We still miss you!
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
There is no such thing as prosperity Gospel!
"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." Matthew 6:20
Yes, Bro. Bo Sanchez. There is no such a thing.
It's Joel Osteen's way to scam people.
Don't follow his trail.
Whispers in the Chancery: Roman Catholic Friar ordained by Holocaust denying bishop?
The rumor mill is going strong about this one and it seems there is some verifiable fact to this one.
So this is how it went.
Friar invites "bishop" to the Philippines for a series of "talks".
Then the bishop later, ordains conditionally, the friar who is doubtful about the validity of his orders since he was ordained using the "Vatican II" rites.
Does his confreres know about this?
What happens to him?
So this is how it went.
Friar invites "bishop" to the Philippines for a series of "talks".
Then the bishop later, ordains conditionally, the friar who is doubtful about the validity of his orders since he was ordained using the "Vatican II" rites.
Does his confreres know about this?
What happens to him?
More photos of Cardinal Tagle in Milan's Duomo
More photos from the FB account of a Filipina working at Milan. I forgot her name but I do not claim ownership of these photos.
Here is the cardinal seated on the throne of the archbishop. He was given the permission to sit on the chair. Here he is being welcomed by the dean (?) of the cathedral chapter who was also a concelebrant of the Mass. I was told by someone that the Goggle liturgist commented that this was the Ambrosian Mass which is NOT. Concelebration is not in the Ambrosian
And horror of horrors! Obviously a product of Filipinos in Milan.
Liturgical dancing is NOT liturgical! It is an abuse! It is an outrage!
Keep doing this to your children and they would think that the Mass is not a holy act but a social act, nothing different from a school program.
Swan Lake, next!
Monday, February 24, 2014
An atheist helps the Church in declaring new saints!
In a Wikipedia entry:
"Upon her return to Canada, Duffin settled in Ottawa where she took on a contract to review a set of slides, which she assumed were to be used in a malpractice suit. She was given no information about the patient, but identified the young woman as suffering from acute myeloblastic leukemia, “the most aggressive leukemia known.” As the slides were from some 5+ years earlier, she assumed the patient as deceased, as that form of leukemia kills usually within two years. Instead, she found that the patient had, after a relapse, gone into remission and was doing well some five years on. Duffin's testimony was to be used by the Vatican to determine whether Marie-Marguerite d'Youville (1701 – 1771) had performed a miracle and was worthy of canonization. According to Duffin, “They never asked me to say this was a miracle. They wanted to know if I had a scientific explanation for why this patient was still alive. I realized they weren’t asking me to endorse their beliefs. They didn’t care if I was a believer or not, they cared about the science"
You can read her own account of that miracle, how she judged the case only through the lens of a microscope. She has also written two books about the medical miracles documented in the different canonizations.
She remains an atheist. Now that is one miracle let us hope for!
The Triumph of the Spirit of Vatican II
If this is a parody, this is hilarious, especially when they emphasized the 70 ministries.
If it were a serious video, then it shows you the fruit of the wrong interpretation of Vatican II perpetrated by over pontificating liturgists who demand your obedience towards their supposed and fabricated teachings of Vatican II while they command you to disobey the Pope and the Magisterial teachings of the Church.
No wonder this video is AWESOME.
If this is a parody, this is hilarious, especially when they emphasized the 70 ministries.
If it were a serious video, then it shows you the fruit of the wrong interpretation of Vatican II perpetrated by over pontificating liturgists who demand your obedience towards their supposed and fabricated teachings of Vatican II while they command you to disobey the Pope and the Magisterial teachings of the Church.
No wonder this video is AWESOME.
Cardinal Tagle wears traditional (and correct!) Mass vestments

(See the miter? It is white which is liturgically correct. Only HERE in the Philippines can you see a bishop wearing a red miter...........on Chinese New Year...........waving his hands like a conductor.......................during the entrance procession...............SAKIT SA ULO!)
Traditional...because it is the Roman pianeta.
Correct...because he is wearing a pontifical dalmatic.
Why did he wear those?
Was it because he was in Rome?
Here is the answer.
And the Jesuit Communications and Bukas Palad Ministry were not controlling his microphone.
(May angal ka Jeffrey Velasco? The perpetually "professed" altar server na hindi tapos ang MA...)
Morning rant.
See how beautiful those chasubles are? Those kind are locked away in a closet or displayed in museums here in the Philippines. Why? Simplicity. Oh really? You want to use simple vestments in the worship of Almighty God while you lavish yourself with signature and designer items?
How much are all your belens Fr. Geny?
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Pope Francis' first consistory
If you missed the entire ceremony, you can watch it here:
Papa Benedetto was in the house!
He took off his white zuccheto when he met Papa Francesco. :)
Papa Benedetto was in the house!
He took off his white zuccheto when he met Papa Francesco. :)
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
"Vice Pope" Maradiaga opens his mouth...again!
From the Vatican Insider
La Croix has interviewed Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, President of the Commission of eight cardinals [there's the source of his attitude!] chosen by Pope Francis to advise him on Curia reform. The Honduran cardinal and Archbishop of Tegucicalpa [what a lively archdiocese that is! ha!] gave a broad overview of what the landscape of the Church’s central government could look like in the future. The original French article by Sébastien Maillard can be read here. The cardinal stressed, amongst other things, his idea of creating a Congregation for the Laity (lay people are currently represented by a Pontifical Council). [it's his dream...wild dream!]
“The Church definitely needs this. We have a Congregation for Bishops, for Religious Life and for the Clergy, but the Laity only gets a Pontifical Council even though they are a majority within the Church. We cannot go on like this. After the Second Vatican Council all the laity had was a Secretariat. A Pontifical Council is limited because it has no legal power. This is why we need a real Congregation.” [And the point is?]
According to the cardinal, within this Congregation there should also be a Pontifical Council for the Family, “headed by a married couple. Why not? It would be a wonderful sign. And it would be great to have a Congregation for the Laity within the Church. I can tell you that the Spirit is pushing in this direction. More and more lay men and women are taking the joint responsibility of being leaders in the Church.” [What spirit? Is this cardinal saying that our pastors need the help of the sheep? Is this cardinal implicitly saying that celibate men cannot decide for married couples regarding affairs for married couples? Is he sounding like the Ateneo theologians now? And what is Bishop Ongtioco doing...........................................NOTHING................................STILL]
Regarding the fate of the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR) and its possible elimination, Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga said “everything depends on what the reports say. But it is better to heal a sick man than bring someone back from the dead. I think we will avoid amputating any arms.”
Maradiaga also discussed the Commission’s work in terms of the Church’s central government, saying that he and the other seven cardinals “have now noted down all our observations regarding the Secretariat of State. We have stressed that the Secretary of State is meant to essentially be the Pope’s secretary. He is not a prime minister or a viceroy.” [And look what he is doing!]
The Honduran cardinal – who has given so many interviews it almost seems he has been given a “mandate” [given? or he likes to talk off the cuff too, you know, like, you know...ya know?] to talk about reform – mentioned the possibility of creating one single financial body. “It could be called a financial secretariat. It is a very reasonable idea and I believe it is necessary in order to help us be more organised and serve better. Finances are split between the various dicasteries. We currently have the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See, the Governorate of Vatican City, the IOR… Maybe, but this is one of the things we are discussing; it could be an idea for one person to be responsible for everything.”
And this person, Maradiaga said, will be a cardinal. “Given the system currently in place in the Vatican, it is likely a cardinal would be put in charge of the financial secretariat. But a permanent Council could also be set up as a support and it could include some lay people.”
These are dangerous attempts if you ask me.
And we continue to wait...
By the way, this is the cardinal that said that the prefect of the CDF does not know what he is doing.
La Croix has interviewed Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, President of the Commission of eight cardinals [there's the source of his attitude!] chosen by Pope Francis to advise him on Curia reform. The Honduran cardinal and Archbishop of Tegucicalpa [what a lively archdiocese that is! ha!] gave a broad overview of what the landscape of the Church’s central government could look like in the future. The original French article by Sébastien Maillard can be read here. The cardinal stressed, amongst other things, his idea of creating a Congregation for the Laity (lay people are currently represented by a Pontifical Council). [it's his dream...wild dream!]
“The Church definitely needs this. We have a Congregation for Bishops, for Religious Life and for the Clergy, but the Laity only gets a Pontifical Council even though they are a majority within the Church. We cannot go on like this. After the Second Vatican Council all the laity had was a Secretariat. A Pontifical Council is limited because it has no legal power. This is why we need a real Congregation.” [And the point is?]
According to the cardinal, within this Congregation there should also be a Pontifical Council for the Family, “headed by a married couple. Why not? It would be a wonderful sign. And it would be great to have a Congregation for the Laity within the Church. I can tell you that the Spirit is pushing in this direction. More and more lay men and women are taking the joint responsibility of being leaders in the Church.” [What spirit? Is this cardinal saying that our pastors need the help of the sheep? Is this cardinal implicitly saying that celibate men cannot decide for married couples regarding affairs for married couples? Is he sounding like the Ateneo theologians now? And what is Bishop Ongtioco doing...........................................NOTHING................................STILL]
Regarding the fate of the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR) and its possible elimination, Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga said “everything depends on what the reports say. But it is better to heal a sick man than bring someone back from the dead. I think we will avoid amputating any arms.”
Maradiaga also discussed the Commission’s work in terms of the Church’s central government, saying that he and the other seven cardinals “have now noted down all our observations regarding the Secretariat of State. We have stressed that the Secretary of State is meant to essentially be the Pope’s secretary. He is not a prime minister or a viceroy.” [And look what he is doing!]
The Honduran cardinal – who has given so many interviews it almost seems he has been given a “mandate” [given? or he likes to talk off the cuff too, you know, like, you know...ya know?] to talk about reform – mentioned the possibility of creating one single financial body. “It could be called a financial secretariat. It is a very reasonable idea and I believe it is necessary in order to help us be more organised and serve better. Finances are split between the various dicasteries. We currently have the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See, the Governorate of Vatican City, the IOR… Maybe, but this is one of the things we are discussing; it could be an idea for one person to be responsible for everything.”
And this person, Maradiaga said, will be a cardinal. “Given the system currently in place in the Vatican, it is likely a cardinal would be put in charge of the financial secretariat. But a permanent Council could also be set up as a support and it could include some lay people.”
These are dangerous attempts if you ask me.
And we continue to wait...
By the way, this is the cardinal that said that the prefect of the CDF does not know what he is doing.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
When will we see this in Manila?
GIRM 117. The altar is to be covered with at least one white cloth. In addition, on or next to the altar are to be placed candlesticks with lighted candles: atleast two in any celebration, or even four or six, especially for a Sunday Mass or a Holyday of Obligation, or if the Diocesan Bishop celebrates, then seven candlesticks with lighted candles. Likewise, on the altar or close to it, there is to be a cross adorned with a figure of Christ crucified...
Spirit of the Liturgy by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger:
Where a direct common turning towards the east is not possible, the cross can serve as the interior "east" of faith. It should stand in the middle of the altar and be the common point of focus for both priest and praying community. In this way we obey the ancient call to prayer: "Conversi ad Dominum," "Turn to the Lord!" In this way we look together at the One whose death tore the veil of the Temple – the One who stands before the Father for us and encloses us in his arms in order to make us the new and living Temple.
Moving the altar cross to the side to give an uninterrupted view of the priest is something I regard as one of the truly absurd phenomena of recent decades. Is the cross disruptive during Mass? Is the priest more important than the Lord? This mistake should be corrected as quickly as possible; it can be done without further rebuilding. The Lord is the point of reference. He is the rising sun of history. That is why there can be a cross of the Passion, which represents the suffering Lord who for us let his side be pierced, from which flowed blood and water (Eucharist and Baptism), as well as a cross of triumph, which expresses the idea of the Second Coming and guides our eyes towards it. For it is always the one Lord: Christ yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8).
* * * * * * *
I highly doubt to see this in Manila, with Jennifer lording over the Lord of Hosts. But as shown by His Holiness, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, by Opus Dei Centers, by the Parish and Diocesan Shrine of Saint Josemaria Escriva in Tarlac, this arrangement is valid, acceptable, and true. When will you start adopting this in your parish? And not just flimsy crucifixes and sperma candles in shot glasses!
Give the Liturgy the dignity it deserves!
Spirit of the Liturgy by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger:
Where a direct common turning towards the east is not possible, the cross can serve as the interior "east" of faith. It should stand in the middle of the altar and be the common point of focus for both priest and praying community. In this way we obey the ancient call to prayer: "Conversi ad Dominum," "Turn to the Lord!" In this way we look together at the One whose death tore the veil of the Temple – the One who stands before the Father for us and encloses us in his arms in order to make us the new and living Temple.
Moving the altar cross to the side to give an uninterrupted view of the priest is something I regard as one of the truly absurd phenomena of recent decades. Is the cross disruptive during Mass? Is the priest more important than the Lord? This mistake should be corrected as quickly as possible; it can be done without further rebuilding. The Lord is the point of reference. He is the rising sun of history. That is why there can be a cross of the Passion, which represents the suffering Lord who for us let his side be pierced, from which flowed blood and water (Eucharist and Baptism), as well as a cross of triumph, which expresses the idea of the Second Coming and guides our eyes towards it. For it is always the one Lord: Christ yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8).
* * * * * * *
I highly doubt to see this in Manila, with Jennifer lording over the Lord of Hosts. But as shown by His Holiness, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, by Opus Dei Centers, by the Parish and Diocesan Shrine of Saint Josemaria Escriva in Tarlac, this arrangement is valid, acceptable, and true. When will you start adopting this in your parish? And not just flimsy crucifixes and sperma candles in shot glasses!
Give the Liturgy the dignity it deserves!
Lorenzo Ruiz, back in 1981...
Pope John Paul II visited the Philippines for his first papal visit from February 17 to 21. The Holy Father visited several places then around the country, like Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Bacolod, Davao...(I might have missed another one).
But the highlight of this is the beatification of my dear lolo, Lorenzo Ruiz and his companion martyrs in Luneta Park on February 18, 1981!
This statue which still stands on Luneta Park is a gift of the Holy Father to the Filipino people on the occasion of the beatification of Lolo Lorenzo, the first beatification outside the Vatican.
And in case you didn't know, that tree behind the statue is the tree planted by Paul VI when he visited the country.
It has been 33 years since that day!
And according to tradition, Lolo Lorenzo might have been martyred at the age of 37.
The photo above is from this blog, where you can also read about the historic documentation of the martyrdom.
You can also grab a copy of “Lorenzo de Manila, the Protomartyr of the Philippines and His Companions,” by Fr. Fidel Villaroel, OP, the prolific historian-saint maker, credited for the beatification and canonization of Lorenzo and his 15 companion martyrs. The book is available via the UST Press.
Below is a photo essay of that historic visit to the country. I still have vivid memories of that trip. :)
But the highlight of this is the beatification of my dear lolo, Lorenzo Ruiz and his companion martyrs in Luneta Park on February 18, 1981!
This statue which still stands on Luneta Park is a gift of the Holy Father to the Filipino people on the occasion of the beatification of Lolo Lorenzo, the first beatification outside the Vatican.
And in case you didn't know, that tree behind the statue is the tree planted by Paul VI when he visited the country.

It has been 33 years since that day!
And according to tradition, Lolo Lorenzo might have been martyred at the age of 37.
The photo above is from this blog, where you can also read about the historic documentation of the martyrdom.
You can also grab a copy of “Lorenzo de Manila, the Protomartyr of the Philippines and His Companions,” by Fr. Fidel Villaroel, OP, the prolific historian-saint maker, credited for the beatification and canonization of Lorenzo and his 15 companion martyrs. The book is available via the UST Press.
Below is a photo essay of that historic visit to the country. I still have vivid memories of that trip. :)
Monday, February 17, 2014
Was that INC Walk for Yolanda really for typhoon victims?
A true story of NEU student on WWW experience. Another twisted Idea of INC...
Is it for YOLANDA victims really or for the FAME??? Why an attempt to GENUINENESS World of Record?
Here is here story:
"I just want to share the experience I had yesterday at WWW (World Wide Walk), you may post this. But please, don't include my name. I just want everyone to be aware I know about INC. I'm not saying this to defame them, but I just want to be transparent to others. It's something I realized and been thinking of since yesterday after I got home from WWW. I'm a student from NEU. Yes, I walked yesterday. But, it's not because I want to be part of the WWW. Of course, I want to help the Yolanda victims in any way that I can. So, I talked to my INC classmate to buy me a shirt. If all of the proceeds of the WWW event, buying a P100 shirt is enough. But in our NSTP class, it's compulsory to attend. Because they're giving merits to those who attend. It's unfair, indeed. If the purpose of the event is to help the Yolanda victims, then why do they require us---students, to go to the event. In fact, there is tarpaulin in the event that says "an attempt to Guiness World Records", why would they put it there? Why not "an attempt to feed 100k families or whatever". I've been hurt of what I saw on the news feed. She was asked about the picture of the WWW event, then she said, "opo sa Iglesia po". It's just that they are thanking all of the INC, what about the non-INC who participated and just want to help the typhoon victims? They aren't being recognized. I know that if ever the non-INCs will not participate, they might still the Guiness. But, I think they should not only thank the INC, but also thank all those who participated."
Para sa PERA at DANGAL, Bakit?
Why am I not surprised?
A "church" founded on lies, will survive on lies and will crumble when TRUTH comes back at them.
You may have the Guinness record every time you want it INC.
You may not have our souls!
