
Monday, April 8, 2013

Catholic basher Billy Esposo dead

You can read the report here.

As you may recall, Billy Esposo is a writer who spent much of his time vilifying the Filipino bishops in his weekly column and calling Catholic laity who defended Church teaching against contraception as "Catholibans".  Yes, he, a member of the Catholic group Focolare movement, used that tag on Catholics who hold firm to Church teaching.  As I know it from my inside circles, several complaints were sent to Focolare against him.

I have blogged about him here and here.


The biological solution works on all of us.

The Lord of Life IS the LORD of life.

I hope he realized that before the inevitable end when he insulted the bishops, priests, nuns and lay people who defended Life from conception to natural death.

May he be forgiven for the errors and calumny that he has written.

May he rest in peace.

1 comment:

  1. I should have emailed him your rebuttals to him but........

    Anyway,the church still lives! That's the Good News! :-)
