Humpty Dumpty of Intramuros always would want you to believe.]
When Espiritu wanted to dismiss the voices of protest as coming only from the Catholics, I told her that no God-fearing Christian would not consider the exhibit offensive—Catholic or not. [So what if it were only Catholics protesting, what is wrong with that? Would that make the case lose its credibility?]
I hastened to remind her that the CCP was funded by taxes which Catholics also paid. A trustee retorted that the bishops do not pay taxes. I argued that millions of Catholics like me paid taxes, directly or indirectly. At that point, I realized that the debate was pointless. I felt that the prejudice by some trustees against the Catholic Church precluded any further discussion.
You reap what you sow
If we argue for freedom of expression by allowing the “blasphemous” exhibit at the CCP, do we have the right to deprive those who were aggrieved or maligned by it to express their indignation as passionately and as strongly as the artists by their “artistic expression”? Are we not guilty of bigotry, if we want the Catholics to shut up because they are just Catholics? Wouldn’t such attitude invite the millions of Catholic faithful to take us to task?
It seems that it is now “open season” against the Church that paved the way for another Aquino to ascend the presidency via the much televised funeral where he was endorsed by his younger sister to the grieving nation. It is ironical that the Church that offered sanctuary to Corazon Aquino, in life and in death, should be the object and subject of attack by those who want to curry favor with the Palace.
Braid, who holds my utmost respect, wrote in her e-mail: “I was just wondering that while we are witnessing many abuses of human rights (on children, vulnerable minority groups, etc.), which certainly are more shocking, these holy defenders of our morals have gone out of their way to spew insult to ‘betrayers of public trust’ like us who certainly had no malicious intent. They even showed distrust by saying that this may have been timed with the Reproductive Health and Divorce bills. Which is farthest from the mind of Karen and our board.” [Beating the bush if you ask me. Settle the issue first Dr. Braid then we'll get back to your child abuse issue. Oh, by the way, the church were you belong also has its fair share of abuse scandals! FYI, Dr. Braid is not Catholic. She is a Protestant.]
The inference that the Church has been remiss in fighting for human rights is unfair and cannot be sustained, considering the broad involvement and advocacy by Church people on social issues. Lay people and priests have lost their lives in standing up for human rights. [Dr. Braid is infering that since Judas sent Christ to His death all Catholics are traitors. Since Peter denied Christ, all Popes deny Him too.]
The greater tragedy is the chasm between the Church, which stood up against martial law, and the liberals, who would want the Church to gobble up whatever is served to it, has widened. The recent abuses heaped upon the Church by the operatives of the “liberal” agenda now encourage disengagement from cooperation with government and distance from greater dialogue with liberal humanism. [Ask Braid where she was during those times.]
Redress of grievance
I concurred with the lawyer present that the matter should go to court, so as to define the limits to the constitutional guarantee on the freedom of expression. I would counsel the Catholics to write to their House representatives and the senators to voice out their concern.
Other recourses can include a boycott of companies and products that sponsor CCP programs and events. These recourses are more preferable to violence.
I am tempted to take the challenge to every parish… and bring the discourse to the attention of every tax-paying Catholic, that our Catholic voices matter.
There is an intensified clamor for the CCP chair and board to resign. Perhaps, it’s the more honorable and decent way to deflect the arrows that will be aimed at the presidency.
I have no qualms about resigning my CCP seat.
The author is a Franciscan friar and the moderator general of the Congregatio S. Francesco Peregrinorum (CSFP, or Pilgrim Brothers of Saint Francis). He is based in Punta Princesa, Cebu City, and is into cultural work as chair of the Pasundayag Cultural Network and Institute of Drama for the Development of Peoples, and executive board member of the ITI International Monodrama Forum and ITI Philippine Center.
If Mideo has a wooden phallus for his art, this Franciscan brother has the b***s to stand up for what is right and civil and best of all what his Catholic Faith teaches him.
Artistic license and freedom of expression are not licenses to freely insult anyone. The lot of Abrera and Braid will most certainly claim this is done in the US and other European countries. Well, wake up sisters. You are in the Philippines. What applies there does not necessary work here and among them hurting religious sensitivities.