Is it for YOLANDA victims really or for the FAME??? Why an attempt to GENUINENESS World of Record?
Here is here story:
"I just want to share the experience I had yesterday at WWW (World Wide Walk), you may post this. But please, don't include my name. I just want everyone to be aware I know about INC. I'm not saying this to defame them, but I just want to be transparent to others. It's something I realized and been thinking of since yesterday after I got home from WWW. I'm a student from NEU. Yes, I walked yesterday. But, it's not because I want to be part of the WWW. Of course, I want to help the Yolanda victims in any way that I can. So, I talked to my INC classmate to buy me a shirt. If all of the proceeds of the WWW event, buying a P100 shirt is enough. But in our NSTP class, it's compulsory to attend. Because they're giving merits to those who attend. It's unfair, indeed. If the purpose of the event is to help the Yolanda victims, then why do they require us---students, to go to the event. In fact, there is tarpaulin in the event that says "an attempt to Guiness World Records", why would they put it there? Why not "an attempt to feed 100k families or whatever". I've been hurt of what I saw on the news feed. She was asked about the picture of the WWW event, then she said, "opo sa Iglesia po". It's just that they are thanking all of the INC, what about the non-INC who participated and just want to help the typhoon victims? They aren't being recognized. I know that if ever the non-INCs will not participate, they might still the Guiness. But, I think they should not only thank the INC, but also thank all those who participated."
Para sa PERA at DANGAL, Bakit?
Why am I not surprised?
A "church" founded on lies, will survive on lies and will crumble when TRUTH comes back at them.
You may have the Guinness record every time you want it INC.
You may not have our souls!
Friday, February 14, 2014
Valentine's Day bruhaha
Note to GULPers!
If you saw any CUPIDS in your churches today, take a picture!
I'll GULP them!
If you saw any CUPIDS in your churches today, take a picture!
I'll GULP them!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Active Lay Participation...FAIL!

Taken during the Mass for the opening of the Year of the Laity in the Philippines as declared by Filipino Roman Catholic bishops. This was at the Diocese of Cubao where the self-proclaimed liturgical expert Jeff Velasco lords it over the parishes in a way even his mentor, the late Dom Anscar Chupungco, would not had ever imagined doing!
Get the girls to do a man's job!
Serving at the altar promotes and encourages priestly vocation.
What do you think these girls would want right after this?
How would they graduate into a higher calling to serve after this, huh?
They become nuns?
BUT........nuns do not serve at the Mass!
So what now?
Go ahead.
Confuse us more Kuya Nok!
Great liturgical training here!
Pope Francis' tweet for Pope benedict

Indeed the pope emeritus is a man of humility. He is an example for our times when men who crave for power, wealth and attention, cling on to positions as if it were a birthright, an inheritance.
May Pope Benedict's example teach us that humility is far beyond dressing simply. It takes guts to step down and leave the golden throne!
His example will SHAME people who cling on to positions of power, who think they are doing God's will, who think they are fulfilling their mandate, when in fact their only desire is to fulfill their lust and greed!
If you are looking for the humblest man, do not look at someone who dresses simply but is full of hate and pride. Do not look for someone who always smiles and is friendly in public, but is in fact hateful and conceited, shunning the company of people he thinks are inferior than he is.
What these liberals wackos now enjoy and call as the Francis Revolution would not have happened if a humble worker in the Lord's vineyard names Benedict, did not have the courage and humility to admit that it is time to let go.
Benedict is the man of courage and humility.
Thank you Pope Francis for proclaiming that truth!
God bless our pope and our pope emeritus!
Monday, February 10, 2014
A year since the announcement in Latin that was heard around the world.
Where were you when you heard the news?
Pope Francis speaks about regaining the Sense of the Sacred in the Mass
(Vatican Radio) To rediscover the sense of the sacred, the mystery of the Real Presence of God in the Mass: that was Pope Francis’ invitation during the Eucharistic celebration this morning at Casa Santa Marta. [Ehem. The Pope did not say "inculturate the Mass", "Dance in the Mass", "have more laity in the sanctuary"... No. He said rediscover the sense of the sacred.]
The first Reading of the day speaks about the “theophany” of God in the time of Solomon the king. The Lord came down like a cloud upon the temple, which was filled with the glory of God. The Lord, the Pope said, speaks to His people in many ways: through the prophets, the priests, the Sacred Scriptures. But with the theophanies, He speaks in another way, “different from the Word: it is another presence, closer, without mediation, near. It is His presence.” This, he explained, happens in the liturgical celebration. The liturgical celebration is not a social act, a good social act; it is not a gathering of the faithful to pray together. It is something else. In the liturgy, God is present,” but it is a closer presence. In the Mass, in fact, “the presence of the Lord is real, truly real.” [Not a social act, so you don't dance and do crazy social stuff!]
“When we celebrate the Mass, we don’t accomplish a representation of the Last Supper: no, it is not a representation. It is something else: it is the Last Supper itself. It is to really live once more the Passion and the redeeming Death of the Lord. It is a theophany: the Lord is made present on the altar to be offered to the Father for the salvation of the world. We hear or we say, ‘But, I can’t now, I have to go to Mass, I have to go to hear Mass.’ The Mass is not ‘heard’, it is participated in, and it is a participation in this theophany, in this mystery of the presence of the Lord among us.” [This has been the teaching of the Church since time immemorial and you wonder why all those liturgical degrees from Fr. Geny Diwa and his typical liturgical geniuses would shove down our throats anything about liturgical inculturation. That demon "inculturation" must be exorcised and expelled once and for all. That is used as the reason why creativities need to be done. They reason that the Mass does not become "relevant" if the Mass is too Roman, if it is not appealing to Filipinos, then the Mass does not evangelize. What happened when Magellan came here, huh? Did Fr. Diwa and his kind re-write history ala Carlos Celdran? The Mass is not for entertainment! It is not the moment to have kids dance! It is not the moment to make the epal EMHC take the spot! No! It is the same sacrifice of Calvary right before our very eyes!]
