
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Message for Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales and Frs. Anscar Chupungco and Genaro Diwa

Why, even three years after the issuance of Summorum Pontificum (just to name one example), are well-meaning lay folk still treated with such great disdain by no less than bishops, bishops in communion (of heart, soul, mind and strength?) with the Successor of St. Peter when they ask for Mass in Latin? Is this anything other than blind hypocrisy (the plank!)? You tolerate no small amount of bad taste, bad music and caprice, while begrudging some few a port in the storm of liturgical abuse which seems not to want to subside? Can we be after His own Heart and not just claim to be members of Christ’s Body while still acting so at odds with the example set by the Holy One of God, meek and humble of heart? Such prelates are at counter or cross purposes to the sense in which the Church wants to go; they are ignoring what the Spirit is saying to the Churches and doing so with a backhand to some who are branded common and contemptible, but certainly not in the eyes of Christ... Let me say it more clearly! My issue is with the contempt shown for an outstretched hand, contempt such as would not be shown toward someone asking for some other benefit.
H.E. Most Rev. Thomas E. Gullickson
Apostolic Nuncio to the Antilles Islands
Titular Archbishop of Bomarzo


No I quoted the good bishop. I got the quote from the New Liturgical Movement, which you can read by clicking here.

Someone has to tell the cardinal and the master inculturators of the truth...

...without disrupting Mass in a Catholic church...and doing so not for a cause but for the benefit of a STUPID travel agency, because I am no pathetic historian whose only claim to fame is distributing condoms and promoting hedonism!  Oh yes, it is for business and not for RH!

But I digress...

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