
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Uh-oh...someone's really gonna be pissed!

Shawn Tribe of the New Liturgical Movement recently posted an interesting interview in Il Giornale, by Andrea Tornielli of Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship: entitle "Basta con la messa creativa, in chiesa silenzio e preghiera (Enough with the Creative Mass, in Church, Silence and Prayer).

The title alone speaks for itself.

The Cardinal admitted that "Catholic liturgy lives "a certain crisis," and Benedict XVI wants to form a new liturgical movement that brings back more sacrality and silence in the Mass, and more attention to beauty in chant, sacred music and art."

In it the Cardinal confirmed that "a new division in our congregation dedicated to "Art and Sacred Music" at the service of the liturgy. This will lead us to offer soon a criteria and guidelines for art, song and sacred music. As well we offer as soon as possible criteria and guidelines for preaching."

Will we see less of creativities?

less of candles on the floor and crucifixes and tabernacles on the side?

Uh-oh...someone's liturgical agenda will certainly go down the drain!

What about the Liturgical Research?

What about the Liturgical Inculturation?

What about the books?! The books! They won't sell anymore!


Uh-oh. Someone's too fidgety!

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