
Friday, April 16, 2010

RANT TIME: More horrific vestements and more...

As requested by Ben Vallejo...


Open wide and say....


And the popesa herself...



Kidding aside...

Liturgical color is not there for sheer fashion.  Liturgical colors are specific colours which are used for the vestments and other specific hangings used inside the church during the Liturgy.  The colors are used to convey the specific mood of the specific season or occasion of the Liturgy being celebrated.  It works just as much as we use color in specific civil or secular occasions.

So with that kaleidoscopic version of a vestment, what is the liturgical color and what is the liturgical season?  Maybe for them, the rainbow is a color.

When you talk to modernist priests about this, you get the rebuke of "You are too legalistic!"  or "You are too rigid!."  Then, if that is the case...

Who will we follow?  If we do not have laws or regulations, whose directive or rule or we going to follow?

Yours, Father Kung?  These dissidents would not want you "to take anything that comes out of Rome."  They just want you to listen to them and that's it.  Don't question.

Food for thought...

Anarchists and "freedom fighters" would tell you not to follow any rule...just theirs.

You might the ask why I am taking such length at discussing this when it what I showed was Episcopalians.  Don't be so sure.  Some Catholic priests look up to the Episcopalians and wanted our beloved Catholic Church to be like them:  decentralized, married clergy, women priests and bishops, practicing gay bishop, gay marriage, contraception, liturgical dancing...

Lawlessness in simple liturgical vestments and colors is just the tip of the iceberg on dissent.

The way the Episcopalians and Anglicans have redefined what was written in the Bible is complete and utter perversion of the Judeo-Christian tradition of what we all believe.  Quite frankly, perversion is an understatement.

So, if your priest is guilty of any liturgical violations, it means any of the two:

1.  He is uninformed of the liturgical laws of the Church and plans to stay that way because quite frankly that is how most Catholic seminaries work today.


2.  They know the liturgical laws but opt not to follow it because "this is Vatican 2!".  Quite frankly, you must be on the lookout for these types.  They are like these...

More than meets the eye!


  1. Dr Jefferts-Schori has this mitre that reminds a Pinoy like me of "sapin-sapin".

  2. This the link to the "sapin-sapin" miter
