
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Someone's very afraid...

The Archdiocese of Manila recently announced the series of lectures and seminars:

 "As part of the continuing formation we provide to our lay collaborators in the liturgical ministry, the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission is organizing a two-day Seminar on the General Instruction of the Roman Missal for our Parish Liturgical Masters of Ceremonies.  The program of formation will include a discussion of the history, theology, pastoral considerations and liturgical directives on the celebration of the Eucharist.  The said seminar will be held on March 6 and 13, 2010 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Arzobispado de Manila. 

Considering the great help of the Parish MC’s in ensuring order and solemnity in our liturgical celebrations, it is important that they undergo on-going formation for their growth in knowledge and commitment.  We encourage every parish to send participants to the seminar.  We request the participants to bring a recommendation letter signed by their respective Parish Priests.

Seminar fee will be PhP 150.00 per day inclusive of the handouts."

" In response to the requests of many of our brother priests and in our desire to assist you towards a meaningful preparation this Lenten season, the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission is organizing a liturgy conference with the topic THE LITURGY OF HOLY WEEK AND EASTER TRIDUUM.  The study session will deal with the history, theology and pastoral considerations of these annual celebrations. [Through the interpretations of.... drum roll please!]

The conference will be held on March 8, 2010, nine o’clock (9:00) to eleven thirty (11:30) in the morning at Bahay Pari, San Carlos Pastoral Formation Complex.  Rev. Fr. Anscar J. Chupungco, OSB, [TADAAN!!!!] present Director of the Paul VI Institute of Liturgy, will be our resource speaker.

Let us take advantage of this opportunity to update ourselves [there you have it brothers and sisters!  aggiornamento 1969!  Are these people under hibernation for a long time or what?]  and deepen our knowledge [these "liturgists" claim that the pre-Conciliar are too cerebral so they "made" a liturgy that we can all understand.  Now, why do we need something like this to deepen our "knowledge"?] in the liturgy so that “the great mystery of our Redemption be celebrated in the best possible way” [best possible way...hmmm...sounds like inculturation to me!] and that our people “may participate in it with greater spiritual advantage” (Paschalis Solemnitatis, [sic]no. 5).


Is it really for "updating"?

Is it really a sort of "refresher course"?

How many priests in fact asked for this?

Or is it a desperate attempt to curtail the liturgical renewal of Pope Benedict XVI starting with Summorum Pontificum, then with the new translations of the Romal Missal?

Can't help it...


  1. Is Fr Chupungco the only liturgical expert around?

  2. No, Ben. He is not and definitely not the most Catholic if you ask me. Why? He praises Martin Luther's liturgical revolution and despises what our dear Holy Father is doing. If you ask me, the CBCP should show this guy the door and let him rot in Bukidnon. Give his CBCP post to Fr. Tim Ofrasio, SJ. He is the professor of Liturgy at the Loyola School of Theology at the Ateneo de Manila University.

    The last thing we want are dissidents.

  3. What's there to praise about Martin Luther's liturgy? That hardly contributed much to world culture. Thomas Cranmer's liturgy while definitely Protestant at least gave us beautiful language that the Catholic Church has redeemed in the Anglican Use.

    I think the Philippine Church is in a time warp. I was told that our bishops are not thrilled with Pope Ratzinger's initiatives especially with the Anglicans.

  4. Well, what do we expect with our bishops? They are busy being celebrities, most of them. Only a handful are busy doing what is expected of them, probably most are "politicians" in Rome. When they go, they are high praises to what the pope is doing. But back here in the country, they scatter their anti-Ratzi rhetoric. I know one who is busy with his TV appearances and lectures, but has no time to even spend a few hours with his "orphaned" priests. I heard the last they saw him doing his job as a bishop was during the 2009 Chrism Mass. Now there's a bishop for you.

  5. Just to INFORM you, the seminar is on the General INFORMATION of the Roman Missal.

    See link:

