St. Pancratius was buried in a cemetery, which was later named after him. He is especially venerated in England because of the Benedictine monk Augustine of Canterbury, who dedicated his first church in England after Pancras. The relics of St. Pancras were presented as a gift the king of Northumberland.
I grew up in a province with a chapel of this boy saint. And I must say, his story left an impression on me on how to be brave and steadfast in the Faith. His image is shown holding a book with the Latin words "Venite Ad Me et Ego dabo vobis omnia bona." which means "Come to me and I will give you all that is good." This text I believe came from Genesis 45:18. The Saint is shown with his right index finger pointing heaven ward suggesting that the promise in the open book he is holding comes from God. He is cloaked in a red cape similar to that of a centurion. He is also holding a palm leaf, indicating that he died a martyr.
(Feast – May 12)
I BELIEVE, Heavenly Father, All that Faith teaches,
And in that Faith I wish to live and die.
Through the intercession of St. Pancratius
grant us good health to fulfill our duties.
Our good Jesus, Grant me the virtue of Hope
In your promises, In the same measure
That St. Pancratius always trusted
In your Providence, So that I may,
Through his intercession, Obtain work and success
In all my undertakings.
Grant me the virtue of Charity That I may love God
Above all things, And my neighbor
For the love of God, As St. Pancratious did.
Through his intercession, I hope to obtain this grace
And that of being free from adversities
And from ill-intentioned persons.
O GLORIOUS St. Pancratius, I beg you to obtain for me
All the graces that I need, But especially health and work,
So that I may appear before you To thank God
For the favors I received Through your powerful intercession.
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