Nativity scenes, the Way of the Cross... these are representations. The Mass, on the other hand, “is a real commemoration, that is, it is a theophany: God approaches and is with us, and we participate in the mystery of the Redemption.” Unfortunately, too often we look at the clock during Mass, “counting the minute.” This, the Pope said, is not the attitude the liturgy requires of us: the liturgy is God’s time, God’s space, and we must place ourselves there, in God’s time, in God’s space, and not look at the clock”:
“The liturgy is to really enter into the mystery of God, to allow ourselves to be brought to the mystery and to be in the mystery. For example, I am sure that all of you have come here to enter into the mystery; however, someone might say: ‘Ah, I have to go to Mass at Santa Marta, because on the sight-seeing tour of Rome, each morning there is a chance to visit the Pope at Santa Marta: it’s a tourist stop, right?’ All of you here, we are gathered here to enter into the mystery: this is the liturgy. It is God’s time, it is God’s space, it is the cloud of God that surrounds all of us.” [It is not the time for Chupungcan liturgists to make pasikat for themselves!]
The pope recalled that, as a child, during the preparation for First Communion, there was a song that spoke about how the altar was guarded by angels to give “a sense of the glory of God, of God’s space, of God’s time.” And when, during the practice, they brought the hosts, they told the children: “Look, these are not the ones you will receive: these count for nothing,” because they have to be consecrated. So, the Pope concluded, “to celebrate the liturgy is to have this availability to enter into the mystery of God,” to enter into His space, His time, to entrust ourselves to this mystery:
“We would do well today to ask the Lord to give to each of us this ‘sense of the sacred,’ this sense that makes us understand that it is one thing to pray at home, to pray in Church, to pray the Rosary, to pray so many beautiful prayers, to make the Way of the Cross, so many beautiful things, to read the Bible... The Eucharistic celebration is something else. In the celebration we enter into the mystery of God, into that street that we cannot control: only He is the unique One, the glory, the power... He is everything. Let us ask for this grace: that the Lord would teach us to enter into the mystery of God.”
Liturgical abuse destroys the sense of the sacred in the Mass.
We make the Mass as if it were our own toy, our own laboratory, our own property that we just do what we want to do since we have the doctorate or master's degree or certificate in Liturgy, or some even just attended a seminar or two at San Carlos Seminary they think they can just do whatever they want at Mass.
And so let me show you how this Filipino priest take away the Sense of the Sacred by making the Mass as if it were his own entertainment show!
Curtains up!
The weekly liturgical abuse happens every week. People raising their hands in that weird way. What in the hell is that for? Have you seen Catholics in other parts of the world do that during the Mass? Were you able to count the number of EMHCs? Yeah. A whole platoon!
And the dancing begins at 3:55. Week after week after week. Fr. Mario SOBREjuanite leads in the abuse of the Mass. Week after week after week, they dance at the Mass. Week after week after week, they abuse the Mass!
Now try guessing where this happened?

The first Reading of the day speaks about the “theophany” of God in the time of Solomon the king. The Lord came down like a cloud upon the temple, which was filled with the glory of God. The Lord, the Pope said, speaks to His people in many ways: through the prophets, the priests, the Sacred Scriptures. But with the theophanies, He speaks in another way, “different from the Word: it is another presence, closer, without mediation, near. It is His presence.” This, he explained, happens in the liturgical celebration. The liturgical celebration is not a social act, a good social act; it is not a gathering of the faithful to pray together. It is something else. In the liturgy, God is present,” but it is a closer presence. In the Mass, in fact, “the presence of the Lord is real, truly real.” [Not a social act, so you don't dance and do crazy social stuff!]
“When we celebrate the Mass, we don’t accomplish a representation of the Last Supper: no, it is not a representation. It is something else: it is the Last Supper itself. It is to really live once more the Passion and the redeeming Death of the Lord. It is a theophany: the Lord is made present on the altar to be offered to the Father for the salvation of the world. We hear or we say, ‘But, I can’t now, I have to go to Mass, I have to go to hear Mass.’ The Mass is not ‘heard’, it is participated in, and it is a participation in this theophany, in this mystery of the presence of the Lord among us.” [This has been the teaching of the Church since time immemorial and you wonder why all those liturgical degrees from Fr. Geny Diwa and his typical liturgical geniuses would shove down our throats anything about liturgical inculturation. That demon "inculturation" must be exorcised and expelled once and for all. That is used as the reason why creativities need to be done. They reason that the Mass does not become "relevant" if the Mass is too Roman, if it is not appealing to Filipinos, then the Mass does not evangelize. What happened when Magellan came here, huh? Did Fr. Diwa and his kind re-write history ala Carlos Celdran? The Mass is not for entertainment! It is not the moment to have kids dance! It is not the moment to make the epal EMHC take the spot! No! It is the same sacrifice of Calvary right before our very eyes!]
Nativity scenes, the Way of the Cross... these are representations. The Mass, on the other hand, “is a real commemoration, that is, it is a theophany: God approaches and is with us, and we participate in the mystery of the Redemption.” Unfortunately, too often we look at the clock during Mass, “counting the minute.” This, the Pope said, is not the attitude the liturgy requires of us: the liturgy is God’s time, God’s space, and we must place ourselves there, in God’s time, in God’s space, and not look at the clock”:
“The liturgy is to really enter into the mystery of God, to allow ourselves to be brought to the mystery and to be in the mystery. For example, I am sure that all of you have come here to enter into the mystery; however, someone might say: ‘Ah, I have to go to Mass at Santa Marta, because on the sight-seeing tour of Rome, each morning there is a chance to visit the Pope at Santa Marta: it’s a tourist stop, right?’ All of you here, we are gathered here to enter into the mystery: this is the liturgy. It is God’s time, it is God’s space, it is the cloud of God that surrounds all of us.” [It is not the time for Chupungcan liturgists to make pasikat for themselves!]
