
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pro-lifer asks our help!

An email from Connie Vuong
The new Planned Parenthood has opened. Located in downtown Houston, it is the largest abortion facility in the world (outside of China with their 1-child policy), and late-term abortions will be performed. Babies who could survive outside the womb will be legally murdered. The most dangerous place for children now is not playing in the street – it is in the womb. God help us!
Planned Parenthood has designed their new state-of-the-art facility so that pro-lifers like us cannot stand and pray on the sidewalk. They also designed their new facility so that there is no adjacent property available for the building of a pro-life Crisis Pregnancy Center, where pregnant women can get real help and real information. Therefore, the pro-life forces in Houston have combined their efforts to build a mobile Crisis Pregnancy Center. Please help us make this happen!
Please sponsor me in this Walk For Life by your small donation of $10. If you can donate more, please do so. If you are available, please WALK WITH ME! Simply click on the "Register as a Walker" link on my webpage and ask friends and family to sponsor you. May our reward be great in Heaven.
To sponsor me by making a small donation or to register to walk with me, please visit my Walk For Life webpage:
The greatest act of charity we could offer for pro-life efforts is PRAYER. If nothing else, please pray for an end to abortion.


Click the link to donate to the cause. Here is a snapshot of the homepage.

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