Why are we so fast to defend anti black, gay slur while Abrera and Braid would want us to engage and dialogue over an obvious insult to Catholicism?
Not only was Mideo(cre) Cruz's work plain rubbish branded as art, the exhibit itself was meant to raise controversy and publicity which it obviously did!
Let us do it this way.
Let us make an exhibit showing the faces of Emily Abrera, Dr. Florangel Braid, Billy Esposo, Winnie Monsod, Mideo Cruz, Red Tani, Carlos Celdran...with wood-carved human penises for noses!
Well, I think Mideo, Red and Carlos would appreciate it.
Great thing Mideo got sued!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Procession and Mass of Reparation vs. blasphemous 'art'
My friends in the pro-life movement and the Latin Mass Community, more particularly the Ecclesia Dei Society of St. Joseph - Una Voce Philippines, (EDSSJ) who spearheaded the Mass and Procession of Reparation against the blasphemous 'art' exhibit at the Cultural Center of the Philippines shared a lot of photos about the Mass and the Procession. Cubao Diocese cleric and exorcist Fr. Jojo Zerrudo is the spiritual director of EDSSJ and the one who led in the organization of the Mass and Procession. He also is the blogger of Sense of the Sacred.
I have also included videos from the three giant broadcast networks who covered the event. There were also print journalists who covered the event.
I have also included videos from the three giant broadcast networks who covered the event. There were also print journalists who covered the event.
Fr. Jojo Zerrudo being interviewed by the media before the Mass.
The acolytes of the Mass preparing before the Mass.
The first three in this picture are the Latin Mass Acolytes of the Diocese of Pasig.
The first three in this picture are the Latin Mass Acolytes of the Diocese of Pasig.
Incensation of the altar
Fr. Zerrudo stresses a point during the Sermon
Elevation of the Chalice
The procession makes its way to CCP
The Family Rosary Crusade is among those who joined the procession
The procession makes its way to the CCP
Yup. That is the famous and miraculous Virgen de La Naval of Manila conquering with Her Son,
the Cultural Center of the Philippines!
And here are the videos I mentioned, click the link for the video.
Kudos once again to Fr. Jojo Zerrudo and the EDSSJ!
And to all pro-lifers and Catholics who stood up for life and against Catholic bigotry!
We must never allow anyone to defame the Lord, our Lady and our Faith in the name of freedom of expression and art!
We must never allow anyone to defame the Lord, our Lady and our Faith in the name of freedom of expression and art!
Recall then that you have received the spiritual seal, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of right judgment and courage, the spirit of knowledge and reverence, the Spirit of holy fear in God's presence. Guard what you have received'. God the Father has marked you with his sign; Christ the Lord has confirmed you and has placed his pledge, the Spirit, in your heart
- St. Ambrose
catholic associations,
Pinoy politics,
Happy Feast of the Blessed Mother's Assumption!
Signum magnum apparuit in caelo:
mulier amicta sole, et luna sub pedibus ejus,
et in capite ejus corona stellarum duodecim.
A great sign appeared in the heavens:
a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet,
and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Procession of Reparation this Sunday
I received this via email and am sharing this to you verbatim:
Procession of Reparation around CCP complex on Sunday, august 14. Mass Extraordinary Form at the CITEM parking lot of PNB (along Roxas Blvd.) at 2 pm; start of procession 4 pm. Roxas blvd. - right Vicente Sotto Ave. - right Magdalena Jalandoni Ave. - right Pedro Bukakeng Ave. - facade of CCP where we end with the Rosary and Reparation prayers. Bring your images and umbrellas. rain or shine tuloy!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Traditional Habits of Congregations of Men

The words describing the order or societies are in French but you can make out which group of men wears what.
The operative word here is TRADITIONAL.
That is why in a situation where most of the men of the cloth do not realize that they have been "modernized" or unknowingly been influenced by the heresy of Modernism, rarely would you find the men of these societies wearing the distinctive garb of their consecration to their way of lives.
Click on the image for a larger and more detailed look.
Feel free to click, save and share as I got this for free as well.
