
Friday, December 10, 2010

What this blog is about

I too get similar hate mails like Michael Voris because of this blog. Yes, I get them all from the Freemasons, the Facebook friends of Carlos Celdran and even the Iglesia ni Cristo wanting a televised debate. And even to followers of Father A. Yup, I get them all. They have branded me as "hateful, arrogant and stupid." Yup, I get them all.

But this blog is not about labeling people and hating people. It is about hating ideologies and philosophies that threaten MY FAITH, the Faith that our Lord Jesus Christ handed down to the Apostles, which countless martyrs have died for, which missionaries who left a life of comfort have trod the ends of the earth to proclaim and share so that others might be in Heaven, and which my parents have lovingly taught me not to hold and cherish until I die. And my mother even told me that when I get married, I can marry anyone I want, just as long as she is Catholic, because my mom knows what a mixed marriage.

And I could not agree with Michael Voris even more.

We will hate and condemn the sin, not the sinner!

It is about helping one another get to Heaven.

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