
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Because of the pope's vague statements...

Because of a vague statement, we have the wolves shedding the sheep's wool.

Keep on making those off the cuff statements and we'll have abortion being encouraged at the pulpits in the name of responsible decision made in conscience.


FREIBURG, Germany, January 7, 2013 ( - The president of the German bishops’ conference says the conference will press forward with their plan to begin distributing Communion to Catholics who have ‘remarried’ outside the Church after a divorce, despite the judgment of Archbishop Gerhard Müller, the prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.  [The gloves are off!]

Müller had excluded the possibility that those entering a second union without having secured a declaration of nullity would be eligible to receive communion.  [As taught to us by the Church.  No one in a state of mortal sin can receive Holy Communion.]

But Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg, in an interview with the German newspaper Die Welt on December 29th, denied that the issue was settled in light of Müller’s negative stance. “A Prefect is not the Pope,” Zollitsch stated, emphasizing the importance of a “responsible decision [made] in conscience.”   [But the prefect if the alter ego of the Pope on this matter.  He acts for and in behalf of the pope, with the pope's authority.  So, I am no pope, and I am no bishop, but I know that what Archbishop Zollitsch is saying is WRONG.]

Zollitsch has pointed to Pope Francis himself as having intimated that a change in the Church’s policy might be coming in the near future: “I feel very encouraged by Pope Francis, who has called a special synod on marriage and the family for October 2014,” the prelate said.  [And we need more vague statements from off the cuff statements.]

In a well-known interview given while he was returning from World Youth Day on July 28th, 2013, Pope Francis spoke of the need to develop a comprehensive pastoral program for the family and of streamlining the annulment process. He also referenced the Orthodox Church’s practice of permitting second marriages as giving the impression that the Catholic practice could undergo modification.

In September the controversy about communion for the divorced resurfaced when the Archdiocese of Freiburg released guidelines that made reception of Holy Communion available to divorced and remarried parishioners. Archbishop Müller quickly replied to this document in a letter to Zollitsch of October 8th, and more elaborately on October 22nd. Despite Müller’s interventions, on November 23rd Bishop Gebhard Furst of Rottenburg-Stuttgart indicated that the German bishops would adopt proposals on reinstating divorced and remarried parishioners as full members of the Church during their March plenary.

Various German bishops have subsequently weighed in on the controversy, often emphasizing that the disciplinary and pastoral dimensions of the Church’s ministry have been running counter to each other.  On December 12th, Cardinal Walter Kasper, who is also a member of the Vatican’s doctrinal congregation, contradicted Müller when he stated that “turning someone away from the communion rail – one doesn’t do that.[Like what Cardinal Wuerl does to pro-abortion politicians in the USA.] Bishop Gebhard Fürst suggested that the current practice does not “take into account the concrete reality” – at least in certain cases.

So far few concrete arguments have been offered as to why the Church’s current practice of securing an annulment before another union is undertaken is incapable of resolving the pastoral problems that have been identified by the German bishops.

The Holy Father’s comments of July 28th, as well as Müller’s letter of October 22nd, indicate that the problem lies with the annulment process itself as well as with poor marriage catechesis. For instance, Müller has underlined the fact that “the entire sacramental economy is a work of divine mercy,” by which he implies that the rules of the Church are as they are for the good of all people.


And the bishop's conferences are acting as if they are independent churches like how happily scatted and un-united the Anglican Communion is.

Did I say that Germany was where the Protestant movement started with a monk named Martin Luther?

Just saying.

One of the things Pope Benedict could have addressed before he stepped down.

Weeding out the bad seeds in the Church!


  1. I think, the method of the Pope Francis in giving his statements is quite brilliant. Why? Because in my opinion, we can see who are the wolves hiding in sheep's clothing like Archbishop Zolits. These wolves or demons gives their heretical ideas that are so contrary to what the Pope is saying. May the Pope become the forerunner of ORTHODOXY OR RIGHT TRUTH!

  2. a “responsible decision [made] in conscience.”—sounds like the language our Canadian bishops used in the cursed Winnipeg Statement issued in 1968, a highly flawed document that led to widespread dissent and sin.

    One day, soon hopefully, our current bishops will undo the work of those earlier bishops such as Bishop Remi De Roo who was one of the architects of the Winnipeg Statement that undermined Pope Paul VI's prophetic document Humanæ Vitæ.