The pope recalled that, as a child, during the preparation for First Communion, there was a song that spoke about how the altar was guarded by angels to give “a sense of the glory of God, of God’s space, of God’s time.” And when, during the practice, they brought the hosts, they told the children: “Look, these are not the ones you will receive: these count for nothing,” because they have to be consecrated. So, the Pope concluded, “to celebrate the liturgy is to have this availability to enter into the mystery of God,” to enter into His space, His time, to entrust ourselves to this mystery:
“We would do well today to ask the Lord to give to each of us this ‘sense of the sacred,’ this sense that makes us understand that it is one thing to pray at home, to pray in Church, to pray the Rosary, to pray so many beautiful prayers, to make the Way of the Cross, so many beautiful things, to read the Bible... The Eucharistic celebration is something else. In the celebration we enter into the mystery of God, into that street that we cannot control: only He is the unique One, the glory, the power... He is everything. Let us ask for this grace: that the Lord would teach us to enter into the mystery of God.”
Liturgical abuse destroys the sense of the sacred in the Mass.
We make the Mass as if it were our own toy, our own laboratory, our own property that we just do what we want to do since we have the doctorate or master's degree or certificate in Liturgy, or some even just attended a seminar or two at San Carlos Seminary they think they can just do whatever they want at Mass.
And so let me show you how this Filipino priest take away the Sense of the Sacred by making the Mass as if it were his own entertainment show!
Curtains up!
The weekly liturgical abuse happens every week. People raising their hands in that weird way. What in the hell is that for? Have you seen Catholics in other parts of the world do that during the Mass? Were you able to count the number of EMHCs? Yeah. A whole platoon!
And the dancing begins at 3:55. Week after week after week. Fr. Mario SOBREjuanite leads in the abuse of the Mass. Week after week after week, they dance at the Mass. Week after week after week, they abuse the Mass!
Now try guessing where this happened?
This is not in a Catholic church even though their performances look like the performances of the dancers of Fr. Mario SOBREjuanite.
This is the International Communion of the Episcopal Charismatic Church in their cathedral in Mandaluyong City.
They are NOT Catholic.
Maybe if the family that owns SM becomes a member of this heretical church would Fr. Sobre start dancing here no?
What do you think?
What Fr. Geny Diwa does not want to happen in the Philippines
Fr. Genaro Diwa is the liturgical architect of the illicit Misa ng Bayang Pilipino....YET...like his nuknukan ng kayabangan disciple Jeff V., they insist on holding this "Mass" and move everything in their power to prevent the Traditional Mass aka the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite suppressed in dioceses and parishes across the Philippines.
Yes, I know the phone calls and "reminders" to bishops and priests not to associate themselves with the SSPX groups. Summorum Pontificum is supportive os the SSPX? Idiots.
Here is an excerpt of an article in Catholic World Report about the growth in Mass attendance in traditionally Bible belt areas in the United States. Take note that this article was published in December of last year:
The Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei keeps a comprehensive list of locations in which the traditional Latin Mass is available. At last count, in the 191 dioceses in North America, there are about 485 parishes that offer Mass in the Extraordinary Form with some frequency (monthly, twice-per-month, or weekly), with 335 parish locations offering it weekly. [Take note. There is a national group coordinating all these efforts to promote the Traditional Latin Mass. Here in the Philippines...never mind.]
In North America there are 75 parish locations that offer daily access to the Extraordinary Form. Of those locations, 38 are in the care of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and 13 are provided for by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. [Papal-right groups that cannot establish a base here in the Philippines because.........yes, that's right. Good 'ole Genie is there to prevent the groups.] That leaves 24 locations run by dioceses or religious communities (such as the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius in Chicago) where the Mass in the Extraordinary Form is offered daily.
One such parish is thriving in what may seem to some to be the least likely of places—what is often referred to as “the buckle of the Bible Belt,” Greenville, South Carolina. Prince of Peace Catholic Church, located in Taylors, SC, is a diocesan parish with nearly 2,000 families and an evangelical liturgical approach that is beginning to draw national and international attention.
Not only is this parish attracting families interested in regular access to traditional liturgy and the sacraments, it is beginning to be recognized by even the non-traditional Catholic audience as a beacon of the “New Evangelization,” due to the number of converts and reverts it draws into the Catholic Church.
Prince of Peace also has a burgeoning school, a round-the-clock adoration chapel, and numerous other flourishing apostolates.
There is a Q&A with the parish priest about how they started these movement. You can read the rest here.
Here is one excerpt:
I assure you. If he were a priest of the Archdiocese of Manila, he would have been sent to another assignment, exiled, courtesy of the great liturgist Fr. Genaro Diwa. Oh yes, it's true! It's really true!
The reverent liturgy is attracting people.
Tradition is always the counter-revolution to the worldly
Take a look at this. Has this produced much converts in the past or it has sent Catholics to join more Evangelical groups since they have better dancers, better singers, better musicians and better acoustics in their houses of worship that do not disguise itself as a "church" unlike Catholic "churches" that disguise themselves as churches when they are desperately trying to become like auditoriums?
Yup that's Cardinal Rosales on the left.
Don't expect anything good from him about the liturgy. You leaves it all to the "experts".
Ask these kids what they think of the Mass and all they say is that the Mass is where they need to dance and perform.
New Evangelization! Teach kids what the Mass is really NOT about the Mass and make them believe it IS what it seems to be. A show!
Now you know why Fr. Diwa hates the TLM and why he works hard to PREVENT it from being celebrated in the Archdiocese of Manila.
His creative liturgies will fall flat on its face once people see the difference of what authentic liturgy is especially when the Ordinary Form is celebrated the way it was intended in the liturgical books!
Conversion? Who needs them when even atheists can go to heaven?!
Yeah. Who am I to judge people?
Yes, I know the phone calls and "reminders" to bishops and priests not to associate themselves with the SSPX groups. Summorum Pontificum is supportive os the SSPX? Idiots.
Here is an excerpt of an article in Catholic World Report about the growth in Mass attendance in traditionally Bible belt areas in the United States. Take note that this article was published in December of last year:
The Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei keeps a comprehensive list of locations in which the traditional Latin Mass is available. At last count, in the 191 dioceses in North America, there are about 485 parishes that offer Mass in the Extraordinary Form with some frequency (monthly, twice-per-month, or weekly), with 335 parish locations offering it weekly. [Take note. There is a national group coordinating all these efforts to promote the Traditional Latin Mass. Here in the Philippines...never mind.]
In North America there are 75 parish locations that offer daily access to the Extraordinary Form. Of those locations, 38 are in the care of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and 13 are provided for by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. [Papal-right groups that cannot establish a base here in the Philippines because.........yes, that's right. Good 'ole Genie is there to prevent the groups.] That leaves 24 locations run by dioceses or religious communities (such as the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius in Chicago) where the Mass in the Extraordinary Form is offered daily.
One such parish is thriving in what may seem to some to be the least likely of places—what is often referred to as “the buckle of the Bible Belt,” Greenville, South Carolina. Prince of Peace Catholic Church, located in Taylors, SC, is a diocesan parish with nearly 2,000 families and an evangelical liturgical approach that is beginning to draw national and international attention.
Not only is this parish attracting families interested in regular access to traditional liturgy and the sacraments, it is beginning to be recognized by even the non-traditional Catholic audience as a beacon of the “New Evangelization,” due to the number of converts and reverts it draws into the Catholic Church.
Prince of Peace also has a burgeoning school, a round-the-clock adoration chapel, and numerous other flourishing apostolates.
There is a Q&A with the parish priest about how they started these movement. You can read the rest here.
Here is one excerpt:
CWR: What kind of response—either positive or negative—have you received from other priests in the diocese or elsewhere?
Father Smith: A lot priests, when they hear about what we do—it may perhaps sound very strange to them for some reason. But when they actually come and visit and experience firsthand how both forms are [celebrated as similarly] as possible, while still respecting the unique differences, and they see the participation and the faith of the people—when they see all of this in action, then it makes more sense to them.
No one else in our diocese is doing it the way that we are, but we also have a history in our parish that other parishes have not had. There are places where they would love to have the Extraordinary Form more often, but they don’t have the same level of desire—as shown over a period of 12-plus years now—that our parishioners have
I assure you. If he were a priest of the Archdiocese of Manila, he would have been sent to another assignment, exiled, courtesy of the great liturgist Fr. Genaro Diwa. Oh yes, it's true! It's really true!
The reverent liturgy is attracting people.
Tradition is always the counter-revolution to the worldly
Take a look at this. Has this produced much converts in the past or it has sent Catholics to join more Evangelical groups since they have better dancers, better singers, better musicians and better acoustics in their houses of worship that do not disguise itself as a "church" unlike Catholic "churches" that disguise themselves as churches when they are desperately trying to become like auditoriums?
Yup that's Cardinal Rosales on the left.
Don't expect anything good from him about the liturgy. You leaves it all to the "experts".
Ask these kids what they think of the Mass and all they say is that the Mass is where they need to dance and perform.
New Evangelization! Teach kids what the Mass is really NOT about the Mass and make them believe it IS what it seems to be. A show!
Now you know why Fr. Diwa hates the TLM and why he works hard to PREVENT it from being celebrated in the Archdiocese of Manila.
His creative liturgies will fall flat on its face once people see the difference of what authentic liturgy is especially when the Ordinary Form is celebrated the way it was intended in the liturgical books!
Conversion? Who needs them when even atheists can go to heaven?!
Yeah. Who am I to judge people?
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
GULP Alert: If Optimus Prime were a Catholic...

But this is not from some Transformers movie. It is an actual Catholic church.
Fruits of Vatican II.
Modernistic art is an expression of the modernist heresy.
Plain and simple.
GULP Alert: A Catholic church greets Mass goers "Good Luck!"
Luck is never and should never ever be part of the language of Catholics and those who believe that Christ is the Son of God.
There is no such thing as "luck" for Christians!
Although Ecclesiastes 9:11 states: 'chance happeneth to them all' the Bible sees all events as within God's will.", the Book of Proverbs 16:33 mentions that 'the lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord'
Have we forgotten the first commandment?
Yes. He is the Lord our God and all grace come ONLY from HIM. Not from doing things at the appointed time because that is what your "birth element" tells you and not because of the charms you wear and especially NOT because someone wished you GOOD LUCK!
With that out, let me show you which "Catholic" church in Manila was caught "wishing" people good luck during the Chinese New Year.
Thanks to a member of the GULP for sending this in.
See that on the right side of the church? They put up a New Year's greeting to the Chinese community. Do they do that usually? I don't know. Maybe parishioners can say for sure.
Do they greet the Muslims who use a different calendar?
Do they greet the Orthodox who use the Julian calendar?
There is no such thing as "luck" for Christians!
Although Ecclesiastes 9:11 states: 'chance happeneth to them all' the Bible sees all events as within God's will.", the Book of Proverbs 16:33 mentions that 'the lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord'
Have we forgotten the first commandment?
Yes. He is the Lord our God and all grace come ONLY from HIM. Not from doing things at the appointed time because that is what your "birth element" tells you and not because of the charms you wear and especially NOT because someone wished you GOOD LUCK!
With that out, let me show you which "Catholic" church in Manila was caught "wishing" people good luck during the Chinese New Year.
Thanks to a member of the GULP for sending this in.
See that on the right side of the church? They put up a New Year's greeting to the Chinese community. Do they do that usually? I don't know. Maybe parishioners can say for sure.
Do they greet the Muslims who use a different calendar?
Do they greet the Orthodox who use the Julian calendar?
And they even put these things up on their church door.
I am not Chinese and I do not know what these things meant.
And look at the front of the church. Chinese lanterns and that thing that looks like a pineapple.
Yup. Good luck things.
And here's the coup de grace!
It was in one of the walls of the church as I was told.