Let the discussion about religious habits....begin!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Stand up against anti-Catholic bigotry!
I have heard from a fellow Knight that the Pro-Life Philippines will hold a prayer rally titled "Prayer and Protest against State sponsored Attack on Church and Religion!"
It will be held on Wednesday, August 10 · 3:00pm - 6:00pm in front of the CCP at Roxas Boulevard.
"Please bring protest placards and wear RED or something RED and bring Rosaries and Crucifixes and other religious images!" so goes the email to me.
I think people of civility and even atheists who claim rational and free thinking should definitely know that freedom of expression and artistic license is in no way a license to just do anything even to the point of desecrating something which other people hold dear and sacred for themselves.
So if are on the side of civility and rational thinking, you would join this protest rally and condemn the people behind this blasphemous art exhibit over at the Cultural Center of the Philippines.
Just a hindsight...
Will the CCP exhibit the Muhammad cartoons?
And where are the Catholic universities again in this picture?
It will be held on Wednesday, August 10 · 3:00pm - 6:00pm in front of the CCP at Roxas Boulevard.
"Please bring protest placards and wear RED or something RED and bring Rosaries and Crucifixes and other religious images!" so goes the email to me.
I think people of civility and even atheists who claim rational and free thinking should definitely know that freedom of expression and artistic license is in no way a license to just do anything even to the point of desecrating something which other people hold dear and sacred for themselves.
So if are on the side of civility and rational thinking, you would join this protest rally and condemn the people behind this blasphemous art exhibit over at the Cultural Center of the Philippines.
Just a hindsight...
Will the CCP exhibit the Muhammad cartoons?
And where are the Catholic universities again in this picture?
Monday, August 8, 2011
A bishop witnesses a liturgical abuse
And decides not to confess to the priest who did that.
Because he is afraid he might change the formula of absolution.
The bishop also further opines why there is a rise in the interest in the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.
I just wondered why he did not approach the priest and asked him what he did.
Just wondering.
Head on over to What Does the Prayer Really Say to read about this great blog post.
Because he is afraid he might change the formula of absolution.
The bishop also further opines why there is a rise in the interest in the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.
I just wondered why he did not approach the priest and asked him what he did.
Just wondering.
Head on over to What Does the Prayer Really Say to read about this great blog post.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Schedule of Traditional Latin Mass
Click the image for a larger view.
And also the Parish of the Lord of the Divine Mercy regularly celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass every Sunday at 2:00PM and daily at 8:30AM.
Friday, August 5, 2011
What a "Catholic" nun teaches...
Shared to me by a friend.
Note, she teaches at Euntes.
You know what a dreamcatcher is?
It is a new age thingy.
And what is the statement about religions shaping all major world religions?
Christ dreamt about the One, Holy Catholic, Apostolic Church?
If that is not heretic and blasphemous, then you can call Hitler a humanitarian!
Note, she teaches at Euntes.
You know what a dreamcatcher is?
It is a new age thingy.
And what is the statement about religions shaping all major world religions?
Christ dreamt about the One, Holy Catholic, Apostolic Church?
If that is not heretic and blasphemous, then you can call Hitler a humanitarian!
Pinoy Catholics,
silent apostasy
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Another Pinoy on the road to sainthood
A very old photograph of Archbishop Teofilo Camomot entering St. Peter's
as one of the Council Fathers in Vatican 2
From Sunstar Cebu.
The local church is taking a closer look into the life of a Cebuano priest who founded several congregations and was known for diligence in his pastoral duties, devotion to prayer as well as his numerous works of charity.
Archbishop Teofilo “Lolong” Camomot, who hailed from Cogon in Carcar City, is a candidate for beatification. An Archdiocesan Commission has been set up to formally investigate his life and virtues.
The people close to Camomot speak not only of his good works, however, but also of his abilities of bilocation, or being in two places at one time, and levitation.
A Padre Pio?
Read more here.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
My take on that woman's self-deprecating rant...
I had to go into a retreat and pray a lot to fight the demon known as @@^&#T$FK)@(*&
....sorry, I shuddered just trying to type her name.
