Imagine an international conference of kidnapping to be held in the Philippines?
What would the government do?
Isn't it that dangerous drug manufacturing and distribution is illegal?
Imagine an international conference of dangerous drug manufacturing and distribution being held in the Philippines?
What would the government do?
Isn't it that ABORTION is ILLEGAL in the Philippines?
Don't imagine it. It is happening.
Pro-abortion groups and advocates aka Women's Right Groups or Health Advocates are gathering in Manila to push abortion as a REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH issue for Women.
Where is reproduction in there when you push for the murder of defenseless babies in their mother's womb?!?!
Know who the Filipinos behind this GATHERING OF HELL.
You'd be surprised that one of those who will speak in this conference goes by the name ATTY. ROMEO CABARDE. You know where he works? ATENEO DE DAVAO UNIVERSITY.
Read more about Cabarde here.
Ok, right now.
Where are the defenders of Archbishop Romulo Valles of Davao?
Yeah. I am issuing a PUBLIC CHALLENGE against Ednard Kim La Rosa.
Tell me what your archbishop has done to discipline this University and Cabarde!
When you remain silent to this promotion of EVIL and MURDER, you are an ACCESSORY TO THE CRIME!
So who are the pro-abortion Filipinos?
Those in the photo, the Filipino Freethinkers, "Catholics" for RH, Ateneo de Davao University, Romeo Cabardo, Beth Angsioco...
Add the names here.
This time, you can help this guy.

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