You know what that Chinese character meant?
Try Googling "Chinese character luck" and you'll get this.
Yup. Same thing.
A Catholic church in the heart of primatial diocese of the Philippines, wishing baptized Catholics....LUCK.
This reminds me of that infamous bishop of Abra who during the Chinese New Year said:
“God is present in other religion and culture so the belief in Feng Shui, Astrology, and praying at Buddhist temples should be perceived as instruments that all draws us closer to God."
You can see the original post here.
If you want to be nice and cuddly with people of other faiths, follow this guy! He did not compromised the Catholic Faith!
Oh by the way, that bishops who said that it is ok to practice Feng Shui is also an SVD.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
EMHC Rant: I will not get a blessing from an EMHC!
I had my throat blessed yesterday.
But a priest did it, not an EMHC.
I lined up for the blessing and the line was looonnngg for the priest. Can you blame us who lined up for him?
There were some who lined up for the EMHCs.
An old lady acting as usher was telling us to cut the line and proceed instead to the EMHC.
I stood my ground. When only a handful people went to the EMHC, the old lady approached me and asked me to go to the EMHC. I gruffly answered here whispering "My dear, hindi pari yan. Bakit ako magpapa-bless sa isang hindi pari?" I never knew that my "whisper" was heard the people around me until I heard someone said behind me "Oo nga naman."
I guess I did a good job, no? Only a few went to the EMHC and the line to the priest was still long. Poor priest. He was tired after, but hey! That is what they were ordained to do right?
The Book of Blessings (#1626) states: "The blessing of throats may be given by a priest, deacon, or lay minister who follows thte rites and prayers designated for a lay minister..
Let me make it clear.
A priest is a priest is a priest.
And a deacon is a deacon is a deacon.
A blessing of the ordained makes the one being blessed become a sacramental.
A blessing of the baptized and confirmed Catholic does not make the one he blessed a sacramental. There is a difference between constitutive and invocative blessings.
Let me quote from Fr. William Saunders who wrote about this in EWTN.
Now let's look at the prayer used for the blessing of throats:
I'd say it is constitutive.
You shouldn't be.
The prayer does not impart a supernatural character upon the person being blessed.
Let us see what Fr. Z said in his blog post:
But a priest did it, not an EMHC.
I lined up for the blessing and the line was looonnngg for the priest. Can you blame us who lined up for him?
There were some who lined up for the EMHCs.
An old lady acting as usher was telling us to cut the line and proceed instead to the EMHC.
I stood my ground. When only a handful people went to the EMHC, the old lady approached me and asked me to go to the EMHC. I gruffly answered here whispering "My dear, hindi pari yan. Bakit ako magpapa-bless sa isang hindi pari?" I never knew that my "whisper" was heard the people around me until I heard someone said behind me "Oo nga naman."
I guess I did a good job, no? Only a few went to the EMHC and the line to the priest was still long. Poor priest. He was tired after, but hey! That is what they were ordained to do right?
The Book of Blessings (#1626) states: "The blessing of throats may be given by a priest, deacon, or lay minister who follows thte rites and prayers designated for a lay minister..
Let me make it clear.
A priest is a priest is a priest.
And a deacon is a deacon is a deacon.
A blessing of the ordained makes the one being blessed become a sacramental.
A blessing of the baptized and confirmed Catholic does not make the one he blessed a sacramental. There is a difference between constitutive and invocative blessings.
Let me quote from Fr. William Saunders who wrote about this in EWTN.
Blessings are categorized into two types: invocative and constitutive.
In an invocative blessing, the minister implores the divine favor of God to grant some spiritual or temporal good without any change of condition, such as when a parent blessed a child. This blessing is also a recognition of God's goodness in bestowing this "blessing" upon us, such as when we offer a blessing for our food at meal time. In blessing objects or places, a view is also taken toward those who will use the objects or visit the places.
A constitutive blessing, invoked by a bishop, priest or deacon, signifies the permanent sanctification and dedication of a person or thing for some sacred purpose. Here the person or object takes on a sacred character and would not be returned to non-sacred or profane use. For example, when religious Sisters or Brothers profess final vows, they are blessed, indicating a permanent change in their lives. Or, when a chalice is blessed, it becomes a sacred vessel dedicated solely to sacred usage.
Now let's look at the prayer used for the blessing of throats:
Through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr,Invocative or constitutive?
may God free you from illness of the throat and from any other sort of ill.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son + and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
I'd say it is constitutive.
You shouldn't be.
The prayer does not impart a supernatural character upon the person being blessed.
Let us see what Fr. Z said in his blog post:
"This may shock you, but I am against lay people giving the St. Blaise blessing… “blessing”, when they give it, that is. The ghastly Book of Blessings has a form for lay people doing this, so the Church permits it. That doesn’t mean I have to like it. What the ordained do when they bless and what lay people do when they “bless” are different. There. I’ve said it. I am sure you are shocked."
I share his opinion.
Why? The blessing is done within the Mass.
Blessed Ashes are given here in the Philippines after Mass, isn't it? And EMHCs help in distributing the ash. Again, men who are designated to distribute Holy Communion?
Are they becoming pseudo-deacons? All they need is an ordination and their own crossed stoles and dalmatic and poof! You have deacons! They almost act as if they are married ordained deacons!
If the Church sees it fit that any lay person can give the blessing of throats on St. Blaise's day, then why would I line up and have it done by an EMHC whose only permission is to distribute Holy Communion, and done within the Mass?
Why EMHCs? They were permitted to distribute Holy Communion ONLY?
A lot of people think Pope Francis changed Catholic dogma
Well, a lot of liberals and crazy hippies still living in the 1960s aggiornamento, trying to revive a brain-dead patient named "Spirit of Vatican II".
Monday, February 3, 2014
What should come out of the computers of Fr. Bernas, and other like minded liberal Catholics

Do you think they would even mind continuing what they do?
Hope springs eternal.
Pray that they stop the heresies they are spreading.
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