I have received a lot of emails asking for my take on her dissident-laced, not thanks to MST, speech and lecturing our bishops and even the Pope of how wrong these men are about contraception, Vatican 2 and all that jazz...
Stay tuned folks, because hell hath no fury than a Pinoy Catholic scorned by a looney dissident who has not even earned her degree in theology yet....
But has the audacity to lecture the bishops and the Pope about morals, the Faith and theology.
On second thought, she is CRAZY.
Stay tuned folks!
Especially to the seminarians writing me.
PS: Now that makes two assignments for me. This one and the dissection of that corpse known as...Primer on the New Translation.
....sorry, I shuddered just trying to type her name.
I have received a lot of emails asking for my take on her dissident-laced, not thanks to MST, speech and lecturing our bishops and even the Pope of how wrong these men are about contraception, Vatican 2 and all that jazz...
Stay tuned folks, because hell hath no fury than a Pinoy Catholic scorned by a looney dissident who has not even earned her degree in theology yet....
But has the audacity to lecture the bishops and the Pope about morals, the Faith and theology.
On second thought, she is CRAZY.
Stay tuned folks!
Especially to the seminarians writing me.
PS: Now that makes two assignments for me. This one and the dissection of that corpse known as...Primer on the New Translation.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Traditional Latin Mass for Assumption Day
The priest?
Fr. Melvin Castro,executive secretary of the Episcopal Commission on Family and Life of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines.
Chalk that up for another Pinoy priest publicly celebrating the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Great new blog and great blog post!
Rarely have I chanced upon a great blog and get a great blog post all in one day.
I chanced upon, by the grace of God, a wonderful new blog, The New Theological Movement. Fr. Ryan Erlenbush, wrote this wonderful reflection about yesterday's Gospel about the multiplication of the loaves and fishes and how he calls out by name, the Modernists, who claim that there was no miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and bread, rather, Christ inspired the people to share their food with each other.
Kind of idiotic, if you ask me. Why? Would thousands of men, not including women and children, go around following Christ and her his lesson, bringing the same provisions, bread and fish?
Here is an excerpt of Fr. Ryan's post.
Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds. They all ate and were satisfied.
It is well known how the modernist and rationalist interpreters of Sacred Scripture will attempt to twist the multiplication of the loaves (indeed, we should say “multiplications”, since Jesus did this more than once) from a miracle into an instance of sharing.
“It wasn’t a miracle,” they tell us. “Or, rather, the miracle was that our Lord got the people to share!” Now, I don’t intend here to point out that such “scholars” have little understanding of the Gospels – how the event is clearly related as a miracle, how the crowds (according to St. John) wanted to make Jesus a political King on account of the fact that he could solve all their material problems with his power, how our Savior himself reminds the Apostles that he had fed the multitudes with only some loaves and a few fish (remember, he was with them on the boat and told them to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees).
Read more here.
Find the liberals!
I have a simple game for you folks!
Find the liberals and dissidents in the list of faculty members of the...(drum roll please!)
If you regularly read the blog, you'll get a lot of names in there.
Look for the names in the LST faculty list here.
A week after this post, I will give the names of these liberals and what they "advocate". I may not get all of them, but hey I know a good sampling of those in the list!
And most of it, you do not hear in the streets or in your churches. But their venom is spread through their students, seminarians and nuns and future lay theologians.
So what do you get in return?
This one!
(When are they going to serve the roast pig? Ha!)
So happy scouting!
And bring a bottle of Holy Water with you just for good measure.
Find the liberals and dissidents in the list of faculty members of the...(drum roll please!)
If you regularly read the blog, you'll get a lot of names in there.
Look for the names in the LST faculty list here.
A week after this post, I will give the names of these liberals and what they "advocate". I may not get all of them, but hey I know a good sampling of those in the list!
And most of it, you do not hear in the streets or in your churches. But their venom is spread through their students, seminarians and nuns and future lay theologians.
So what do you get in return?
This one!
(When are they going to serve the roast pig? Ha!)
So happy scouting!
And bring a bottle of Holy Water with you just for good measure.
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