That's not me.
I'm just quoting.
Read on!
A reminder about what real apologetic work is all about.
MANDALUYONG City, Oct. 14, 2014—A Catholic priest discussed the need for apologists with the brains and the heart for interreligious dialogue. [I know someone who doesn't have the BRAIN and the HEART.]
Talking to members of Catholic Faith Defenders (CFD) on Monday, Oct. 13, Fr. Carlos V. Reyes [pictured below] stated the “circumstances of the time that we are living now require a new generation of apologists”.
Faith and obedience
The priest, himself an apologist “committed to the faith and obedient to the Church”, stressed that aspiring faith defenders must know how to exploit new methods and explore different approaches in defense of Catholicism.
He added that they must defend the faith in its entirety, something that presupposes acceptance of Vatican II.
“Apologetics must encompass the whole content of Church Magisterium and the methods proposed by the Church through which that teaching is disseminated and communicated,” he explained.
An executive secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP)’s Episcopal Commission on Interreligious Dialogue (ECID), Reyes shared these changing times call for apologists who can “uphold and teach Catholic dogmas with charity towards all, who seek Christian unity, and who are in dialogue with persons of various convictions”.
He is aware, however, that many Christians, Catholics and Protestants alike, reject interreligious dialogue.
“The strongest argument favoring dialogue is the Trinity. God is a Trinity of Persons and is a perpetual dialogue between Father and Son through the Holy Spirit. If we were created in God’s image and likeness, then we must be coherent with God’s Trinitarian essence,” Reyes said.
The priest laments there are Catholics who, while they have the best of intentions in defending the faith, unconsciously become offenders in the name of that faith. [PULPOL daw kasi. I'm just quoting. I don't use that word.]
‘Un-christian polemics’
He pointed out, “Dialogue is only possible between two parties who have the spirit of dialogue and mutual respect. I just pray that they may arrive at a point where they see the necessity of dialogue while being civil with them. I will certainly not resort to polemics and name calling. It is un-Christian.” [BOOM!!!! I don't think it would affect him. Seriously. I don't think it would.]
“St. Francis did not go into polemics. Saints who were polemical became saints in spite of being polemical and probably not because of it. Saints like Cyril of Alexandria and Jerome for example. Besides, circumstances are different now,” the priest shared.
He said being debating harshly with non-Catholics does cause them to stop proselytizing, when it may actually give them more excuse to redouble their efforts at converting others. [Have you read several posts against this foul mouthed apologist and how he riled up the anger of non-Catholic because of his harsh words? No one is spared, not even priests are spared. He thinks highly of himself. He think that by acting like Eli Soriano, he is doing a good service to the Church. In fact, this poor old guy sitting behind the computer suddenly found out that this apologist had been bad mouthing me in private chat rooms for no reason at all. I think it all started with that TopBlogs thing. He just wants to be on top. Ratings my boys. Ratings.]
“Mainline Protestants do not proselytize and I think that this is due mainly to our friendship with them. As for us losing the sheep, it is more a question of how we shepherd the flock. The attitude of some priests and Catholics actually drive people away from the Church,” Reyes noted. [Some priests, hehehe. Careful Fr. Reyes. You might be next on his online rants.]
He believes hurt sheep are easier to lure away from the Church, and that a more charitable approach in all aspects of ecclesial life goes a long way. [Remember that image of Padre Damaso being so foul mouthed in Noli? Not all priests are portrayed like that by Rizal, like Padre Florentino. But someone overweight and obnoxious like Padre Damaso really drives people away. Right, no?]
“People are more receptive to difficult teachings be it dogmatic or moral if the priest or bishop has mass appeal,” said Reyes.
“A better way to put it is: charitable truth and truthful charity,” he added. (Raymond A. Sebastián)
How can you bring people to believe in what you believe in if you insult and make fun of them?
How can you make good Catholics out of people you shame?
Apologetics is about defending the Church and bringing the lost sheep back to the one fold. It is not about coming out of a debate victorious or able to get the last word. It is about convincing them of the Truth in Charity.
During the time of my convalescence, I was able to reflect upon what caused by serious ailment.
And so I resolve myself to not get angry back at my critics and to avoid name calling.
And to also shun this away.

Sir, I resent my question as Private Message on TPC's Facebook, on the 25th of last month. Please read my message regarding your reply. Much thanks!