from the Associated Press

Pope Paul VI, who did much to modernize the Roman Catholic Church [yes he did.] but pronounced a ban on artificial contraception [and contraception is a mark of modernity?] which was widely defied by the faithful, has moved a step closer to sainthood with Pope Francis' official confirmation of a miracle.
The date for the beatification was set for Oct. 19, the Vatican said Saturday, a day after Francis formally certified the miracle said to involve a risky birth in California. Beatification is the last formal step before possible sainthood.
During his pontificate from 1963 to 1978, Paul made landmark progress in improving Catholics' relationship with other Christians.
But he disappointed many Catholics who were hoping for liberalization of church teaching on sexuality. After much consultation and, reportedly, personal anguish, Paul VI enshrined the church's teaching against artificial contraception in the 1968 encyclical "Humanae Vitae" ("of human life"). [No he didn't. He just reaffirmed what was taught by the Church all along. He did not enshrine it. He just said it again!]
Paul VI disappointed both liberals and traditionalists. Need I say more about that?
But remember that when the Pope beatifies a person, the pope publicly declares that that person enjoys the Beatific Vision and can thus be invoked for his intercession.
Just saying.
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