
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

GULP Alert: I almost fainted seeing this!

A friend from confirmed that this happened.

This happened during the #MillionPeopleMarch at the Luneta.

My friend said and I quote:

"there was a plan to say Mass indeed, and we were looking for some available picnic tables in the perimeter of the park, but they were all occupied.  The priest got tired of looking for a table and just laid the tarp and went to prepare for Mass.  Other priests with them did not join the Mass as concelebrants but helped in the distribution of communion....

Surprisingly, sans the portable altar or table, with the Mass celebrated on the concrete floor of the grandstand, the Mass was "solemn" and no unnecessary movements and noise around that you can even find in an ordinary Sunday Mass inside a church."

I asked him that the "solemnity" is still no excuse not to find a table or a flat surface other than the concrete street to celebrate the Mass.

A priest friend who saw this sent in his comments:

"What's this?  Zen Mass?  Was it necessary to have Mass celebrated at Luneta?  Radyo Veritas celebrated Mass.  Why did the priest not borrow the table used as an altar by Veritas?  Mass is offered on a consecrated altar.  That is the street for crying out loud!  Don't show me photos of priests celebrating on the hood of jeeps because those are war time photos!  The country is not in a state of war!  If there is a need to offer Mass for the intentions of the rally, why not celebrate it in a church or chapel or on a consecrated altar before joining the rally?  This priest really does not have a sense of the sacred!  Why do we even consecrate an altar in the first place???  The Mass is disrespected and we just do whatever we want to do with the Blessed Sacrament!  Lovely fruits of the liturgical reform of Vatican II!"


Can't blame him.

If the angel of Fatima did this in front of the Blessed Sacrament...

Then  we have this???

We have really lost the sense of the sacred.

You'll never see this thing happen in this form of the Mass.

I am not saying that this abuse is allowed under the current rubrics, but the inaction of our bishops to correct liturgical abuses legitimizes the abuse and makes it the norm rather than an aberration of the law.

But show me a TLM celebrated this way, under the same conditions in peace time, if you can show me one...I'll shut down this blog for a whole month!

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